Chapter 2

Valuable Intel

Harsh, white light illuminated a small room in an ungodly manner. That only source of light, a lamp placed on an old side table, beamed brightly with no lamp shade to diffuse its glare that permeated any of the orange hues from the setting sun. The walls contorted and morphed as that light cast its dark shadows across the plain walls, the cracks and pealing paint becoming less noticeable with illusion.

Two people sat silently and wait for the match to start. The only sound between them was of raindrops hitting the single pane, tiny window that was offset on the wall with a dirty film from years of neglect. The gentle pitter patter brought a tranquil tune to the otherwise restless energy that veiled over them.

It was a bit depressing to live in such a state. Only having a single wide mattress without a frame, just laying on the dirty floor without a care. A small dresser by the door that housed mostly bandages and wraps than the few clothes folded carefully in the top drawer. There was also splintered bookshelf, that was pulled from a landfill, to hold the very few objects the owner was allowed to have. Some being small trinkets and comics about a few the popular heroes that predated the war. Yet, most of the shelf space was reserved for self education books. The most recent one to be read amongst the collection was a thick, hard bound book highlighting the new scientific decoveries of ‘Second Genders and their Biological and Psychological Differences’. A boring read to anyone that went to school, but for its owner who was locked away and denied any access to the outside world; it was very interesting.

In the corner of the room, hidden as much as possible from the view of the only doorway, sat a small Omegan nest upon the old, used mattress. It had a few blankets and pillows that were reluctantly given to provide some form of territory; neatly and masterfully arranged to provide the most comfort for the small omega. A single piece of clothing from his dearest friend to keep the atmosphere calm during his heats.

“Izuku, you need to be eating more. Your muscle mass is less than what it was last week.”

The omega stilled himself as he sat on the side of his nest, his shoulder’s becoming tense from the blunt words from the pup behind him. He fiddled with the string on his shorts; simple basketball shorts. His eyes trailed to the dirty floor then to the blacked bottoms of his feet, all of it suddenly become more interesting than they should have been. The green haired omega sighed as he listened to the small girl behind him; her body positioned to respectively not touch any of the fabrics of the nest despite the small amount of space provided for her to sit. Izuku knew he should be eating more, but with their meal quantity dropping to only two times a day, he couldn’t let the small pup go through her second puberty without the extra calories. She needed more than he did since he was already matured. Breakfast was the only meal for them that wasn’t monitored, allowing him to sneak more food for them. But dinner wasn’t as easy, he could only give the pup what was on his plate.

“You’re right, Eri. I will do better.” Izuku conceded with a small lie as he started to wrap his hands and wrists in white tape to prepare for the match, he needed to keep the damage to his joints as low as possible. He could feel the grip on his shoulders tighten in reaction to his half assed reply. The massage that was supposed to relax his muscles becoming more painful as Eri growled in disapproval.

“Do you think that I can’t tell when you lie? You must be stupid, Zuku. I know you more than you know yourself at this point.” She stated with a groan, her fingers digging into a knot at the base of Izuku’s neck and making him hiss.

Izuku couldn’t help but snort at her temper and passive aggressive antics. He would have to be careful for the next couple months with this new attitude shift, she might present sooner rather than later at this point. The idea only made his anxiety heighten more than it already was.

“I’m not lying, Eri. I promise I will eat more next week. I will need the calories for my heat anyways.” He replied, releasing soothing pheromones to keep her calm despite his nerves going crazy. He heard her hum in reply, her touch becoming more gentle as she became satisfied with his answer.

The omega let out a breath as he finished wrapping his hands, his thoughts wondering back to when they first started this routine. Eri was so small back then, her big red eyes and long hair had made her look so small and cuddly. Yet, by the way she had grown and developed, it has been years since then.

The young girl recently demanded that her hair remain short after they failed getting the matted mess at the back of her head untangled. It was now a blunt bob since that is all Izuku could do with the rusted scissors he stole from one of the storage closets. Her once small statue had become taller and more defined as time went on. She was now as tall as the omega was, an impressive 5’3 if you ask him, and she still had a few years to mature.

Even her strength and agility had become more pronounced when she went through her first puberty. Izuku predicted that she would present as an alpha with the way her mood shifted so quickly from sweet to dominate and possessive during any disagreement the two had. She was also becoming rather controlling over him if she every noticed that Izuku was neglecting himself. Her overbearing concerns had her acting more like a dictator with her demands.

Though, Izuku could barely smell the changes in her scent, that honey and milk that pups produce had begun to shift into what he could barely tell was more of a oriental fragrance than floral. Rather than a light and serine scent that omegas usually have or the lack of any pheromone scent for a beta, Eri’s seemed to be more like an alpha.

Eri continued to rub his shoulders to help him relax in hopes that he would fight better. He shifted, a shill falling over his exposed abdomen as he tried to calm his nerves. The fight ring didn’t allow shirts or shoes in case a fighter brought a weapon in or tried to hide a quirk enhancer, so even an omega had to fight shirtless. Eri seemed to be able to sense how Izuku’s scent was becoming more anxious and worried despite the calming pheromones he had been releasing. Her own pheromones filling the room to an amount that Izuku could smell easier. Izuku hated that they had to go through this so often every week, but he couldn’t change anything for them yet. He hadn’t figured out how to get their master to let Eri leave safely. That bastard had been holding Eri in this compound far longer than he had been despite her young age. She had no memory of anything outside this god forsaken building. Their master kept the pup close to him like a prize to show off. It disgusted Izuku to his core.

“Zuku…” Eri whispers, her voice fading as she abandoned what she was about to say.

Izuku turned to her, examining her drawn down face as she fiddled with her fingers.“What is it?”

She looks up at him, her eyes showed so much emotion that she couldn’t seem to find the words for. Izuku gave her an encouraging smile as he wondered how much of his habits had rubbed off on her over the years. He was the only person that had treated her with body autonomy and respect, thus leading to the close friendship they have now.

“I… was wondering if you could teach me how to fight.” She whispered, her eyes not breaking contact with his gaze. Izuku could feel the panic begin to rise again in his chest, an angry boil from her words. “I want to learn so we can find a way for me to fight in your stead.”

Izuku habitually broke the eye contact and looked down to his wrapped hands. His emotions consumed him as his heart broke. He wanted to remind her that she needed to rely on him to protect her, that he will figure all of this out. She shouldn’t have to think this way, she was still a pup. Yet, she saw his weaknesses clear as day.

Izuku forced himself to pause his racing mind and not scream what he wanted, instead knowing that those thought were selfish in the end. He knew that his protection wouldn’t always be there; either when he was out in the ring or if their master took her away. She would have to learn how to protect herself at some point if he wanted her to remain safe.

“Yes, I will teach you.” He conceded, forcing the raging boil to a simmer as looked back up to her. He could see the happiness rise in her eyes, determination overcoming her face as she nodded her head.

“But. I won’t let you fight in my stead.” Izuku stated clearly, his eyes not leaving her’s as he watched the mass of emotions wash over her face.

“But-“ She tries to plead, her hand grabbing onto his in an attempt to gain control of the sudden change of conversation.

“No. There is a reason why I am here, and you aren’t involved in that.” The omega explains with his tone firm and final. “ I’ll teach you after my next heat.

Eri looked at him with a frown, the evident emotion of anger spread across her face. Izuku sighed as he placed a hand on her cheek, running his finger along her cheek bone. He knew that her inner alpha was screaming at her to protect him. He was an omega, the lowest of all the second genders. It also didn’t help that he didn’t have a quirk, nothing but his poor physical strength and years of wit to keep him safe.

Izuku closed his eyes for a moment before trying express his thoughts. “Listen. One day you will be stronger than me, and you will have full control of your quirk and be more in tune with your inner self. But please, until then, I need you to trust me. I cannot have you getting hurt on my account.” Izuku said as gently as possible. “I fight because of my own debt, okay. You cannot interfere with that.”

He could feel his omega wanting to soothe the young alpha with his pheromones, but he refuses to do that. He needed her to understand that this wasn’t something he was going push onto her. Her alpha was already very sensitive to him because of his second gender, so continually subduing her with his pheromones when he wasn’t her dam or mate wouldn’t be seen as tender or endearing, but manipulative and controlling.

“Let me protect you for as long as I can, Eri. You shouldn’t have to live this way because of our master. You should have had a childhood like me.” Izuku whispered, pain slipping into his voice. He could feel his eyes beginning to water as he lets his hand fall back into his lap.

