Chapter 17

A Trail of Blood

A static sound resonated inside of Hitoshi’s earpiece just before an angry, gravelly voice began to talk. "Head 2. Deku’s location needed. He’s not in the ring. Over-"

Hitoshi paused his team momentarily at the voice that came from his ear-com and what Katsuki had just said. 

He motioned for his second-man to take the lead and control over the group and stepped back, falling into flank behind the younger beta. The blue haired man quickly takes control of lead, muttering to the team in his own com as Hitoshi focuses on the conversation. 

"Explain how he got out. Over-" Lamillion's voice inquired back, the hero's voice short and straight forward..

"Fuck if I know. The gate is busted and he isn't here. Over-" Dynamite retorted, irritation clear in his voice as he pants heavily. No doubt he had been fighting before now- taking down any and all of the guards that were in the auditorium while hopefully cuffing as many of the VIPs as possible. 

The alpha wasn’t one to jump in for additional help so soon after the start of a mission, his communication now must indicate that he had already gotten most of his job done. Hitoshi couldn’t help but smile to himself at that thought. It was very much like Bakugo to not wait for his own team to take action since the raid had only started 15 minutes ago. He was a one man band in these types of situations, demanding people to catch up or stay behind- including his own designated team.

"Copy. Leads, report 10-20 and omega status? Over-." Lemillions voice ordered through the coms. Hitoshi tapped the helmet of the beta to get his attention, the man turning to him with an arched brow. 

“Any sight of the omega?” He asked. The beta focused back on his coms, asking their branch off teams for an update.

Their priority for this raid wasn’t to find Izuku or the pup, but rather just to clear each floor from the attic to the main floor and flush any villains to the teams that would apprehend them. They weren't meant to be part of the main attack either, just used to keep any runners from going anywhere but the exits that had been designated. 

"Copy. Head 2, entrance corridor, Negative on Omega. Over-" Katsuki huffed quickly.

"Copy. Head 3, Side street, negative omega. Over-"

The beta in front of Hitoshi finally turned back, shaking his head. “Two alphas have been apprehended in the north side of the building, fourth floor.” 

Hitoshi nods, his second returning to guide them through the halls that branched off of each other. The two behind the alpha kept themselves close as they covered from behind in case of a behind attack; their progress was a steady pace so the two could walk backwards through the dark corridors. They had already cleared the attic space, their objective now leading them down to the 4th floor. His team had always worked best when split off into 4 man groups, working in tandem to cover and scout every room.

 “Copy. Head 6, fourth floor, negative omega. Over-" Hitoshi updates as they come to a closed door. The group quickly knelt at the entryway. The beta waited until his leader was done with their team’s update, the other two crouching low as they prepared themselves. 

"Copy. Head 7…"

With a sigh, the alpha tapped his helmet and motioned for them to continue. The beta moved quickly, opening the door and walking in with one of his hands raised. His quirk flickered to life with a purple glow; plasma balls spreading throughout the room in fast wisps of light. Hitoshi stayed posted by the door, crouched low as he kept an eye out for any unexpected individuals while keeping an ear out for his partner. The other two were crouched behind him, one on either side of the wall to provide more coverage. It only took a few seconds before the beta retreated back into the hall, keeping the door open before they continued. 

“Copy.” LeMillion replies after all 9 groups check in, none having any indication to where the Omega had disappeared to. “Heads, location of child yet to be disclosed. Keep your eyes open. Do not engage if she’s accompanied by non-raid members. Over and out-“

Hitoshi takes a deep breath, his heart sinking. This raid was becoming more of a headache with every new update. Their original plan of being in and out quickly now entailed more than what had originally been planned. Not only had the pup not been found yet, but Izuku was now MIA. From what the alpha had collected from the short conversation that Katsuki had with LeMillion; Izuku must have had help getting out. There was no way that an unarmed, quirkless omega could have busted a hole through metal. 

That mystery by itself was a growing liability for the raid teams. There was a rogue individual wandering among them that they didn’t know their motive. They could possibly be friendly, but that was completely contingent on if they helped Izuku get free rather than taking him to relocate in escape.

Hitoshi took another deep breath, his nerves on end as he tried to calm his racing heart. He could feel his alpha growing impatient with his team's slow progress. His instincts urged him to run through the entire building to look for the omega, but that wasn’t plausible or safe for him or Izuku. He had to be patient and rely on his team and the raid to round the omega and pup to safety.

Izuku paused at a corner, his breathing coming out in rushed huffs as he glanced around the corner. His legs screamed in exhaustion and his lungs burned, though he hadn't been running for very long. Each hall intersection or open doorway had him pausing to make sure he didn’t run into any of the raid members. 

Though it seemed they hadn’t made it this far into the building yet. No doubt they were still making their way further through the maze of corridors to block off all of the many possible exits there were. Izuku had seen a group by one of the side entrances, but they were entering one of the many rooms at the end of that hallway.

The hallway that Izuku was checking now was thankfully empty, the only sounds were the ones of shouting from where he had come from. 

He couldn’t risk either the raid teams or the guards to find him before he got to Eri. They would just take him away without any care for his need to find the pup. They would just use their stupid alpha logic to force him out of the building and into a cop car. 

With one last scan, Izuku rounded the corner. His feet slapping against the floor as he bolted toward the basement stairs that were located on the other side of one of the many doors in the corridor. He made it quick, the sound of heavy boots getting closer at the other end of the hall. 

His Omega whined with every step he took, as his breathing became more ragged. Why was it taking him so much energy to get to the door he needed? He quietly opened the door and slipped through, closing it as softly as he could so as to not draw attention. 

Once the door was closed the light around him dimmed with it. The stairway was dark and cold, giving his tacky skin a chance to cool down from his overheated body. With bated breath and a short prayer to whatever god held his fate, he started his way down the stairs. They were narrow, this access point not the main staircase but rather the quickest to where he knew Chisaki would be. 

Izuku hated this passage. The feel of the old wood sent a shiver down his spine as the splintered hairs pricked his bare feet, the lack of railing always giving him anxiety with the possibility of losing his balance. Even more now as he rushed down the uneven steps that brought up more memories of  the time he tried to escape up through here. 

It had been a few weeks after he was bought, the first time that his Master had left him ‘unattended’. He couldn’t keep himself on his feet as he was still healing from his time with the sex trade. He stumbled and fell, having to resort to crawling as he tried to make his way up them. It had been useless though, his body too tired and injured to make it even halfway before Hari had found him.

A loud, anguished cry echoed down the corridor; reverberating off the stone walls in desperation. The sound tore at Izuku’s heart as he began to run faster, skipping the last few steps in his hurry. That cry of pain was one Izuku wished he didn't know as well as he did, or the person it belonged to. He ran, pushing himself to go faster; allowing his omegan nature to guide him as he raced through the maze that encompassed this basement.

It had taken Izuku a long time to learn the layout of it with its many rooms and multiple hallways. Many of the spaces behind the multitude of doors were being used as storage for the chemicals and instruments that Chisaki used during the experiments he was so obsessed with. Others were for weapons and bio waste, and another as a makeshift prison. Only a few were designated for experimentation. 

With a ragged breath and a sweat covered face, Izuku rounded a corner. The stitch in his side murched with an ache in his stomach as he forced himself to keep going. Thank the gods his feet no longer felt the pain from the dirty floor as dirt clods and tiny debris bit into his skin; his omega doing a fantastic job of pushing him forward and focusing on his goal.  

Izuku could feel his fangs starting to distend, saliva filling his mouth as his eyes landed on the door. The door that another cry rang out from, followed by a whimper that confirmed what Izuku had suspected. The large metal door was ominously big, the only one in this hallway that wasn’t wood. It stood proud, reflecting the low lighting with a matte shine- Chisaki's testing room. Chisaki was experimenting on Eri- again. 

Izuku propelled himself forward as he grabbed the handle of the door. He couldn’t care what he looked like as he slammed his way in. It didn’t matter that he only wore shorts, or that his hair was a mess and matted to his face with sweat, or how his omega had forced his fangs to fully extend. He knew his eyes were now slitted as they tightened and focused on what he saw before him. 

The only thing that mattered was getting to Eri, who was standing by the exam bed. She had one arm strapped down with the leather restraint. Her immature fangs on display as she hunched over and pulled at her arm. Small drops of blood pooled around the leather strap, trailing down until they dripped onto the metal bed. She was in a white hospital gown, no doubt ordered by one of the guards to get into it. 

Yet, there wasn’t fear in her eyes. She was staring up at Chisaki with an angry snarl on her lips. The intense scent of Red Pepper Flakes was so potent in the air that even Izuku could smell a hint of it. 

‘Eri is an alpha!’ Izuku’s omega yelled with pride.

The young alpha paused in her struggle at the sound of the door crashing open. Her eyes met Izuku’s as another snarl roared from her chest at the man that towered over her. 

“Get away from her.” Izuku growled, hunching forward slightly as his omega zeroed in on his master’s back.

“So glad you could join us, Deku.” Chisaki said in a low voice, not caring to turn his attention from Eri. “As you can see, this mutt has become a problem for me.”

The alpha took another steady step toward Eri, closing the space between them. Eri reared back, her free hand swiping up at the mask that Chisaki wore, just missing by a hair. 

Izuku wasted no time to see what would happen next as he ran toward the alpha. His shoulder rammed into the square of the alpha’s back and knocked him into one of the many side tables covered in different instruments and vials. Glass crashed onto the floor with mysterious liquids splashing everywhere.

Chisaki laughed as he steadied himself, glancing over his shoulder at Izuku with a gleam in his golden eyes. Even with the thick mask, Izuku could see the large smile that was plastered across that alpha’s face. 

“Izuku! You’re in prehe-“ Eri tried to say but was cut off by the omega.

“Eri.” Izuku huffed, moving himself so he was between the two alphas. His eyes never left his master as he sized up the larger male, noting how his demeanor was different from his usual recluse self. “Go find the blonde alpha from before. He is a hero and will help.” 

“Oh! So the heroes are here are they?” Chisaki hummed, turning fully to address the omega. 

He leaned against the edge of the table, his hands resting across his chest and he eyed the omega. He leaned forward slightly, taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes for a moment. Izuku ignored the alpha as he paid attention to the pup that he could hear frantically undoing her restraint from around her wrist. 

“But-“ Eri whimpered once the strap fell loose against the metal bed.

“NOW!” His omega commanded. The order left no room for argument as Eri slowly walked to the other side of the table, her own attention on their master as she walked backwards to the door. 

“I don’t want to leave you.” She whined.

“And you won’t.” Chisaki interrupted as he pushed off the table, taking a confident step toward the pup. “Because I cannot have a miracle such as you just walk out of here alive. That would be such a waste to have you fall into the hero's hands.” 

The alpha rushed forward suddenly, his aim solely on the pup as he snarled. Izuku moved, but not as fast as he would have liked. The only thing close enough to grab was the alpha’s shirt. With a shredding sound, the back of the button down shirt ripped away from the man’s body. The sudden exposure of skin had the alpha pause in his pursuit and whip around with a balled fist. 

Izuku just had enough time to dodge before the alpha was swinging again and again, his eyes dilating slightly into slits. The alpha was furious, not wasting any chance he could to hit the omega.

“GO!” Izuku screamed, his heart beating too fast as he kept their Master’s attention on him.

Eri whined but did as told, turning on her feet and rushing out the door. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she raced through the maze of the basement. Her arm ached as it continued to drip small drops of blood onto the floor, but she didn’t stop. She had to find the blonde alpha, it was the only way for Izuku to get out safely. It was the only thing she could do to help him. 

Katsuki huffed as he wrangled one of the VIPs closer to the large police van that was now parked in the front of the building. They were yelling at the top of their lungs- making a show of their arrest- something about wanting a lawyer and threatening to have his job. The normal bullshit that every rich ass prick seemed to spout when they got caught doing something illegal. 

“You better listen to me! I have so much power that -“

“Ya, ya! Shut the fuck up. ” Katsuki grumbled, pushing them into the van as an officer grabbed their zip tied arms. “You’re giving me a headache.” 

He stayed long enough to make sure that the officer had fully buckled the idiot onto the benched seat before turning around and heading back to the main entrance. The sun was practically set now, the first stage of the raid wrapping up as heroes dragged more individuals out of the old building.

Katsuki groaned as he rolled his shoulders, his muscles were already tired from the amount of work they had gone through in just the first hour of the raid. His fight with that guard had taken too long for his liking. That idiot hadn’t even been that good of a fighter at all, it had really only been the multitasking that the blonde had found issue with, causing the delay in taking them down. 

“Hey man!” 

Katsuki turned to see a black-haired beta jogging towards him. He had his hand up in the air in a greeting wave as he got closer to the other hero. 

“What Shindo?” Katsuki asked. The coming conversation was already tiring him out and the other man hadn’t even opened his mouth again. The alpha didn’t have the energy for whatever small talk Shindo always seemed to have for him. He was tired, and his alpha was getting impatient with the status of Izuku.

“Just wanted to say you did a great job! You were able to cuff most of the VIPs before the rest of us even got into the auditorium.” The man smiled, slapping a hand on the alpha’s shoulders. He was far too happy compared to the scene around them in comparison. 

Shindo was somewhat of a nice guy, though a bit much with the way he could always talk and make anything into a one sided conversation. He was always coming up to Katsuki- like this- and praising him for the work he did. If not that then a cool move he saw, but worst was when the alpha hadn’t done a very good job at all. The stupid beta would gush over him in a way that reminded him of his father. It was disturbing and weirdly over performed for someone that wasn’t even a friend to Katsuki.  Shindo always seemed to be there to say something to Katsuki after every mission.

“Ya, it’s my fucking job.” Katsuki replied, deciding to pick up his pace as he walked back toward the building to continue his job. 

Yet, the beta kept pace. Happily chirping at him as he practically jogged next to the alpha. “But you're so good at it. I couldn’t believe how fast you were. From what some of the VIPS were saying, they didn’t even know they had been cuffed as they tried to run away from the cops. Well, that was until they got zapped by them. So funny.” The beta said, laughing at the idea of these rich people falling to the ground as they got tased.

Katsuki just hummed under his breath, his attention getting drawn to the front of the building as he heard a commotion by the front door. His earpiece buzzed before a voice came through. “Head 3. Pup located. Running toward the entrance of the building. She slipped past us. Over-“

Moments later a small figure rushed through the open doors, her eyes frantic as she scanned the view in front of her. Katsuki launched forward at the sight of her, his feet carrying him as fast as he could toward the pup. 

“Lead, everyone stand down at the entrance. Over-“ LeMillion’s voice yelled through the coms just as he phased up through the concrete a few feet in front of the child.  Eri stumbled to a stop, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the man in front of her. 

Katsuki skidded to a stop as ordered- eyes wide with his alpha on full alert- as he scanned the pup. What was she doing out here without Izuku? He had to have gone to find her when he left the cage, right? So why was she here alone?

LeMillion knelt down on one knee, his cape pooling onto the ground as he smiled at the young girl. The sun glinted off his blonde hair and enhanced the alpha’s bleach highlights, his cape looking like a silk sea of red as it fluttered slightly in the evening breeze. The image was amazing to Katsuki, almost identical to how he had imagined All Might when he was young.

“Hello pup, my name is LeMillion. I’m here to help you.”

“Alpha?” Eri asked, her small voice barely audible at where Katsuki was standing.

“Yes, I’m an alpha.” LeMillion said. He reached out his hand slowly toward the girl, trying to encourage her to come closer. “Will you let me help you?”

Eri nodded, tears falling down her cheeks as he stumbled closer. “Izuku, he needs your help. He is in the basement with my Master. He’s going to hurt him!” The small girl falls forward into the hero's arms, body shaking as she begins to sob.

That was all Katsuki needed to hear before he was charging through the front doors. Startled shouts from both LeMillion and other heroes behind him provided little reason for him to stop. He had to get to Izuku before something happened to him.

The alpha ran toward the door of the auditorium. With quick hands he retracted his gear back up to his forearms, preparing himself as he cleared the doorway. With a loud pop, he propelled himself over the many rows of seats and over the side of the elevated stands. With practice ease, he hit the ground into a roll; using the momentum to get back on his feet in a sprint. His pathway was toward the side door that Izuku always used. 

“Hitoshi!” Katsuki yelled into his coms, not caring if the signal would be going out to every hero in the raid. 

“Yes? Over-“ The Mind-quirk user replied. His voice obviously showed how confused he was at being called out. Katsuki completely ignored the standard procedure as he used the coms to direct his partner.  

“Izuku is in the basement with Chisaki!” He huffed into his ear piece. He rounded a corner, his shoulder smacking into the edge but not slowing him down. 

“Heard. On my way. Over and out-“ Hitoshi replied without further question. His own breathing had been rapid as he too began to run toward the basement, yelling over his shoulder for his secondary to take Lead of their group.

“Stand down now you two! Over-“ LeMillion yelled into the com, his voice growled with irritation. 

Katsuki snarled with his own irritation at what the number one hero was telling him to do. He wasn’t going to hold off for a bunch of idiots to have a bureaucratic argument on the best way to go into the basement. Not when Izuku was in obvious danger. He had seen how protective the pup had been in the past over the omega. There was no way she would have ran for help unless Izuku was in a bad situation. One that she herself couldn’t possibly assist in.

“NO.” Katsuki yelled back just before ripping the com out of his ear and crushing it in an explosion-filled fist. 

Izuku groaned as he steadied himself against the exam table, his lip bleeding from the back hand that Chisaki threw. He growled as he wiped the blood, smearing it up his hand and wrist as he hissed in pain. 

“You think those fucking heroes are going to save you?” Chisaki laughed as he stared the other down. “You will never be free. You know that! So why even try?”

“Shut up!” Izuku yelled, barely keeping his omega in control as he prepared himself for another attack. The pain in his abdomen was getting worse, his body still sticky with sweat as he had to keep dodging the alpha’s continuous attacks. Izuku could feel the control over the beast inside him slipping, his omega desperately trying to claw its way forward. 

“Common Omega.” The alpha said, his voice softer as he steadied into a casual stance. “You are important here, important to me. I won’t make you mate with some random alpha like those heroes will.” Chisaki continued. Izuku shook his head as he tried to deny the words, and tried to ignore the fears that the alpha was stirring up. “You’re already broken, but what will happen when they find out just how broken you truly are? They will pawn you off to the first alpha that will take you, claiming that you need a mate to fix you, their knot.” 

Izuku whimpered at the idea, his omega thrashing at the words that kept spilling from the alpha. “That is what this world will see you as, something that needs to be owned. You know that I’m telling the truth. If you leave me, then you will just be another omega who has an alpha demanding pups, demanding… sex.”

Izuku snarled, his hold slipping even more as his anger began to boil. Why couldn’t the alpha see how upset he was getting? Why does he keep talking? Each word was cutting into him like a knife. Each dark memory of grimy phantom hands touching him, the whispers and grunts in his ear becoming louder. All the pain and anguish that would drown him boiling up and over the barriers. All of it swarming him so fast and dragging him down into the depths.

Izuku’s face flooded red, his hands shaking uncontrollably as each breath rushed out faster and faster. His vision blurred as he tried to keep the tears back as one of his hands continued to wipe away the persistent moisture. It was too hot in this room, he needed air; fresh air. This room was too small. He needed to get out, he needed his nest.

“You know I don’t want that for you, omega.” Chisaki whispered, walking closer to Izuku. “I won’t make you mate or have pups, you know that.” 

Those tears broke over, streaming down Izuku’s face as each word became too much. He looked up at the alpha, searching the other’s face. This was the alpha that he had once grown close to, developed feelings for. He had once been certain that Chisaki would take care of him, help him, keep him safe. 

But all of that had been a lie. One that he was doomed to live over and over. It didn’t matter how much he thought things would be different, everyone he would grow feelings for would always turn around and hurt him.  

As stared up at the alpha, those golden eyes slowly turned red, brown hair brightening to blonde, a mask now a smirk of confidence. The face that he had grown so fond of- that he fell in love with- was also the one that had hurt him over and over. The one that would always torture him no matter how hard he tried to change himself or how far away Izuku would be. Those memories were just as painful. 

“Don’t you trust me?” Katsuki’s voice said. The silky smooth voice not fitting the gruff one that owned the voice. No! Not Katsuki, this is Chisaki. “You are too important to me. Stay here, where you can have your space, be quirkless and still be useful to me.”

‘If you think you’ll have a quirk in your next life. Go take a swan dive off the roof of the building.’

‘He’s so lame… can’t say anything… can’t face reality.’

‘I’m sorry Izuku… I’m so sorry!’

“And Deku means someone who can’t do anything.”

A ragged breath stuttered from Izuku’s throat as he closed his eyes. This pain was too much, why did all of this hurt so much? Izuku couldn’t hold all of this anymore, it was too heavy, too much for him to continue.

‘Let go~’ Izuku’s omega urged. The beast purred as it tried to keep the man from falling apart completely. It sounded like a nice idea to Izuku. He wanted to let go, needed to let go before it broke him permanently. 

So he did.

“Submit, omega.” The alpha said in a soft lull, his voice just shy of an alpha command as he finally closed the rest of the distance between them. His gloved hand reached up to Izuku’s cheek, the leather just shy of caressing his face with a tender finger. That feather light touch was all that was needed to break the last strand of resistance for that beast. 

“NO!” The omega screamed, hands flying out and clawing at the mask that was situated on the alpha’s face. Nails dug into skin and fabric as the omega took full control; raging in disgust at what the alpha was about to do. It had one solid objective, to attack the alpha that had caused them so much pain. 

“Fuck!” Chisaki cursed in surprise. Pushing the small male off of him and stumbling back. “Omega-“

The demand was cut off as Izuku jumped forward, fangs dripping saliva as his jaw snapped at the alpha’s neck while fingers found skin again. The two fell to the ground, Izuku clenching his teeth down at the base of Chisaki’s neck; the taste of blood filling the omega with pride as he locked his jaw and pulled the muscle taunt. 

Large fists began hitting the omega’s head and sides, anywhere Chisaki could reach as he tried to get Izuku off of him. “Release Omega!” The alpha screamed out in pain. 

Izuku’s jaw was released on command, the omega rearing back in shock. Though only for a moment. The snarl that slipped past reddened lips showed just how furious the omega was at a command being used on it. The beast refused to listen any longer as he began punching the alpha across the face. Each hit making contact with his Master’s mouth as the feral beast made sure the man below him wouldn’t be able to say another command again. 

Chisaki groaned, sputtering blood onto his mask as he tried to throw the omega off between each punch, but it only concluded with his head smacking back down against the cement floor. It was a losing battle for the alpha, his pheromones doing nothing to repel the omega. 

StOp-“ Chisaki slurred out, his mouth swollen and filled with blood as he made an attempt to control Izuku. The half command took effect at holding the omega in a slight daze, that moment just long enough for the alpha to push the omega off him and stumble to his feet before backing away. 

The alpha groaned, pulling his blood drenched face mask off his face. He spit out a mouth full of blood, one of his teeth falling out as he tried to regain his surroundings. The omega had backed up enough to keep distance between them, the space allowing the alpha to breath. Those slitted eyes analyzing the alpha in front of him, looking for all his weak spots.

The alpha took a breath, his head aching so bad that his thoughts were muddled. With a glance at the smaller man, Chisaki tried to come up with some plan as he watched the male stalk back and forth. Izuku was beyond a shadow of a doubt feral, the beginning of his heat now a full blown monster as his beast took full control of the small man. The green of his eyes were the only thing that the alpha could see because of how narrow his pupils were. His scent reaked, the spoiled scent now boiling hot as it dumped into the air. It was disgusting, and made his alpha queasy. 

There was really only one thing he could do, and that was for him to escape and reform a plan with the men that were able to get to their backup hideout. He had to get out now. There was no way he could handle a feral omega by himself with dozens of heroes running around. Especially since Izuku’s sinus was still collapsed, thus he wouldn’t be able to use his scent to force submission. The only thing he had was his quirk, and he wouldn’t use it on the omega. 

Chisaki hadn’t lied when he told the omega he was important to him. Izuku was priceless because of his quirkless status. So valuable and rare to attempt any kind of change in any way. Even with the few years that Chisaki had the opportunity to study the omega, Izuku’s body was well worth the headache of caring for him. The omega had helped the Alpha make leaps and bounds with his vaccine. Izuku and Eri had proven their worth long ago. A pair to kill the world for, and Chisaki would, but not now. Not in his state with so many heroes here. He would get the omega and pup back, or kill them trying.

With a grumble he took a step towards the door, keeping his attention on the omega as he slowly made his way toward the exit. Izuku just stared, blood drying around his mouth as he hissed.

The alpha was so close to his escape, just as it banged open once again. 

Hitoshi charged forward, using the droplets of blood that he had found as his guide. It had been enough to go off of as he ran through this maze of a basement. The trail was spotty and hard to see at times, but the smell of its path was still clear in the stale air. It was a blessing that he had noticed the small spots, the basement overly confusing him as he tried to make a mental map as he went. 

It wasn’t until that familiar peach scent- now spoiled and rotten- caught his attention and confirmed his hunch. The blood had been leading him toward Izuku. He was close now, the omega’s scent now another guide to show him the rest of the way. 

Right up until he was charging into a metal door. He pulled the scarf from around his neck loose, readying himself as he skidded to a stop just feet away from the villain alpha that was on the target list. 

The brunette was covered in blood, his neck bleeding heavily from the deep gashes that were punctured below his jugular. The man looked worse for wear, his nose bent to the side and lips swollen with drying blood that trailed down to his bare chest. The alpha wasn’t wearing a shirt for some reason; making it evident that the man had lost quite a bit of blood by his pasty color. That and how he was hunched forward in what seemed like pain. 

The glare that welcomed Hitoshi was just what he had anticipated from another alpha, especially from a villian encountering a hero.  

“Overhaul!” Hitoshi growled, taking a step forward while eyeing the gloved hands that were holding his throat in an attempt to slow the bleeding. “Stand down. You’re surrounded by heroes, surrender now!”

“Don’t think so.” That man laughed before motioning to the side with his chin. “Why don’t you tame that omega before it rips your throat out.” 

Hitoshi glanced to the side where the alpha had directed his attention. Up against a wall was Izuku, the man squatting down as he breathed hard. His face was covered in red as the man growled lowly in his chest. His gaze was set on Overhaul, and only him. 

The switch in attention was a rookie mistake on Hitoshi’s part, because that was when the villain launched forward, using the slight distraction to his advantage. Before Hitoshi had time to use his quirk or capture scarf, their shoulders collided and the sudden momentum propelled him backwards to the ground. 

Hitoshi gasped, the wind getting knocked out of him as he tried to reorient himself. The frenzied movement of the two and the fact that prey was getting away had Izuku’s omega charge forward. 

Chaos ensued and Hitoshi rolled to his side and threw his scarf out, wrapping it around Overhaul’s ankle and pulling it tight. The alpha fell to the ground as the omega jumped over Hitoshi and landed between the two; his snarls and anger still focused on the villain as he completely ignored the dark haired alpha that was laying on the floor. 

The omega closed the distance with a few steps, teeth quickly finding their aim and sank into the calf of Overhaul’s leg just above the binding scarf. The brunette sat up with a pained yell, ripping his glove off as fast as he could. With panicked realization, Hitoshi grabbed Izuku’s ankle and pulled as hard as he could. He couldn’t allow his omega to get close to this monster’s hands. 

The ear splitting scream that came from the villain as his calf was ripped away from his leg was deafening. Izuku slammed to the floor, jaw connecting hard with the concrete as he failed to catch himself. A pained whimper escaped the omega as he tried to slide away from the two alphas. 

Hitoshi watched as blood began to pool rapidly onto the ground. The villain's fingers, though shaky wrapped around the scarf, the fabric fraying and falling apart around his ankle. With another touch, the alpha was able to reform the missing muscle; though the area was still obviously damaged with the lack of time the alpha had to repair himself.

The brunette cried out a breath as he stumbled to his feet, frantic to get away from the hero and feral creature. Those gold eyes watched with fear as they assessed the situation before his face fell with relief. The attention of the omega was no longer on Overhaul, but rather Izuku had turned his attention toward the hero instead of him. 

“Good luck hero. He’s a bitch to fight, hopefully he will slash that throat.” Overhaul said with a chuckle as he hobbled toward the open door. 

Izuku crept closer to Hitoshi until he was looming over the alpha. His teeth stained red as they grinded together with lips pulled back to showcase the canines that were prominently on display. It was a horrifying sight, having an omega go completely feral and stare with lifeless eyes as it tracked it’s target. 

Hitoshi tried not to stare back into the omega’s eyes- knowing it would be egging the other on and portraying him as a threat- but it was hard when his alpha was frantic. He had never fully submitted to another gender before, the idea alone a foreign concept as he tried to force himself to look away from immediate danger. 

Izuku was so close, his jaw clicked shut a few times in a warning before he growled right in the alpha’s face. Hitoshi held his breath, wanting so badly for him not to be in this situation. His eyes closed shut in an attempt to keep himself still. 

The omega’s eyes dilated slightly at the sight before him, the actions of the alpha bringing the male down from his protective instincts. The moment of pause had Hitoshi opening his eyes. It only took a moment for the alpha to see the increased size of Izuku’s pupil; the alpha smiling in relief despite his facemask.

Izuku had come back to awareness enough to see he wasn’t a threat. Hitoshi could continue this, help Izuku calm down enough for the two to get out. He reached out a hand, showing his scent gland in an attempt to prove to the smaller man that he wasn’t going to hurt him.

“Izu-“ Hitoshi tried to say.

A loud bang filled the hallway, making the omega jump back into defense as dust and debris filled the air. Those eyes narrowed once again as a startled roar bellowed from the small male. 

Overhaul was already through the door and trying to close the door behind him. His goal was to lock the two in to provide him more time, but was suddenly met with a fiery blast. The alpha cried out in pain as an explosion made contact with his back, pushing him and the door off its hinges and throwing them back into the room and onto the ground with another loud crash. 

The brunette groaned as he rolled over, his breaths coming out in huffs as he tried to see what had happened. The dust had cleared enough for him to see another masked hero towering over him. His hair practically blended into the cloud that swept around him, his teeth on display in a large smirk as he glared down at the villian. Yet it was the metal sniper head pointed between his eyes that caused the man to pause in fear. 

“Hey fucker! Glad we could finally meet.” Katsuki snarled as he released his scent to help keep the villain beneath him at bay. 

A growl echoed inside the room, followed by a gasp of pain that sounded a lot like the man he had chased the scent of through the basement. Katsuki huffed in irritation, keeping his alpha tamed as he kept his eye contact with the villain below him. “Why don’t you roll back over before I fire a damn blast straight into that nasty hole of yours.” 

With a low growl, the villain did as told- though slower than the hero would have liked. Katsuki moved carefully as he retrieved a cuff from his belt. His attention didn’t falter away from the un-gloved hand of the villain as he clipped the cuff around the man’s wrist. His hackles lowered slightly at the knowledge that Overhaul wouldn’t be able to use his quirk for now. 

Another snarl and a ‘shit’ sound came from Hitoshi, with a quick glance Katsuki could see Hitoshi trying to push Izuku off his slouched form. The omega had cornered the alpha up against a wall and now had his mouth clamped down around the alpha’s forearm.

Katsuki cursed under his breath, moving faster to finish what he was doing. As much as he wanted to jump in and get to Izuku and Hitoshi, he knew he would need to get this piece of shit somewhere he wouldn’t be able to get away from him. Even with the bracelet on, it wouldn’t be enough. 

He quickly grabbed a zip tie from his pouch and fashioned the plastic so Overhaul’s hands were behind his back. With quick work he dragged the man further into the room, his eyes watched with worry as he watched his partner try to be careful with the omega despite the predicament.

Hitoshi was trying to keep his composure through the pain, whispering softly to the feral omega above him. It wasn’t doing much, the omega was too far gone now for him to listen to an alpha. His jaw was locked with teeth sunk into muscle, hands hitting and digging into the alpha’s stomach that was thankfully covered with a safety vest. 

“Izuku!” Katsuki said in a stern voice. He grabbed the omega around his waist in an attempt to restrain the small man. It wasn’t very helpful as that only encouraged the omega to fling his head back, Hitoshi crying out in pain as those teeth tore through more of his arm. 

“Shit! Katsuki, his jaw is locked!” Hitoshi whined as he met eyes with the other alpha.

“Fuck!” The blonde cursed. He let go of the omega, turning around as he tried to figure out what to do. Overhaul was leaning against the far wall where Katsuki had dragged him, the entire room a mess of metal instruments and a turned over table. Nothing spoke out to the alpha as to what would help them.

“Hahahaha!” Overhaul laughed, blood dribbling down his chin as he enjoyed the sight in front of him. “Are you two stupid? That bitch won’t let go without force. Just give him a good explosion up the ass, maybe that will do it.” 

“What did you just say?!” Hitoshi screamed back, anger rolling off of him in hot Allspice.

“I said-“ Overhaul began before Hitoshi quickly used his quirk.

“Don’t speak another word until told to!” Hitoshi demanded. He gritted his teeth beneath his mask as he glared at the villian. Overhaul opened his mouth in another attempt to infuriate the hero, yet nothing came out no matter how much he tried.  “Any ideas?” Hitoshi turned toward the blonde who had his brows furrowed in thought. The pain in his arm was beginning to dull slightly as he got used to the pain. He looked down at Izuku, the omega’s eyes already staring up at him; pupils barely visible with how thin the slits were. 

“What about when we reset his arm? At some point scent does affect him. Maybe we could relax him that way?” Katsuki mumbled before meeting purple eyes for his input. 

The alpha nodded, returning his gaze back to Izuku. “Omega.” He tried to croon through the throbbing pain. He began to release his scent- though it was tinged with slight distress because of the sharp teeth latched onto his arm- hopefully it was overall soft and soothing.

Katsuki ran to the door that was laying on the ground, lifting it and shoving it back onto its frame as much as he could. They needed their scents to fill the room like it had done those few weeks ago. 

The two alpha’s kept their scent glands open, trying to get Izuku to resurface long enough to understand what was happening. Long minutes passed with nothing changing in the smaller man’s demeanor. His omega was still in full control as he continued to try and maul the alpha in its snare- fingers now bloody as they continued to scratch at the vest. 

“It’s not working.” Hitoshi groaned. His arm was beginning to tingle from the strain that it was continuously put under. “If I move he will just attack somewhere that doesn’t have protection. We need to sedate him in order to get him to unlatch.”

Katsuki nodded, though hesitated at the idea of leaving them with Izuku in this state. If Hitoshi passed out then Overhaul would be able to get out without much issue, leaving Izuku to his omega’s whims. Those whims either continue what he was doing and potentially injure Hitoshi more, or chase down his master. If he took Overhaul with him, it would be a slow process as he would have to get him into a secured van and then would most likely be stopped by Le Million. It was too much of a risk for him to leave.

The two sat for a moment as another growl rumbled from the small omega. His hands now try to puncture into the sides of the vest with clenched fists. Izuku wasn’t registering their scents, the attack to Overhaul already overstimulating the omega far past what he could handle.

Katsuki sighed as a thought came to his head. It was risky, but there wasn’t much he could do other than force his scent into Izuku’s sinus. The omega was somewhat holding his head still, so it was a reasonable idea. Plus, if it got the omega to release his jaw, then the two would be able to handle whatever else happened.  

Katsuki slowly moved himself closer to the two before reaching out with a tentative hand toward Hitoshi’s arm. The mind-quirked alpha watched closely but didn’t interfere as the blond stabilized and lifted the arm- as gently as one could with a small man attached to it by the mouth. With a calculated eye, Katsuki maneuvered himself until Izuku’s nose was placed as close to his neck scent gland as possible.

“What?” Hitoshi whispered, confused by the alpha’s movements.

“The scent gland on the neck is the most potent in regards to smell.” The blond stated easily as he held Izuku’s head steady. “If there is any chance of Izuku gaining awareness, then hopefully it will be like this.”

“You are an idiot.” Hitoshi huffed as he watched the man put his neck on the line. A small smile growing though kept hidden by the alpha’s mask.

“Fuck you.” Was Katsuki’s reply, though there was very little heat behind the words. Katsuki closed his eyes as he tried to keep himself still. He didn’t want to startle the small male, so kept his neck craned to the side as best he could. It felt like forever that he had been in this position, his muscles crying in discomfort and he kept pushing his scent out. 

Just as he was about to pull away, a hand began to gently play with his hair. It was unexpected, but a well provided distraction from the crane of his neck. Each stroke of Hitoshi’s fingers were a happy reminder of their time together the night before. Those were the same fingers that had dug into Katsuki hair as the two tangled together, as they brought each other pleasure. 

Hitoshi rested his head against the wall with a tired sigh. It was an unconscious motion, his hand had just found its rest in those tangled blond strands without him realizing. His finger’s drifted back and forth, the motion soothing his inner alpha as he tried to keep himself calm. 

It was a bit stressful, each moment being measured by the pulse of discomfort that accompanied the random flexing of Izuku’s jaw. It was a bit tiring too- hoping that something would happen, but nonetheless being left just sitting. Everything had now slowed down enough to allow Hitoshi’s body to relax from all the adrenaline that had been pumping through him. 

It was a jarring moment when Izuku’s hands stopped clawing at him and his jaw lightened its pressure. Purple eyes snapped down to the two that were practically in his lap, his alpha ready to interfere if the omega reacted negatively.

Izuku’s eyes were similar to how they had been before when awareness pulled him forward. Those gorgeous green eyes blinked, pupils growing the tiniest bit in size before those eyelashes fluttered closed. It was enough- that tiny display was so different when compared to the way the omega acted when in control. 

Hitoshi’s heart soared as he tried to keep himself in check, reminding himself to not make any rushed movements. “Hey, Izuku.” Hitoshi whispered as he  put gentle pressure on top of Katsuki’s head to keep him in place. “Can you hear me?”

Izuku opened his eyes, a rushed breath rushing out through his nose as he made eye contact with the alpha. Each second allowing those pupils to dilate wider, the man finally becoming aware and gaining control. 

“Honey, can you let go of me?” Hitoshi asked. He looked down toward the arm that Izuku was latched to, silently indicating for the omega to understand. 

Izuku took a couple slow blinks, confusion evident in his eyes as he tried to process what the alpha had said. When he looked down, Hitoshi could feel those fangs reseed from his arm. Pain shot through him as Izuku’s jaw unlatched and teeth pulled away. It was a weird relief, to finally have that pressure gone. But it was short lived as the intense stinging from Izuku’s venom and ache accompanied the rush of blood that began to dribble from the wound. 

Hitoshi gasped, not able to keep his reaction to himself as he moved to apply pressure to his wound. The frantic motion caught Katsuki’s attention, the alpha pulling his head up quickly to see what had happened. 

Those two decisions, two automatic movements would ring loudly as the catalyst of what was to happen. As both alpha's- despite the effort taken to prevent the worst- wouldn’t be able to change the result as everything exploded into complete chaos.

Ahhh It’s Happening!!

Word count: almost 8700

Soooooo. What did you think?

Let me tell you that I edited this so many time to make sure it flowed well. The tension, the stress, the cliffhanger! It’s all too much for just one pass through. So I spent a week editing this bitch to make it somewhat understandable. Can I say that this is too much fun to write. Jumping between POV is my favorite way to write. Gives way too much information but not enough all at the same time. Haaa, I love it.

Anyway, see ya in soon!


Chapter 18


Chapter 16