Chapter 3


Izuku walked out toward the ring, his eyes scanning the large arena. The tall ceilings and bleacher style seating were all positioned toward the cage. He walked in without as much of a blink besides the careful eye of Chisaki’s workers; the side door he used was barely noticeable from where the patrons sat above the ring. Izuku never minded that he wasn’t noticed, he actually liked that his master never let him go through the main entrance like all the other fighters. Deep down he knew it was to keep him isolated and away from any of the visitors that would want to buy or trade him. Chisaki wasn’t anything but possessive over his belongings, whether it be objects or people, it didn’t matter to him. Izuku was meant to stay aloof and rare so when he was appraised it would increase his value. Anything to keep the air of mystery there to draw in the VIPs, along with their deep pockets.

The omega sighed, his eyes roamed over the room from his hidden spot just outside the fence. This was the same view with the same heavy feeling that inhabited his chest every other week. Yet, this week he felt like he was going to throw up. Even without eating today, he felt his stomach turn and threaten to up heave despite being empty. He closed his eyes, forcing away the feeling and any emotions that threatened to overtake him. He pushed them back, ensuring that they stayed behind the dam that held everything else as well.

Once he was sure that everything was locked away, he stepped down into the ring; the gate clanking behind him as he was locked in. The rough texture was a welcomed feeling under his bare feet, the tiny clumps between his toes helped him focus on his surroundings instead of the mess inside his head. The dirt floor was packed down to a hardened surface, making it feel more like stone when slammed against. The different rolls and ridges of the ground against Izuku’s feet eased his muscles and nerves as he walked further into the caged arena, not allowing him to dissociate like he wanted to.

Izuku puffed out his chest slightly, straightening his posture and holding his head higher than he normally would. He knew that he needed to keep up appearances now that he was in full view. He had to keep up the mystery even if very few of the patrons ever noticed his entrance. It was all a game that his master dictated he play, like a puppet on a string or a fish in a tank, he was the entertainment and thus expected to perform for that purpose. That was what Izuku did well, put on a mask to entertain, but only for the pup that awaited his return back in his room.

The omega kept his body moving, not allowing a moment to lapse in worry he would be absorbed back into his head. The majority of the people in the room laughed and chatted with one another. The members in the VIP section swung their glasses of wine and liquor around like this was a party, no care for the liquid that spilled out. All of them were dressed in upscale attire, the designs and quality a sure expression of the money that they had. Izuku assumed most of them had just come from their cushy jobs without a second thought toward the lives that they actively destroyed with their disgusting desires.

The only VIPs that ever seemed to notice him were the ones that saw his presence as transactional rather than entertainment. Those few came to these events to further their underground merchandising, effectively exchanging their products on site. Those people were easy for Izuku to spot. They isolated themselves from the boisterous patrons and stared him down with a menacing look, critiquing and analyzing him in every way imaginable. It sickened the omega in so many ways, to be eyed like an auctioned steer rather than the person that he was. Their eyes were determined to pinpoint if the omega in front of them was worth the bet or if it was better to outright buy him; though the omega’s master never agreed to their terms.

Izuku hated this part, the blatant disregard for his life. They didn’t care about him at all, only when he would win did they consider he had value. Those sharp and menacing eyes shoved him further into the darkness that he actively tried to keep at bay. The flirting and laughing that echoed around him was like a sea of poison in his ears, the crude sounds pulling him down into the deepest trench for him to drown in every way imaginable. The sounds around him only heightened the anger and humiliation that he felt within this building every day of his life. A never ending torment. Izuku wondered what he did in his past life to deserve a hell like this. It must have been pretty bad for this to be the result he had to pay.

Izuku let out a huffed breath, forcing himself to stop his gaze that was roaming over the spectators. Instead he walked around the perimeter of the ring, the faint buzz of the electric fence an ever present reminder that he will always be trapped no matter how well he did in each match. Basically being reduced to nothing more than an animal that needed to be locked away, only being used to earn money. And if he couldn’t bring in the money, well that was a debate that the omega still couldn’t figure out. His only way to survive after failing that much would hopefully to be mate with Chisaki and pray that being his would be a better life than this. Yet, his instincts screamed that the likelihood of that wasn’t very high. He would probably be his bi polar master’s new guinea pig to experiment on. If that was where his life was headed, death would be a far better fate.

A loud clunk vibrated through the hardened dirt as the thick metal door to the ring opened, alerting the small omega that his opponent had finally decided to grace him with his presence. Izuku’s omega bristled as he analyzed the man that walked toward him, joining him on the dirt floor. It was another beta who already acted like he had won the match. His confident walk screamed his bold assumption, his eyes purposefully overlooking his opponent as he stalked towards the middle where Izuku waited.

Every beta that Izuku had the pleasure of fighting acted the same. This was just an easy way for them to make money, by beating on a quirkless omega just for a few extra bucks. Using their better genetics to take advantage despite the science based research that proved that omegas could be just as strong as them. It disgusted Izuku to his core, but he would use that to his advantage like he did every time. Why not use his hidden strength and strategic mind to surprise the bastard?

Izuku hissed out a breath to himself, his irritation set as the man finally stopped a few feet before him. The beta finally looked down at Izuku, glaring with a displeased glint when Izuku had the gull to not submit to him. He scrunched his nose, disgust evident at the reality that an omega like him would openly disrespect him so blatantly in front of so many powerful people. The beta allowed his quirk to flare, a sickly yellow goo seeping from the pores on his arms and hands. The disturbing sight did nothing to redirect Izuku’s irritation, his eyes staring back with a glare of his own.

In fact, Izuku added a smirk as his opponent gave him key information that he could use before the match had even started. Betas were always self conscious about their rank, continuously showing how insecure they were. They repeatedly tried to prove themselves in any way they could to show they were on the same level as an Alpha. Though that was far from the truth, just like an omega. Alpha’s were stronger, faster and far more superior when it came to physical strength, but even an omega could overpower an alpha if the cards were laid out in the right way. Izuku was slowly realizing that from his years in bondage, cataloging everyone’s weaknesses to use at a later date. This beta was just another note in his book.

Izuku took the chance he was given to inspect the substance that rolled off the beta. His brain raced with different theories of goo’s properties. His first thought was it could be sticky, but the acidity was statistically just as likely. What if it was a numbing agent? Or could it create a slippery film like oil? Izuku’s mind couldn’t slow down now that it had something to hyper focus on. His eyes never left his opponent as he searched for more clues. Whatever this goo was, the best form of action would be to avoid it until he had a more solid idea of its use.

One of Overhaul's men caused a loud bang as he took his place on a platform next to the gated door of the ring. Izuku paid no mind to the man since he knew this run down by heart, his mind still set on his opponent. The masked man grabbed a megaphone to direct the attention of the spectators for the start of the event. The crowd finally became silent, to Izuku’s relief, as they moved their attention to the beta in the ring. Obviously paying no mind to Izuku since he didn’t look like he could win with his physical stature. The voice that echoed throughout the room was loud over the megaphone as the man introduced the fighters.

The beta in front of him turned away from Izuku, looking toward the crowd as he cheered himself on, arms raised above his head with a celebrated shake while his name was introduced. The beta’s smug smile only grew wider with the claps and cheers he received. He produced more of his quirk in an attempt to attract more attention from the crowd, a blob falling to the ground and rolling slightly on the uneven surface, the transparent lump collecting dirt in the process as Izuku watched it from his spot. Izuku rolled his eyes after a second, a silent growl rumbling in his chest as the beta’s quirk was announced over the speaker; Bone Glue.

Izuku didn’t understand why people named their quirk as an indication of its use. Especially in the underground where your quirk could determine who had the power. It was just another show of insecurity he presumed. A display that many who had quirks would do to be flashy and draw attention, probably the same as men measuring their dicks. It was absolutely stupid to the omega. If Izuku had a quirk he wouldn’t name it so blatantly obvious, but rather something vague that could mean many things or cause his opponent to be confused as hell.