Eri examined him for a moment, her alpha obviously pressuring her to do something despite what he said. After a moment she nodded, her shoulders falling as she let out a loud breath. “Fine, but you're not my dam. I won’t let you keep babying me because your omega pushes your trauma onto me.”

Izuku’s eyes widened in surprise, her words sparking a fire in part of him that wanted to get defensive. He could feel the slight rumble deep in his throat with the intention to make her submit in respect for embarrassing him like that, but he only nodded at her and closed his throat. She was getting too smart and her cunning alpha was going to be the death of him.

“Omega! It’s time.” A loud voice shouted from the other side of the door, a fist emphasizing each word with a bang. The two jumped at the harsh interruption, the weight of fear settling over them. Izuku quickly climbed to his feet and made his way through the small room.

Izuku nodded at Eri one last time with a reassuring smile that he was sure she could see through, before opening the door and following the awaiting beta in the dark hall. He followed closely behind the male like he was instructed to do years ago, his head falling back to look at the ceiling as they made their way through the compound.

The omega had done this walk so many times before, every week following the same beta that concealed himself behind the white cloak and full face mask. They used to talk on their short walks, learning a little about one another. Izuku had never seen the beta without his cloak and mask, but knew his name was Hari. The beta followed his boss’s ideals while serving him in any way needed. But that was before his master got mad at Hari and threatened to dispose of him if he got any closer to Izuku. Izuku wondered if it was because the alpha was jealous of their blooming friendship.

“You’re late, omega!” A low and hauntingly attractive voice bellowed from down the hall. Izuku looked up, his omega immediately submitting to the brown haired alpha as he walked closer. His omega forced a small whine to leave him as he stopped a few feet away from the alpha, keeping distance between them in case the other was truly angry.

He hated the way his omega reacted to his master. The fact that it was attracted to the alpha was enough to make him want to vomit. Despite that, he understood why his omega acted like this.

From what he had learned from the few books he had, it is because Chisaki was the only alpha, presumably excluding Eri, that he was allowed any close proximity or relationship with. His omega submited to please the alpha as a form of protection and respect because of the hierarchy of the sub genders. Since the alpha’s quirk was increasingly dangerous, Izuku could sense the heightened awareness his omega held when around Overhaul.

So attraction was inevitable when an omega was only around one dominating alpha for years at a time. Izuku believed, if he remembered correctly, it is a psychological condition related to Stockholm Syndrome. A habitual instinct that his omega had to maintain some kind of control in his bondage.

So Izuku played along and acted just like his omega wanted around such a powerful alpha. He knew enough to not go against his instincts when he didn’t have any leverage over the other. He had witness the alpha kill another alpha over something stupid, that confirming the perpetual danger he was in.

“I’m sorry, master. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten with the fog setting in.” Izuku explained, his eyes closed as he exposes his neck to the taller male. “Please forgive me.”

Izuku felt a hand on his shoulder that caused him to flinch in fear. His mind screamed at him to run, that this man could kill him with a single touch. Yet, he ignored it. Instead following what his instincts demanded, and that was to lean closer into the touch. After a moment He heared the alpha sigh loudly, his gloved fingers tilting Izuku’s face up so they could look at each other directly.

Izuku felt his omega calm at the serene look in the golden irises that examine him. The tiniest hint of moss filling Izuku’s nose while the alpha’s soothing pheromones cloaking him in their close proximity. The action tugged a small smile on Izuku’s face, released that his omega had been correct again.

“When will you trust me, Deku?” Chisaki asked, his now quiet voice muffled slightly by the thick mask that covered half of his face. Izuku could feel his omega wanting to whimper, wanting to close the space more to insure that the alpha would protect rather than harm him.

Izuku stepped back from the alpha, his face pulling out of the gentle hold that was on his chin and shoulder. He knew he couldn’t allow such a man to be his alpha, even if he had no prospects to choose from. The distinct ringing of harsh and degrading voices echoed in his mind, reminding him of what he was forced to live during the few years before Chisaki, the alpha being no different than the others.

He submited his actions, his eyes dropping to the ground and his hands settled in front of his torso so the alpha didn’t take his movements as disrespectful. He made himself look small, weak in hopes that it wouldn’t make the alpha possessive.

