Sex Room:
“I- I changed my mind.”
Izuku tried to scamper toward the front door of the reception area. His heart was beating so fast as his stomach felt like it was trying to evacuate his bowels.
He was so close to the glass door before the back of his shirt was yanked from behind. He breathed in a gasp as he was forcibly spun around and flung the other direction by his so-called-best-friend but rather just his step brother- the jerk.
“Nope, you're not back out of this.” The man tightened his fingers around the back of Izuku’s neck to keep him in front of him. “I won’t let you cause we both know you will just run back to your bastard of an ex.” Hitoshi declared as he pushed Izuku past the service desk and down a hallway.
The receptionist gave the two a small smile as they walked past, her soft wishes to enjoy the pleasurable experience causing Izuku’s to radiate embarrassment through his face.
“Hey, he’s not a bastard.” Izuku whined once the two were far enough away from the front. His attempts of fleaing fully hauled as his arm was now being pulled in front of him by his insomniac besty. “H-he just can’t decide if he wants to be with m-me.” Izuku whispered to himself. Just saying that out loud was cringy.
It was hard to break the habit of always defending the man he loved… or used to love? He wasn’t sure anymore. The past month had been a whirlwind of emotions and explosive fights between the two. None of them resulted in the two mending or figuring out their relationship past the two splitting up.
Hitoshi let out a long sigh. “Listen.” The taller male stopped suddenly, turning around to look at Izuku with a frown. “I didn’t want to say this-“ The man paused while he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “but he is back with Kendo, and they have been together for 2 months.”
“What?!” Izuku asked, not quite understanding what he had just heard. Or really couldn’t believe what he just heard. There was no way that Neito-chan would cheat on him… again. He promised he wouldn’t, he said he ended things with her almost a year ago.
Before the greenette could fully process, tears started to pool in green eyes as Izuku looked to the floor. His hand was still in Hitoshi’s despite the frozen state he turned into, his mind spiraling in the dark thoughts he thought were behind him. Had he really wasted the past year in a relationship that was really only one sided? He thought they broke it off amicably, though it was still emotional. That is how it went… right?
Guess not. God, how did he keep falling into this same situation over and over again? Another blonde that didn’t love him back and lied about it! Damn, everyone was right. He clearly had a type, and that was blondes who hurt him in the end.
As the silence between the two began to drag longer and longer, Izuku desperately started to reroute his entire evening. He wanted to walk away and cancel whatever he had agreed to tonight. There was no way he could keep his sorrow under control now that the initial cause for it had suddenly become far worse.
He needed to go home and do what he did best in this type of situation; deep throat some ice cream and cry to Happy Together (1997) for the 5th time this week.
Izuku took in a shuttered breath as he looked up at Hitoshi. “Then I really can’t do this.” Izuku said with a small cry in his voice. His chest was already caving into itself with how hard it was becoming to breathe. The aching he felt in the back of his throat was getting worse as he tried to swallow it down.
“Come here.”
The dark haired man pulled Izuku to his chest, holding him close as Izuku tried to ward off his breakdown. “I’m sorry, but I can’t watch you wallow around for some dick head again. You are too kind and loving to be held back. Do you remember what you told me after your last break up?”
Izuku huffed out a wet snort as he pushed his face deeper into the man’s chest. The blurry memory of Izuku standing in the middle of the street with a donut in one hand and a beer in the other as he yelled toward the sky-
Hitoshi began to recite the whole event, his voice pitched to imitate Izuku. “I am thick, lovable and great in bed; if you can’t see that then fuck you! My fingers were far better than that pencil of a dick anyway.”
“Stop.” Izuku whined, shaking his head as he felt the older laugh before continuing.
“I don’t need anyone but myself to make me happy. Anyone would be happy to have me! So walk away and let me be free!” Hitoshi squeezed the smaller man tighter, swaying them back and forth to make his impression more realistic to how Izuku had drunk wobble down the midnight road, yelling at no one but a mental image of his ex.
Izuku giggled, the sway almost having him lose his footing as Hitoshi raised an imaginary donut to his mouth and shoved it in, only to bring up a beer that would ‘spill’ down the front of him and onto green curls.
“You’re so mean.” Izuku pouted with a sniffle, pushing the other away.
“Common, try it for an hour.” The other said -with an effort to give a reassuring smile. “If you don’t like it then you can go home okay?”
That small smile that rarely made an appearance all but broke Izuku’s resolve, but the hand that grabbed his shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze helped form a new one. Izuku finally nodded, following as they continued down the hall to what seemed to be rows of closets.
“Besides.” Hitoshi said with a turn of his head. “ I already paid and you already signed the agreement. So you might as well live a little.” Hitoshi smirked slightly at Izuku’s frown, guiding him to one of the doors.
Izuku ignored the crazed man, resolving himself to just go along with the other’s plans. He nodded as Hitoshi handed him a plastic basket from a small shelf by the small door they were in front of before he was ushered inside the closet- or what was actually a small changing room. The lighting was dark in there, barely enough to see without the light from the hall. Izuku turned to his step-brother with a scared look.
“You remember what I told you right?” Hitoshi asked, not caring to take his brother’s silent plea seriously. Izuku slowly nodded. “And our code word if we bump into each other?”
Izuku nodded again as he looked down at the basket. “Good, I hope I don’t see you in there.” Hitoshi said with a final sinister smile before closing the door in Izuku’s face.
Izuku turned around in the small room, setting the basket on a small bench as he tried to fumble with his shirt. His heart was racing as he realized what he was about to do. Why did he agree to this? Ugg he hated his brother sometimes.