Izuku resigned himself from his mental rant, he wasn't going to complain too much at this point. He was already at a disadvantage in so many ways, so he might as well use what he was given. So, Izuku focused on how to strategize against the quirk because this idiot was overly confident and Izuku wanted to rub it in his face. Izuku started inferring about the quirk as he continued to look at it. Gears turned in his head like machine work as he started connecting dots and questioning everything that he saw. If the quirk was named Bone Glue, would that mean the beta made the glue out of the contents within his bones? That would theoretically make sense since most glue was made of hide or bone. It was usually boiled down until it turned to a paste. So the beta’s body temperature must play a huge role in how much could be produced at one time. If that is how he created the glue, how dense were his bones and how hot did he have to heat himself up to get it into a glob? Are his bones hollow like a bird’s? That wouldn’t make much sense since that would leave less of the materials that needed to be used, and wouldn’t that lead to calcium deficiency or leave his joints brittle after a certain point? Not a good prospect for a fighter. Unless he could regrow his bones and he just stored extra glue in the hollow areas. That would strengthen them to at least the same endurance level of a normal person, or even more. And he would be able to store up his quirk before this fight and reserve energy until he needed it. So the beta would be harder to tire out if he wasn’t dividing his energy.

The beta snarled at the omega, causing Izuku's attention to quickly snap back to what was happening. “You better shut the fuck up before I beat your ass.” The beta screamed. “I’ll smack that disrespect out of you, you pitiful bitch.”

Izuku just giggled at the tantrum that was displayed in front of him. His omega was beginning to get riled up as the beta continued to throw insults at him. He could withstand insults, he had become accustomed to them when he was a child, but his omega was a master at holding grudges. Izuku just smiled up at the beta as the pressure inside him began to raise to a boil. Izuku knew the more his opponent lost their shit over his mumbling the more revved up his omega would become. Izuku’s omega was very protective of them, the only thing that ever gave Izuku a backbone. His inner omega couldn’t stand anyone that would try to make him submit or threaten him in retaliation for it. Well, anyone but his master.


Bakugo leaned back into his chair, eyes roaming over the room as he made mental notes of all the different faces, conversations and staff placements. The VIPs around him were chatting up a storm as they waited for the match to start. Many of them discussed their businesses or personal matters, and to the blond’s amusement some were very loud with the juicy contents. They didn’t hold back when describing details or information in the hopes it would impress the people around them.

Many of the people here didn’t hold the same demeanor as the villains he usually interacted with. From what he could tell from the quick scouting he did was that the majority of those who were here had relations to a company’s CEO upper management, just rich snobs that were here for their own selfish enjoyment. Yet, Bakugo couldn’t allow himself to conclude his spying on just assumption alone. There were patrons that didn’t act like the rest, but rather stood out like a sore thumb in relation to those around them. These few showed more body language similar to a devious background that Bakugo was more interested in infiltrating. These individuals kept their eyes on the ring below, ignoring everyone around them as they analyzed the first fighter that had already walked into the ring. These patrons were more likely to be here for trade deals of some kind. This event was serious business, not just a fun night out. They were scoping the merchandise as they tried to determine if betting or buying would be better for their pockets.

The announcer took his place upon the podium on the other side of the ring, his voice cheerful like he was introducing the cast of a musical and not a fight to the death. The man rambled on about the evening as the tablets throughout the VIP section lit up with a warning label. $5000 Minimum Bet flashed in bright red letters across the screen. Bakugo tuned out most of what the announcer was saying, instead shifting his focus onto the fighters that stood before each other in the ring.

One of the men was large, his head shaved with little hair covering his body. He was addressing the crowd, obviously not intimidated by his opponent in the slightest. His demeanor was loud and boisterous as the announcer introduced him, the general admission cheering him on. The few scars that laced the man’s body were faded to a pale white that didn’t show any signs that they were still healing or even bothered him. The few amount indicating that the beta was new to this realm of work. Though his body had little scaring, he was already dirty with a weird liquid glinting off his skin. The sight was a little gross despite the reality of the situation. The substance continued to ooze out of his arms as the beta turned quickly to his opponent. His finger raised between them as he pointed and swung his arm around, his voice echoed through the room with an angry yell. Yet it earned nothing in response from the smaller male.

Bakugo’s attention drew to the other fighter with a curious eye, the speaker moved on to introduce the small fighter. The alpha furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as the details were given. “Our long standing winner, of 62 matches, is here to defend his title.” The announcer bellowed, but the man didn’t move in any way to acknowledge those around him. Instead he kept his eyes on his opponent. His stance slowly became more defensive in preparation, one foot in front of the other as his body turned slightly to the side and angled away from his opponent. Both arms were tense in response to the fight, his front foot digging into the ground in what seemed to be an attempt of forming a better foot hold for him to launch himself off of.

The small fighter was facing away from the VIPs, his attention completely on the person in front of him. Despite this, Bakugo noticed the way that the fighter stood in regards to his opponent. It wasn’t like he was lazy about it, but rather that he was comfortable in this environment. His shirtless body showed numerous scars and discoloration, many of them still an angry red. His body was firm and toned but his skin pale from lack of sun. His dark hair was a short mess on top of his head, crazy curls sticking every direction that looked like he had cut it himself without a mirror.

Bakugo paused as he stared at the man for a moment longer, those messy curls were reminiscent of a family friend that he used to play with as a child. A happy smile that pushed freckled cheeks up to narrow bright green eyes. The blond quickly pushed that down, chastising himself for the ridiculous comparison. He shoved his alpha’s concerned response aside with a harsh rumble, reminding them both that Izuku was an omega and was more than likely dead or still in some sex trade.

Bakugo grimaced as he turned his attention away from the small male, a pit forming in his stomach as those green eyes and large smile flash in his mind once more before fading back into his memories. This wasn’t the time for that kind of reminder, he continued to criticize himself with every breath he took. He was on a mission, a place like this wasn’t for him to bring up personal issues or past regrets.

The announcer's voice jolted the blond out of his thoughts, making him even more confused at what was just said. His mind raced to catch up as he looked down at the tablet screen in front of him. The word omega repeated in his head over and over as he tried to process the meaning behind it. Sure, there have been different kinds of fight rings; alpha rings being less common. Though those were usually reserved in prisons, it wasn’t a shocking idea for them to exist. Yet, the idea of an omega in a fight ring was unheard of. A quirkless fighter at that. This wasn’t a fair fight at all if an omega was here to fight. The blond alpha would have thought that even a fight ring would have some kind of moral rules, but here it stated large on the screen. Beta vs Omega. Underneath in smaller letters were the quirk statuses, the information only focusing that lump inside Bakugo to an abnormal size. This poor omega already had no chance at winning against a beta, but a quirkless fighter against a quirk user was way out of range for this kind of situation. This was a death sentence.

“Don’t doubt this small fella. He may be a quirkless omega, but he is still the reigning champ. Just look at him, he is a skilled fighter.” The announcer continued, his voice casual as ever. He stated that like this match was totally normal and that this happened all the time. This was supposed to be a BETA fight ring.

A few of the VIPs started to murmur around the alpha, talking to one another as they too seemed to have the same realization. Their voices did little to comfort the alpha as his entire being froze in place, his alpha screamed at him again. Bakugo’s eyes couldn’t leave the tablet screen in front of him as it flickered to the next page. He reread the words there, though it was stated clearly before him. Each fighter and their description was laid out as simple as he could have wished for. The blond tried to blink, even rub his eyes as he stared at the pictured face that looked so much like the one he remembered from years ago. Those freckled cheeks, curls and green eyes stared up at him with a bored expression. The picture being the only evidence of what the small man in the ring looked like. Despite the scars and loss of baby fat, it couldn’t be denied who that person was.

Bakugo inhaled a breath, his eyes finally moving away from the picture and to the description listed underneath. As if he hoped that he hadn’t heard the announcer right the first time or the picture was just a fluke, a mistake. Though his body only grew hotter as he read the 5’3 male’s identification.


Rank: Omega

Quirk: none

Champion of 62 matches

So many emotions swarmed the hero; confusion, rage, and utter shock seemed to consume him with every breath he tried to take. It was like he couldn’t move, his mind short circuiting as he stared at the text in hopes that it wasn’t actually there. That it would miraculously change and he wouldn’t actually know the fighter that was staring back at him from the tablet. No! The dark haired male who was standing in the ring couldn’t be the quirkless omega he knew from his childhood.

Bakugo’s alpha continued to scream at him, thrashing around relentlessly despite what he tried to push everything away. As Bakugo looked back up, his eyes wandered over to the omega in the ring and he couldn’t deny it when he actually looked at the man. With the small movements of the fighter down below, the bright fluorescent lights from above highlighted bright green within the dark strands. Bakugo hadn’t seen a shade of green like that in years, and it was the Midoriya family who had that shade. This was Izuku, his childhood friend. But how could that be Izuku? How did he end up here of all places? Is this what actually happened to him all those years ago?

“Now, we all know how this goes. 5 minute match, no rules during that time,” The announcer yelled, his tone filled with excitement. “We go till the timer runs out, or… well one of these men fall.”

Bakugo blinked in surprise, his eyes noticing for the first time the count down on the tablet, it was about to expire and the bets would be placed with or without his. Panic filled him as he quickly put random digits in without having enough awareness to think about the amount. Would a few thousand over the minimum requirement look suspicious? Probably not. He tried to calm himself down, his nerves were on fire as the time ticked down to the last few seconds. He had to remind himself that he was on a mission, everything else would have to wait. Part of him was still in shock to see his childhood friend in the ring, his desire to stop the match becoming stronger with each beat of his heart. The only thing that prevented him from doing just that was his alpha. That damn idiot had suddenly had a change of heart about this whole ordeal that was about to play out before them. The beast insisted that Izuku wouldn’t still be here if he wasn’t able to keep himself alive. Bakugo grunted in agreement to the whiplash he just  experienced, and he conceded to his alpha’s logic while his finger selected his childhood friend's name.

That name, Deku, brought so many memories with it. Most of them were not pleasant to look back on. Bakugo couldn’t believe Izuku had used his bullies degrading nickname as his fight name? How poetic that the alpha would still be the reining force that still harmed the omega after all these years. A name that labeled who was down below, forced to fight without a quirk. Deemed useless, though that seemed to garner enough fame here at the bottom of society for the omega to survive off of.

The buzzer rang loudly throughout the room. Every VIP leaned forward in their seats in anticipation for what could only be a slaughter. Bakugo could feel his anxiety peak as he watched the two men, his breath instinctively stopped as he prepared for the worst 5 minutes of his life.

The beta stalked forward, his quirk falling to the dirt in large globs with each thundering step. The man had a sickly sweet smile on his face the whole time. Izuku stayed in his place, his eyes roaming over the other as he searched for any weak points. He took a breath and crouched a little lower into himself, widening his arm away from his body to ensure a way to keep his balance for when he was ready for his first move.

The beta was slow, sluggish to close the space between them, an attempt at intimidating Izuku. Though it failed miserably, it gave the omega a moment to think, time to use his best asset. A thick arm pulled back for a punch as the beta took one last stomp. Instead of Izuku waiting for the first strike to connect, he lunged himself forward. His feet pulled out from under him as he forced his body to skidded under the beta’s arm that began to swing for a hit. The omega’s hand acted as his guide as he slid across the hard dirt, ignoring the burn on his palm as his skin ripped apart. He waited as he kicked up dust into the air, waited until he felt the consistency he was searching for on the ground. The change under his hand initiated his claws to extend to their full length and dig into the dirt. Any pain was disregarded even though tiny rocks rip and pull at his nail beds.

Izuku made the actions quick, using the cloud of dust to hide the way he scooped up one of the dirt cover globs prior to redirecting his momentum with a planted foot. He pulled himself up into a standing position before the beta had a chance to see what he just did. The arm that was directed for the omega’s chest hitting nothing but air. Izuku hid the blob behind his back out of view as he continued with his plan. He ran quickly around to the other side of the beta, staying in his blind spot as the larger man turned to make another swing at the omega’s last position below on the ground. Everything was moving so quickly, the omega’s adrenaline pumping in his ears as he tried to keep his focus on his opponent. Izuku didn’t hesitate as the beta followed through with the misguided punch, jumping with all his strength into the air. He plowed his shoulder into the back of the beta, a loud groan echoing through the room as the beta’s spine creaked and popped under the omega’s attack.

The beta fell forward slightly, knee hitting the ground with a hiss of pain. There was a moment where the fighter had to reoriented himself back onto his feet, Izuku using that sliver of time to adjust his position in the ring. An angry growl filled the small ring as the large fighter charged toward the omega, his voice reverberated slightly off the concrete foundation of the fence and back toward the two fighters. Izuku waited, keeping his omega’s own fury at bay until the moment before the beta tried to body slam him. That was when the omega ducked his head at the last moment, positioning himself under the man’s arm again. Wide red eyes tracked the two fighters in the ring, shock evident on Bakugo’s face as he watched the omega connect his hand to the beta’s face with an unceremonious loud slap, goo splattering everywhere. The alpha only had a moment to figure out how Izuku got the glob, his mind racing as he searched the ring. He noticed a small hole in the dirt, his mind connecting the dots as the fight continued. He couldn’t help but smirk at the quick thinking of the omega. The fact that Deku had used the dirt to coat the goo so it wouldn’t stick to him impressed the hero.

Izuku stumbled behind the beta, his shoulder ached with sharp pains of lightning. He hadn’t thought about the weird bending he would have to do to avoid getting caught during his attack. He steadied himself with a sharp eye on the bald man. His opponent tried to wipe away some of the goo, though the eyelashes on his left eye stuck together. The beta growled darkly when he couldn’t remove his quirk, instead targeting his emotions on the omega as he turned around. The beta’s eye burned with fury as he stalked forward. Izuku took a preemptive breath, part of him grateful that this idiot was so slow. His breaths were coming out harder and faster as he tried to compose himself for the next move that his opponent would make. He could already feel the exhaustion swallowing him from the lack of food during the last few days. His energy already drained after it was used to heal the wounds on his body by Eri from his last match. His legs burned and his lungs filled with sharp pain with every inhale. It felt like his throat was on fire with how dry it was, saliva coating it and forming a mucus that wouldn’t go down. He was running out of steam, but it seemed like the fight had just begun by the way his opponent approached him.

His omega urged him on, not letting the feral look in the beta’s eye shake him. The beta mirrored every move Izuku tried to take in the hopes of getting into his opponent’s blind spot. Each lunge followed better than the omega could have anticipated. His opponent was not letting him move anywhere but slowly backwards. The larger male kept Izuku in front of him, more goo oozing off him like a river over his body to get any dirt off. Izuku could only back away, his eyes scanning his surroundings to try and find a way to finish the match as quickly as possible.

The beta seemed to have reached his limit of humiliation, his patience gone as he forced Izuku up to the cement that encased the ring; the electric fence buzzing loudly just above them. Izuku's mind didn’t slow don despite how cornered he felt. He tried to peek behind him, anything to gauge how much room he had left, but in that instant the beta lunged. Izuku tried to move out of the way but his hurt arm was grabbed by a blob covered hand. Any momentum gained was suddenly halted with a searing pain in Izuku’s shoulder, the beta flung the omega back toward him and into his awaiting knee. Izuku’s spine met the forced connection with loud gasp, pain radiated through his entire body and black spots overtook his vision. His lungs felt paralyzed as they tried to take in a breath, wheezing the only sound that indicated their partial function.  

Bakugo cringed at the harsh impact, the way Izuku body arched backward left a twisted feeling in the base of his gut. The alpha couldn’t help but lean forward, his hand covering his mouth in an attempt to restrain himself from reacting at the brutality in front of him. The beta continued to yank the small omega around; slamming him into the ground with all his ragging strength. Izuku flopped like a rag doll, any breath left in him gone as it was forced out repeatedly. Bakugo’s alpha scrutinized the action as the omega let out a pained whine, his body lying limp on the hard ground. A rumble formed in the alpha’s chest as the familiar scent that hit his nose. The distressed smell of rancid peach soured through the surrounding air. For so many years the alpha had been the reason behind that scent being released. The reminder was too harsh as he watched what happened below.

The omega let out another pained whine as his body curled into itself. His captured arm pulled lightly in an attempt to free himself from his captor, but the beta didn’t give his opponent any slack. The beta’s laugh bellowed throughout the room as he abruptly pulled the omega up into a sitting position by their glued appendages. Izuku’s anguished cries were ignored as the beta slammed him onto the hard ground once, this time making sure the omega’s face slid through the dirt.

Izuku’s arm was still attached to the beta as he tried to roll away, a small snarling leaving him in an attempt to protect himself. The beta refused the movement and pulled Izuku up to his feet, ignoring the omega even as he struggled to run away. The large man forced the smaller back against his chest, his goo-covered arm twisted around the omega and glued them together; Izuku’s arm bent in a weird way as a result.

Izuku’s head hung low as he tried to gain his bearings, his chest heaved and body ached as his legs struggled to hold his own weight. His inner omega screamed at him to continue the fight, but he was finding it difficult to straighten out his thoughts. He didn’t see the beta’s free hand come up to his throat, curling around it as more goo secreted from his pores. The residual laugh of his opponent only made the next action more terrifying for the small omega. The hand pulled his head up so he was staring up at the harsh lights above them, the metal mesh still buzzing with electricity. Izuku barely noticed the hand begin to squeeze until it had already cut off his airway, gluing them further together. The goo left no chance for Izuku to push it away.

Bakugo gritted his teeth as he watched Izuku’s face become red, the hand around his throat confirming that any thrashing would be useless to break their connection. Bakugo kept himself in his seat, his knee bouncing as he watched in horror. He scanned the arena, desperate for any of the workers to intervene and end the fight. No one moved, and Bakugo took in a shaky breath as he realized that no one would until this match ended by the timer or... Each moment was becoming harder to hold back his alpha from going feral. It demanded he stop the match and protect Izuku, to save the small omega and steal him to safety. But he stayed put, he didn’t move.

As a last ditch effort for the omega to save himself, Izuku flung his free hand up to the hand around his throat, using the beta’s blind eye to block his view. His claws dug into flesh as he used the anchored hold to shove up. He reared his head backwards, his fangs extended to their full lengths while he targeted them right onto the beta’s face. Before he could rethink his actions, he dug his fags deep into his captor’s chin. While holding his captors arm steady so he couldn’t be torn away, blood began to pour down both of their faces, no doubt overflowing into the omega’s mouth. Yet that didn’t slow the omega one bit as he clamped down and locked his jaw.

The beta screamed, the sound vibrating through everyone who watched in horror. His hand squeezed the omega’s neck tighter in an attempt to force the omega to release. To everyone’s surprise, the attempt only led to the omega unattaching himself before diving right back in to bite at another spot. Even as the beta turned his head away or pull his arm away the omega kept biting and tearing at the flesh. Those small fangs grabbed onto anything they could reach, the bite was on the beta’s ear before it was ripped away in one swift movement. Next was a cheek, the tip of the nose, eyebrow, the bottom lip; anything and everything was a target for the small male. The quirk that fused them together held strong, sealing the two fighter’s fate.

Bakugo continued to watch though he wanted to close his eyes. His body remained frozen as Izuku spit out the clumps of skin and cartilage over and over again. The beta’s cries became more horrifying with each bite, yet the omega continued without anyone attempting to intervene. Even as the escapade to rip the beta to pieces produced the VIPs to vomit or scream out for things to stop, none of the staff moved.

Bakugou had to real back into his seat in hopes it would steady the way his stomach flipped. Izuku's body began to grow limp as he continued to lose more air, but it seemed that his omega was in full control despite that fact. His movements only grew sloppier, but he didn’t indicate any chance of stopping while he tore through neck muscle, the throat and eventually an artery from the beta. The barbaric attack caused the fighter to lose blood at a terrifying rate, but the omega didn’t stop; upper lip, jaw, eye and then finally the beta’s nape. The small omegan fangs dug into the dormant scent gland and wrenched it away.

The beta no longer had the ability to keep both of them up right, both falling to the ground with a thud. The omega didn’t stop, even when the beta’s movements and screams did. Bakugo could feel himself overheating and his dinner threatened to come back up as the timer rang through out the building. Two of the workers finally ran into the arena with large tubs. Steam filled the air as hot liquid was poured onto the two fighters in an attempt to nullify the beta’s quirk and release the omega. The room was filled to the brim with the omega’s feral pheromones, each intake of air caused Bakugo’s alpha to shrink into itself on instinct.

It wasn’t until a brown haired alpha came into the view, his soothing pheromones mixed with Izuku’s until it overpowered it all together. It took some time before anyone in the crowd could move from their seats. The increased scent of the alpha was the only reason that Izuku was finally eased out of his feral state, his movements slowed until his attack stopped. The staff continued to pour the hot liquid over the small man despite how red his skin was becoming. But it seemed that the omega couldn’t feel it as he finally went limp. Bakugo knew it wasn’t just from the lack of oxygen but also the alpha who had over used his pheromones to knock out the fighter. Each breath Izuku took was shallow as the alpha knelt down to the muddy ground to assess the omega.

Bakugo bared his teeth in irritation, his chest puffing out as he watched the display before him. The fact that the other alpha was trying to take care of his childhood friend repulsed the blonde to the core. No matter how much Izuku needed an alpha to draw him out of this state, that alpha shouldn’t have been the one to do it. That was his job. He frowned as he mentally kicked himself for not acting soother. He allowed another alpha to take his place. He was the only person who was allowed to care for the omega.

Bakugo stopped that thought process quickly, furrowing his eyebrows as he recognized the sudden jealousy. He had no claim over this omega, especially with their previous history. Just because the alpha knew the omega was alive, didn’t mean he had a claim over him. Izuku was more than capable to choose who his alpha should be, and from what the blond could see, the one next to his side seemed to be a better candidate at that. For now.

The brunette alpha took extra care when it came to moving any part of Izuku. His gentle touch was almost possessive, but Bakugo had no right to determine how an alpha interacted with his omega. He should be grateful that anyone was showing Deku any form of kindness. By the way that the omega looked, it seemed that he had very little care in general. He knew that Izuku’s hair wasn’t that dark, even after years of not seeing him. No, each strand was covered in dirt and whatever else that had collected there. This alpha wasn’t a good candidate either by the state Izuku was in, but there was little that the blond could do about that right now. The arena was swarming with people and the staff were already ushering people out or in the ring to clean up what they could. Bakugo would have to wait before he could do something to help his childhood friend. He could only hope that Izuku hadn’t been claimed yet so he could rescue him from this hell hole.

Deep Breaths!!

Word count: 7149

BAMF Midoriya has entered the chat. He takes nothing but the win. Yes Bakugo, Izuku isn’t someone to mess with. He will rage and will beat the shit out of someone if pushed to it.


Chapter 4


Chapter 2