Chapter 15

A Melting String

A whispered Fuck choked out of Hitoshi as he walked under a spray of water. He couldn't stop himself, couldn’t resist the urge to wrap a hand around his growing erection. It was a wonder how he made it behind the closed door since he was palming himself through his pants the moment he was out of sight of Katsuki.

 The hot shower drowned out his breaths as his hand began to lazily stroke himself. The water poured over his head, dragging his wild hair into thick strands hanging around his face while he supported himself against the wall. He had originally escaped to the bathroom to recenter himself, but he didn't have much of a chance to do so with his alpha rearing to go. It was impressive that he was even able to walk away from the blond. 

The water began to grow hot, steam billowed through the small room and formed clouds around him like the arousal was doing in his head. All he could think about was the blond man on the other side of the thin wall in his apartment. Thoughts of how much he wanted to touch and kiss and hold that prickly alpha dominating every fiber of his being. Katsuki was just so cute when he tried to act like he wasn't bothered, but Hitoshi could see through that. He has been able to for a bit now. That calm stoic demeanor doing little to hide how flustered the blond got after they ate. 

It was almost too much for the alpha to remain in control. Hitoshi had instantly popped a boner as the blond alpha began to accept the advances. It reared his alpha, seeing the beginning of submission was tantalizing. Though Hitoshi had to remind himself that his alpha was probably seeing things that weren’t there, it wasn't like Katsuki had bared his neck. And to be honest Shinso was happy Katsuki hadn't, he liked a good chase.  

It wasn’t necessarily about how far he could take things. Hitoshi was mostly motivated by how receptive his partners were to his advances. It was the smallest changes that did it for the insomniac, and there were a few that caught his eye when it came to Katsuki. The gentle  thrumming that came from the male's chest, the rush of breath that  scented against his neck gland. Even the slow widening of Katsuki's legs so Hitoshi could get even closer was so arousing. 

It was perfect, Katsuki was so perfect. His smooth skin frazzled with goosebumps,red eyes that draped closed, while his hips just slightly lifted forward in anticipation. Closer, he should have gotten closer. Pressed himself against Katsuki as he licked the blonds claiming gland. Rewarded the pliant blond and made the wait worth his while. 

 The alpha groaned, his hand squeezing the base of his cock a little tighter as he increased his movements. The other found its place in massaging his deflated knot, thumb gentle as it pressed small circles on the sensitive mount. The combination of sensations were building up in his gut and sending warm sparks throughout. It felt so good, but so much better as he  imagined a certain alpha doing these ministrations instead of himself.

How would Katsuki have reacted if Hitoshi hadn't pulled away, if he did what his fantasies wanted? Would he whine? He hoped so. That quiet chuffing was so close to a croon, so close to a welcoming hymn. The scent of ginger that always lingered around the alpha had gotten heavier, cloaking both of them in growing desire. It was hypnotic as all hell. 

Alpha's didn't submit themselves for another. It was blamed on instinct, but it was mostly social pressures that kept alpha's on guard. Hitoshi loved watching a domineering alpha allow themselves to fully fall apart, and Katsuki was on the brink of that abyss.

He loved how Katsuki didn't fight it. He practically welcomed the taller alpha between his legs. They were so close. Close enough to touch, to kiss, to rub their glands together. The chub in Hitoshi’s pants could have reached Katsuki’s easily. Could have hand their hips flushed together as they allowed their alpha’s a moment to relish in the other’s presents. 

Hitoshi gasped, his building arousal climbing quickly to orgasm. He was so close, his body hunching forward as his abs tightened. He was so close just a bit more.

 With skilled fingers, Hitoshi removed the hand massaging his knot and reached behind him. Water covered fingers pressing against his hole lightly, but then slightly harder as the sensation collided in him and his alpha demanded more. With no further thought, a pointer and middle digit circled the muscle before finally pressing in. Hitoshi imagined the blond behind him, whispering in his ear as he pushed deeper inside him. Those calloused fingers rubbing against his hole with careful movements while his words betrayed that sense of comfort. 

Hitoshi came with held breath, his cum dripping onto the shower tile as he became encompassed in mental and physical pleasure. Gasps finally joined him as Hitoshi massaged his cock a bit more, his fingers still lodged knuckles deep inside as he rode himself practically to overstimulation. 

"Damn~" The alpha breathed out as the clouds cleared. He kept  his eyes closed while removing his fingers. Part of him relished in the hyper sensitivity, but mostly it was uncomfortable. 

With a final sigh, he tilted his face into the spray of the water. Each drop brings more awareness. Usually post nut clarity was abrupt as it cleared the mental fog, but this time it didn't change anything. Hitoshi didn't feel guilty about masterbating to the thoughts of his work partner. He had gotten over that days ago- this not being the first, or realistically last, time the other alpha took hold of his fantasies. If only those dreams would become reality. He wished he could walk out of this room and do what he wanted to the blond, but it was too soon for him to assume.

What would Katsuki do when he walked out? It wasn’t like he left on a comforting note. Really he had walked away and left the other in limbo. Would Katsuki pretend nothing had happened, or would he still be pliant? Or better yet expectant?  God, he prayed he didn’t fuck anything up.  

This dance of theirs was getting him too knotted headed to keep himself at bay. He was becoming infuriatingly impatient, and it wasn’t sitting right with him. It had taken everything he had not to jump the alpha when they sat in the office going over new strategies. Although his alpha begged to follow his desires, Hitoshi made sure to stay in control. Their fight had put them in a purcurious place, and he didn’t know exactly how to go about it. He couldn't in any good continuous press the bonde. He, overall, just wanted to make the blond feel wanted and comfortable around him.

 Their partnership and increasing friendship was far more important than any of the what ifs. Katsuki was opening up to him, talking more with less insults.  The two were now able to trust each other on some level now. Their job was becoming easier and more enjoyable with their growing connection.

Their walk to Hitoshi's apartment proved that. Even with their disagreement earlier- their words just as harsh and targeted as they were back at UA- showed a different side of Katsuki that confirmed how far they were coming. They were finally to a place where their individual personalities didn’t rub the other wrong. There hadn’t been much of an apology on either end, but was one really due? Both of them had building stress, and it seemed that both of them could see where the other was coming from.  They were able to easily shift and take the verbial hand the other was offering as they left the office together. 

Their walk had been like a soothing balm after the fight, quickly easing away the aches and pains that had happened. Their conversations were becoming easier and delightful. Katsuki was genuinely funny, though very mouthy and direct- but that wasn't surprising. What was a pleasant surprise was the blond's laugh. It was light and gravelly, something Hitoshi never would have imagined before. It wasn't a pretty laugh by any means, but it was absolutely adorable to hear. 

Those actions were what Hitoshi wanted more than anything. For them to be able to see past their faults and still try to be there for each other. God that sounded cheesy, but this was now more than just friendship to the insomniac. Even if Katsuki didn’t feel the same way, and never was able too; Hitoshi was over that line, and he was realizing how territorial his alpha was becoming over the bond. 

With a final huff to clear away the last of the cloudy thoughts,  Hitoshi turned the water off. Goosebumps quickly skittered across his body as he moved through the bathroom; drying himself off, brushing his teeth and untangling his shoulder length hair. 

It was late, practically 4 am already. It wasn’t anything unfamiliar to the insomniac. He was usually up filling out documents or reading fanfics online. His lack of melatonin ruling over his biometric clock instead of the sun.  Therefore, he couldn’t assume the same could be said for his blond companion. It was unlikely that Katsuki was someone to stay up this late. The routine he had at UA was both impressive and infuriating for the wild haired alpha. So, out of respect for his melatonin abundant companion,  he should be quiet in case the other had already retired to bed. 

Hitoshi moved to open the door- habits in control over awareness as he proceeded to open the door. The hall was dark, a familiar hint of light glowing from the nightstand that was by the bed. He didn’t need to see it to know where the glow resided from.  Though he still paused as he did, the sudden realization announced itself.  Here he was standing in the darkened hallway- thank god, he was around a corner- with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. The clothes he planned to retrieve after his shower were all folded but not put away, but rather sitting in small piles by his bed. And yes, it was most definitely all of his clean clothes because no insomnic has the energy to put laundry away. There was no way to retrieve any possible articles without having to walk past the bed- where Katsuki was probably - hopefully asleep. 

The alpha pinched the bridge of his nose at his lack of forethought. His stupid alpha brain was the reason he was in this predicament. No rational person would forget their clothes when a guest was staying the night. But here he was, irrational and practically nude with nothing but a horny alpha begging him to abandon all logic like the ‘apex’ predator it was. 

 "Fuck it." He rasped, resolution toward his demise setting in. Reluctantly he allowed his alpha to pressure him into action. Honestly, if all went bad, he could use this to tease the blond some more and test more of the waters. I would allow him a way to get an idea of what Katsuki thought of his body, like in those romance movies.

With steady steps, Hitoshi walked out of the bathroom. He made sure to grab an extra on his way down so he could 'dry' his hair like in the hunks in the romcoms did. His hand firmly gripping the towel while flexing his arms and abs for show, all in hopes that red eyes would grace his figure as he walked into the open room. 

Katsuki stared at the bed in front of him, the room empty with the only sound being that of the shower running. He was perplexed on what he was supposed to do at the moment. He had already done the dinner dishes and wiped down the kitchen bar area as a thank you to his host, but now he was left with nothing to preoccupy himself.  He sure as hell wasn’t going to tidy up Shinso’s apartment, that just felt like doing too much. Just like trying to use the other alpha’s given name. 

Hitoshi… Hitoshi, it felt weird on his tongue, longer and less sharp on his tongue. He wouldn’t be able to use it harshly with the way it rolled off his tongue. Besides, he really didn’t know if he wanted to use that name. Mindfuck and eyebags he was way more comfortable and accustomed to, or Shinso when he was in a more optimistic mood. 

There was no reason why he should change how he addressed his hero partner. They were just that, colleagues. It wasn’t like this newly given permission was going to alter anything between them. Right?

Shit! Katsuki knew he was lying to himself. This whole thing was beyond the scope of his general comfort. He was now more than sure that the way Hitoshi saw him was indeed different than a partner… a work partner. Well fuck, now he had to stop using that term now or else risk getting even more confused. 

My god, everything is fucking sideways! Katsuki groaned under his breath. 

He quickly paced himself around the room, trying anything to stop the rambling that his brain was suddenly obsessed with. He should focus on the present issue, and that was sleep- or more precisely, where to sleep. 

The decision to sleep in this bed was weirdly easier to handle after his mental descent from seconds ago. But every sword has two edges because it also becomes almost impossible to ignore the implications of such a choice. On one hand he was so exhausted from the long day of work. All those pillows and fluffy blankets were a call from heaven above which offered him salvation, a promise of warmth and comfort for his weary body. 

Yet it was also a siren song. He knew how it would look to Hitoshi if he laid in that bed. How his alpha would take the opportunity to scent the articles for that smell of Allspice. Hell, the beast would even want to leave his own Ginger there as a show of territory to anyone who would enter this den in the future. All in all, It wouldn’t be a thing that just a friend did; it would be confirmation to what was unraveling between them. 

Fuck, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. There was no way to avoid that kind of situation. He could either sleep on the floor and wake up with a sore back and kinked neck- which would give Aizawa another reason to pull him from the case- and possibly make Hitoshi feel bad about his advances at dinner and affect their ability to work together. That wasn’t something he was willing to risk.

Not because he cared about Hitoshi’s feelings, but because it could impact Izuku’s safety. Katsuki needed all the cards he could collect for this raid to be successful. So if that meant giving into his carnal desire to be closer to the lanky alpha, then it wouldn’t be just for selfish reasons. He could allow his alpha to enjoy the feelings that were spurred on by Hitoshi- for Izuku’s sake- and finally have his carnal beast settle just in time for the rade.

Yet, if he did climb into that bed… it would lead to more than just quelling his alpha, it would be adding to this emotional headache that was already too much for the alpha to decipher. There was too much going on for him to add to his plate, and understanding his own feelings besides anger was something he still struggled with. His poor therapist could attest to that for him. 

All though,  a good night's sleep would definitely lead to him having enough energy to process all of this. He would be able to suss out his own feelings a bit more, and maybe sleeping next to the alpha will grant him a possibility of understanding those feelings that had his alpha going all weird.

But would that mean I would have to flirt back with Hitoshi?  Lord knows how bad he already was with that.

Couldn’t he just accept this offering of sleep in a bed without it meaning anything? It can be like a platonic sleepover, just two guys sharing a bed… alone…… in a bachelor's apartment……… after one of them had obviously made some advances that Katsuki was admittedly not mad about…

“Fine!” Katsuki whisper-screamed to himself, his hands slipping through his hair and pulling at the roots in an attempt to release some anxiety. He was making a big deal out of nothing… because who was he kidding, he wasn’t ever going to sleep on the floor. He was nothing more than a selfish alpha. Having a good night's sleep was something he deserved!

The blond made quick work of turning off all the lights except the one that was on the opposite side of the bed where Katsuki planned to sleep. He ignored the weird shirt that was draped over the shade, encapsulating the majority of the lamp light; must be an insomniac thing. 

The blond alpha made quick work to push all the extra pillows out of the way, well except for one that smelled especially good. It would be Hitoshi’s problem of what to do with them- he wasn’t going to put them on the ground, that would be rude and he wasn’t a heathen- but there were far too many for any rational person to have.

A grateful breath eased from the tired alpha as he climbed under the comforter. The quality was amazing, so soft and cozy. Maybe he should invest into whatever brand these were. It had to be a luxury line, or maybe an omegan? Who knew, but Katsuki wasn’t complaining with how soft they were. 

He rolled around, tossing himself a bit until he had made the perfect spot for himself. Each muscle slowly began to unwind, his eyes growing heavy and mind beginning to drift away to things more pleasing.

The sound of a click had Katsuki perking his head up off the pillow, drawing himself out of his meandering haze to investigate. It was the bathroom door opening, no doubt Hitoshi was finally done with his shower and coming out. It was still a bit dark in the room, but red eyes -already adjusted- focused on the hallway next to the kitchen. 

He could see a dark figure make its way through the hall, footsteps light as they tapped on the vinyl. It wasn’t  until the orange hue from the light glinted off of pale skin that Katsuki realized just how much skin the alpha was showing.  He blinked in surprise, following the figure as it made it to the end of the bed. 

He should look away, should close his eyes and go back to sleep. But it would have been a shame not to trail his eyes down the dark happy trail, imagining things he really shouldn’t as the hair draped down under the towel that was wrapped low on the alpha’s hips.

Katsuki’s alpha feasted at the full course meal casually standing in front of him, paying full attention to the movements of the slim alpha as he moved around. 

Hitoshi’s hair fell in thick strands over his face, a toweled hand moving the locks around and casting shadows over his chiseled face. It was a sight to behold; drops of water rolling down the plains of polished abs so easily, highlighting each divot and line as they went.

Katsuki hadn’t expected the mind-quirked alpha to be so sculpted with how lanky he seemed to be. His hero attire had covered every indication that Hitoshi was beyond just toned and athletic. Though it made sense now that Katsuki actually thought about it. How else was the alpha able to scale up walls and jump across rooftops so quietly without the skill and muscle to do so. 

The alpha moved with such grace, skin pulling taunt then relaxing as he dried his hair. His build was nothing like Katsuki’s- who had a larger upper body to compensate for his quirk. Hitoshi’s form on the other hand was more evenly distributed, proportions practically equal since the alpha used his entire body to fight and move around out in the field.  Each muscle group was even in size, the muscles only bulging when flexed- and man were they being flexed right now. Hitoshi obviously had insane core muscles, each turn the alpha made just showcasing how cared for his body was; deep V line, thick Lats, large calves, with visible veins that snaked down those long arms. 

This was basically a wet dream for Katsuki. 

Those thoughts paused momentarily as red eyes watched the taller alpha bend down to grab a pair of underwear from the pile of folded clothes. Was he really about to watch this man dress himself? Sure it was dark in the room, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t enough light for Katsuki not to see what was -at the moment- under that towel. He should really look away. Hitoshi didn’t know he was awake! He was acting like a total  pervert. He was no better than any other knot headed alpha that rubbernecked.

“Don’t worry Katsuki.” A low voice spoke into the darkened room. The smooth words still jolted the blond. “ I don’t mind you watching.”

Dark eyes turned to look at the alpha laying in bed. A small hint of a smile began to grow as they made eye contact. It was an odd sensation for Katsuki; being backed into a corner -again- by this alpha. He normally would retaliate, get aggressive and assert his dominance. Yet once again, he was left with nothing. All he could do was stare back into those eyes, unsure of what to do. 

With a slow but steady hand, Hitoshi pulled at the front of his towel. Not sufficient for it to fall, but just enough for it to sag even lower around those hips. Red flickered down as the fabric slid, fascinated as more of that happy trail expanded before his eyes. It was obvious what was behind that towel-fisted hand, the object of curiosity just barely obscured from view. 

The two held their breath, both nervous but also bold in their lack of actions to stop whatever this was. This could go so many ways, but it seemed that neither wanted to back down or turn away. That growing tension that was kindled between them now red hot, a string now set on fire and quickly burning away to nothing but raw magnetism. 

It wasn’t like this was going to be the first dick the blond had ever seen, on the contrary, it was a regular thing for heroes- no matter the genders- to change in front of each other. Privacy wasn’t something that was always available in this line of work. But even with that, it wasn’t like Katsuki was allowing himself to check out any of the other heroes he worked with. He respected them and would give them the little privacy he could give, just like they also did for him. It was a comradery between heroes, unspoken but just as binding. 

Within an instant, the towel fell to the ground and silenced the entire world. It was deathly quiet as Katsuki considered the cock that hung heavily between Hitoshi’s legs. The dark hair was trimmed back and framed around the alpha’s apex, accentuating its girth. It was mesmerizing, everything about the purple haired alpha seemed to defy what the blond would have originally thought. Hitoshi’s sack was heavy as it supported the cock that was slowly beginning to fill out. It was average in length for an alpha, nothing to be shocked about by any means.

Yet, Katsuki could feel his own cock twitch in his pants. His fangs started to itch in his gums as his imagination began to run wild. This was nothing that Katsuki had ever experienced before. He knew he liked men, but never sought out anything beyond  porn or very rare drunken one night stands with betas. He didn’t really have the time, nor wanted his identity exposed. 

“Hitoshi…” Katsuki whispered without his own consent. His voice had more air to it than words as he looked up to the alpha’s face. 

“Yes, Katsuki?” The insomniac replied, his smile growing more as he waited. The connection between them was so delicate, fragile as they entered this new territory. It felt like the slightest movement would shatter it. Dark eyes grew heavy-lidded as they waited for Katsuki to respond, his head tilting slightly to the side as he enjoyed the way he was being looked at. This was absolutely thrilling. Those red eyes that were always so critical and sharp had become wide and soft. It was everything Hitoshi had hoped for when he had decided to walk into this room. To have this alpha finally look at him with not just desire but fervor. 

With slow and predictable movement, almost like Hitoshi was approaching a wild animal, he walked closer to the blond. Their eyes never breaking eye contact as they assessed each other. It was like they were hypnotized, the other casting a spell to compel them to get closer. 

Katsuki slowly sat up, the comforter falling into his lap as he looked up at the alpha that now stood before him. Hitoshi was fully nude, everything was so close and it was intimidating, but the alpha didn’t avert his gaze. He watched as the taller alpha knelt beside the bed, the two now even in height. 

Ginger and Allspice once again began to swirl together around them, their scents spiking in arousal; luring them towards one another. Everything between them had been building, all moving toward what seemed to be this moment. The situation Katsuki knew he didn’t want to turn away from or ignore the possibility of any longer.

Their noses gently grazed each other with bated breath. It was soft and slow, practically hesitant as their lips lightly touched. Simple yet powerful in every way before they broke apart, but only for a moment before joining back together for a longer kiss. 

Hitoshi had imagined his first kiss with the blond to be along the lines of something more rushed and aggressive. Potentially having the two of them fighting for dominance and demanding the other to submit. This was far better. 

Each kiss was followed by a feather light nosing against a cheek, corner of the mouth or even a toward the ear, before their lips returned for another caress. Their hands moved cautiously to touch the other, grazing over a thigh or trailing against the cords of muscles on the other’s neck. Each connection dragging their breaths out  a little louder than before.

Hitoshi gently hinted for more, deepening each kiss in succession until he felt the tentative tongue of the blond graze his lower lip. How could he not reward the alpha for his bravery? He wanted to shower Katsuki with all that he could; reassurance, happiness, passion, acceptance. So many compliments on the tip of his tongue. But for now it would be a bit of submission. 

The naked alpha opened his mouth slightly, inviting Katsuki to take the lead as he pushed the alpha further onto the bed. It was like a dance between them as they moved. Katsuki adjusted until he was on his back, not allowing them to break apart as he licked past teeth and stroked the awaiting tongue. 

Hitoshi now caged the other between his arms while he hovered over the blond, his cock laying heavily onto the waist below. A shiver ran over pale skin as heat-scared fingers started to feather up and down the purple-haired alpha’s sides. Each pass downward reached toward new territory, carefully brushing below the hip and along his ass. 

So many sensations, but not enough for either of them. 

Those calloused fingers followed the natural line that connected cheek to leg, drawing over the crease slowly back and forth. Again, each trailed graze finds more skin to touch toward the inner junction of the alpha’s apex. The sensation flooded arousal deep inside of Hitoshi. It was unexpected but second nature to open his legs more, for his hips to fall forward and tilt back to allow the alpha more reach. It was like his body was begging for the blond to touch more, enticing him with the bend in his back and sway of his hips. 

Just as those thick fingers moved closer- agonizingly slow- about to touch the alpha’s taint, they stopped and pulled away. The sudden loss of predicted pleasure forced Hitoshi to grind his hips down in an attempt to relieve the built up pressure that had been torturing him. 

Moans intertwined between the two’s lips, breaths fluttering and increasing as Katsuki rolled his hips in retaliation. The spur of movements creating a sudden need to keep the tingles, warmth and buzz growing.

“Katsuki~” Hitoshi gasps out. He had half a mind to remember that the blond was still fully dressed. The pants that he lent out doing a poor job at imitating the awaiting cock underneath. With a swift hand Hitoshi dug his fingers under the waistband, forcing the fabric down. Blond hair came into view when the taller man pulled back and sat on his haunches, using both hands to shimmy the article further down Katsuki’s legs. 

The cock that sprang into view was mouth watering. The pink skin stretched up toward a reddened tip, a thick vein pulsing with the rapid beat of the blond alpha’s heart. Katsuki didn’t have a lot of girth, but was long. The idea of the alpha being able to reach deep inside little prep instigated a sudden need to feel it down his throat. 

Hitoshi launched forward, like a wild animal would do to catch its prey, and swallowed the cock as far down as he could. A surprised gasp accompanied the large hand that entangled itself into wet strands. 

“God Damnit” Katsuki grunted out, head tilted down in an attempt to watch where his cock was disappearing to. 

Hitoshi watched with fascination as Katsuki’s jaw fell further open with each bob of his head. The stutter gasps when his tongue pressing hard just under the head while a large hand twisted at the base. He kept a steady pace, his work slower than what he would normally  do for others. He didn’t want this to end so fast, he wanted to watch the man before him relax and then tense under the suction of his mouth over and over again. 

“H-toshi!” Katsuki moaned out, crunching his abdomen as the climbing pleasure took over. His red eyes were so glassy, heavy with the want to fall shut but forced open to watch as Hitoshi sucked him further down. The gags that came only added toward the pleasure despite the gripped hand that tried to pull the alpha off of him. Each tug was ignored and reciprocated with Hitoshi trying to take more in. 

“S-stop,” Katsuki cried, his breaths haggard and voice so light. “I’m g-gonna cum.” 

Hitoshi debated swallowing the alpha’s load, but thought better of it as they hadn’t established much in the way of boundaries yet. So with reluctance he pulled off, his hand following his lips with a twist of his wrist. Just as his lips departed from Katsuki’s head, cum greated him. 

Katsuki’s breaths stopped momentarily as his orgasm took control. His entire body flexed as his cum sprayed up into Hitoshi’s face. Each pump added more to the cream that now littered under purple eyes and reddened lips. 

Hitoshi held still, stroking Katsuki’s cock as he worked the alpha through his orgasm. Each wave of orgasm becomes less and more spread apart, but no less entrancing for the insomniac. His strokes now slowly and softly squeezes as to draw out the pleasure as much as possible in an attempt to ward off overstimulation. 

“Fuck~” Katsuki breaths out, his chest heaving as he opens his eyes. It takes a moment before the blond realizes the state that the insomniac is in. “Fuckin shit!” He mutters, sitting up and looking for something to clean his spunk off the alpha. 

Hitoshi chuckles as he watches the other, not worried at all about the markings. “It’s fine.” He reassured, climbing off the bed and making his way into the kitchen. With a clean rag in hand he wipes his face clean, a smile on his face as he watches the blond fall onto his back and stare at the ceiling.

It is a beautiful view, and one Hitoshi would like to see quite often in the near future. He walks back toward the bed, glass of water in hand as he settles next to the blond. Katsuki takes the water gratefully, chugging half of it down before he realizes the still hard cock that Hitoshi has. 

“Crap, what about you?” Katsuki asks, setting the glass down and shifting to get closer to Hitoshi.

“Hmmm.” The insomniac nods, trying desperately not to jump the poor man again as his arousal becomes demanding. “I can rub it out in the bathroom, no need to worry.” He replies, trying hard not to force the blond into anything.

“Like hell!” The blond growls. A hand comes up to Hitoshi’s chest, the palm a bit hot as it pushes him aggressively down. “You are going to lay here and let me enjoy you!”

Hitoshi smiles, a giddy feeling spreading as he cock twitches in demand. 

Ah yes… Mild Smutt.

Word count: 5789

Next chapter will have part 2 of this scene. So buckle up cause this is the last thing holding us back before the raid. Are you excited?????


Chapter 16


Chapter 14