It Was Yours:

“Kacchan… we shouldn’t be doing this.”

The blond ignored Izuku, his fingers digging into the bubble butt that he had missed for the past 6 weeks. His mouth continued its progress with more vigor, each suck drawing a gasp from the green haired man above him. Bakugo knew he was good at giving head just as much as Izuku was, there was no way to ignore the pleasure that his tongue would bring as it stroked up from the base to the tip. Each stroke brings a melody of quiet moans to his ear with every bob of his head.

“Kacchan, I have a roommate now.” Izuku whimpered out, his body slouching further into the couch as he tried to keep some semblance of reality. “He could be back any minute.”

Katsuki paused at the new information before pulling away. “What do you mean, Deku? You moved someone into the spare room?! I thought we were going to use it for a personal gym.”

Izuku sat himself up more, feeling a little self conscious with Katsuki still kneeling between his bare thighs. “I- I thought it would be fine. We had that fight and you took all your stuff and left.” Izuku explained as he fidgeted with his fingers. Each twist of a finger only emphasizing the tightness growing in his throat.

Bakugo just stared at the other, remembering the awful fight they had before he stormed out with the few things that he had.

“You hadn’t replied to any of my messages. I didn’t know when or if you were coming back. I can’t pay for a two bedroom apartment on my own, you knew that. That is why you wanted to use the spare room; I know that was your way to help me out after my last roommate flaked. But none of that was happening, so I got another roommate before I missed a payment. I had to use my emergency savings to subsidize what I couldn’t on my own. I didn’t want to, I had promised the room to you, but you left with all the stuff you had here, and I feared after a month that you weren’t coming back…” Izuku rushed out, tears welling in his eyes as he kept his gaze on the ground.

“I just… I don’t know what’s happening anymore. Do you understand how confusing all of this has been? No contact for weeks and then suddenly I get a text that you are coming back. I was so happy to finally hear from you, I had been so scared and-“ A sob burst from Izuku’s throat. His hands slapped harshly over his mouth as he tried to contain the loud cry.

Bakugo adjusted himself back onto the heels of his feet, his hands still resting on Izuku’s knees as he processed what his actions had done. He didn’t mean to ghost the other, he just needed some time to detox from all the shit that has been happening lately. Besides, it wasn’t like he and Izuku were together. They just fooled around, right?
Even though he had started to leave a toothbrush here, extra clothes, his own shampoo and conditioner, that didn’t imply anything. It wasn’t like Izuku was doing anything or showing signs of wanting more…

Bakugo almost facepalmed himself. How could he have been so blind? Izuku had practically let him move in. He signed up for another parking pass so Katsuki wouldn’t have to park his motorcycle in public parking across the street, he even paid extra for the benefit of it being covered parking. It didn't stop there either, Izuku had given him a portion of his closet, and the dresser. All he said was that he wasn’t using those spaces anyway. He should have paid more attention before just accepting all of these actions as nothing more than kindness. Hell, Izuku even emptied one of the kitchen cabinets so he could keep his favorite snacks and cooking spices here.

“Izuku… I didn’t realize how close we had gotten. I have been so blind.” Katsuki tried to stay calm, his emotions convoluted as he had this huge realization. Izuku looked up at the blond, his eyes furrowed before he lifted an eyebrow in a ‘well duh’ face. Bakugo internally groaned at his stupidity.

“Listen, I’m not going to try and fucking make what I did sound less shitty than it was. What I did was borderline abusive, especially not communicating to you why I stayed away.” Bakugo tried to keep his tone straight and ignore the pit growing in his stomach with each second they kept eye contact.

“Kacchan, I guess I am confused about what we are. I thought that we were done with whatever this was… but then you just show up and we both just fall back into… whatever this is!” Izuku tried to reason, the look on his face showing how confused he was about all of this.

“Fuck, you’re right…” Katsuki nodded his head as he tried to organize his thoughts. “I still really like you, and I know that what I did was fucked up. But, I will prove to you I can be better. Will you give me another chance?” Katsuki didn’t look at the other, he just kept his head down as he waited for the answer. He wouldn’t blame Izuku for kicking him to the curb. Fuck, he would kick his own ass if he could.

A loud sigh resonated through the room as Izuku learned forward, his fingers tangling themselves into the blond’s hair. “I don’t know, Kacchan. I’m a little apprehensive about this whole thing. If you are being serious though, then we can start at the beginning. I’ll give you another chance.”

Bakugo glanced up, a hint of a smile tugging at his mouth when he saw green eyes already watching him. Katsuki cleared his throat, mentally smacking himself as he nodded seriously in answer. “Alright, let me make you dinner. I’ll make Katsudon if you’re in the mood.” Katsuki volunteered while getting to his feet.


Bakugo glanced back at Izuku, who was still seated on the couch. “I’m not in the mood for Katsudon right now… but I am for something else.
Katsuki stared at the other for a moment, his eyes moving over the half naked man. He couldn’t help the smirk that fell out of his mouth as Izuku kept a quiet response to his gaze.

Yet, all Bakugo could think about was how foolish he was to forget about the physical need he left Izuku in.




Domestic Fluff: