
A small figure walked down a stone corridor. His bare feet patting against the cold stone as his white, sheer dress flowed past his feet. Warm light danced against his silky skin from the torches hanging against the walls. The sound of humming quietly bouncing around as the succubus made his way to his favorite balcony.
He walked through the stone archway, moving the curtains aside as the night air feathered against his skin. His green curls swayed as the light breeze carried the autumn air across the Succubus’ kingdom.
He peered out into the darkness, his green eyes glowing as he scanned the city below him. His fingers traced the grains of the marble railing before he lifted himself up onto it. The white cloth flowed behind him and hung over the edge. The small male smiled to himself as he pulled his hair back into a ribbon.
He closed his eyes and sighed as he began to walk along the railing, trusting his instincts to guide him. His feet sliding along the smooth stone with ease as he clasped his hands behind his back.
He may not be as strong or dominating as some creatures, but he was fast, nimble and flexible. All that he used to his advantage to train his body to tolerate more than what most of his kind could handle. He had alway strived to be more than what was customary for his species, and succeeded at that.
That is how he became what he is, a ruler over this kingdom. The first succubus to become more than just a child bearer or maid. He fought his way to the top, but not for glory nor riches, but rather to give the people around him equality and a chance with a life not determined by their species.
The Succubus opened his eyes and turned to address his right hand man.
"You should be resting." The blond Incubus stated as he bowed his head slightly in respect before walking forward.
Izuku hummed in reply and looked back out across the city.
"How can I when so many are coming tomorrow to try and make an example of me?" He questioned back with a giggle. He smiled lightly when he heard a deep chuckle from the blond. The deep sound sent a chill through him despite the warm breeze.
"I'm sure there will be an example made," The Incubus replied before he walked up to his king. He stared up into green eyes as he smirked. "But it will be you making an example out of them."
Izuku smiled brightly. "We will see Kacchan." The succubus nodded as he jumped down next to the blond, now only standing as tall as the incubus's shoulder.
"Remember, one day I will fall, just like every ruler has before me." He stated as he traced his finger up the blond’s forearm.
Kacchan frowned as he stared into Izuku's eyes. "Not while I am here by your side." He cupped the succubus's cheek, leaning down so their faces were closer. "You are not like rulers before you, your highness. You have the support of your people. That is more than what any of those bastards have going for them."
Izuku smiled slightly at the blond, his fingers wrapping around the incubus's biceps, desire begging to build up the longer he was touching the blond.
"Be humble, Kacchan, or we will be no better than any other rulers." Izuku warned, squeezing his hand slightly for emphasis.
"You can be fucken humble, and I will be cocky. That way we balance out." Katsuki retorted, kissing the succubus's cheek gently.
Izuku giggled as he threaded his fingers through blond locks. He hummed in satisfaction as the incubus began leaving kisses and bites along his jaw and neck.
"We should feed before they come tomorrow." Izuku whispered, his eyes closing while his head fell back. The pent up desire finally taking over as Izuku allowed his sexual instincts to take over.
Kastuki wasted no time to pick up the smaller male and walked back to their chamber.


Happy Ending:


It Was Yours: