chapter 15

Motherly Love

Winter has set in and I can feel the itch of the last of my winter coat coming in. My unruly hair has become thicker and more unmanageable with every day that has passed. My green waves clinging together and forming fairy locks since I haven't cut it since getting here.

The nights are growing colder and the days shorter. Frost has started to blanket everything in the morning, staying longer everyday as the breeze turns to ice against my skin.

It has been 4 months since Kacchan's death. Shin and Kami now have their own cabin to raise their pup in. It is a bit larger than the one we had shared together. I'm happy they can find some normalcy here, I just hope they don't become attached. They have made friends with many members of the Todoroki pack. Kiri has joined the fighters in guarding the village, while Kami has joined the other omegas as they raise and care for the pack pups.

I still reside in the cabin we used to share, though I don't usually go in there. I have never slept in a cabin alone before, and I don't really want to. The silence is too loud and the memories too strong for me to handle, so I sleep next to Kacchan. The noise of the forest easing me to sleep like a lullaby.

Though time has moved, the pain is still the same, ut the darkness isn't always there. I don't know if it's because I'm processing Kacchan's death or if I'm becoming good at distracting myself. Either way the days are becoming more manageable.

Shoto has started to sleep next to me more often now that winter is here. Something about not wanting me to get too cold. I believe that is a lie, but I don’t press for the real reason. I like that he cares that much for me.

He also helps guard me during my heats since I am not 'trusted' by my pack. He stays outside the cabin and only allows Kami to come care for me. I was wary at first, concerned that he would go feral smelling my heat, or that I would willingly let him in since my omega is obsessed with him. Yet, to my fondness, he keeps his distance. Not leaving me unguarded, but not putting either of us in danger.

In many ways I am thankful for him. He has respected my need to mourn and has only allowed our friendship to exist, nothing more. If anything our relationship has grown into something I can't live without.

I'm not sure how I will say goodbye when the time comes, but that day will be here quickly. Kami is already fully recovered from giving birth and Okami is growing quickly. My guess is three or four more months until she will be able to travel without any risk.

I don't know how to tell my pack that I am eager to go back to our village. Even though we wouldn't be able to really maintain it until our pack is bigger, I still want to go lay my pack members in a peaceful burial. They deserve that, at the very least for the sacrifice they were forced to commit. I know it isn't very rational, but I feel I must return.

I am slowly walking through Todoroki's village. I have been slowly meeting the pack members here and becoming at least acquaintances with a few. The brunette omega, Ochaco, was the first member to break me out of my isolation. At first I was very reluctant, but after a few weeks of her talking to me everyday, I started to look forward to our conversations. She has a positive and bubbly personality that I am drawn to. I can't help but to let go of all the negative weight I mentally carry when she is around.

I am heading to her cabin now, hoping that I can talk to her about when Okami can travel safely. I don't want to bother Kami when I know he is already stressed. I am hoping that because Ochaco has been involved with the children of the Todoroki pack that she will have insight I do not have.

I am shook out of my thoughts when I hear a pup's scream in pain. I look up and see a black haired boy holding his knee and crying. A young girl with long silver hair runs up to him and starts holding the small boy, cooing to him and running her fingers through his hair.

I can't help a sad smile as I am reminded of Kacchan doing the same to me when we were children. He was always there when I was hurt, always holding me and soothing me... or calling me a cry baby.

"The bond between pups is always precious to watch, isn't it?" I turn my head to see an older lady with long white hair. She has gray eyes and is slightly taller than me, only by a few inches. Her scent is one of an omega, though her countenance reminds me more of a beta. Her soft smile reminds me of my mother's; gentle, soft and always meeting the eyes.

I smile at her and nod my head as I look back at the pups. The boy is already running around, chasing the girl that had been holding him moments before. Their laughs filled the air around us.

"You are Midoriya from the Royal Omega pack, correct?" The omega asks next to me. I look at her for a moment, assessing why she would know about my pack's identity. Has it spread that someone of fairy tales is actually real?

I sigh before nodding. She hums in reply before speaking again.

"I am Todoroki Rei, it is nice to finally meet you." My eyes widened slightly at her family name.

"May I ask how you are related to Shoto?" I can't help but ask. I know he has siblings and a mother that are still alive, but she could easily just be a distant relative if this pack didn't marry out of the pack often.

She smiles at me before waving for me to follow. "I am his mother." She giggles lightly, walking way from where we were. " I am happy that you are using my son's given name. With how things have been lately, It would be understandable for you to be very withdrawn from having to live here with an Alpha over you."

I hum in response, she is very considerate to even think from my perspective. I follow her until we arrive in front of a small cabin not too far away. She sits on a log that is in front of the building and taps the spot next to her. I hesitate, but the smile she gives me eases my stress.

"So does everyone know of my status?" I can't help but ask. I can't really afford for people to know. I can't let the decisions of the Superior Omega before me be made in vain.

"No, Shoto only told me because he needed advice." She states as she looks out toward her village. "I won't betray his trust or that of his possible mate." She looks at me and smiles lightly.

I can't help but hold my breath at her last comment. "I will not his mate, my pack comes before my own needs." I state a little too harshly. I need her to know that I and my pack are not here for me to become mated.

"Ah, I'm sorry. You are right in your thinking." She looks down, a small frown forming. I feel a little bad, but I don't let it last long. "I just wish the best for my son. He talks so highly of you, so I can't help but wish for the future you could provide him."

I look away and we stay quiet for a moment. "He talks about me?" I can't help but ask, my curiosity is begging me to indulge in this information.

She nods her head, her smile back. "Yes, I would say he is quite smitten for you." She giggles lightly before turning to me. "Should I tell you what he did the second day your pack was here?"

I can't help but agree with the huge smile she gives me. I can tell she is dying to tell me, and who am I to deny her? I nod quickly, turning my body so it faces her more.

"Well, It was the same day that your purple haired alpha had crossed the border and caused the guard wolves to go crazy." She says, leaning in to me, almost like she was telling me a secret. She places one of her hands on my knee, the touch soothing me like my mother's always had.

"Well, after that, Shoto came to me practically freaking out because his wolf was going crazy with urges. He was telling me that the beta wolf with green fur was actually an Omegan Superior of this strange pack, but not just that, he is also a Royal." She giggles almost like she is reliving the moment. "He was frantically pacing my front room, asking me if the Royal Omega was truely extinct. He was coming up with crazy theories and ignoring my voice of reason as he convinced himself of you being the descendent of the last Royal."

I hum in amusement, imagining the calm and collected alpha in such a state.

"After a few minutes I calmed him down and he began to tell me that his wolf wanted to go see this omega and talk but that he was scared because you were very closed off; which was totally expected with what you were going through at the time." She meets my gaze to make sure that she hadn't offended me. I smile hoping that is reassurance enough.

"Anyway Shoto was pacing my sitting area, again, as he described to me how he felt like he was addicted to your scent and wanted to be with you, but was too scared that you would see his actions as a way to get to your pack. I feared he would pull all his hair out with how much he was running his hands through it." We both laughed. Our gasps for air becoming more frequent as we push the other to keep laughing.

" If I didn't understand the signs of a bond I would have thought he was going crazy. He was practically driving himself crazy. I never had that kind of bond with my late mate, but that didn't prevent me from trying to understand it as much as possible." She let out a heavy breath.

We stay silent as I ponder her words. Shoto did say that his mother was forced into a mating, and it only led to an abusive relationship. It's depressing to think that she had to stay with an alpha that was so awful.

"Midoriya, bond or not, I welcome you in this pack for as long as you wish to stay. Whatever you decide I respect your decisions. You are a Superior, and that comes first in every way." Her voice is calm as she exudes confidence.

I smile as I feel my eyes starting to water. I didn't realize how much I needed someone to tell me that. That little bit of reassurance easing a heavy stress. I have felt like I have done so many things wrong, but to know for at least one person supports in decisions was nice to hear.

"Thank you, I don't know what the future holds for me or my pack. It is an uphill battle, but I cannot stop. I fear that if I do, I won't be able to continue." I let out a shaky breath as I looked at my hands, closing them around the fabric of my pants.

"I'm already so tired, and I have only been Superior for a few months. I feel like I am failing my pack." I can't help but let my tears fall. I have been holding these thoughts back hoping that if I don't voice them that they would go away. But here I am, releasing the dam and sharing them with someone I don't know.

"What if I am the end of my pack? How am I supposed to protect them when I don't even have a territory? I feel so lost, why has the Sun God and Moon Goddess abandoned me? Am I truly destined to lead my pack to extinction?" I can't help but vomit all of my worries out as I sob.

I feel arms wrap around me and Rei pulls me into her embrace. She rubs her hand up my back and hums like a mother would for her pup. Her comforting pheromones dancing around me, easing the pain a little. I let her hold me, imagining it was my mother, wishing that I wasn't so alone. I can't help but feel so small as I cry.

"You have not been abandoned, sweetheart. If anything our gods blessed you with a place to get back on your feet." She says as she pulls my face up and brushes my tears away with her thumbs. "Your pack was being hunted and by our god's luck you stumbled into our territory. If this would have happened when my mate was Superior, he would have killed all of you without hesitation. Yet, my Shoto is a man of kindness and understanding."

She kisses my cheek as she cradles my face. "You are strong Midoriya, but that doesn't mean that you are alone. This pack is more than willing to help you in any way you need for as long as is needed."

I nod my head as I continue to cry. Allowing myself to fall apart and absorb this wolf's words. Her kindness and love comforting me in ways that I didn't know I needed. I felt like a pup who was being comforted by their dam. How I have missed this feeling, to be held and adored in a way that only a dam could.


Chapter 16


Chapter 14