“I-I’m used, master. Used omegas are worthless. You deserve more than what I can give.” Izuku whispered, hating how true his words were. He allowed his soured scent of peach to overtake him as he watched the alpha’s stature stiffen slightly.

Izuku knew that Chisaki only bought him for his own selfish means. Izuku was only here now because it made the alpha more money with the attention the omega brought fighting in the ring. All of this kindness was just Chisaki’s alpha trying to swoon him into bed, nothing else from the man that kept him prisoner. This was a similar reaction to his own instincts, but reversed from Izuku’s. Instead of seeking protection, it was to breed. To secure a lineage.

A growl caused Izuku to cower more into himself, the dulled smell of hot ember indicating that the alpha wasn’t pleased with his actions. Izuku was shocked by the sudden change in temper. He hadn’t had the taller male push so much angry pheromones at him in a long time. He stole a glance at the alpha, his head tilting further into submission as he did so.

Chisaki wasn’t looking at him, his eyes focused on the ground as he hands formed into fists and shook slightly. After a moment those golden eyes meet Izuku’s green and there was a different look in them, like the alpha was looking at an object, his prize.

“You better increase the bets towards you this week, omega.” The alpha’s tone was now monotone and dark, the soft expression now hard as he looked down at Izuku with a cold stare. “You know what will happen if you lose, so don’t.”

Izuku nodded, his eyes darting to the closed door they stood in front of. His hands beginning to sweat and ack from how tightly he clamped them into fists. He already had a lot depending on him to win, but now he must get more bets? Shit, how was he supposed to do that?

Izuku glanced out of the window that brought the little bit light into the mostly dark hallway. The rain had lightened for the moment, the observation enough to distract Izuku from the building stress of his master’s words, before he pushed the door open and walked out into the entertainment hall where the fight ring resided.


Shinou perched low and quietly with his hood pulled tight over his head. Light rain had started to fall, the tapping from his shoulders and hood calming his nerves as he watches from the roof line across from the old concrete building that housed the fight ring. There were a few street lamps that had turned on but not doing much with the fog that had rolled in like a thick smoke over the streets. The light only provided a haunting glow that did nothing to permeate through the mist.

The hidden alpha couldn’t see the ring through any of the windows from where he was positioned, but he did have a full view of the entrance to the building. He occasionally saw vehicles pull up with nicely dressed men and women exiting. Few of them having guards or an escort, they just walked towards the entrance like it is another day at work. The cars left without ensuring their passengers made it inside the building, rather leaving once all occupants had exited the vehicle.

A light wind had begun to blow in more storm clouds, the swirling mist obscured Shinsou’s presence even more to his relief. The silence in Shinso’s earpiece kept his attention focused on finding the silver car that his partner would arrive in. He hated that his partner was that hot headed man, but at least he didn’t have to be the one going inside. He still questioned why he was assigned to this role, but wouldn’t complain about scouting alone and keeping tabs on different villains with verbal-less communication between the two.

He snorted as he realizes that Bakugo would have to make small talk at some point or even try to become friends with one of the sleaze bags that were here. He would honestly rather sit in the cold rain than have to pretend to be someone’s friend.

It had been a few minutes since a car had pulled up and Shinsou could feel that familiar anxiety build up as his mind tried to convince him that Bakugo wouldn’t make it on time. But like every other time his anxiety tried to gain control and cause him to freak out, it was proven wrong.

A silver, four door sedan pulled up to the curb. The alpha Shinsou had been waiting for quickly emerging from the car and walked with a straightened and dominating posture into the building, he ignored the rain and didn’t even trying to find the location of his partner in the shadows.

Shinsou hummed in contentment before moving from his position. He kept to the darkest parts of the roof tops, his foot steps light and predetermined as he leaped to the roof of the concrete building. He knew he wouldn’t be able to use any of the windows or doors to get inside, that would only leave him in too much of an opening for prying eyes.

As he scurried around the pitched roof, a smirk crossed his face as he saw an old gable vent to the attic. The mesh was now old and rusted, the wood framing rotted out with the years of water damage and no upkeep. The opening was a little small, but the purple haired alpha didn’t complain since it was the perfect way to access the building.

