Chapter 18

A flash of red and yellow

It all happened too fast. Nothing could have prepared Hitoshi for something like this- to witness the horrors of what would not only happen to Katsuki, but Izuku too. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to move, to do something to stop what was happening. But he was too late, he was frozen as he watched in shock.

Within a blink of an eye, those beautiful green eyes focused on the blond that was between them. The previous moments of slight clarity that Izuku had shown toward Hitoshi were suddenly gone, and had disappeared altogether as his eyes dilated back to thin slits. His red stained mouth pulled back to show those extended fangs as the small man lunged for the blonde hero with a loud hiss. 

There was a spray of blood and a shocked gasp before a loud thud and a groan. Izuku had used all his body weight to push Katsuki away from Hitoshi, the sudden surprise throwing the blonde off balance just as much as the force. Within the moments it took the mind-quirked hero to turn his head, Izuku’s already ripped up fingers were clawing into the blonde’s face with sloppy strikes. 

Hitoshi- in his stupor- grabbed Izuku around the waist and heaved the omega with all the strength he could muster with only one arm, and wrestled the man away from Katsuki. With the luck of whatever god watched over the alpha, he was able to keep the omega close to him. Though he too had to pull his face back and away as Izuku tried to reach behind himself in attempts to attack Hitoshi as well. 

Dark eyes watched his partner with fear. His alpha begged -for whatever reason- that  because it had been an attack to the head, that the amount of blood that was running down the blonde’s neck was a normal amount. 

Katsuki groaned as he laid on the ground, hand covering the right side of his face as he steadied himself and slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. “Fuck!” The blond hissed. He pulled his hand away, blinking rapidly to try and clear away the blood that had streamed into his eye. “Shit-“ 

That ginger scent soured as the alpha carefully wiped at his face again, blood smearing even more before the thick streams ran down to replace it. The bleeding was bad, the finger wide gashes had gone over the eye and continued down the alpha’s cheek. The gashes were far deeper than what the voice-quirked hero would be comfortable with, especially as Katsuki continued to blink . The alpha’s eyelid was split, part of the skin sagging over his eye no matter how much he tried to keep his eyelid wide open. 

“Kat- Dynamite?” Hitoshi called from his spot a few feet away. He tried to keep his voice calm but doubted the success with a wiggling omega in his arm. 

There was a beat of silence, hesitation as Katsuki looked at the Mind-quirk user. He couldn’t keep his right eye open, the wound too much for him to ignore as he finally allowed it to relax closed. Despite that, the blonde focused on the writhing man between them. “We need to get help-“

Katsuki’s words were interrupted when a heavy weight hit Hitoshi from behind. The sudden force knocked him off balance and forced him down to the floor and onto the omega in his grasp. Heavy footsteps stumbled past them, the black boots clearly owned by Overhaul as the man tried to flee. 

“No you don’t!” Katsuki yelled, an explosion going off as he blocked the way to the only exit. 

In the back of Hitoshi’s mind, he was able to process how Katsuki stumbled to his feet, right hand aimed at the villain as he threw himself in front of the door. Blood was still trailing down the blonde alpha’s face, his right eye useless as he attempted to keep Overhaul in his field of vision. 

Hitoshi swore in his head as Izuku scrambled beneath him in an attempt to escape from the body that trapped him against the floor. A pained whimper escaped the omega at the discomforts that Hitoshi had caused when landing on him. His alpha quickly lifted his weight away to help the poor man, worry swarming his mind once again as he looked toward Izuku.

Though, despite what his alpha desired, this was the last thing that Hitoshi wanted to happen. He needed to keep Izuku restrained until they were able to calm him down.

The omega pushed and slapped at the alpha, using his feet to kick wherever he could to keep Hitoshi from getting another firm grip around him. Izuku was quick and strong with his movements, his smaller form harder to grab without a shirt to grasp. Any last ditch attempt to grapple the man failed. Despite the wrestling, Izuku was able to get onto all fours, his attention on the two alpha’s that were fighting by the door. 

Overhaul had so far been able to dodge every attack that was thrown at him as he used Katsuki’s blind spots and injury to his advantage. It was obvious that the blond was struggling, his lack of depth perception causing him to make critical errors in his attacks and defensive attempts. His quirk was far more reckless now, the blasts more comparable to how they used to be years ago at UA. And with each explosion they were becoming less precise and more irregular. 

Without depth persecution it was hard for Katsuki to get a handle on the swift movements of the brunette. His body habitually shied in toward the right side of his face, hiding it  from combat in an attempt to protect himself. This allowed Overhaul to easily be able to fake him out before kicking him in any unblocked areas. 

The villain wasn’t holding back any of his hits either despite his crippled leg. The brunette was using pure instinct and adrenaline to guide his judgments. His mouth was still clamped shut under the power of Hitoshi’s quirk, keeping a firm grip over him.

Izuku was on his feet, taking unsteady steps toward the two as he growled and continued to snap his jaw. His eyes watched  in anticipation, waiting for the perfect moment to jump in. Hitoshi's eyes widened as he took in the expanse of the omega’s small back, it was completely red- whether it was from scratches, previous scars or blood- it all mixed together to portray a canvas of carnage.

Hitoshi sprang to his feet, stumbling over himself in his recklessness as he desperately moved to get Izuku away from the two alphas. He couldn’t let the omega get in the middle of an alpha fight. Not just because of the omega’s safety, but for Katsuki’s too. The last thing his partner needed was to get distracted. 

The two heroes were already injured far worse than either had expected from this night. They needed all of their strength if they were going to be able to regain any kind of control over the other two. They had no way to communicate with the other heroes. Not with Katsuki destroying his com and Hitoshi turning his off in irritation not long after. They were on their own until someone found them. 

“Izuku!” Hitoshi begged, his arm once again wrapping around the omega and dragging him back. “Please, calm down.” He cried, tears threatening to build as their predicament started to settle in. 

He needed to do something, had to help his partner before Katsuki ran out of steam; which already looked like he was on the presiapis of. The alpha’s face was pale, his movements sluggish and explosions getting smaller. He was at his limit, his wounds and quirk taking too much energy from him to continue for much longer.

Yet, Hitoshi had his hands tied with how wild Izuku was. If he let go, the fighter would dive right in between the combatting alphas with no care for himself. He had to get Izuku out of the way if he wanted to help Katsuki. 

Hitoshi wouldn’t knock the omega out, not with the studies that had been drilled into his head during training. The reminder of so many omegas who had been beaten into unconsciousness because of their feral state had resulted in each one of them having severe mental health regressions and life long issues when in the presence of an alpha. 

The reality was that a feral omega was just trying to keep themselves safe, even if that inevitably led them to try and eliminate the harm at the source. There had been and still weren’t any concrete studies to prove if an omega could force themselves into going feral because they wanted to murder someone out of the blue. 

Each case had been a show of protection toward oneself or pack. The injuries- or in some cases deaths- that were always thrown into question in regards to  a feral omega were all a result of someone trying to force an omega into submission by physically harming them until they were sedated. Whether that be from an Alpha command or physical trauma to the head, both resulted in the omega going practically rabid before resurfacing with severe mental decline. 

If the heroes had any chance of getting out of this situation with the best probability toward Izuku’s health, they would need to chemically sedate Izuku. It was the best alternative since trying to calm Izuku down slowly hadn’t worked. 

Honestly, a quick spray into the mouth with a light sedative was the easiest route. The sedative had the individuals drifting off ‘naturally’ to sleep- or as naturally as one could get in a feral state. The chemicals in the spray mimicked melatonin to the point that the body's defense mechanisms wouldn’t recognize the new addition of chemicals invading the system. The cocktail spray was able to block the Histamine released from the Hypothalamus and effectively cause the brain to release Serotonin at the same time. Thus enacting a natural response for the body to fall into a deep sleep. It was a huge game changer for situations like this.

Yet, for any of that to happen, Hitoshi needed to help Katsuki take out Overhaul. And for him to do that he needed to restrain Izuku just long enough to help. But for that to happen he needed… his scarf. 

With a gasp of clarity, purple eyes searched the floor for his scarf. He hoped that it hadn’t all been destroyed by Overhaul's touch, or at least hoped that enough of it lasted for him to use. 

His search didn’t last long as his eyes fell on the fabric that was laying just feet away from the two alphas that fought by the door. He would have to be careful, but the reward at this point was far greater than the risk. He needed that scarf. 

With slow movements on his part, mostly to keep Izuku in some kind of restrained position, he maneuvered them toward the two alphas. It wasn’t too difficult since that was where the omega wanted to go anyway, his struggling lessening with each step. 

The explosions of Katsuki’s quirk were getting hotter with the amount of sweat he was creating. The proximity emphasized how the heat practically radiated off of the blonde as he twisted and used his arms to block any kick before retorting with an explosion. 

The scarf was right there, no more than two feet away from him. Hitoshi was so close, he just had to lean down and grab it; his alpha was on full alert as he kept the binding cloth in his peripheral. Yet, no matter how much he was able to prepare himself; his abilities in that moment were pulled too taunt. His mind was already concentrating most of its awareness on the hold his quirk had with Overhaul. His body over-stimulated between the heat, his wounds and the smaller man in his arms. His alpha struggled with the little bit of control he had to keep the omega safe this close to an Alpha fight. 

It was really of no surprise that he didn’t see the shift in Overhaul’s stance, or the round house kick that was targeted to the back of his head. Really, how was he to expect that the villain was willing to risk an explosion to his back just to take a shot at Hitoshi. The brunette- despite his injury- used that same leg to connect a full powered kick to the back of Hitoshi’s head the moment those purple eyes looked away to grab the scarf. 

His eyes had shifted, his vision now narrowed on the ground. His wounded arm reached down as he lowered both himself and Izuku to a near crouching position as he grasped his scarf. Then, an overwhelming amount of nothing but also everything crashed into him. 

It was his hearing that faded first, then his sight filled with black blotches as the concrete floor sped toward his face. Last to go was the feeling in his body, as everything was suddenly consumed in darkness.


Katsuki screamed out an intense growl as his partner hit the floor with a loud thump. The sudden attack was too quick for him to predict and thus had no time to stop it. All he could do was lunge toward Overhaul, his anger ripping through his veins at the sight before him. 

The impact was quick and hard, the blonde taking no care about his personal well-being as he wrestled the villain to the ground. His alpha was rearing forward, heat filling his fangs as his control slipped more and more as he stared down at the man below him. Blood dripped off his face as he showed the full state of his fangs, showing the glissinging venom that reflected the ceiling lights. The glistening silver contrasted with the red that was falling in little splatters into brown hair and onto rough skin.

Overhaul groaned, his face twisting in disgust as he watched a few of those drops fall onto him. Yet, the sound that he was able to vibrate from his throat caused a large, manic grin to spread across his face. Katsuki didn’t care, his beast pushed for more control with desire to rip this man apart. 

“HAHAHA!” Overhaul bellowed out, full glee sprouting across his face. His gold eyes shifted toward the side, no longer concerned with the man that had him pinned down. “ OMEGA! ” 

The sudden command reverberated cold panic through the hero’s heart. His realization of what was happening was too late. Katsuki watched with one widening eye as the man below him yelled the rest of his alpha command.


A low, predatory growl resounded too close for comfort. Katsuki cautiously moved his attention toward the small man that was on all fours. It looked like he had just shoved Hitoshi off of him, still in the middle of trying to regain some sense of stability when that command snapped into control. 

Those green eyes weren’t looking at him though, they were trained on the unconscious hero that was splayed out on his side. Katsuki didn’t know if the blood that Hitoshi was laying in was from his arm or the trails that dripped over the metal mask that covered his mouth. The metal no doubt had embedded itself into the skin from taking the full brunt of his fall. 

“I-Izuku!” Katsuki stuttered out. His face drained further of color, into a pasty sheen as he watched the omega ready himself for a deadly strike. All hopes of taking down Overhaul were now forgotten as the blonde stumbled to his feet and threw himself between the raised hand and Hitoshi’s limp body. 

He didn’t feel the pain at first- too aware that Overhaul was already rolling onto his feet and was making his way toward the door- as another deep gash opened up on his neck. 

“Shit!” He cursed as he no longer knew what to do. There was too much going on for him to process fully. He had to stop Overhaul, but he couldn’t allow Izuku to attack his partner. He was stuck with a catch 22, both outcomes not good in the slightest. 

The omega stepped back slightly, shocked at the sudden interference, but still not released from the command. It was only a half-breath of time before the green haired man launched forward again, his omega recognizing that the blonde in front of him was also a hero. 

“Izuku!” Katsuki yelled as his large hands stopped the next incoming strike. His hands clamped down around both of the omega’s wrists, using all the strength he had left to keep them away from his face and neck.

It was insane how much power the small omega had as he was able to compromise Katsuki so quickly. Katsuki tried his hardest to twist his body away from landing on top of Hitoshi, not wanting to add any more damage to the unconscious hero. However, that decision landed him with Izuku in full control over him despite the grip he had on the smaller’ s  arms. 

Everything slowed as he watched those small fangs bare down at him, jaw unlatching as Izuku prepared to go in and lock his jaw down around any critical area he could find. Katsuki’s mind raced with panic, but nothing was coming to him. All his training was suddenly gone as he stared up at the omega he had sworn to protect. What was he to do, he couldn’t hurt Izuku. Not again, not ever. 

Katsuki was about to resign himself to his fate. About to concede all control over to Izuku and hope that the omega wouldn’t find a devastating blow in the mix of his frenzie. It was inevitable, really, all the harm and bullying that he had done would only lead him to this conclusion. Who else should have the right to cause this much harm to him if not the man that he had practically done the same things to?

Yet, despite his spiraling predicament; movement from the corner of his good eye caught his attention. White and red flashed through the wall and floor with precision and speed; electric sparks imitating lightning glowed around the alpha as his cape fluttered behind him. 

The image of the Number One Hero was a cause for relief, but only for a brief second before Katsuki was able to predict what was about to happen. That hero, the Symbol of Promise, didn’t have anything with him but a closed fist and a determined look in his eyes. 

“NO-“ Katsuki tried to scream out.  Anything to stop the golden alpha, but even as Katsuki tried to use what little strength he could muster to throw Izuku out of the way, it was too late. 

He watched with devastation as Izuku took the full strength of that quirk-powered fist to his cheek. The sudden blow was way too overpowered for a quirkless omega. The power threw Izuku off of Katsuki and across the room where he landed in a heap. A red eye watched in absolute horror as the little omega rolled to stop, body not moving as his crumbled form faced the wall. 

It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, but that was far too long for Katsuki to get to the omega. His alpha whined in anguish as he gently examined his childhood friend. He was too scared to move the man, knowing fully well how much damage a compromised spine would cause. His two fingers immediately pressed on Izuku’s jugular as he held his breath, waiting but ultimately sighing in relief when he felt 3 steady heart beats. 

“Head. Medical to basement. 3 individuals. Location now pinged. Over-” LeMillion said in a low voice. Though it was soft, presumably to not rile up the blonde, it was more than enough to have Katsuki rounding on his fellow hero. 

“WHAT THE FUCK!” He screamed. He wanted to stomp over to the hero and deck him straight through that stupid frown that he was wearing, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Izuku’s side. Not when he was like this, not when he was already betrayed and beaten.


“HOW DARE YOU! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!” Katsuki screamed, anger boiling through his veins as he snarled out each pant of a breath.

The golden blonde shook his head. “I had to ensure the safety of my team.” LeMillion said, his eyes not meeting Katsuki’s. “What I did-“

“IS disgusting. You attacked an omega that was feral and under an alpha command.” Katsuki was seeing red. Whether it was from his fury or the blood that was filling his vision he didn’t know. 

“I KNOW THAT!” LeMillion snapped back, his demeanor changing as he finally looked up to meet his colleague’s rage head on. He stared at the blonde before his shoulders slumped slightly. “I know.” He whispered while keeping eye contact. “I went against all prodigal, and I will face those repercussions… Just like you and your partner will also do. No one in this room is out of blame!”

“You Dick!” Katsuki seethed. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. “Don’t you dare compare the disregard toward an order as being the same as assaulting an omega. What you did was far worse and you know it!” 

LeMillion didn’t reply to the hero, just stared back with a hardened stare as the echo of multiple footsteps approached the examination room. Katsuki didn’t back down. He refused to allow the man he looked up to any chance of redemption in that moment. 

Even as multiple people swept through the room and muttered different things to one another, he didn’t acknowledge them. Even as they began to examine the two unconscious bodies of the two people he cared most about, Katsuki held his stare. He ignored the man that was trying to press a compression gauze to his face, and ignored the woman that was trying to get him to look into a flashlight. 

It wasn’t until he felt a shift with Izuku’s body that he finally broke his gaze. His alpha reared forward in an attempt to protect his childhood friend. With a growl, he opened his mouth with an expectation to yell at whoever was touching the omega, but was shocked when an acidic liquid was sprayed onto his tongue. 

With an angry hiss he tried to reach out to Izuku and stop the beta that was securing a neck brace to the man, but his body suddenly became heavy and the corners of his vision turned fuzzy. He couldn’t do anything as his childhood friend was moved onto a cloth stretcher. Katsuki’s body refused to listen to his own commands as it caved under itself and allowed his vision to go black. 

“…we can’t have… 

…there is a possibility… 

…sir, I understand… 

…please, take into consideration that the omega in question…” 

Katsuki winced at the onslaught of noise that surrounded him. The low voices were indication enough that he was in a hospital, the repetitive nature of his job had him landing him in a hard bed more than he would like. That little detail was rarely shared as being one of the many unglamorous parts of being a hero to the general public. 

Though, this time his head was surprisingly light and clear compared to the usual pain he would wake up in at a hospital. It was almost pleasant, like a soft breeze in the summer with warm air that would wrap around and flutter in the trees. It was pleasant and comforting, crispy and clean. 

“I know you are just doing your job-“ 

That was Hitoshi’s voice. 

“but this is unnecessary. We have had a connection with Deku for weeks now. We aren’t strangers.” The alpha whisper yelled, no doubt trying to be considerate of his ‘sleeping’ partner.

He was obviously not happy. His smooth voice had now turned gravelly with a raw rasp to it, but still carried the poised delicacy he was known for as he enunciated each word clearly. 

“You aren’t his next of kin or pack, sir. We cannot allow you clearance with how delicate this situation is.” A woman replied with a heavy sigh in her voice.. She seemed tired of this conversation, probably having worked hours on end already and wasn’t in the mood for arguing about semantics.

“Have you even contacted his kin?” Hitoshi asked, his tone turning a bit darker. “He has been in that fight ring for years and had been missing for years on top of that. He needs someone to be there when he wakes up.” 

Katsuki paused as he listened, worry growing in his gut as he processed the meaning behind the alpha’s words. Hitoshi did have a point. His next of kin was Inko; who was undoubtedly not even close in proximity for her to get here as quickly as Izuku needed. 

Who was incharge of Izuku’s health plans if not his mother? Katsuki didn’t think they belonged to any pack, and they didn’t talk about any extended family. Inko’s parents were already gone by the time Izuku was born, and Izuku’s father had been MIA for years before the omega’s disappearance. 

“We are working on that.” The woman conceded, though her tone was still sharp. “I am sure your agency will be able to give you more information that I can. As of right now, you have no legal footing to be inquiring about another patient. I can say that he is being taken care of and we are working within the  legal methods to get a next of kin into contact. If you will excuse me.” 

The tap of heels receded from the room before the sound of a door closed and concealed the doctor's presence. A groaned sigh drifted through the room and melted together with the soft beeping of Katsuki’s heart monitor. 

“What a bitch.” Katsuki huffed out, his voice cracking from how dry it was. He knew the doctor was right. No doubt the hospital was being restrained by laws and protocols that controlled every inch of their lives. Katsuki wouldn’t be surprised if the  Commission also had additional expectations upon these poor workers. 

Yet, that didn’t mean he couldn’t dawg on her in hopes to comfort Hitoshi.

A snort was the answer Katsuki had hoped for as he tilted his head toward the alpha beside him. With a small smirk he squinted an eye open, the weight on his right side not allowing anything more than that.

“You are too crude.” Hitoshi hissed out, though he had a hint of a smile gracing his lips. “Heroes shouldn’t have dirty mouths.” 

Katsuki’s smirk grew into a full smile as he began to come up with multiple retorts, but settled on one a bit more tame. “It can be so much dirtier if you want.” 

The replied groan was enough to have the blonde alpha chuffing a laugh. 

“God, why are you of all people my partner?” Hitoshi asked. His head fell back against his chair as he stared up at the ceiling like it had all the answers. 

Even after the nasty fight that led to both of them losing; Hitoshi still looked handsome with his hair pulled back into a very low ponytail. Chunky, red headphones hung from his neck; a hint of music drifting from the speakers. He had a short sleeved shirt on, his right arm wrapped in a soft brace and slung across his chest to secure it in place. His black sweats hung with a baggy sway as the alpha slouched in his seat with his legs spread open wide. 

He honestly looked better than what Katsuki would have expected with how much blood he had lost. His nose and cheeks had a shined layer of liquid stitching to hold the healing wounds together. Two white strips corseted the length of his nose to help the cartilage reform together properly. 

Katsuki blinked back as he realized how long he had been staring, though made sure to answer the alpha quickly. “Because you think I’m irresistible.” The blonde finally hummed with slight amusement as Hitoshi rolled his eyes.

With a shaky breath, Katsuki tried to adjust himself up into a better position. His back was starting to ache from how long he had laid in one position, but the weight on his neck held him back.

Hitoshi quickly looked toward him, a frown on his face as he realized what the blonde was trying to do. “You are doped up on killers.” Hitoshi explained as he reached for the remote that controlled the bed. With a hissed squeal the bed wheezed into a higher sitting level. “They have your neck in compression bandages because they had to focus on the surgery for your eye.” 

Katsuki looked over to him with a quizzical look before the dark haired alpha caught on and quickly answered his silent question. “Oh, you had a pretty big surgery to fix the damage done to the nerves around your eye lid and the cornea.”

“Great.” Katsuki huffed. He was already thankful for the drugs to help him manage that bucket of information. A surgery on his eye? How was he supposed to process that? Ugg, god it was making his stomach twist as he thought about it. 

The two sat in silence for a moment as Katsuki wiggled around to settle into the new relaxed sitting position. “Fuck, did they wrap me like a mummy?” He growled when he realized all the random parts of his arms and chest that were also wrapped in bandages. 

“Hmm. What I understand from what my doctor said.” Hitoshi sighed as he slouched back into his chair. “Because Izuku had attacked us while covered in who knows how many people's blood, they had to run tests before they could heal us completely. In the mean time they have put us on heavy medication to insure we don’t get fucked up from it.”

“Like fucking AIDS?”

Hitoshi gave him an unimpressed look. “Did you not pay attention in biology class?” The alpha asked in a condescending tone. “There is more than just AIDS to worry about, you knott-headed dufus.” 

The blonde huffed an irritated breath as he resigned himself to staring at the white blanket that covered his lap. Of course he had paid attention in biology and he knew there were blood diseases and such to be worried about. It was just all of this was too overwhelming for him to compute with his limited cognitive functions at the moment. 

“Well, hopefully you will be discharged tomorrow.” Hitoshi continued with minimal care for the alpha’s inward irritation. 

The blonde tried to nod his head as best as he could in reply despite the restrictions around his neck. “What has happened to Izuku?” He asked, his voice low as he looked up to his partner. “He’s here right?”

It took the other a moment to answer, the atmosphere around him turning thick as his scent filled with an irritated heat. Hitoshi finally leveled him with a serious look. “Yes, but he is in the psych ward upstairs. He was originally in Intensive Care, but when he woke up yesterday apparently he gave the nurses enough of a reason to push him up to psych.”

“My god!” Katsuki groaned. “Do you know what happened?”

Hitoshi shook his head. “That was what I was talking about with your doctor. We aren’t next of kin or have his Power of Attorney to know what is happening. So he is in the State's care until they can find his family.”

Katsuki frowned at that. “I doubt Inko will get here soon. She moved years ago and she is probably still out of the country.” 

Katsuki closed his eye in worry. He could fill his alpha- all loopy from the painkillers- whining for the omega. He and Izuku hadn’t parted in the best of situations, and his alpha desired nothing more than some kind of resolution to help all of the emotions he had experienced during the raid. 


Hours drifted by in mostly silence between the two alphas. Katsuki was basically high as a kite as the two watched some soap opera on the small tv that hung in the corner of the room. He wasn’t loopy at all, but he could feel the medication taking a significant edge off. 

As the two slouched in their respected position, the atmosphere around them was comfortable. It was relieving that neither of them felt over inclined to force small talk, both more than happy enough to just be in the other’s presence. 

As the sun began to cross over into the afternoon, Katsuki’s doctor made another appearance with a small beta nurse at her side. The two made quick greetings before going through the formalities of checking Katsuki’s IV and drip lines. The two would occasionally tap something down on a tablet before moving on to prepare for the next part of their check up. 

The beta nurse wheeled over a small metal table, the top filled with gauze and other medical supplies. It seemed that they were going to remove the bandages on the alpha’s face and neck for an examination.

“Now, I know that you are on a good drip right now-“ His doctor began. Her gloved fingers moved around his face to begin to remove the top layer of protection. “But let me know if you feel any stinging or sharp pain. We will move as slowly as needed since the area around your eye is sensitive.”

 Katsuki mumbled his understanding while he mentally prepared himself. It was a bit stressful, the idea of his eye being in bad condition overwhelming the alpha. His mind raced with every probability as the two physicians began their work. They mumbled to one another in soft whispers, both very attentive to be careful as they moved around the wounds. 

Just as they were about to remove the hard covering that protected Katsuki’s eye, sharp ginger billowed throughout the room. The fear and stress that the blonde was trying to keep contained now filling up the small space.

The two stopped their progress, looking to the alpha in concern as the doctor tried to deduce what was wrong. “Mr. Bakugo, is everything alright? Does anything hurt.”

“No.” Katsuki gritted out. He cursed himself for letting his body get out of control. There was nothing to fear about what was happening. He has had a number of doctors undress his wounds to take a look at the progress. This was nothing foreign to him. Except… it was. His face usually got very few injuries. So to have more than one major injury covering almost all of the right side of his face was causing deep concern to bubble up. 

“Are you sure? We will need you to stay relaxed so as to not irritate your eye any further.” The doctor explained, her brow furrowed as he looked over the alpha.

Katsuki was about to yell, his nerves a live wire under the attention of so many people. He just wanted them to forget that he was here and continue what they were doing. 

A warm hand grasped at Katsuki’s left hand, giving it a steady squeeze. Katsuki’s eye flickered toward it in confusion, but a feeling he didn’t know the name of washed over him. Hitoshi was giving him an encouraging smile, his uninjured hand wrapped around his own. 

“It’s okay, Katsuki.” He whispered. 

The blonde stared at the alpha a moment longer. Now more than confused as he surprisingly didn’t feel any irritation at the way Hitoshi had talked to him. He wasn’t someone that needed coddling or soothing. Yet, he slowly felt his nerves relax as he gripped onto the hand that was offered to him.

“Continue.” Was all the blonde alpha said before closing his eye and holding himself as still as possible.

The physicians didn’t question it and continued. They turned off the overhead exam light, mumbling something about his eye being sensitive to light and not wanting to cause his cornea too much stress. As they removed the hardened protection, the two remained silent as they worked. 

Katsuki could see some light through his eyelid, but nothing more than flashes against shadow. He flinched when he felt a gloved finger press gently around his brow bone before moving to press lightly down his cheekbone and toward his neck. 

“It looks good.” She finally addressed them out loud. “Though there is still a lot of swelling around your eye. That isn’t abnormal with the amount of trauma to that area. I don’t see any signs of infection either, so we will keep you on that antibiotic and probiotic liquid until your blood tests come back.” 

Katsuki breathed a sigh of relief, the stress that wrapped around his chest now ebbing away with each breath. The two alpha’s remained silent as the wounds were redressed, both listening to the hum of the tv playing and soft mumbles between the two physicians. 

When the sound of gloves being removed indicated that the job was done, Katuski finally opened his eye. He watched as the nurse cleaned up the tray of dirtied bandages and tools. Most of them had a brown staining on them though none of them had the weird puss color that would show proof of infection.

“Now,” His doctor finally looked toward him after typing some things down on a tablet. “I see no reason to hold you back from discharge with how well things are healing, but I will need you back in three days for another check on your eye.” She said before her gaze flickered across the screen. 

“How soon can I get out of here?” Katsuki asked. He was more than happy to agree with his doctor’s judgment on this. He just wanted to go home. 

“I want to keep you overnight just to get you off the drip we have you on and transition you to oral medication. Other than that, I would say as early as tomorrow morning if there are no further issues that arise.” She said, her eyes finally moving up to address the blonde fully. “We will go over discharge instructions and care methods then. Other than that do you have any other questions?”

Katsuki shook his head, happy with the time frame set for him and more than willing to behave if it meant keeping his doctor on his good side. The doctor dismissed herself a few moments after, leaving the two alone once again. 

This time, the silence between them felt different. There was something in the air that indicated that the alpha that sat beside the bed was brooding over something.

“Spit it out.” Katsuki finally grunted. He glanced down to their clasped hands, part of him wondering when Hitoshi was going to let go.

“I’m just worried.” Hitoshi finally said. “Those gashes all had stitches, a lot of them. I just wonder how badly they will scar without a quirk to help.” 

The blonde furrowed his brow, his mind now set on what the other had said. Before today he hadn’t gone through an injury without some level of help to speed up the healing. Even with medical-healing quirks that helped facilitate in recovery, Katsuki had many scars. A quirk couldn’t stop scar tissue from forming, but it did decrease the amount there would be. 

“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. It was just a bit of a shock to see how little you have healed. But that is expected without a healing quirk.” Hitoshi continued when he noticed how silent the blonde was. 

Katsuki only spent another moment on the topic before shoving it away for later. He couldn’t control his healing for now, not without knowing the results of the blood test. After that he would worry about how bad the scaring would be. 


Word count: 6700

What are your thoughts? Everything is a bit of a crazy mess now. Izuku’s journey is never easy, and this will be similar… but I won’t draw it out. My heart can’t take too much more, we need to start rebuilding these bonds.


Chapter 19


Chapter 17