Chapter 16

The packs demise

Hey Zuku!" I turn to see my two pack members walking towards me. I say my hellos back and introduce them to Shoto's mother. They exchange pleasantries before Shin directs his attention to me.

"Can we talk to you in private?" He asks, his eyes not meeting mine. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I watch Kami fidget with his fingers and keeping his gaze on Okami.

"Of course, let go back to our cabin." I say, standing up. I wave goodbye to Rei and apologize for the sudden departure. As we walk back to the cabin both of them are extremely quiet. The only sounds are coming from Okami as she wiggles in Shin's arms. They follow me inside but hesitate and look at each other. I sit, watching as Shinso puts Okami on the ground with a sack doll to play with. They sit across from me, looking at each other as they have a silent conversation.

"What is wrong?" I ask, I can't help but feel concerned as I smell the small amounts of distress leaking out of the omega in front of me.

"Zuku," Hitoshi begins as he looks at me. "As you know, Denki and I have made friends within the Todoroki pack." I nod, waiting for him to continue. He hesitates as he looks to his mate, grabbing his hand.

Kami takes a breath and continues for his mate, his voice wavering as he speaks. "W-we have set roots here. And with Okimi, we don't know if we w-want to return to our old village and leave the Todoroki pack. We have established ourselves here."

I look at the floor below me. I don't think I can look at them as I try to understand what they are saying. I can feel a lump in my throat as I wait for them to continue.

"Zuku, we would never abandon you or our pack. We just don't see how we can rebuild our pack with just us, especially since we are the only ones mated." There is an awkward pause as the two wolves try to gather their thoughts.

"With Okami, we want to have a pack that can support us and the Superior Beta has invited us to join the Todoroki pack." I can hear a slight plea in Hitoshi's voice as he says the last part.

My eyes widen in shock at this info, everything begins to click with what is happening. I feel my eyes start to tear up as I try to compose myself. Is this really what is happening? Are my worst fears coming true hours after I express them? They were invited to join another pack without any conversations between Superiors?

They want to leave this pack and join Todoroki‘s pack without consulting me before their decisions. I can't blame them, but part of me feels betrayed. Everyone has went behind my back, a Superior’s back! Todoroki invited my pack without even talking to me, without any action to do the same for me.

Don't they know what will happen if they break the bonds between us? They must if they are hesitant to ask. They truly believe that this cost is worth it if they can join a pack that can provide for them. I am a failure, not even my friends want to stay with me. They would rather I become feral than have to stay with me as their Superior. They have chosen to abandon their Superior for another… He is taking my pack.

I take a breath as I stare an the grains of wood before me. My anger turning to sadness as I process the news. I deserve this, I brought misfortune upon my pack. I haven't been a true leader at all. I will take this fate, I deserve it. It is only fair that I allow them to live a life of peace with how much I have put them through.

I nod my head as I look up at them, keeping my face as blank as possible.

"Then as my last decision as your Superior Omega, I grant you permission to join Todoroki's pack. You must look out for Okami, and I don't blame you for choosing to set roots here. Thank you for allowing me these few months to be your Superior." I bow my head in respect. I can't help but allow the tears to fall.

"Zuku." Kami is crying as he leans forward, pulling me up into a hug. I already feel our pack bond withering away as their decision becomes final.

"When will the Todoroki pack's tradition of pack bonding begin?" I ask while pulling away, not looking at them. I can't after knowing they would willingly choose this.

"This evening, I know it is soon. We just didn't know how to tell you, we didn't want to hurt you." Shinso explains as he places a hand on my back. So soon, I have a few hours until this bond is gone. I nod my head, standing.

"If you will excuse me, I have a lot on my mind and I wish to be alone." I look to the floor as they stand, picking up their pup and walk towards the door. I notice the smile on Kami's face as he looks to his mate.

"We will see you in a few hours for our ceremony." Kami says. I nod in agreement as they make their way out of the cabin.

I fall to my knees when the door is fully closed. I can't hold back the pain as I realize what this means. I have led my pack to its demise. I cry as I cling to the pack bond, it is so frail now that I have confirmed their departure.

My wolf whimpers as we stare at the wall in front of me, the depression already setting in. Fear filling me at what my reality has turned into, tears flooding down my face as I shakily try to wipe them away.

I can't help but wonder if I had been there to save Kacchan that my pack would have had a chance, if I would have had a chance. If I would have been a better and stronger Superior, being able to provide for my pack's needs.

I failed them, I failed as I allowed Yagi, Kacchan and the rest of my pack to die. I was never suitable to lead, of course Shinso and Kami would want to join a new pack. A stronger pack, one led by a truly strong Superior. A Superior that can actually perform his role and protect his pack. I am just a useless omega, how could I believe that I was suitable for this? I knew I was never as strong or smart as Yagi.


The sun is setting as I make my way to the communal area of the village. Every member of the pack is there already, torches and candles lighting the area as the small bit of light dims away. The smell of food and sounds of laughter fill the air as I approach.

I purposefully came late so I wouldn't have to talk to Shin or Kami. I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to hold my emotions at bay and let go of our bonds. I didn't want them to feel guilty or ashamed for their decision. They shouldn't have to see me like this.

I stayed on the outskirts along the tree line as I watched the ceremony start. The pack is grouped up, circling around Shin, Kami and Okami. Shoto stands before them as he offers the alpha a knife. There is a pile of vegetation that has been gathered from the boundaries of the territory in between them. I watch as Shoto slices his palm with a knife and begins the bonding ceremony. I could barely hear Shoto from where I was, but that didn't prevent the pit in my stomach grow.

"I, Todoroki Shoto, Superior of this pack, acknowledge and accept this wolf as a new member. I allow a bond to form between us and the pack from today to the day you rejoin the Moon Goddess." He speaks as loudly as he can while his attention is on the purple haired Alpha.

I watch as Shin slices his palm and grasps Shoto's hand and states his part to finish the bond. "I, Shinso Hitoshi. Acknowledge and accept the bond offered by the this pack. I allow a bond to form between myself and the pack from today to the day I rejoin the Moon Goddess." Shinso states, a large smile on his face as he completes the bond.

I can feel his pack bond with me fade away. The only thing left is a hole, this one different from the one with Kacchan. This one is void since it was Shin's decision to break the bond and not death that severed it. I feel my heart clench as I watch Kami repeat the same process.

When he finishes the bonding, I cry as his bond fades away, and close after so does Okami's. With her still a pup, her bonds follow after her parents. I take in a shaky breath as I am left alone, my title and role as Superior fading with them. No bond, no pack, nothing but me. The tears continue to fall as I watch the Todoroki pack start to celebrate the new members that have joined them.

I watch as Shoto pulls his mother aside. He is practically yelling something at her as he is looking through the group of people. I can see her start to panic as she starts looking around as well. I watch from my spot in the trees, the darkness consuming my presence.

"Everyone looks so happy now." I turn to see a blond beta behind me. He has a smile on his face as he looks out to the pack. "Who knew it was just one omega keeping everyone from being happy."

I blink, surprised at what he just said. "Wha-"

"You know that this is what you deserve for killing those rogues." The beta cuts me off, letting out a little laugh as he walks closer. "Very fitting to become one yourself after the slaughter you did." He pushes his shoulder into me and walks towards the group of people.

I hesitate as I watch him before I start walking away, not able to handle the sudden confrontation . I make my way through the trees, allowing my wolf and I to become consumed in the pain because of our broken bonds. I walk the same path I have for the past few months. The sound of the snow crunching under my feet, the chill in the air not even affecting me anymore.

I walk until I am in front of the tree, my hands desperately clinging to it. I cry as everything sinks in. I am now considered a rogue wolf, I have been abandoned for a life of exile and pain. I wonder how long until the madness sets in and I go feral.

"Kacchan," I cry out, my voice a whisper as I look up at the carved letter. "Why does everyone leave me?"

My sobs fill the air as I fall to my knees. My chest becomes too tight, my breathing becoming rapid as I am consumed by the pain. I look up to the moon and I can't help but feel anger.

"Why?!" I scream out to the Moon Goddess, my throat hurting as I continue. "Why would you do this to me!"

I dig my hands into my hair as hideous cries come from me. I don't even care about the pain I am causing myself because it doesn't compare to the true pain that has taken over. This pain is more than physical, it is everything and nothing all at once. My body and mind can only concentrate on it, the lack of what was once there.

"What did I do wrong?" I wimped out, my forehead pressing into the dirt.

I take in a sharp breath as I feel arms wrap around me. I relax as the scent of honey and lemon filling my nose, Rei, bringing comfort to my aching soul. She doesn't say anything, she just holds me as I cry. My hands clinging to her like I would fade away if I let go. She rubs circles on my back, releasing soothing pheromones to try and help ease my pain.

She is saying something, but I cannot hear her. I can feel her trying to pull me up to my feet, but I have no strength. My will to do anything but sit is gone. We sat there for a long time, my tears soaking her shirt.

I don't know how long we were there, but I could feel my consciousness fading away. My wolf couldn't handle the pain anymore and was forcing me to sleep. Any way to find some relief, even if it was only for a few hours.

I was barely aware of Rei talking again and another voice joining hers. It wasn't until I was picked up that the smell of oak and rain filled my nose.

I was carried through the forest, my mind not able to keep up with where we were going. The dark shapes of the trees and then cabins blending together as I lay limp in Shoto’s strong arms. I allowed myself to fully fall into unconsciousness when I felt soft blankets below me.


Chapter 17


chapter 15