Chapter 14
Anger & Passion
Spoiler Warning (at time of publishing)
If you don’t want the show/anime spoils, skip the section between the ******
This has already happened in the manga, so your good if you are up to date. Or if you are like me and don’t care for spoilers, feel free to read.
Red eyes stared, unblinking, at the black glare that is pierced back at him, a scared eyebrow quirked in unamusement. Katsuki knew what the old man was trying to do; sus out any underlying information that the young alpha hadn’t been transparent about… which was a lot, but that was Katsuki’s business and no one else’s.
With a long drawn out sigh, the older alpha stood from his desk; his dark orange sleeping bag falling to the floor and pooling around his feet. “I already have a migraine.” He huffed, “Fetch me a coffee while I try to work out this mess that you seem to continually attract.” Katsuki nodded as he got up. Honestly, this is a best case scenario for him, and he was going to take the offer.
Years ago he would have thrown a fit, yelled for the one legged man to do it himself. But now he knows that going along with it would be more beneficial for both of them. They didn’t have a lot of time to reconstruct a plan, and Aizawa was the go to for contacting all the different branches incharge of this mission. Katsuki was quick to walk down to the small kitchenette in the office building. The tiled ceiling soaked up the remaining bursts of light of the evening sun. It took forever for him to get back to base, stupid rush hour was always a bitch, and an extra 2 hours of his life wasted.
As the coffee machine hummed to life- spitting and hissing with its old age- the blond leaned against the counter to pull his phone out. He checked his messages for any updates from Shinso, but there was nothing. He hovered his fingers over the keypad, wanting to message the alpha but hesitated. He shouldn't bother the other alpha just yet. Shinso said that he would reach out if he gathered any information, and with the state that Izuku was in, that could be a while. No need to interrupt… even if he wanted details on the omega… and if the taller alpha was returning yet.
Katsuki tilted his head back with a deep sigh, the back of his head thumped against the cupboard door behind him. What am I doing? He thought. He felt so out of place. This was all so foreign to him, he usually was confident with his actions and could easily navigate through any oppstical without much issue. But now… he was so lost and that was getting on his nerves.
It’s always Izuku causing me to feel this way- t he alpha reminded himself. It was a pattern as old as they were. Izuku had been a force of nature as a child, his gravity so strong that Katsuki was never able to break free (not to his lack of trying). That big smile and wild imagination was too much at times, but always freeing and breathtaking. The two pups would run through the woods, jump from log to log as they pretended to have quirks. They would build small rock villages in the mud, small twigs were used as people and it was their mission to protect the helpless civilization from the moss monsters that wanted to devour the village. They would laugh and scream as they played for hours. Clothing caked in mud, shoes and pants weighed down with water when they would head back home in the setting sun. It was always like that with Izuku…
The beep of the coffee machine woke the blond from his daydream and he quickly made the perfect coffee for that picky alpha on the floor above. No doubt the man was already on the phone and calling in the team for data research and combing the Internet for any additional information about Deku.
Katsuki hated divulging Izuku’s identity, but he didn’t have much of a choice. He wasn’t going to risk the omega’s life during this raid. He wasn’t an idiot teenager anymore, he would use every resource he could to get eyes on Izuku. Anything to keep him safe; and that was a team of underground heroes and hackers. Though he was still going to keep as much about Izuku a secret. There was no reason for anyone to upturn the omega's entire life for one rescue. The omega deserved the little bit of privacy he still had.
Katsuki didn’t care to knock as he entered his Sensei’s office -the man would ignore him anyways. Aizawa had his upper half leaning over his desk, one eye focused on the computer screen as he analyzed the information. The man was talking quietly and it took the blonde a moment to realize he was on the phone.
“We have an emergency meeting in three hours, you better be here.” The old man hushed into the receiver. There was a moment of silence before Aizawa groaned with displeasure. “Are you fucking serious-….. Fine, but you are to leave in 1 hour. You shouldn't be-“
Katsuki frowned as the man was cut off again. Aizawa’s displeasure was beginning to soak throughout the room. Whoever was on the other end was really getting on the alpha’s nerves, and it seemed that the older man was losing in keeping his temper under control.
“For Christ sake- shut up! You talk too much and I don’t have time for the drama.” Aizawa snapped, the loud click of his incisors indicating a final warning. “You will return before the meeting starts to aid in the plan if needed. The info you provided is enough to turn this mission on its head if we aren’t careful. Don’t make me take you off this mission because you are now attached!” With a click of the phone and a mild thunk, the cellphone was tossed onto the other side of the desk. Aizawa fell back into this chair, a deep breath cascading from his nose as he rubbed his temples.
“Sir?” Katsuki questioned as he set the coffee mug in front of the man. He waited for the alpha to recenter himself before requesting information about the call.
“God! If he wasn’t my apprentice I would have wrung his neck years ago.” The graying man stated under his breath.
“That was Shinso?” Katsuki asked, reaching for his phone and finding it blank of any messages. His chest constricted slightly with a deep twinge of disappointment.
“Yes. He relayed intel that he was able to procure from Deku. We have a meeting with the majority of the team in three hours. The analysis' are already working on the final touches of profiling.” He explained before adjusting himself so he was back to his hunched position over his desk. "And, I expect you to fill me in on the information that you evidently left out earlier.” Dark eyes burned with irritation as they locked with red.
Katsuki blinked in surprise, “Sir, if I can-“
“No, Dynamite. I am your superior, and if you want to stay on this case you will inform me of why you have stepped out of protocol for an omega.” His voice was dry, slicing the man deep without warning. "As you know, this entire mission has been painstakingly curated for months, and it doesn’t look good for either of us to suddenly have to rework it because of your ego making a decision that impacts everyone.” Aizawa growled. He leaned forward in his chair, hands set in a vice grip on the arm rest. “You gave away not just yours but also Shinso’s identity to a member of an Illegal underground fight ring, who we know has close connections with the drug cartel! That omega could rat you out the moment Shinso leaves! Do you not understand what this means?!”
Katsuki went to open his mouth in an attempt to defend his actions, but a slam of his Sensie’s hand on the hardwood silenced him.
“This isn't just about you and your feelings, kid! This has been about saving thousands of potential victims. And now, because of your actions, more are in immediate risk of falling into a trap. Do you get that? Your fellow heroes' lives are now at stake Dynamite, not just the Omega's! Your partner is at risk as we speak!” Aizawa’s voice grew slightly louder with each word. The world shaking under his wrath. "There is no telling what will happen now. How many of my team, my students are now at risk because of the protocols that you have broken. And you bet your ass, Dynamite, I will do anything to not have another one of my students slaughtered because of the inability to rein in emotions!”
Katsuki winced as he thought back to Iida. The night the alpha hunted down the Hero Killer in revenge for his brother. And in turn was killed by that very villain.
It was devastating to have their class rep gone so suddenly. It was months before any of the students could be somewhat normal again. But it had taken much longer for their teacher to somewhat recover. It had been obvious that Aizawa took the young alpha's murder the worst. The man spent every school break searching for the Hero killer to no avail.
Katsuki assumed that the grief from losing Tsuyu and Mineta on that boat when USJ was attacked by the League during their first few weeks at UA had already started the spiral. Many of class 1A hadn't known how to mourn nor had time with the repeating attacks that threatened their lives. It was completely outside of their ability. Aizawa had become more protective of them after that.
But that protection didn’t stop the losses. Even Todoroki wasn't immune to the real danger set upon potential heroes. The half and half boy had tried to protect his father but his ice melted immediately against Dabi's flames. It was infuriating and tragic since the dual user could have been saved, could still be alive, if his father hadn't of stayed immobile as his favorite child was burned alive.
And last, Aoyama... Many of the students of UA were devastated by the potential heroes fall. It was catastrophic for class 1A and their teacher. The group of children had grown close, bonded over they’re trauma and determination. To have one of them, a member of there family betray them was so much worst than losing. Grief wasn’t enough, anger did very little. It left them hollow and empty for a long time.
The older man was huffing, his fangs on full display as they glistened with venom. His fingers clawed at the cushioned armrest, almost puncturing the fabric with how angry the alpha was. “So, you will tell me everything that you know about that omega or I will make sure that your probation is harsh enough to affect your rank in my- or any other agency if you decide to transfer. Do you understand?”
Silence enveloped the room. Red eyes wide as he stared at his boss with a shocked expression that soon morphed into shame. “Yes sir.” He replied.
It had been an hour of grooling questions and a stare that promised his demise. It was like hell was descending upon him in a fire ball of furry. Katsuki could barely keep his composer as he relayed everything that pertained to the mission. His hands were now like the entrance of the Nile river as he kept his head tilted down.
"So… there is a pup." Aizawa sighed heavily into his hands. "The omegas?"
The blond nodded, not daring to interrupt his Sensei's train of thought.
"Shit!" Aizawa finally relented. The air in the room beginning to grow heavy, the older man's scent of cold anger mixed with concern as he turned back to his computer. "Leave. Report to the conference room in 2 hours. And don't do anything!" The glare the man gave the bond was enough to sent a shiver of ice down Katsuki's spine. Katsuki may be used to such looks from his mother- the demon lord herself- but Aizawa was on a whole other level.
Katsuki walked down the darkened hallway, his mind unexpectedly blank as he made his way into the small sitting area by the elevators. He had nothing to do. His apartment was a 15 minute train ride away, so that was out of the question. There was nothing to do besides wait, so he flopped onto one of the very uncomfortable couches set under a wide window.
His mind was replaying his conversation with Aizawa. A mixture of anger, guilt and resentment making the experience hard to process. Even as he spewed everything to Aizawa, keeping it plain and simple the way the scrappy man liked- he knew that it was his last attempt to not make the situation worse for himself or Izuku. So he used the only card left up his sleeve. That being the older man's constant baby fever. So of course he brought up the pup and possibly described her much cuter than he should have.
A ding rang through the empty air, starling Katsuki out of his stupor and snapping his attention toward the elevator. The silver doors opened to reveal the man who snitched on the blond. Shinso in all his glory, hands deep in his pockets and hair back to its messy state - waves falling against his shoulders without all the gel to hold it up. The man had the audacity to smile as he walked closer to Katsuki.
"I thought you were going to help me." The blond alpha huffed as he stood from the couch, arms coming to cross over his chest. "But I guess you're just a snitch of a bitch that will throw anyone under the bus."
Shinso halted in his progression toward the blond, his face twisting in confusion. "Wha-"
"Save is Mind-fuck." Katsuki interrupted, releasing more of his scent to show how angry he was. He could tell when the pheromones had registered to the other, eyes widening slightly. "Remind me the next time we are on a mission… actually I think this will be our one and only."
"Shut the fuck up!" A growl resonated from the blond's chest, his eyes narrowing as he closed the space between them.
"Why?" Shinso asked. His voice was soft and unsure as he looked into red. His eyes suddenly widened as he lifted an arm towards the other, hesitating between them as the dark alpha tried to decide if it was okay to touch the other. "Don't cry."
Katsuki reared back, startled, blinking his eyes to find them more watery than normal. "I'm not Fuck-face." He yelled. This fucking idiot.
"Can you tell me what I did wrong." Shinso asked, his head tilting to the side slightly as his eyes glinted over the other alpha's face.
"You!" Katsuki gritted out, his finger jabbing the other's chest hard. "Will stay the fuck away from me!" Without another thought, Katsuki walked to the elevators, hitting the button hard.
"Katsuki." The other said, but the blond kept his back to the alpha. "Kat-"
"Stop using my name. You have no right!" Katsuki kept his head down, hands clenched and shaking with how much anger was flooding him.
Shinso huffed. "If you're mad at my report to Aizawa, then that is stupid. I promised I would help, and that means relaying as much intel back to the team." He said slowly, a small bite in his tone.
The blond whipped around, his eyes flaring as he stomped to Shinso. Shinso straightened himself, allowing their little height difference to seem bigger. Katsuki's scent began to fill the room with hot ginger as he snarled at the other.. Shinso didn't seem the least bit intimidated by the display, if anything it egged him on to dig back at the blond. "Sure, you told me personal things Bakugo, but that doesn't outweigh the mission. If it makes you feel better I didn't say anything about your dark past with Deku, just that you know him."
"You bastard!" Katsuki spit out.
"Maybe, but a level headed one." The other alpha growled. His once non-bothered mask falling to one of irritation. "Deku told me what he has to endure in that building, and I'm not going to make it worse. He needs an actual plan for the two of them to get out safely. You know that!"
Katsuki was losing his patience. The more this moron kept talking, the more it was just fueling his anger. "He would have been safe, I would make sure of it!"
"How?!" Shinso retorted. He waited a moment letting the silence continue as he challenged the other alpha. "Huh?"
"Don't question me-" The blond tried to bite back but was once again cut off.
"No!" Buckets of Allspice flooded over the two, suffocating the space around them as Shinso closed what little space was between them and bared his fangs. " Your head is either too big or you are too close to this to think clearly. Either way your judgment is compromised." Shinso roared. His slender frame suddenly more domineering and threatening to the blond. "You may be a good hero, but you aren't a miracle worker. Your word isn't good enough here. So back down before someone gets killed."
He stepped back, his eyes wide at how menacing Shinso was. Katsuki could feel his own alpha growl as he retreated more, no doubt hating weak he suddenly felt. He wasn't a bitch, but he sure felt the blow. He instinctually could sense a more powerful alpha and self preservation wasn’t extinct in him. The ding of the elevator signaled its arrival behind the blond, the door opening slowly. Shinso watched as the blond made his exit without another word, and his back never turned to face the other.
The sound of the doors clanking closed brought with it space for the tall alpha to take a needed breath. The two's pheromones were still thick and covered the room; proof that a dominance play happened between the two.
"That was loud."
Hitoshi groaned as he flopped onto the futon in Aizawa's office. He was drained and too hyper focused on that fight to care about the older alpha. He just wanted a nap and maybe, if he was lucky, dream about a certain green haired omega.
The silence stretched comfortably throughout the room, almost like a warm blanket that Hitoshi could become comatose within. It was all tranquil; the clicking of a keyboard, the patter of rain on the window, the air conditioning humming lightly, and the smell of coffee fuming the room like a candle. Hitoshi sank further into the rough fabric, his hands tucked under his armpits in an attempt to get comfy for some sleep. Though that seemed to be far from his priorities. It was rather the annoying-as-fuck-alpha-with-no--comprehention-that-the-rules-do-apply-to-him being there instead.
That man was more than just stubborn, he could be dense as hell. So narrow minded and focused on what was in front of him that basic reasoning was suddenly impossible. He proved that during their fight minutes ago. Hitoshi had only said what was true, didn't sugar coat or cottle. Just like the blond proclaimed he liked. But even with his 'win', he wasn't anything close to happy about it. No matter how much he tried, Hitoshi didn't like seeing the blond's small form of submission to him.
The entire time he could scent the betrayal that lingered within the blond's anger. Kat- Bakugo's scent was already consumed with the guilt of his actions when Hitoshi had first walked out of the elevator, though it was swept away by anger and attitude.
"He wouldn't listen." Hitoshi finally relented, voice filling the office. "Or communicate. Just acting like an ass as always." An ugly snort was the older man's only answer to his brooding prodege. His attention still on his computer as Hitoshi was left with himself.
Despite what Hitoshi had said during the heated discussion, it was obvious Bakugo wasn't acting in pride during their fight. No, it was the same pattern as before. The same thing that the alpha struggled with during UA. Becoming hostile toward himself until his self deprecation ran wild. Just like back in the day, it alway resulted like this; the alpha eventually isolating himself and blocking everyone out after the anger was directed at someone. No matter what words the blonde said or the heat in his pheromones, it was clear in his eyes. He hated himself, his actions, and his responses.
If Bakugo was as mad at anyone else like he was himself, then his fangs would have leaked venom down his chin. But that didn't happen, just like all the times in school. It was all an act, a last ditch effort to preserve that last bit of himself before Bakugo crumpled. And Bakugo didn't need anyone to point that out to him, he already knew. He was well aware of his mistakes and how much he despised himself without people voicing it.
"You better be in God's good graces, cause if you keep stinking up my office with your pouting I will send you to him." Aizawa threatened. His voice became incredibly lower and more irritated than what he would normally use when throwing a threat at the young hero.
"Not pouting!" Hitoshi gritted out.
"Don't waste my time with that crap, HairGel. I know when a child sulks." The man shifted while bringing his mug to his mouth, a small smile peaking at the corner.
"Stop calling me that!" The young alpha growled, practically throwing himself into a seated position.
Hitoshi glared at the other, his impulse to slam the old man into a closet and lock it becoming more desirable.
"Why don't you head down to the coffee bar for a while, since I am actually working and you obviously have nothing better to do." Aizawa droned, flicking his hand in a shew motion.
"Fuck, can't you just-" the purple haired male slumped back into the couch, a painful groan reverberating through the room.
"Here we go." Aizawa whispered to himself, now turning his whole attention back to his computer.
"I just can't get a read on him." Histoshi began, hands shoved over his face. Aizawa sighed, his eyes rolling to look at the ceiling as if praying to a god. "He will be so smart one minute and the next he becomes the biggest idiot. How am I supposed to function on a mission when he is unpredictable? "Hitoshi questioned, hands falling to his lap as he glared at the far wall. " I mean, he has always been unpredictable, but now it's dialed up to ten. We were finally working well together, well up til the last hour. Hell, that brick wall of a man has been more transparent these last few weeks than ever before."
There was only a moment of silence before the young alpha continued.
"Shit, how are we supposed to work together for the raid? I bet he doesn't even want to be near me since I called out his bullshit." The man closed his eyes with a groan. "He literally said we would ever work together. Fuck!"
Aizawa took a breath, happy his young prodigy was done with his melodramatic word vomit. His body easing in an attempt to soak up the quiet. But he suddenly couldn't do that as the silence was scared away by more incoherent gibberish.
"Why do I even bother?" Hitoshi sighed again. His sigh filled the entire room as Aizawa tried to zone back into his work before he rage quit. Hitoshi turned his attention to his Sensei, oblivious to the elders boredom with the subject. The man was staring at the screen with red bloged eyes, his focus completely on his work.
With a shake of his head, Hitoshi got up and walked out the office door. There was no way he was going to get any sleep, and by the way his Sensei looked, he was far less than him and still had an entire mission to replan. It would be best for him to do what Aizawa suggested and head to the coffee bar. Maybe Mrs. Tickles would be in the alley again and would let him get close enough to scratch her nape.
"You stupid child." Aizawa muttered as he clicked through another criminal profile. "Always too slow when it comes to socializing." The man clicked on the file he was searching for. A picture loading of a man with brown hair and gold eyes. His black eyes swiftly glanced over the intel, and found what he had been for before, quickly grabbing his phone to make a call.
Katsuki slouched in his chair, his eyes trained on his phone as a sports recap video played quietly in his hand. The blond's attention wasn't really on it, just using it so he didn't have to talk to the other two men in the room. Aizawa was writing something in a notebook on the desk that sat in the corner, Shinso leaning over the other side of the same desk as he gave as much information he knew about the layout of the Fight Hall.
Katsuki kept to himself, ignoring insomniac 1 and 2 as best as he could. It was almost midnight before people finally began to flow into the conference room. Most looked tired from a long day of patrol, others seemed to be well rested for their nocturnal life, but only one came in with a happy greeting on that ever present smile.
"Hey, Dynamite! I haven't seen ya in a while. How are you doing?"
"Just fine Lamillion." Katsuki smiled as he stood to greet the other man. He couldn't help but be happy to see the other man.
How could he not when the other alpha was already the number one hero at such a young age. Lamillion reminded Katsuki so much of All Might. He was so similar in confidence and determination. Part of Katsuki still couldn't believe he went to school with the other- though just for one year. In those few months he would find the retired hero and the happy blond training around the school grounds. A quick look at what they were doing would turn into watching the whole session, picking up tips and listening as the old hero directed and taught the potential hero.
"How is the topside?" Katsuki asked as he clasped the other's shoulder in greeting.
"Good. Lots of work, but great." The energetic blond answered. He opened his mouth to talk again but stopped as Aizawa spoke in a tired drone. The quiet room's attention turned to him with readied interest.
"Take a seat everyone. It's late and I would like to get back to sleep if possible, so let's get this started.” No one protest, rather sitting up at attention as to what the meeting was about. "Some of you got the memo already, but this case will be supervised by our number one since some protocols have been broken." Aizawa continued not caring to look at Katsuki. "He has been the one to reconstruct this plan and will be the one with the final say."
Katsuki eyed the blond beside him with a raised eyebrow. It was rare for the number one to join a raid in the underground since it took away from his time above. There would be no media attention about this, just a quick take down with as little damage and attention as possible.
The sun blond rose from his seat and walked to the front of the room. His usual smile was now gone as he addressed the room. His eyes scanned everyone slowly, taking in the team, and when they finally landed on Katsuki's they narrowed. Every instinct in the alpha drew to attention. His hackles raising as Miro seemed to look straight into his soul.
"Lemillon!" Katsuki shouted as he ran through the door and out into the hall. The meeting had just concluded, and before Katsuki could stand from his chair, Miro had already fazed through the wall. Katsuki ran down the hall, before clicking the elevator button over and over. He had to speak to the hero before he left!
As the doors opened, Katsuki drew back a step in surprise. There leaning against the back rail was Lemillion. "Dynamite?"
Katsuki entered the elevator, still shocked that the other blond would be here and not already walking out to his car. But he wasn't going to waste his chance. "Sir, I wanted to talk to you about the adjustments made to the mission." Katsuki stated as the doors closed. It was just the two of them as the elevator began to descend.
"What are your concerns?" Asked the sun alpha with genuine curiosity. The man's demeanor already a complete 180 from how he spoke in the conference room.
"I believe the position I have will inhibit efficiency during the raid. I shouldn't be restraining the crowd in the fight auditorium. I could be down by the ring helping Deku escape as previously planned. My quirk is better at defending someone than cuffing a bunch of rich snobs." Katsuki said, trying to use his best voice of reason. "Or being in the squad that hits through the back. There are a lot scummy alphas that work there and you will need all the men you can to storm into the back.
"Bakugo." Miro sighed as he hit the emergency stop on the elevator panel. The elevator came to a complete stop just before it hit the bottom floor. The sun blond turned his attention fulling to the shorter before continuing. "You know I see you as a great hero. One I trust with my life." Miro continued as the fiery blond furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "but I don't trust you with the lives of the team."
It was said so bluntly that Katsuki had a hard time processing what the other was saying. "What-"
"You broke protocol, and not just that but left your partner in that building alone. There was no proof that that omega wouldn't have squealed after you left." Miro continued, his voice heavy as he tried to ease the blond. “We still don’t.”
"He won’t-"
"Listen, I did my own digging when I was notified of what happened today. I know you went to school with that omega. That you two were childhood friends by the pictures your moms' posted on social media." The patience in the number one was drawing thin, his voice more direct as he stared down the other. "You don't know him anymore Bakugo. He has been under brutal circumstances for years; abused, brainwashed, and neglected. He cannot be trusted. And by not disclosing your previous association with him, I cannot trust your judgment."
"Sir, I promise that I will do everything I can to succeed in this mission." Katsuki tried to clarify.
"I have no doubt about that, but I cannot take any chances here. I have been searching for Chizaki for years. And I won't let more people die because of that man." The fire in the tall blond dulled to pain as he surely was thinking out his failed infiltration during his third year at UA. No doubt remembering the people he lost during that raid; Sir Night Eye and that little girl. "You may have great instincts, but you are too involved with that omga for me to rely on them. The only reason I have allowed you to stay on this mission is because you were right in one thing. I need the man power, and you having knowledge about that building layout is what we might need."
"Please, sir." Katsuki said. He just needed to be closer to Izuku when the raid started. He could handle staying in the auditorium if he could at least be down around the ring and not amongst a swarm of people. "Deku is quirkless, just allow me to be down by the ring. That is all I ask."
Miro basically growled as he stalked closer to Katsuki. His scent of barley filled the enclosed space, the tips of fangs glinting slightly as the alpha towered off the other in irritation. "No. You will be where I tell you to be. The raid won't start until after the fight has begun. So Deku will be safe there until one of the other heroes gets him. You need to trust your fellow heroes as much as you expect them to trust you. There is no reason besides your whipped alpha to be by that omega, so prove to me that you are above that."
Katsuki hung his head in defeat. The Hero was right, and Katsuki couldn’t deny it. Miro's judgment was fair and his instincts were always spot on. He was truly a good leader, and Katsuki needed to trust him, no matter how much he hated it.
"Any other concerns Bakugo?" Miro asked after taking a step back when the blond backed down.
"No." Katsuki gritted out.
Without a second look, the hero fazed through the elevator doors, not caring to reactivate the elevator. After a moment Katsuki looked up at the ceiling, blinking away a few tears as they threatened to spill. He wasn't going to break. He was a hero and he was going to do his job, there were more lives on the line beside Deku's
Katsuki walked out of the elevator a few minutes later, hands deep in his pockets and head tilted down. He was so tired, the day finally catching up to him. He could hear the pattering of rain outside as he walked closer to the front doors of the building. He weighed heavily as he realized he didn't have an umbrella and with it being so late into the night, the tram wouldn't be running. He would be lucky if a taxi wandered close to where he was. It looked like his best chances were walking.
He knocked his head lightly against the glass of the door, cursing and praying for this all to end.
"Bakugo?" A deep voice asked behind him. He turned slightly already knowing who it was before even seeing the man. He really didn't want to talk to anyone else tonight.
"What." He replied, less of a question and more of a demand.
"Would you like to share my umbrella?" Shinso asked, shaking the tie loose so the umbrella could unflur a bit.
"Why the fuck would I want that?." Katsuki huffed with a fake laugh. "Wanna learn more about me so you can snitch to your Sensei?" His words came out a bite. The wince on the other’s face showing how harsh the words had struck.
"You know I wouldn't do that." The other alpha said. “I didn’t mean to betray you, I thought I had walked that line pretty well.” And he was right, Katsuki did know that. If the purple haired freak really meant to snitch then he would have exposed his abuse toward an omega. But there had been no inkling that that had happened. "I don't expect you to not be mad. It's humiliating to be called out like that." Shinso continued. "But I didn't tell Aizawa anything he didn't need to know. I just want Deku and the pup to have the best chances at getting rescued."
Katsuki nodded, his shoulders falling and he took a deep breath. He got it, he would have done the same in the same position. He had acted out of emotion, even right now it was hard to separate himself from his alpha's anger and sorrow at today's events. None of this was really Shinso’s fault, he was doing protocol. He couldn’t keep blaming his partner for his fuck up.
"So." Katsuki finally said after a long time. "Are you going to walk me the hell home or what?"
Even in the dark room, only lit by the street lights outside, Katsuki could see a hint of a smile grow on the other alpha. "Of course! Let me get the door for you first." Shinso said as he quickly walked to the door and opened it like a butler would in a romance movie. The blond snorted as he walked through the first set of doors and waited for Shinso to open the umbrella and then the two walked side by side through the second glass door.
They walk for a few minutes in silence. The tapping of rain around them with mist settling deeper into the city was enough to prescribe some emotional relief to the blond alpha. Water splashed with each step they took, the smell of petrichor overpowered any scent the two alpha's might subconsciously release.
They walked shoulder to shoulder, the occasional bump here and there as they huddled under the umbrella. It was a cool night, the rain falling slightly horizontal with the breeze that bit at the alpha's nose and ears. Though Katsuki didn't mind it very much. It took a lot for him to get cold, even without his quirk for assistance, he ran warmer than the average human.
As the two progressed for a few blocks, Katsuki slowly noticed how the taller alpha edged a bit closer until their shoulders were pressed together. At first the blond thought it was an accident since Shinso was the one carrying the umbrella, but after another few minutes, the slight shaking from the exposed hand on the rod caught Katsuki's eye. The now white toned appendage shaking a bit more noticeably. Shinso was shivering slightly, hushed breaths stuttering out gray plumes of vapor as the alpha kept his jaw locked. The attempt to prevent his teeth chattering becomes less achievable with every step.
Katsuki cursed himself mentally. He was used to walking in this kind of weather. He had on more than one occasion walked blocks before flagging a taxi down this late at night. It usually ended with him walking anyway since the driver's wouldn't want to drive to where he lived. It was no biggy, if anything it helped him unwind from his patrol with the walk. The blond man knew he couldn't do much in terms of warming the other without flat out touching him or setting off an explosion, and it was making his alpha grind its teeth in irritation for not helping the other.
"How far is y-your apartment?" Shinso asked, keeping the clatter of his teeth to a minimum as he talked.
Katsuki shrugged his shoulders, already hating the answer. "It's usually an hour walk for me without a train. If I'm lucky I can flag a taxi about half way."
"Oh." Was the taller alpha's answer. It was quiet between them. No doubt the mind quirked alpha trying to figure out if he could walk an hour one way.
"Hey, don't worry." It was spoken before the blond could think. "Go home, I don't mind walking by myself." He wasn't lying, but he did feel his tongue try to wager his feelings about walking without the other. It was strange, not saying what he truly thought- which was for Shinso to walk with him as long as possible.
Shinso looked at him from his peripheral vision. "If you feel comfortable, you can always crash at my place. It is only a few blocks away."
Katsuki halted for a moment, almost tripping over nothing as he tried to keep his feet moving.
"I mean, it isn't a big place. Just a studio apartment, kinda traded space for location." Shinso half shrugged, his eyes falling to his feet before peering at the alpha.
If Katsuki didn't know better, it looked like the man was embarrassed or shy about that fact. Kinda like how most alphas would try to flirt with an omega. Was Shinso trying to impress him? There was no way that was it, they were both alphas. Not that there was anything bad about that- hell Kirishima talked about banging other alphas all the time- it was just uncommon. Not really talked about openly with how stigmatized it was.
But even then, it was a strange look that replaced the usually stoic face. It didn't fit or it was just thay Katsuki didn't like seeing it on the other's. It made him want to comfort the other, validate the alpha and show him there was nothing to feel embarrassed about. So that is what he did… kinda
"Really? That's cool. I hear the waitlists around here are long as fuck with being so close to downtown." Katsuki casually said, trying to regain control of the awkward silence.
"Umm, ya." Shinso nodded as he lifted his head in thought. "I roomed with a few people after UA while I waited for a chance to snag one. Took a few years, but was able to get a hold of one." The alpha smiled slightly to himself. "It has a nice view of a nearby park. A coffee shop is on the same block too, so it isn't too bad."
Katsuki nodded his head as the other talked, content with listening. He didn't know if it was subconscious or not, but their path had altered slightly into a new direction. Shinso kept talking and sneaking peaks when the blond would hum in response. It was a nice conversation, one that was easy to continue as they kept walking. The blond alpha followed the other, not deterring or bringing attention to it as they talked back and forth. Katsuki shared about the area he lived in, sharing his favorite spots and what he liked about the area.
Katsuki didn't live anywhere special. He picked the location because of the price. He didn't want to use his parent's money - no matter how much they tried. It was close to downtown, but in the industrial sector. It didn't attract a lot of people with its aged buildings, worn down streets and power lines everywhere. But it was perfect for the blond. His view was smoke stacks and trains carrying supplies to and fro. It wasn't a bad place for him. He got the privacy that he wanted, a bigger space, and at a generally good spot. His friends hated where he lived since they would have to travel to get to him, so it was a perfect strategy to avoid hosting their get-togethers.
Shinso halted as he seemed to realize where they were, his eyes widening slightly before diverting to anywhere but toward the blond. "Shit- I didn't mean- my home. Uhh, obviously the offer still stands- If you want- or are uncomfortable." The man stumbled over his sentences, seeming to try to get multiple things out at the same time.
"Stop sweating Mind-Fuck." Katsuki couldn't help but chuckle lightly. His hand slapped the other on the upper back as he smirked. "I appreciate it. Lead the way."
Shinso nodded, a slight skip to his step as he walked them closer to a high rise in the distance. The neighborhood was lit up on the bottom floors by different stores flashing their signs. He noticed that some were still open; a convent store, a small karaoke bar, a grill restaurant and a store that offered massages. The dark haired alpha led them to the other side of one of the buildings to a set of doors. The glass encased a lit up lobby and a wall of mailboxes. Shinso scanned a key card and proceeded to open the door the same way he did earlier, except instead of a bow the alpha curtsied.
Katsuki couldn't help himself as he played along. "Why thank you, young man. But has anyone told you that your form is deplorable?" The two laughed, their voices echoing against the empty room. The teasing didn't stop as they rode the elevator and then walked into a hall. It was all nice, refreshing…
Until Shinso welcomed him into his apartment and Katsuki didn't know how to process what he saw. It's a studio apartment, like the alpha said. A bathroom to his right, a wash combo unit on the left, then a closet. The kitchen was small, really only enough space for one person, but the small space was cozy. Leather chairs sat around the bar, thick curtains hanging from the low ceiling on the far wall. Simple art hung here and there, pillows and blankets piled in an empty corner. A massive tv hung on the biggest wall with an electric fireplace stand already on and throwing orange raise onto the shag rug.
What the blond didn't expect- like maybe the couch he was thinking he was going to sleep on- was instead a king size bed taking up the other wall. There was absolutely no room for additional furniture. It was kinda ironic that an insomniac would have such a large bed…
Shinso cleared his throat, obviously noticing his partner's state. He slowly put away the umbrella to buy some time, an uncomfortable laugh or sigh - Katsuki does not really know- being his first response to the questioning look given to him. "I guess I didn't mention that I only have a bed in here, though it is top of the line- that's not the point. I can call a taxi. This probably isn't appropriate between partners." Shinso's scent started to swisp embarrassment in the small entryway. The poor man obviously didn't know what to do with himself as Katsuki just stared at him.
With a stabilizing breath, the blond alpha kicked off his shoes and made an effort to seem careless as he stomped through the apartment. He ungracefully launched himself onto the bed, shoving his head in one of many pillows so he wouldn't have to look at Shinso. "Damn! You're right, this shit is comfy~" he groaned. He could feel each of his muscles slowly relax as he sunk further into the bed.
"They say the best night sleep comes from the mattress." Shinso said, suddenly a lot closer than where he was by the door.
Katsuki snorted, rolling his head so he could squint up at the alpha who stood by the bed. "That's rich coming from an insomniac."
Shinso chuckled at that, nodding his head as if to admit how ludicrous it sounded. He ambled into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge. "You hungry?"
"Starving." The blond replied as he curled a pillow under his chest and hugged it.
"I have some leftover tofu fried rice." Dark eyes peek over the counter to look at the blond for approval. The blond alpha nodded in reply, his eyes already growing so heavy. He flinched when something smacked his face. With a blink he saw a towel laying below his chin. "Get your dirty ass off my bed and go shower. You can borrow clothes from the closet." Shinso declared, back to the blond.
With a groan Katsuki rolled into a sitting position, a yawn slipping through his mouth. "Whatever."
He dug through the closet, partially surprised to see colors other than black. He grabbed a baggy T and a pair of shorts before entering the small bathroom. The water on his tight muscles felt amazing. He tried to soak as long as possible without being rude, using the products on the shelf and enjoying the hot water. The weight of stress practically ran off him with the water, leaving behind a light warm feeling that made his head droop.
He slowly walked out of the bath, shorts a bit tight on the hips, but feeling refreshed and hungry. Shinso was at the bar, eating as he swiped through his phone. A second bowl filled to the brim was set next to him, still steaming with a store bought protein smoothie.
Katsuki slumped into the bar stool with a huff, his mouth watering as he scooped up his fost bite. "God! This is good. You made this?" He asked through a mouth full.
"It's nothing special." Shinso shrugged. "I'm not as good of a cook as you are. I still fantasize about the Tofu stuff you make back at UA."
The blond nodded as he took another bite. "Haven't cooked for myself in a while. Don't really have the energy for it anymore." He admitted while thinking of the premade meals in his fridge.
Shinso hummed, fully understanding what the blond meant. He too had times of mental fatigue. It was already hard with the schedule of an underground hero, putting mental health on top of that… well it could get rough.
"Maybe we can do a meal exchange or something." The wild haired male said. "I mean, there is also meal prepping. That could be easier than doing it alone."
"Are you asking me to come here every week? I didn't know we were that serious." The blonde nudged the other playfully, sneering as he watched pink begin to paint pale skin.
"Well," Shinso coughed. "You will be sleeping with me tonight. So I would say it has potential to be that way.
Katsuki froze, eyes widening, not sure if the alpha was joking. Shinso turned in his chair, leg knocking against his own until the blond was forced to turn slightly as well. Shinso- pink still dark on his cheeks- leaned in. His palm planted in the spot of Katsuki's chair right between his open legs, the other gripping the backrest. Heat flared up the blond's neck at the close proximity, eyes fluttering closed as his senses heightened. Warm breaths fanned down the collar of his shirt as Shinso grazed his cheek against the others, lips so close to his ear.
"Are you flustered, Katsuki?" Shinso whispered, nuzzling his nose a little. "Cause I really hope so.
"Shin-" Katsuki didn't gasp, that's not what came out of his mouth.
Shinso silenced the other quickly, nipping his earlobe lightly. "Shinso isn't the name you should use anymore, though that is up to you."
They stayed like that, breathing in the other's scent. They're noses tilted closer to the other as tension began to build. It was exhilarating but soothing to Katsuki. This close he could pick out so many different notes in the All spice. It was inviting, and smelled so delicious. New hints were becoming more distinct, sudden flares of heat that the blond was sure reflected in his own scent. The spiked smells of want were alluring, like a siren song. Katsuki wanted to feel it, taste it, and become smothered in it.
With one final breath, the taller alpha pulled away. His eyes trailing the other features before straightening and walking to the bathroom without a word. His scent was still strong, obviously aroused as he disappeared.
Silence filled the small apartment. Katsuki's eyes were still closed as he tried to calm himself down. His mind already trying to dissect what just happened. It was overwhelming and sudden, but exciting and something else. How did this become his life? When did this start? Katsuki tried to answer both, but there wasn't a certain event that he could pinpoint. It was like it had always been there, but not at the same time.
When the soft sounds of the shower started, all Katsuki could do was sigh. His shoulders slumped and head fell forward. So much was happening, with big feelings and important decisions.
Katsuki hadn’t felt threatened or demeaned by the dominant behavior, hell, the way Shinso had said his name was… something. Something that Katsuki didn't know he had the emotional energy to figure out right now.
This is the layout of Shino’s apartment. I don’t know if it was needed, but I like seeing a physical rendition of things. Helps me stay in the story longer rather than having to figure out a layout just by description.
Let me know if you like these, and I will keep adding layout pictures where I think it might help. If there is something that is hard for you to visualize, just let me know and I can draw one easily.
Thank you all :)
Get ready for the heat the next chapter…
Word count: 8636
Finally, I know a few of you have been dying for this chapter, so hopefully it soothed that ache lol.
I love writing these two. Shinso in my head is like a socially awkward tease. He doesn’t like talking to people unless he can get a rise out of them.