He made quick work of clipping the metal and pulling the rotted wood away to make the entrance slightly bigger. He paused for a second to make sure his actions weren’t heard before sliding in feet first. The hole was just wide enough to accommodate his alpha build, a part of his brain pointing out that if he were any bigger his shoulders would have gotten stuck. He pondered on that for a moment, the image of Bakugo’s wide and bulky frame flashing in his mind only confirmed that he might actually be perfect for this mission.

He was a slender alpha in comparison to his co-heroes. He didn’t have the domineering muscle or wrestler build. His stature wad more lean and compact than what many would think a hero would look like. That observation worked to his advantage in many ways. Not only to keep the enemy from realizing his hero status but it was perfect for quick movements and stealth missions like this.

Shinsou kept his footing steady and light as he looked around the large empty space, his eyes scanned for any entrances or large cracks that would allow someone to peer in. Light did shine through the cracks in the floor, the sounds of people chatting floated up to his ears. That was when Shin realized where he was, right above the fight ring. He kneeled down and peered through the wood slits, his eyes scanning and taking in as much information that they could. He felt pride raise in his chest at his accidental success.

His attention was drawn to his earpiece as background voices come in and out as he received the signal from his partner. He nodded in approval, Bakugo had gotten in without getting noticed and now was positioned in the large room that housed the fight ring. He signaled back twice to communicate that he too had found a good vantage point before settling himself on the floor.


Bakugo arrived on time, leaving the car with confidence though he had no clue of what he was doing. He kept his nerves in check as he entered the entryway of the building, the bright amber lights casted shadows everywhere and giving the atmosphere a creepy vibe. There were chairs with plush cushions scattered around the large room. Couches settled on ornate rugs brought some form of warmth to the cold room. A small table sat in the center with wine and fruit set out, but few had seemed to take advantage of it.

Bakugo kept an eye on everyone he saw around him, noting the different people that sat around and chatted with one another. He made his way over to the wall, seating himself in one of the chairs to stay inconspicuous and out of anyones interest. He listened to the many people around him. None of the conversations having much intel for him, most just being nonchalant chats as they wait for the doors to open for the event.

It was a few minutes before the large door set on the other side of the room finally opened. Everyone automatically getting up to make their way through without the need to be directed. Bakugo followed suit, staying behind a pair of people that looked like they knew what they are doing.

Bakugo internally groaned as he caught wind of the of the woman in front of him flirting heavily with the man who had an arm wrapping around her waist. The two reminded him of how high schoolers acted, overbearing with no social awareness. The man was telling the woman all about his job and how he got an invite to this event.

The sickly sweet voice brought a sickly ball to the alpha’s stomach, the lavish coconut perfume of the female filled his nose. God how he hated beta perfume. They were Always too harsh with the mixture of alcohol to have the fake scent last longer. It was absolutely vomit inducing to Bakugo’s alpha.

The blond alpha scanned the room the moment he walked in, keeping his attention on the man’s words as he over divulged in the chat about his job at a certain banking firm that worked heavily with the transportation section of government services. The information sounded promising as the couple walked through the room, Bakugo still behind them.

The room was nothing impressive. It was as large as a warehouse, the lighting dingy and it smelled like dirt and cigarettes. The ring was set lower into the ground in the center of the room, a fence ran around the perimeter with electric wires ominously strapped at the top.

The floor of the ring was dirt that had been trampled down into a hard surface from all of the fights that had happened over the years. The ring was circled by a few rows of plush seats that gave the best view for the event. Each chair had a small table next to it for beverages and anything that the VIPS used to make the event more entertaining.

Bakugo scratched his arm in disgust while he walked further into the room, breaking from his following of the couple to find his own seat. He took a seat on the back row that was closer to the middle, the position an attempt to not look too out of place. He noticed that his chair had a tablet with the event details and mandatory basic bid warning on the screen. Bakugo rubbed a hand through his hair as he got comfy, turning on and off his come two times as a signal to Shinsou that he was in his location.

It took a moment, but he received static in return as a cue that his partner was in position and ready for the next stage of their mission.

You ready for Chapter 3?

Word count: 4800

Oop, our first glance into our main character’s living conditions… it’s only the first layer to this crap shoot that Overhaul has control of. Are you ready for some BAMF Izuku with a honed skill forced upon him? Well you better be cause that is what the next chapter is.
See you soon!


Chapter 3


Chapter 1: