Chapter 4

ADMISSION of guilt

The night air had grown cold, the once gentle breeze now an icy whirl wind as a large storm rolled over the dark horizon. It was late, way past what would be considered a normal person's schedule, but for Shinso this was his lunch time. The quiet of the night was always something that the alpha enjoyed. He preferred it over the hustle and bustle of city life. He was never one that could truly enjoy something unless it was cast in the obscurity of darkness. It felt so much more tranquil even within the density of so many buildings. The night was his oasis.

Hitoshi stood just beyond the opening of an alleyway, leaning against the brick wall that encased him in its dark depths. Though his demeanor seemed laxed, he was more than aware of his surroundings, his senses at full attention as he waited. His ears strained to hear the faintest movements, his eyes continuously scanning and mentally taking notes of the placements of the things around him. His body on full alert with his arms hanging relaxed at his sides, a secure hand on his capture weapon. His honed instincts never allowed him to fully relax even if he wanted to. He was still on the job, anyone could be watching him as he waited for his ride.

It wasn’t long before the underwhelming silver car pulled up to the curb, the previous sprinkle of rain now a downpour. There was no hesitation as the alpha moved for the car, his dark uniform keeping him inconspicuous from any observing eyes.  Shin frowned as he plopped into the back seat of the car, the atmosphere in the car was heavy to the point of almost being suffocating. If he didn’t have to be here, the alpha would have immediately left. He hated when other alpha’s gave off these kinds of auras, they always resulted in a headache. Shinso tried to ignore it, allowing the distraught alpha next to him to do his own thing as he watched the night life of the city pass by his window.

The seat warmer brought comfort to the purple haired alpha as he settled deeper into the leather seat, the hot material from the heater a welcomed change from the seeping cold that he had sat in.  Hitoshi tried to keep his mind blank, wanting to wait until they arrived back at the agency to unwrap what he had seen. He wasn’t one to over analyze the information he got on missions. He was firm in the mindset that over thinking could change the perspective and thus change the weight of the intel before it was reported. 

Yet, as he leaned back into the headrest, his eyes closing as he let his body finally relax for the first time in hours, he couldn’t stop his mind from replaying the first match in his head. Hitoshi wasn’t a man that held a high expectations on societal standards at this point in his life. His career showed the depths of how corrupt this country was operated by the puppeteers who kept their strings attached to anything that moved. The alpha had learned years ago, early on in his pursuit to become a hero, that any expectations he had were just too gracious of thoughts. At every turn his assumptions were proven to be too hopeful for the reality that played before him, whether it be in the light of society or darkness of the underground.

In spite of that, his mind was quick to point out that what he saw tonight was a new low that he hadn’t seen the underground reach. Despite watching three matches, the last two held very little in the way of intel or interest. They were the basic illegal fights, betas with superiority complexes busting each other up until one inevitably fell unconscious, or worse died in pursuit of some notoriety.

That first match however, wasn’t something he could compare the rest of the night to. He was astonished that there was an omega near such an event. That someone, despite how scummy those men could be, had thought that sending in a defenseless omega was a good idea.  Not just any omega too, but one without a quirk. The boy seemed too young for the obvious demeanor he carried. His movements and confidence only showcased how long he had been living this kind of life. Whether forced or consented to, this omega had been more than prepared for the hazard of being placed in the ring. His body was littered with scars and bruises, all indicating that he wasn’t a stranger to this way of life.

As Shin let his body drift with the car’s movements, the turns pulling his body gently from side to side, he was consumed with the practicality of such an event that tonight had highlighted. This had to be an under the table deal from the manager of the beta fighter, a way to insure an easy win; thus easy money. There was no way anyone with any standards, hell anyone with the moral code of a damn twig could see just how fucked up this all was, would allow a sleazy stunt like this to happen just for someone to line their pockets.

Everything from tonight was disgusting.  How could anyone expect a quirkless omega to even fight like that, let alone against a quirk user beta that obviously had too many insecurities to count. Who had so much darkness in their soul to be fine with taking it out on the small male.

Shin remembered back to his alpha’s sudden anger when he realized the fighter’s identity. His instinct was to demand the match to stop and protect the small male was almost overwhelming. The control he had over himself almost not enough as the beta made the first move of the match. The gut wrenching sight of the omega receiving his first hit was enough to bring him to his knees. Shinso thanked whatever gods were out there that he was able to keep a small string of control over himself. He was on the precipice of jeopardizing the mission, but the worse part was that in that moment he hadn’t cared if everything came crashing down on his account.

As the car continued down the deserted street, the hero tried to reground his mind before it wandered too far. He could still feel the residual anger of his alpha permeate through his nerves, but that was now being redirected toward himself as well. He knew his lack of action went against his own values, leaving the poor omega in that slum was more difficult than most of his other missions. What was he supposed to do though, have the villains they have been tracking for months become aware of them and thus have them on their tails? No, he couldn’t do that no matter how much he wanted to intervene. More lives were on the line than just one. 

There was a sudden bump in the road, the car jostling slightly before continuing smoothly down the street. The alpha’s ears perked at his surroundings as he came back to the present. The only sound being the tires kicking water up into the undercarriage, the squeaks of the windshield wipers as the fast tempo harmonized with the drawl of the heater. All of this highlighting the sudden growl from the alpha sitting next to him.  Hitoshi furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced at Bakugo. The blond had his hands in tight fists, his knuckles turned white with the pressure. His hair falling forward into his face as his back hunched in on itself. The alpha rested all his weight onto his elbows as he leaned into his knees. The sight was a bit pitiful for an alpha as strong as the explosion hero. 

“Bakugo?” Shin asked, his voice quieter than he ever would have expected when talking to the other alpha. His eyes tracing the hero for any hint of why the other was acting this way.

“We need to talk about what happened before we get back.” The blond basically growled out. The hint of his pheromones seeped through the scent blockers on his neck. The sharp pepper of ginger slowly filling the back seat as the blond lifted his head.

“Alright,” Shinso shrugged. He didn’t really care at this point since his mind had already raced and made conclusions despite his numerous tries to zone out into nothingness.  “I couldn’t identify any workers from my perch, so we will have to be more observant during the next outing. Obviously, it is strange for an omega to be in this kind of environment, let alone win a match without a quirk. So I am sure that will be a note of interest to report. Honestly, it was impressive if I must add my opinion, though I am disgusted that these scumbags would do that to the poor omega.” The alpha let out a deep breath, the tension in his shoulders didn’t leave but rather became more noticeable.“ What did you discover tonight in regards to the VIPs?” Shin asked, keeping his observations concise and quick for both of their sakes.

There was a long pause, the air growing more dense with each second that passed in silence between them. Shin tried to ignore it, but his alpha seemed to be drawn to the weird vibe the other was giving off. It had been increasing from the moment he got into the car, but now the mixture of the alpha’s pheromones were becoming a bit much in the small space. The black haired alpha focused on their driver for a moment, analyzing him for any signs that he was being affected by the thickening cloud. The man must be a beta, he gave no indication that he was even aware to what was happening behind him. The buds in his ears were set snug with the tune of music lightly drifting through the car if Shin focused hard enough. The man drummed away on the steering wheel with his fingers, no doubt not able to hear a single word that the two alpha’s were saying. 

“That omega is Midoriya Izuku.” Bakugo suddenly stated, the information catching the smaller hero by surprise. The blond’s voice strained as his fists began to shake slightly. Shin was taken aback by the information from his partner, he didn’t expect for the alpha to share anything besides what he learned with the VIPs. This intel had a lot of weight with it, it could convolute their mission if the alpha has some kind of relation with one of the people on the inside.

“You know him… How-“ Shin began, his mind already confused as hell.

Shin’s thoughts were interrupted as the blond alpha took a deep breath and leaned back into his seat. His demeanor changed to more of a slacked and limp state as he stared out the window. It seemed like all the tension and pushed down emotions had broke through, the gentle roar below the surface having nothing to contain it. Shinso wondered how long it would be before the pressure became to much and everything that had been pushed down would erupt.

“He has been a missing person for the last 7 years. Two years ago the State declared him dead since there wasn’t any damn indication if he was still alive. His dam was give a death certificate and allowed to add him to their family plot.” Bakugo’s words were slow and heavy, the emotion clear in his voice as he informed his partner. His face was obscured, the steady shine of street lights lighting up the side of his face as he continued to gaze at the rain. “He had already presented as an omega when he was kidnapped at 15. I believed at the time it was god damn sex trade that took him, but I’m uncertain how he ended up in a fight ring for betas.” The alpha continued, his hand coming to rest on the buttons of his dress shirt. It took the alpha a couple tries before he was able to unbutton a few of them.

“We were childhood friends, well… He was my punching bag when we got to middle school, and I was his abuser.” The alpha continued before stopping himself.

Shin’s eyes widened at that statement. His eyes didn’t leave the alpha face; thoughts obviously swarming while feelings on the matter began to boil.  Did he hear that right? Did Bakugo just admit that he abused an omega? So bluntly divulge that he participated in such a heavy crime. What the fuck! How did this alpha feel so confident to say such a thing. It isn’t like this isn’t widely known, it’s a fucking law that any abuse towards an omega is met with heavy punishment. Omegas are already so rare, and prized for their fertility and caring nature, and since they cannot fight back unless protecting their pup, it is only more imperative to protect them. To think that Bakugo, a current hero, abused an omega that was too young to have a mate to protect them was downright disgusting. It was even more bizarre that Bakugo would even allow the other alpha room infer this kind of conclusion.

“I didn’t hurt him every time we were together, some days it was like when we were brats. We would chat and laugh, nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t know why I harassed him so much, he was always so kind and happy to see me.” Bakugo continued, not paying any attention to the purple haired alpha sitting feet away.

“I got angry one day at school, my mom was up my ass for some test that I didn’t get an A on. She threatened that she wouldn’t let me apply to UA if I didn’t get an A on the next fuckin test.” The blond took a deep breath as his fingers ran over the hem of his shirt repeatedly. “Izuku came up to me and showed me the A on that test same test that I got a B+ on. He was so proud of himself and I should have been to since Izuku usually only got Bs on tests. It hurt to see, it was like we were swapped and I felt gipped. I remember feeling some way when he continued to talk. That is when he admitted that he wanted to go to UA.” Bakugo huffed a dry laugh, the sound holding no humor behind it.

“I don’t know what it was, but it was powerful. Like my entire body was doing it’s own thing. I mean, a quirkless omega wanted to be a damn hero.” He said, his voice suddenly sincere as he looked down at his palms. The tension on his face turned into something Hitoshi couldn’t figure out. “The whole class laughed but I could only sit there, my alpha was raging in my head. I think I was angry at the thought of Izuku trying to do the entrance exam. But I’m still not sure if it was anger.”

“That day after the teacher left, I told him that if he wanted to be a hero…” The alpha took a shaky breath, his hands squeezing hard as he gritted his teeth. “That he should jump off the fuckin roof and hope to not be so damn useless in his next life. I hated myself the moment I said it. I watched those bright green eyes become watery and dull as he processed what I said, and that was absolutely awful. I didn’t understand the twist my gut made when Izuku just nodded and looked away from me, but of course I shoved it aside. I couldn’t let him do the entrance exam, he would have gotten himself killed.”

The blond took a shaky breath, his gaze returning to the window. “After that day he would flinch when I would reach out to him. Even on those calm days where I was nice to him, and that hurt even more. He no longer smiled around me, and even when I would try to talk to him he wouldn’t say anything back; just stared at his shoes until I would walk away. He would just submit and make himself small. It was deafening the way he no longer trusted me. But how could he be anything but scared with the shit I said? It was a loud as fuck wake up call for me.” He stated, another shuttered breath that shook his chest. His jaw was clenched tight, each breath harsh as it hit his teeth.

Shinso felt a pang of sadness as the alpha talked, as he explained the struggle with his emotions. Though the sadness wasn't for the alpha, it was for the omega that had to endure his wrath. His first reaction was to turn the blond hero in for omegan abuse, have his hero license revoked. Even if there was no ‘evidence’ for the claims, Shinso was sure there were witnesses to what the blond did in middle school. Yet, even with the pressure that built up in his chest, to attack the alpha for such a disgusting action, he didn’t make a move. He waited. Shinso could feel Bakugo struggling, trying to mentally connect things together. He wasn’t done talking and Shinso was curious as to what else the alpha would share.

“When he disappeared, it almost killed me.” The alpha continued without any knowledge the what his partner was feeling. Every breath taken was a bit more haggard. “His dam was rarely home once he started going to middle school, she worked two jobs and would visit her recluse of a mate in America whenever she could. I don’t think she ever took Izuku since the tickets were so expensive. The poor kid was let alone a lot, forced to learn how to take care of himself. I don’t think he had anyone to lean on.

“So, when I heard that he had disappeared, I searched for so long. Even before his dam reported him missing to the authorities. I was out on the streets day and night in every ally. I even went to the outskirts of town hoping the he had just gotten lost. I was scared that he did what I told him to do and I couldn’t handle that realization. For weeks I searched, but I found nothing.” A gasp gave way from the blond alpha. A tear trailing down his cheek before it was quickly brushed away.

There was a long pause as the blond took a few breaths to steady himself. The warm smell of ginger filling the car and diffusing the distasteful scent from moments before.  Shin stayed quiet, not wanting to disturb the emotional process Bakugo was going through. He learned in his psychology courses that what the blond hero was doing right now wasn’t for anyone but himself. He was finally voicing something that he had kept buried and was now coming to terms with the inner turmoil.

It really didn’t matter that Shin was here, Bakugo would keep talking; each word coming from a deeper and more honest place. Though he didn’t agree with Bakugo’s behavior towards the omega, he knew that shaming the alpha wouldn’t help at all. It would actually close blond off and he wouldn’t process his trauma. He would probably become more volatile in response to letting these feeling surface and to only be shamed in response.

It was already stigmatized for alphas to go to therapy. It was only within the past few years that resources became more available. There was a massive push for agencies to provide for their employees after the war. A demand that heroes put their mental health first so they could properly serve and protect.

Bakugo was one of the prime examples of why therapy and mental health was so important in this field. Though Shin was licensed in therapy, he had always been able to see the inner turmoil that bubbled just under the surface of the enigma of the blond alpha. Every time he was around Bakugo during school, he wondered what darkness was being shoved down and was festering so badly to cause such explosive responses. Shinso had concluded early on that was why the alpha was always so angry and impatient, he never learned what his emotions meant and how to deal with them in a healthy manner. And that observation seemed to be true as he sat next to the very same alpha. 

Even if Shinso didn’t agree and actually hated the other hero’s actions, it caressed his ego to know that he was correct in his assumptions. He knew that the blond alpha wasn’t just angry to be angry, he was reacting to something that was trying to push its way forward. Now, the black haired alpha knew what it was. Bakugo was closed off and aggressive because of the guilt he felt. To think that he was training to become a hero just after the defenseless omega that he abused was kidnapped. He must have been so tired from doing all the mental gymnastic that his actions caused. 

“Days turned into weeks and nothing was discovered. It was like he disappeared in thin air, no trace except for that damn CCTV video of him walking away from the school grounds alone after school. His dam was a wreck, she was in the police office almost everyday asking if there were any updates or leads. The shitty police got tired of her questions and told her to stop coming in, that Izuku was probably kidnapped by an omegan sex trafficking group and there was nothing they could fucking do.” Bakugo’s tone turned to anger as he reflected back on the events of his childhood. Shin stayed quiet, listening closely as the alpha next to him stared at his hands.

“I already knew that he wouldn’t deemed as a god damn priority because he was quirkless, but I thought because he was an omega, a male omega at that, that they would take his case more seriously. How wrong I was, that was the hardest thing to come to grips with. It didn’t matter if he was an omega, he was last on that shit list because he was quirkless. He was casted aside and deemed worthless in this god damn fucking society.

“Inko is an omega as well, so that didn’t help Izuku’s case in the slightest. The police just dismissed anything that she brought forward that could help with the search. They would tell her she was too damn emotional to get this involved, the jack asses. She was advised to have her mate come in to talk to them. So fucking ridiculous. She moved to America to be with her mate 6 months after Izuku’s disappearance. I guess the stress was too fucking hard for her to handle alone. I remember listening to her cry late one night to my dam in our front room. She stated how she couldn’t stay in their house, this town or even this country any longer. All of it reminded her too much of her pup being gone. I guess she deemed herself a failure as his dam, she couldn’t to keep him safe. That was the last that I ever heard from her. I assume my dam keeps in contact with her still, but he doesn’t talk about her much. My sire was best friends with Inko, they grew up together, but even she doesn’t talk about the Midoriyas. Inko left like she said and never came back.”

Bakugo finally looked over at the purple haired alpha. His eyes were red from trying to keep the tears back the skin slightly puffy. His breaths still came out in shaky puffs as he squeezed his hands into fists.  “I’m not going to fail Izuku again.” The blond stated, red eyes not leaving purple.

The look on the other’s face was what grabbed Shin's attention in that moment. The alpha had his classic determined look on his face, but his eyes showed what those emotions that were simmered under the thinning surface. Pain, regret and sadness all showing in the glossy red eyes.  That made the purple haired alpha hesitate. That look of vulnerability in pools of red pushed Shinso to realize that the alpha in front of him wasn’t what he had thought at the beginning of this car ride. This alpha in front of him now wasn’t do this for recognition or pity, but rather for a deeper and more personal reason. This wasn’t something that he was even doing for others, but rather for himself.

His last statement was a testament to the witness that Shinso was, that he was going to take the responsibility of his actions and see it through to the end. That was what brought Shin to the conclusion he was facing now. There was nothing that the quiet alpha wanted more than to help the caged omega, so why not do that and support the alpha next to him. It didn’t matter that he didn’t agree with the actions of past Bakugo. What did matter was that he did agree with present Bakugo resolve and determination. For once Shinso could see their ideals and commitments aline.


Katsuki walked into his apartment, his feet heavy against the hardwood with exhaustion from the mission. He hadn’t had this powerful of an emotional response to something in a very long time. Yet, he wasn’t surprised by it one bit. He  had spent so long looking for the small omega, for his childhood friend. He had been so determined to find him and bring him home. It was one of the reasons he was so committed to becoming an undercover hero even before the transformation of the hero course. He never understood the glamor heros got, thus he didn’t wanted it.

He just wanted to be the best. At first that was being number 1, but Izuku disappeared he realized that he couldn’t do that and find Izuku. He would be too noticeable to slip through the cracks and weed out any leads. So when he got accepted into UA, he only looked back at those horrible memories to reaffirm his desire toward the unconventional decisions he made.

When the school announced in his third year that they were broadening the undercover unit and merging it with the hero course, he jumped at it immediately. Many of his classmates were surprised by his interest. Only the small group of his close friends knew a bit of the reason behind his actions and they supported him through it all.

Bakugo stripped out of the restrictive clothing at the door. Each article fell to the ground as he left a trail that lead deeper into his dark apartment. He didn’t care if they wrinkled, he never cared for the options of the Disguise Assisting Team. They were always annoyed with the blond hero, and he knew that they would be mad about this too when he eventually returned the clothing.

Without a second thought, he walked straight to the shower and turned the water to ice cold. He need to ground himself, his mind was everywhere and nowhere all at once. The manic wheel was spinning out of control and leaving no room for solace that he had found his childhood friend. All he could do was rest his head against the tile, flashes of green eyes and wavy hair vivid in his mind. He knew he needed to put his thoughts to rest, the prominent desire at the moment being to stop the spiral he was falling into.The frigid temperature of the water helped slightly, the rush of goosebumps over his body allowing the wheel to slow as he strived for the millionth time tonight to make his mind go blank.

He had spent the majority of the meeting with Aizawa in silence, the hum of his partner’s report doing nothing to distract him. He couldn’t stop thinking about the omega that was still back at that building.  Katsuki knew that it wasn’t his fault for Izuku’s disappearance. He was just a child, not knowing how to handle his emotions and the stress his body was undertaking as he presented as an alpha.

What was his fault however, was the bullying that he inflicted on the smaller male. Telling the poor omega repeatedly how weak and useless he was for being quirkless. Rubbing it in that his only value was his omegan genders, but that he still needed someone to be taken care of him. All of those poisonous words where for what, for his own comfort?

That night all those years ago, when his dam held Inko in his arms and tried to comfort her was the first time the alpha had ever cried over Izuku. Hundreds of tears spilling down his face as he listened to the two dams cry in his front room. At the time he didn’t know if it was in solidarity for the pain that the two felt as they mourned into the early hours of the morning, but Bakugo knew now that he too was mourning the loss of the omega. That night, no matter how confusing it was for the young alpha, wouldn’t be the last time that he cried for the green hair omega.

On the nights that weren’t as lonely he would try to avoid any reminders of the omega. Yet, even when he tried his hardest over the years there was still time that he found himself hurting and lonely. Each of those nights Katsuki would cry and silently beg to any god that might be out there. His mind would replay all the memories he had with Izuku, despite the pain it brought every single time. The passing of each of those nights were a reminder to him, a heavy indication that the likelihood of finding Izuku was becoming less and less.

Tonight was different though. Instead of all the good memories playing in his head, it was the ones he regretted the most that plagued his mind. Those words that were said years ago etched into him like a hot brand on his skin, the pain they caused like barked out minutes ago. Each word replaying in his head over and over, each one hitting him so hard and burning his skin. The words that Inko said in her pain before leaving.

“I can’t live like this, not knowing if he is at peace or in pain. I failed him, I should have done better!”

That overwhelming feeling of failure filled the alpha. The images of Izuku fighting for his life, being beaten and made to serve whatever villain owned that ring. How could that brown haired alpha, the one who was so possessive of the omega, allow these things to happen to Izuku?

Yes, Izuku won that damn fight. He was still alive, but he was forced to become feral. He was forced to lose all rational thought just to save himself from death. Izuku had to make that god awful decision just so he could take another breath. His omega had been coerced to make that choice, covered in that fucker’s blood with his fangs sinking into flesh because he didn’t want to die. The reality that Izuku had to do something so awful and disgusting was making his inner alpha growl.

Izuku shouldn’t have to live that way. He didn’t need to live this way, he could have a good life. One where he is safe and happy! Every thought that passed through the blond’s head was just fuel to the fire.  Bakugo could feel his blood beginning to boil despite the ice cold water that flowed over his body. He couldn’t allow Izuku to continue like this.

Bakugo turned off the shower, exiting the bathroom without a towel and not caring for the cold that pricked his skin. His wet feet pattered across the hard wood floor of his room, leaving wet footprints that trailed behind him as he walked to the large window that looked out over the city. He ignored the drips of water that ran down his naked form, ignored the urge to wipe them away as they tickled and itched. His mind was not present enough to give a fuck. Red eyes  stared out over the city, the horizon gradually turning from the deep blue to teal and a tinge of orange as clouds caressed the mountains. The sight almost pissed the alpha off as he watched them swayed in the sky so lazily after the storm that was here hours ago. All of this painted a picturesque view that entailed the beginning of a new day, leaving nothing to show the harsh cold and heavy rain that encased everything before. He hated it. 

In that moment the blond alpha knew of only one thing as he gritted his teeth together. He didn’t care about the logistics, the risk and danger that would come to him at the resolve that he just set. He had decided upon something that was completely different than anything he would have considered doing before. Everything from tonight, from the fight to his raging thoughts all came to one conclusion as he watched the city slowly awaken. Instead of running from the pain and reminders that have plagued him for years. He was going to embrace them and change everything at what ever cost. 

He had found Izuku despite the years that transpired, despite the police and government who never cared for the quirkless individuals that lived everyday in danger. Or the omegas that would be assaulted and killed because of sick people that took advantage of them. There laws didn’t stop shit, heroes only prevented what happened. They were only taught how to care for those after harm had already started. Never once training them or trying prevent the pain and anguish that was looming around the corner. Heroes were trained to help those that were easiest to save.

No anymore, Bakugo was no longer going to be a hero to the citizens that the Hero’s Commission deemed who was valuable enough to help. There were already so many others that could pick up what he was going to drop. He had blindly followed the current, doing what stoked his ego. Yet, now it made him sick. So many that were left alone and scared because they weren’t easy to save or valued enough for the effort to be made. No anymore though, Bakugo didn’t become a hero in the underground for the majority of citizens. No he became one to rescue and help the minority, those that fell to the bottom because of things that they couldn’t change.

It was time for him to step up and be the hero Izuku needed him to be all those years ago, the hero that he needed now. Bakugo realized with a painful stab to his heart he was nothing but a villain to Izuku. For so long he was just like everyone else that suppressed and hurt those that needed the most love and help. He had only seen Izuku for his second gender, for his lack of a quirk and not for who he was or what he needed.

So, this underground hero was going to change the current of his career in any way he could. He knew once he acted that there was no going back, but who else was going to make this kind of choice if not him. If he wasn’t going to do it before, he was going to do it now, and it all started with this mission. He was going to be the hero that Izuku should of had all those years ago. He was going to help him no matter what.

Not me crying while I edit This

Word count: 6017


Chapter 5


Chapter 3