Domestic Fluff:

Bakugo couldn’t wait to get home. He was exhausted from the long day on patrol, the time he had spent trying to prevent idiots from getting hurt during a robbery was an ungodly amount. The desire to just throw people out of the way was basically impossible to ignore by the end of the whole ordeal, but apparently that was unprofessional. So here he was, trudging up the stairs of his apartment complex hours after he was supposed to clocking out. The migraine he had from all the paper work and constant yelling from Mirko was getting to him. He just wanted to lounge on the couch and cuddle with his girlfriend before his next shift started the next morning. God, that was in 8 hours…

Katsuki groaned as he unlocked the front door, already dreading the phantom morning alarm going off in his head. Yet, one step through the doorway of his home all of that dulled and disappeared. A small smile pulling at his lips when he heard the TV play from inside, the only light on came from the living room around the corner; the soft glow of the screen casting everything in a soft blue. The hero was surprised that Ochako was home so early. He knew that with Deku having the same day off that they would be conjoined at the hip. Those few days usually resulted in the brunette being out late; passed out drunk at Deku’s and leaving him to drag her ass back home. He always acted annoyed when that happened, Deku’s frantic apologies and waving hands too funny to not enjoy. Though the moment the door closed and he was alone with he brunette, he was never pissed off. He liked cradling her as they walked to their shared home, pulling her head close and keeping his hands warm so she wouldn’t wake up with the cool night air. 

With new found energy, Katsuki stripped out of his hero costume at the door. Grateful that he had chosen not to go to the locker room to change but rather heading straight home. He threw the fabric in a hamper by the shoe rack, a frown overtaking his face when a dust cloud floated from his suit as it landed. He was going to have to take his spare on patrol tomorrow while this one got cleaned.

The blond quickly walked further into the condo in nothing but his boxers, his bare feet pattering on the hard wood while his eyes focused on the phone in his hand. He heard a small hello as he rounded the corner, his attention flickering up while a smirk spreading acrossed his face as he met the doe eyes of his girlfriend.

Things were floating around the room as the brunette sat cross legged on the couch, watching a tv show while using her quirk. She had nothing on but a sports bra and underwear, some sweat on her brow showing that she had been doing this for a while. She strained a smile when turning her attention away from the Tv. Her skin had a shine that reflected some of the blue light, her legs shaking slightly as she continued to push her body.

“How long has it been?” The ash blond questioned as he took the spot next to Ochako, resting an hand on her upper thigh.

“6 hours.” She said with a huff. Bakugo nodded while looking at all the objects floating around. A few chairs, the coffee table, books, and a few office supplies danced through the air. They bobbed around slowly, nocking into each other here and there, but nothing to draw worry like the time the blond walked in to the fridge in the air.

Ever since high school, Uraraka hated that she couldn’t use her quirk without becoming sick. The times where she had to then sit out of a fight until she recovered made her mental health suffer in response. Katsuki knew she had troubles with feeling like a liability when she hit her limit, he hated seeing her like that. The way she despised herself when she reached her limit when all she could do was float small things for a short time span.

Over the years she has slowly extended the time that she could use her quirk. What was once mere minutes was now hours. Her record being the three support beams she held in air of a collapsing building. Rescue had taken 2 hours to get everyone out since the attack was sudden and few heroes were in the area. The heroes on scene depended fully on Ochako while pulling people out of the rubble until backup finally arrived. The heroine had passed out after releasing her quirk from the strain. Katsuki remembered vividly walking into the hospital room to see her hooked to 2 IV bags and an oxygen mask. She had become dehydrate after vomiting multiple times, but never dropped her quirk. She powered through and saved so many civilians like a true hero.

Katsuki was so proud of her that day. The brunette was bull headed and determined to become the best she could be, but in that moment Katsuki's found himself admiring her resolve more than her quirk. Ochako had gained so much control over her quirk over the years, and having her on patrol was handy and incredibly hot to watch. The memories of some of their sex sessions brought warmth to a certain region as Bakugo replayed them in his head. He tightened his grip slightly on his girlfriend’s thigh, his thumb rubbing softly as he adjusted himself. He didn’t want to disturb the brunette’s training, but man he was getting horny.

“You are hopeless.” The brunette giggled. The objects lowered to the ground as she turned fully to the blond. She flung a leg over his lap, now straddling him as her finger’s slid into blond strands. Her smile was gentle as brown eyes looked lovingly into red.

“Not my fucking fault I came in to see something so damn sexy.” He retorted, his hands gripping the ass he loved. God how he loved this ass, it was perfect. Round and firm, and don’t get him started on her thighs. He would happily take his last breaths while between them.

“Oh?” Uraraka leaned closer, her breath feathering on the hero’s cheek before placing a gentle kiss. “You think it is hot for me to use my quirk while sitting in my underwear?” She whispered into his ear, her voice laced with a teasing tone. Ochako rocked her hips slightly, her lips grazing over the growing bulge. Bakugo hummed in response as he pulled her into a deep kiss. He loved the way his girlfriend would fire him up before an intense make out that would ultimately lead to an even better sex session.


It Was Yours:


Bar Sex: