Chapter 16

A Means to an end

Time passes in strange ways when serotonin is released, the body seemingly no longer bound by physics but rather the beat of one's heart. For Hitoshi, it was like an ocean that cast wave upon wave of pleasure in demand for his obedience. 

Each new surge dragged him farther below the surface, commanding his senses to become even more heightened until his mind was muddled by them. It was intoxicating to be thrown so deep in such a short amount of time. 

Instead of cold water slithering across his skin, goosebumps spread the expanse of his body leaving their mark for the red eyes that watched him. It wasn’t the ocean taking his breath away or making his lungs burn with the need for more, but rather soft lips that caressed against his own; slowly moving and taking each breath greedily. He was able to moan deep in the back of his throat before that too was taken by the continuous wisps of Katsuki’s tongue. This man was invading his senses and rendering him breathless and even more aroused. 

Thanks to the gods, Hitoshi wasn’t drifting aimlessly in this deep sea of intoxication. His saving grace kept him from drifting too far from the surface, holding his stout- but just barely. Because it was those fingers that dragged across his bare skin that fought away the frigid depths. The whispers that hummed to him were a lifeline that called for him to get closer to the surface rather than a siren song that drew him deeper into the darkness. The hot breath that would feather along his neck and chest giving him renewed energy to remain afloat and not succumb to the water filling his lungs. 

Katsuki, he was the one keeping him centered enough for him to enjoy the chaos that was ensuing inside of him. His anchor that was able to keep the hurricane at bay but also encourage it all at the same time. 

No, it was like Katsuki was the hurricane. 

Hitoshi tried to stay as alert as possible, tried to predict the other alpha's movements and maintain some kind of dignity; but it was fruitless as the force of nature above him demanded his submission.  Katsuki was a powerhouse to be reckoned with, an inviting hand that dragged Hitoshi into the depths alongside him. That smirk that could daze and render anyone useless. Those eyes that were somehow soft despite the intensity they held within, a bonfire that was maintained for now. A promise that one additional spark could cause a wildfire.

“Good Alpha~” The blonde praised. His lips feathering down to the crook of Hitoshi’s neck as it strained back to give as much access as possible. Hitoshi was putty, ready to be molded and played with as each of his breaths heaved out of him. His head becoming more lightheaded with each rise and fall of his chest.

“So good for me~”

It was like a drug. Each word that fell from the blonde caused a heated reaction deep inside of him. It blended perfectly with that fiery touch, the hot hands that trailed along the plains of his muscles. They would only pause long enough to knead and massage that area of interest- for far too little time- before they moved lower and lower. 

‘Mmnnn.’ A breathy moan filled the space between them as that heated hand squeezed the fat at the junction point of Hitoshi’s pelvis and thigh. Katsuki’s thumb pressing just enough on the pressure point to enact the other to rut up into him. It was torturous, the zing of pleasure that quickly became too much but not enough all at the same time.


It was hopeless, the initial annoyance in his voice turning to a whine as Hitoshi opened his eyes to watch what the other was doing. Katsuki was a tease, a bully with the way he touched him, the way he stared at him, the way he talked as if Hitoshi wasn't waging a battle within himself.

The blonde's thumb rubbed small, slow circles further into the expanse of nerves between thigh and knot. The pressure eliciting spikes of heat and euforia with every brush the blonde made. Katsuki was so close to touching his knot, so close to his cock… so close to the spots that would bring the additional pleasure that he needed. 

“You’re cute like this, so easy to play with.” Katsuki whispered, hot breath fanning up to Hitoshi’s ear. “Do you like it? Me playing with you?” The alpha asked just before the tip of his tongue pressed against the gland above his jugular. Hitoshi tried to nod his head to answer the alpha, but all he could do was moan, his head falling back onto the mattress in defeat. With his eyes closed tight it seemed to only enhance the sensations that Katsuki was leaving. It was incredible the amount of rapture that was rolling through his body. It was so much- almost painful- the way it made his nerves overstimulate. Yet, even with the way this all seemed to be more torture than anything, he didn't want to stop. 

It was all the dark haired alpha could do to bring his hand up and threaded his fingers through blond strands, pulling the other in a demand for Katsuki to get closer. He wanted the alpha to smother him, feel his weight on top of him. He needed it, the idea seemed like the only way for all of these sensations to become easier to bear. Katsuki was the answer to everything right now.

Everything the alpha was doing right now was so foreign to Hitoshi, he had never been treated like this. The alphas that he had been with before had always been rough and intense, driving his alpha to reflect what was being given. It was fun and exciting, the speed and intensity that was brought out when two alphas would try to dominate each other. Their touches were only made to enhance basic pleasure to get the both of them off, so that was all that Hitoshi ever give in return. 

Yet, here was an alpha, doing everything and anything but that. No other time had a partner done such things to Hitoshi, which made him feel everything intensely. These touches and words were not something an alpha would willingly do for another alpha, these motions and teases were reserved to omegas or their mate. The slow, careful and explorative brushes, the soft kisses, the wandering hands to different places that weren’t his cock. It was strange to feel neglected and obsessed over at the same time.

But again, for some reason, Katsuki was doing them to him- an alpha. One that hadn’t given him the same treatment but rather what Hitoshi had hoped to receive in return with his previous assumptions. The bare minimum compared to the glorious amounts that Hitoshi was receiving.

“Common Alpha.” Katsuki coaxed. His voice just as low as before, the vibrations creeping over the gland just under his fangs. “Use your words.” 

This monster of a man was using the same tactics Hitoshi had used on omegas and betas, but here was the blond doing the same thing to an alpha without any worry of if his partner would like it. It was strange and so foreign that it was hard to wrap his mind around. 

“Kat- Please~” Hitoshi gasped. His dark eyes peaked between eyelashes to try and look at the blond.  This was so much better than anything that the mind-quirked hero had ever experienced. He was feeling so much more, and felt far more important in this moment than ever before. Being touched, getting praised, having all of the attention from the man he was growing feelings for solely on him. It was immense and perfect.

“I-I need-“ Hitoshi hadn’t fully finished his plea before Katsuki moved his hand to the swollen knot at the base of Hitoshi’s forgotten cock. A calloused thumb and pointer finger working together to draw more torrents as they lightly pinched and massaged the gland. 

Katsuki watched with hooded eyes as the alpha below him whined for more; arching his back off the bed in an attempt to get closer to the alpha. Those long fingers that had been gripping his hair and massaging his scalp were now fisting the strands until they pulled at the roots. The sharp pain was easy to ignore, especially with the sight that was below him. 

To reduce an alpha such as Hitoshi to begging was a sight to behold, a down right sin that he was happy to be condemned by. 

The blond couldn’t stop himself, he needed to taste those lips again. He needed to feast on those moans and lick the whines away. The hand in his hair relaxing a bit once their tongues tangled together, the satisfied sigh that the dark-haired alpha released propelling Katsuki to press against him more. Hitoshi’s hips were pressing up into Katsuki’s arm now, rolling with need while rutting his knot harder into the blond’s hand. It was absolute perfection!

“Do you want more?” Katsuki asked, his lips breaking the kiss and slowly dragging them up under the other’s jaw as he talked. He made sure to leave slow and deep kisses there at the junction before going for the jugular and then ending at the alpha’s scent gland of thick Allspice. 


A small smile formed as Katsuki shifted his weight until he was completely over the alpha, his hand now free to tangle in that mess of hair that splayed across the sheets. Katsuki lowered his hips against Hitoshi -his own cock barely a chub as his refractory was still resetting. That didn’t stop him though, he didn’t need to get off for Hitoshi to get there nor for him to enjoy this. 

The blonde slowly rutted down, allowing their cocks to finally press together. Each roll elicited gasps from Hitoshi as Katsuki dragged himself back and forth. It surprised the blond how good it felt when he pressed his knot against Hitoshi’s swelling one. Each pass left both of them breathless as they intertwined their bodies. The mind-quirk alpha’s legs wrapping around Katsuki’s hips and pulling him closer. Their mouths now inseparable as they continued to rut slowly against each other. 

“Alpha, so good.” Hitoshi breathed, pulling Katsuki’s hips in tandem with their movements. “So close-“

“Show me.” Katsuki practically begged, his lips not straying far before diving back in.

 The tingles and waves of intense passion that roared between them was becoming unbearable for Hitoshi. It was overwhelming to have both his knot and cock stimulated at the same time. The gentle kisses and pressure of the man on top of him joining the fray as his climax grew closer. 

Katsuki’s own extended pleasure after his orgasm wasn’t something he experienced often. He was usually too sensitive to do things like this, but surprisingly, the overstimulation felt good. 

He was more than content to watch the man below him, his ligering pleasure and dulled overstimulation from before now becoming so soothed and gentle that it left his mind buzzing with happiness. It was perfect, the small waves of indulgence allowing him to feel so content.  He couldn’t wait to see the other come undone, to watch as Hitoshi became engulfed by the touches and pleasure that he was giving him. 

Hitoshi gasped, arms and legs tightening around him. Their chest crashing together as the alpha’s hips fluttered as he came. Katsuki couldn’t stop, his hips continued to rut as warm liquid flooded between them. Hitoshi’s face contorted in pleasure, his mouth falling open and allowing Katsuki to dive his tongue in freely and explore where he wished. It was a bit possessive of him to do so, but it felt right as Hitoshi gasped and shuddered below him. Each moan becoming deeper and more muted as Katsuki continued his exploration. 

Katsuki waited till the height of Hitoshi's orgasm ebbed away, rolling to the side of the taller man and pulling him close into a hug. The blonde smiled as he felt the other's heavy breaths fan against his chest. It was cute the way the man's grip tightened around his waist as they settled against each other. Who would have known that the infamous lone wolf would be so cuddly. 

"Water?" A soft but raspy voice asked. 

"Of course." Katsuki nodded, slowly moving away from the man. He made it quick, ignoring how his bare skin shivered at the cold air in the apartment. 

A small smirk pulled at the blonde's lips as he looked at his partner. Hitoshi was curled up on his side up against the pillow wall the Katsuki had constructed before. Those deep purple eyes were closed with dark hair even more of a mess as it spilled over his face in thick stripes. 

Katsuki made his way over, glass of water in one hand and a wet rag in the other. "Roll over for me." He whispered, not wanting to startle the dozy insomniac. 

Hitoshi grunted as he rolled onto his back, hand reaching out to take the offered glass. Katsuki chuckled as he watched the man only tilt his head up enough to ineffectively chug the water, some of his spilling down the sides of his mouth and onto the bed under his neck. 

With a gentle hand Katsuki wiped the drying cum from the other's stomach and chest, trying not to look at the soft cock that lay heavily between Hitoshi's legs. 

When the glass was empty and cleaning was done, the taller alpha rolled onto his stomach and proceeded to push the pillow wall onto the ground. He grumbled something that Katsuki couldn't understand before digging himself under the top sheet and nuzzling his nose into one of the two sleep pillows. 

The blonde rolled his eyes at the others' lazy movements. He too had cum and you didn't see him wiggling around like an earthworm. Hitoshi was definitely showing more signs of being a pillow princess than that of a domineering top that Katsuki had assumed. He had to be a power bottom with how tired sex left him. 

Katsuki grabbed the glass and made his way to the laundry closet by the front door.  Before he could even think about it twice he quickly rounded up any dirty clothes he saw - his included- and threw them into the two and one machine, hoping it would be done in time for him to go back to work in a few hours.

If he was asked why he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, he would blame the insomniac hero for only having sweatpants that he could tighten the waist band enough to fit.

Though that would lead him into an interrogation by probably Kami or Mina about why he had been with Hitoshi, and that would just be a headache. It wasn't like they had anything substantial going on or anything, this was just a one night stand. 

Katsuki knew realistically that all of this had only been the building stress of their job that led them to releasing that steam with one another before the big raid. Neither of them had made it seem like anything but this before tonight- both too exhausted and anxiety ridden about the new raid plans. This couldn't be anything more than hormones and proximity.

 Hell, he and Eijirou basically had the same thing happen back at UA, and they never had to discuss what they were. Sure, it continued for a bit longer than expected, but that was only because their ruts would somehow sync randomly, or they hadn't found a rut buddy in time. That's all they had been, rut buddies. 

Well, that was until Shittyhair finally got his head out of his ass in relation to asking Raccoon Eyes out. So, their situationship stopped after that. There had been no hurt feelings or need to explain. Katsuki knew how big of a crush his duffus friend had on the girl. He had been in full support of the two getting together way before they started fucking, and obviously after the fact too. 

So, why couldn't tonight be the same. If anyone asked he would be his honest self and state that they had a one and done… That this was clearly just a one night stand. 

Besides, he had his interests set on a certain omega anyway. 

Katsuki groaned under his breath as he felt his stomach dip slightly and the blood drain from his face at his conclusion. Weird reaction for him to suddenly have at 4 am. His blood sugar must be dropping after his workout with the Mind Freak. 

With light footsteps, he crept back toward the bed- quickly turned off the lamp. He shoved Hitoshi out of his weird balled up form from the center of the mattress before pulling the blankets up and over himself to make a comfortable spot. 

 It was quiet, the lingering energy from before comforting as it swayed in the air like a lullaby. Even in the darkness Katsuki could just make out the sleeping face of Hitoshi. He was all scrunched up again, his hands tucked under his chin and his mouth slightly open. It was cute to see. He watched the other until he began to drift off to sleep as well- a small smile on his face. 

The two alphas faced one another through the night. Their feet slowly becoming entangled throughout the night as their subconscious sought the other out. Low chuffs of happiness and the gentle scentings of Ginger and Allspice filled the surrounding air of the silent room. The two were unaware of the effect the other had on them with their presents so close. 

It was still early when Katsuki awoke, his eyes dry and tired from only receiving a few hours of rest. He was more or less in the same position he had been when he fell asleep, though Hitoshi was closer than before. Those long fingers rested on one of the blonde's hands as he continued to sleep. His face was pointed the other direction, his longer hair splayed across the pillow as the alpha laid on his stomach. 

Katsuki moved slowly, not wanting to jostle the other as he climbed out of bed. The room was barely lit as the sun began to rise, the faintest sounds of birds and traffic below singing together in a morning tune. 

Yet this gentle atmosphere of the waking world wasn't as ordinary as it usually felt. It was nothing more than a reminder of what was to come today. In just a few hours Katsuki would suit up and join his fellow heroes in a fight that would no doubt get messy. In less than 20 hours Katsuki would have Izuku safe and sound, no longer out of reach and no longer in harm's way. The years that he had spent searching, mourning and obsessing over were all coming to a head. He wasn't going to fail his childhood friend today. 

With one last pause, red eyes drifted to the sleeping figure on the bed before he collected his clothes and left. No matter how confusing all of this was to his alpha, he wasn't going to waste time on those conflicting emotions. He had his future within reach, the person he had spent his entire life thinking about was waiting for him. 

Even with the fractured connection that Izuku and Katsuki had, it was enough for the alpha. Even if it went nowhere, even if it never healed- that childhood bond was owed everything the blond could possibly give. Katsuki would lay down his life to rescue Izuku, he would destroy the world to make sure the omega was free. 

So leaving Hitoshi behind wasn't much of a choice as it was a side effect of what was enviable. Fate's hand was at play and had already laid the path for Katsuki to follow long ago. This wasn't about himself anymore. He was just a pawn, a soldier in Izuku's story. A means to an end. 

Katsuki waited at his mark for his que to move, the silver car making its way toward the warehouse while taking unnecessary turns to provide the additional time it needed before arriving.

It was early afternoon, the evening traffic mostly behind them already as the roads turned more rough with the buildings more run down. A few more minutes and then the first stage of the raid would begin.

The suit Katuski wore was far more constricting this time around with his battle attire underneath. The cuffs were annoying and running a tad bit short up his arm with the extra layer underneath. The overcoat barely covered the anchor points around his wrists that locked his gauntlets in place. 

It was a bit sad when Katuski actually thought about his gear. He no longer used the gauntlets that he adorned at UA, the big and bulky attachments not suited for infiltrations and scouting that his job mainly did. 

The ones he had were a new styled prototype made specifically for undercover missions such as this. The sleek gauntlets were retracted up beside his forearm and slimmed down completely to imitate the shape of his arm. The metal fully encased his arm from wrist up to his elbows to help buffer the stress made on his bones from the drawback of his quirk. There was a small but retractable snipe scope that would eventually extend just past his fingers to help focus and aim his explosions into more direct and powerful AP shots. He basically had 2 sniper rifles at his disposal, the best part being the fire 'bullets' he spent months perfecting. 

It was funny how things had changed over the years in regards to his power. He had once spent so much of his time practicing the overall force of his explosions. Trying to make them bigger, hotter, brighter; but all of that would only endanger himself and everyone around him in this line of work. Being flashy and loud wasn't as important, but rather stealth and accuracy.

Katsuki was genuinely proud of how far he had come. Not all of that training from his younger years had been for nothing. He understood the physics of his explorations and the limit that they brought from those intense years of focus. Because of it he  was now able to modify the expression of his quirk to work better for different situations. 

Like tonight, he would need to have smaller, colder explosions to allow him to fire his quirk like a bullet. The sounds aren't as loud as many of his explosions, but they were much more deadly and precise. The hours of practice at the shooting range had allowed him to now be able to fire multiple bullets at once; a great asset when taking out more than one target. 

Sure he still used grenades, but those were usually left as a last ditch effort. The tiny, metal vials around his belt just under the dress shirt and over coat held all the extra nitroglycerin he would ever need. Luckily with these small AP shots they required far less of his sweat than his favorite explosions. 

The car slowed as it rounded the corner, the warehouse now in full view with a few people already entering its front doors. Katsuki checked the time of the clock on the dashboard, frowning as he realized that he was a bit earlier than he should be. It was too late though, it would look too suspicious for him to circle the block; no doubt some lacky that was patrolling would take notice.

The blond adjusted his overcoat one last time, double checking that everything looked good and that he did not expose any of his hero attire. With a final breath he opened the car door as the vehicle came to a stop. It was bright outside, a perfect sunset that casted rays upon the dusty building. 

It was simple and basically routine by now for Katsuki to move through the doors and into the main auditorium. Nothing was different besides the faces that moved around him. Without Hitoshi beside him though it would be harder to keep himself in check and not get lost in his own thoughts. He would have to do this alone since the Mind-fuck was probably already in the building and creating an enterance for the rest of the infiltration team to get into the attic. 

The blonde alpha made his way down the stairs to the third row of cushioned chairs, his gate slow and steady as to give the impression of power and dominance. The spectators stayed clear of him, only giving a few nods or a quick greeting as they passed. Everyone here stuck to their own groups and rarely went out of their way to speak to those around them. 

Thank the gods, cause Katsuki didn't have the patience to pretend that he gave a shit about them tonight. It was already taking too much effort for him to put on this fake mask as it was. Pretending to be one of them while his fellow heros were creeping just behind the walls was aggravating for his alpha. 

"Good evening." A low vibrato greeted from behind the blond. Katsuki glanced toward it, not sure if it was meant for him or not. 

His eyebrows pulled together as he made eye contact with a woman he didn't recognize. Her sharp eyes gazed up at him along with a smirk on her red lined lips. She was a bit shorter than the blond, her pink and purple hair pulled back onto a loose bun. She was no doubt a beta by the lack of scent that surrounded her. 

"Afternoon." Katsuki replied, keeping that mask on as he analyzed the women. His mind raced through pictures of enemy targets in his mind, but none of them were matching the person in front of him. She wasn't a target, but also wasn't a spectator that Katsuki recognized. 

"We should take a seat. The first match is about to start." She said, her voice sweet but very direct and forward as she took a step closer to him. 

Red eyes narrowed. The first match was still at least ten minutes out, what was this woman trying to do? He stared back at her, analyzing what he could see and hopefully use to figure out this woman's MO,  but he couldn't find anything that was setting off any alarms. Her quirk was unknown, and could be the reason he wasn't able to sus anything out, but even if that was it, he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it without drawing the attention of the entire room. 

"Or just move so I can take my seat." The female finally barked with irritation at Katsuki’s lack of movement. Her once poised and proper stance now crouched forward in a slight challenge. 

Katsuki huffed, already done with whatever this lady was on. He spun on his toes and walked to the center of the aisle before sitting down. He expected the lady to stay a bit away, but to his annoyance she sat in the seat right next to him. He huffed again, pointedly looking at her and then to the multiple vacant seats she had passed. 

"Be still Dynamite, or you will attract attention." The beta said with a bite through her teeth, keeping her eyes ahead. 

The hero's eyes widened as his hero name fell from her lips, his alpha rearing to attention as he froze in his chair. It took a moment before the words she said absorbed and made sense. With far too much effort needed, he turned his attention to the empty ring. Only two possibilities were before him. Either his identity was found out and this raid was already ensnared within a trap, or this woman was also an ungrounded hero. Though that seemed very unlikely since he would have at least known of her. 

The two sat in silence, neither acknowledging the other as people began to filter into the room and take their seats. The first fighter came into the ring, nothing notable about the beta drew Katsuki’s attention as the announcer rattled away at the introductions. 

"You only have one shot at this." The women suddenly whispered just as the fight commenced. "There are things that have been kept away from your team that could cause issues for you." 

The blond didn't look at her as his eyes stayed trained on the fight, but all his attention was on every word this beta was saying. 

"There is a rat within the heroes, one that is working very closely with Chisaki." She stated, her voice now lower than before. 

A cheer rang through the auditorium as one of the fighters connected an impressive hit. Katsuki clapped his hands, whistling his 'support' as he nodded his head to urge the woman to continue. 

"That omega isn't going to be freed tonight." She continued. 

A low growl emitted from the blonde's chest, his alpha demanding him to take action against her for what she said. 

The spectators cheered again, thankfully loud enough to drown out his irritation. The beta kept talking, ignoring his reaction. "He knows too much, Chisaki won't let him get away tonight. Even if you get him out, he won't be free. He will always have eyes on him, no matter where he goes." The woman finally glanced toward him, something playing in her eyes as she said something that chilled Katsuki to his core.

Screams of victory and applause rang through the room, drowning out everything around the blonde. If it wasn't for the fact that he was watching those red lips, reading what she was saying, he would have assumed he had misheard. 

Without another word, the woman got up and made her way down the aisle. 



Izuku paced around in his room, the golden glow of the setting sun gleaned through the dirty window. It was getting late, his match only minutes away, and still Eri hadn't come to his room.

Where is she?! Izuku mumbled to himself, teeth chewing at his bottom lip as he wrung his hands together.

Eri should've been here by now, waiting with him and staying in this room while he fought. It was the only place that the omega knew she would be safe while he was away. She wasn't someone that forgot or decided not to come when it came down to it. This was important for both of them, ingrained so deeply in their instincts to be there for one another. They were pack and naturally followed the unspoken rules that came with it. 

Yet, she wasn't here. Izuku could hear the cheering as the first set of fighters began their match. His adrenaline beginning to course through his veins at the noise, with it though was anxiety building just as fast. 

He turned his attention to his door as it opened, his hopeful heart falling to his stomach when he saw Hari and not the pup he wanted. The man stood just outside the doorway, his eyebrow raised at the omega in question as Izuku stayed rooted in his spot. 

"I need a few more minutes." Izuku said in answer to the silent question. He bowed his head slightly and directed his gaze to the betas shoes, hoping the show of submission could sway the older man to give him just a bit more time.

"You know I can't give you that." Hari sighed. He sounded tired and stressed but gave no other indication of what could be causing him such exhaustion. "Come." 

Izuku nodded, making tentative steps towards the door. He couldn't leave, he needed to know where the pup was. "Do you know where Eri is?" He whispered. 

Hari grunted in response, keeping his back towards the omega as they walked down the hallways toward the auditorium. 

"Please tell me where she is at." Izuku pleaded, his voice becoming wobbly as the door to the auditorium grew closer.  Hari stayed silent, his posture remaining composed and commanding. " Please." Izuku begged as tears began to rim his eyes.

But it was like Hari didn't hear him, or choose not to. The beta that once showed kindness toward Izuku and befriended him was nothing more than a statue. 

Izuku wanted to cry, his nose starting to tingle with the threat of tears spilling over. With a defeated sight he dropped his gaze to the ground as one thought crossed his mind. 

Chisaki, where are you?!

Eri was too smart to not follow the routine that they had established, even with their unresolved disagreement. No matter the rift between them, there was no way her disappearance was of her doing. 

Hari opened the heavy wooden door, not giving Izuku any indication that the omega was even there behind hom. The tension in the beta's body was tangible this close, the stress radiating out of the man.

Izuku walked to the secondary door of the fighting cage, Hari now close behind him to usher the omega inside before anyone could see him.  

Izuku's omega hissed as the metal door opened for him. The energy within the cage was thick, making it hard to breathe as he stepped in.  With shaky hands Izuku watched as Hari locked him in, the metal lock clicking so loudly between them. 

With one last attempt Izuku stared down his once friend through the wiring, mentally begging the beta to look at him. But Hari kept his head down, his shoulders hunched over on himself as he turned away. 


Bile filled Izuku's throat as he watched, his omega becoming more stressed with every footstep that widened the distance between them. 

A whine slipped past the omega’s lips as the panic began to set in. He had to get to Eri or… if not him then Hitoshi. Wide green eyes began to scan the crowd above in hopes of finding the messy, purple hair that would indicate the alpha was near. The alpha could slip past all the guards easily with his quirk and go find her. He could get into the back and find his pup and get her out. He needed to find Hitoshi. He needed him- 

But the alpha wasn't anywhere! Not within the crowd or by the main entrance. He wasn't here, why?! Who could get to Eri if he was trapped in this cage?

Frantic green eyes suddenly met intense red and Izuku's stomach lightened. He wasn't alone, Kacchan was here! The alpha would help him, Izuku had no doubt about it. Kacchan would move heaven and earth if it came to saving a child, Izuku needed to let him know. 


Izuku's yell was cut off as the ground quaked beneath him. His legs wobbled as he tried to catch his balance as the cage vibrated and groaned as it swayed. The entire room went deathly quiet as the shaking settled. Until a gunshot rang through the room. With a loud thud, the announcer of the matches fell from his podium, blood pouring from his neck in the process. 

Izuku looked back up to his childhood friend just as the entire room erupted into complete chaos. People began running and screaming as they kept their hands over their heads in hope to keep themselves safe. Many jumped from row to row in their attempt to get to the exit fastest, not caring if they pushed people over or injured another in their attempts.

Even with the scene in front of him, Izuku's attention was solely on one per. His green eyes widening as he saw the blonde alpha hurdling himself over a row of seats. His jacket and shirt were already ripped away to expose a skin-tight, black uniform on full display. 

It was like a flash back to the years Izuku had watched his childhood friend draw out different designs. Though the suit was a complete contrast to what the omega remembered, there were parts that were just like what had been drawn in Crayon.

Instead of the large x being displayed over the alpha's chest, there were 2 of them spiraled down his arms. The large gauntlets now replaced with what looked like the head of a rifle on one hand and some kind of blade attached to the back of the other. The black eye shield that had been drawn with prominent spikes on either side of the head was now a half face guard that covered the alpha's nose, eyes and cheeks in a protective cover. The red of his eyes glinted underneath as he narrowed in on his target.

The sight was magnificent; the gear, the suit, the face guard. All the details were as intimidating as they were beautiful, just like the alpha was in every sense of the phrase. The blond moved quickly, grabbing the people around him and clicking silver bracelets around their wrists. 

Quirk canceling cuffs?! 

This was the raid? It was happening, now?! Why didn't they tell him? He had to find Eri before she got caught up in a battle. He had to get to Chisaki before he could take her with him in an escape. He had to get to her, now!!!

"Kacchan!" Izuku screamed, turning toward the locked gate that he had just come  through and ran at it with full force. He rammed himself against it in an attempt to break the lock. Over and over and over he used his good shoulder to ram against his cage to no avail. With heaving breath, his fingers curled around the metal in desperation, pulling as hard as he could to try and bend the fensing. His body cried out in pain, his fingers leaving red marks with every touch as he continued to claw and yank. 

Izuku growled in frustration, his omega pushing and demanding him to get out.

"Kacchan!" Izuku cried in desperation, turning his attention back over his shoulder to find what was taking the alpha so long. 

The alpha was still in the stands, fighting one of the masked guards in hand to hand combat. It was just as incredible as Izuku would have ever imagined. The alpha moved with confidence, each hit hard and precise. When one of the VIPs ran by, Kacchan would alter his movements and quickly clamp one of those brackets onto them without defaulting or lessening his attacks on the guard. 

Even with the talent that the alpha obviously had, the guard was keeping pace. Their white face mask worked well to protect their face as they kept the hero distracted. 

"Shit!!" Izuku cried as he turned back to the gate. He needed to get out! He took a few steps back, bare feet digging into the hardened earth as he readied himself for another slam. 

Just as he took a primitive breath a gunshot rang through the air. The crash of metal and wheezing debris tore through Izuku's ears. The piercing sound echoed a deafening cry as he covered his ears in an attempt to dampen the sound.

But the gate fell slightly open, the lock nowhere to be seen as a large hole replaced it. Izuku looked around but found no one who would have been in range to be able to make the shot. Without a second thought, the omega busted through the gate and darted for the door. 

A few steps in and another set of rumbling shifted the ground, each step now throwing everyone off balance as it intensified. Screams echoed around Izuku as he fell to his hands and knees. 

As the ground continued to shake, Izuku tried to keep moving. His hands cried in pain as dirt and rocks dug into the fresh wounds. He gritted his teeth as the vibrations below him sent pulses of pain up through his shoulder. His attempts of crawling toward the door were slow with the sudden shift of the ground making him fall many times onto his side. With a pained whine Izuku laid onto his stomach, resolving himself to army crawl. 

Finally, the shaking stopped. A collected sigh of relief left Izuku's lips as he stumbled to his feet, brain still trying to gain control of his limbs as they swayed to the phantom movements. Each step was easier than the last as he propelled himself to the door again. His vision tunneled as the door got closer, he was almost there - Another gunshot ringing through the air before a heavy thump was heard directly behind the Omega. 

Izuku spun around, fangs descending as he prepared to fight. But only a man lay before him, a pool of blood forming a ring around his brown hair. His black hood fell back to show a hole that cut clean through in his neck. 

Izuku stumbled back, not expecting something like this to happen so close to him. His eyes flitted around in search for the owner of that gun, the one that seemed to be keeping their range of motion close to him. 

After a moment, Izuku looked higher and above the stadium of chairs to a ledge that was set higher up. There he saw her, the pink and purple hair more than familiar to the omega.

 Izuku sighed with relief, nodding his head in thanks as he watched the female beta load another strand of her hair into the chamber of her arm. A large smile stretched across her lips as she nodded back at him. The mutual respect for one another still held strong even years after their fight in the ring long ago. 

With a final glance, Izuku turned and bolted through the door. A new wave of energy propelling him to where he now knew without a doubt where Eri was. 

Word count: 7014

Can we just all give a moment of silence to my brain. I have spent way too much time getting this chapter done and I already have the next going because I didn't want to forget the plan. I always hit these weird burst of energy where my normal routine of sleep, school, work, be lazy and veg out suddenly turns into obsessing over the fanfiction that I originally took a 2 week break from. 😆 My poor brain can't turn off enough to sleep.

Let just thank whatever anime deity is out there for answering my prayers of writers block. And thank everyone who hung around for the 3 months of my disappearance. You guys are the true rock stars.

Like always, please leave your thoughts in the comments. I love reading them. Especially the one say they wanted to backhand Eri. I laughed way to long over it.


Chapter 17


Chapter 15