He eyed the 4 layered book shelf that held an assortment of ‘care taking’ items; lube, numbing spray, condoms, gum, mints and what seem to be a wide range of sample sizes of sensory creams, single use cock rings and ball gags. Izuku blushed as he stared at the items. His entire body was now hot as he tried to regain his composure.
It wasn’t like Neito-Chan and him hadn’t done anything ‘freaky’… It was just that they didn’t use toys or creams or really anything besides lube. Okay maybe they were more vanilla than he thought, because seeing these wide range of options was like walking into a sex shop. Well, this kinda was like a sex shop in some ways.
With a quick look toward the thick black curtain adjacent to where he came in, Izuku tried to clear his mind of what would be on the other side. He robotically began moving his limbs and his progress of taking off his clothing was slower than he anticipated. His hands shook slightly as he fumbled with the button and zipper of his pants. Folding them was a whole other ordeal that was quickly abandoned and put into the basket- purposefully wrapping his underwear under his pants to keep some semblance of privacy.
The small room was colder than what he typically felt comfortable with; goosebumps spread over his freckles as the air caressed up his spine. He hooked the small tag with his check-in number onto the basket and placed it on top of the small bookshelf like he was instructed to do.
‘Why did I agree to do this?’ He questioned as he looked at the curtain once again. He needed to steady himself, take a big breath, and try to ignore his nerves that were firing at all cylinders. He would like to believe the attempt to calm worked, but as he slid the heavy cloth to the side his entire body froze with anxiety.
He was met with darkness. The light from the dressing room now the only thing providing any visibility before him- though it wasn’t doing much. From what he can see, the room was empty and narrowed to a hallway that was pitch black besides a green exit sign that was placed farther down than what Izuku would have liked.
With one step forward, the curtain closed behind him, encasing him in nothingness. He stood there for a moment as his eyes tried to adjust, the heavy thumping of his heart the only thing his senses could focus on. Soon- after an eternity- he is able to see dim glowing arrows on the walls and floor, and what had to be glowing tape on a railing at the mouth of the hall. Izuku grasped it quickly and followed the arrows until he was in front of a door marked with a glowing star above it. There were other doors with glowing shapes, but from what the paperwork stated and his step brother said, this was the only door for him tonight.
“This is it.” He whispered to himself, groaning softly as he tried to forget what was on the other side. He took one moment of quiet for himself before opening the door.
The room- just the hallway- was pitch black. The only thing he can see was another glowing exit sign and different colored circles that seem to be just above where a door would be.
Izuku slowly walks in, the quiet sound of chatter and other sounds welcoming him into the room. He made his way further in before an obvious moan resonated right next to him, the sound of slapping skin causing Izuku to jump to the side and away quickly. His face no doubt on fire as he tried to steer clear of the… scene.
‘I wonder how people don’t bump into each other by accident?’ Izuku thought to himself as he calmed his breathing. After a moment he decided to try and find a chair to wait out the hour he promised.
Surprisingly, it was easier not to run into anyone. It’s like he could feel when someone was close to him and was able to navigate around them without any issue. It is fascinating.
He continued his walk, trying hard to use the voices of the people around him to avoid disturbing anyone already disposed.
He turned when his body lightly brushed past another person, to only find that his new path was interrupted by what felt like a sofa. Izuku smiled at his success, his small achievement bringing new found confidence in himself. He quickly felt around the furniture, trying to find the difference between the back and arm before scooting around until he was able to sit down.
That smile faded as soon as his ass was not met with fabric, but rather something completely foreign. His first instinct was to jump back up to a standing position, code word already rushing past his lips without a second thought.
“Insomnia?!” Izuku whisper-shouted into the darkness.
“Huh?” Relief flooded the now red faced man when the reply was nothing but a question.
“Oh! Sorry- I am so sorry.” Izuku quickly said. Happy that it wasn’t his step brother that he just sat on, but was rather much more worried about the fact he had just sat on a naked stranger. “I didn’t mean-“
“It’s fine, can’t blame you for not seeing me.” The man replied with a small laugh.
Izuku laughed awkwardly in turn. “Umm… is anyone sitting next to you? I would rather not repeat what I just did.”
“Nope, the spot is yours.”
Izuku nodded, then realized the other man couldn't see him and quickly said thank you. He stiffly moved over and tried again to sit down. He flinched when warm skin rubbed against his thigh as he sat, no doubt from him not moving far enough. The audacity he had to now sit right next to this complete stranger horrifying himself. “Shit! Sorry!” He quickly scooted a little to give the man enough room.
The man chuckled and reassured him that all was fine; the gentle tone welcomed as Izuku sat with fidgety fingers. Izuku knew that his face was bright red- and had been since he stepped foot into this room- and suddenly was very appreciative for the lack of lights. Though it was the lack there of that led him to sit on a naked man’s lap.
“Having fun?” The man asked, obviously trying to start small talk with Izuku.
“Umm… I just got here.” Izuku replied. He closed his eyes and wished he couldn’t hear the moans around him.
“So, are you gay or straight?”
Izuku coughed on his spit, surprised at the man’s forwardness. He cleared his throat before replying. “Pan, actually. Umm, you?”
The man hums lightly. “Mostly gay.”
“Oh…” Izuku said, not knowing what to say. “Good for you.”
The man laughed again, the virbrado light and airy, while Izuku mentally slapped himself. ‘What kind of reply was that? This guy probably thinks he’s an idiot.”
“Is this your first time?” The man questioned, a hit of amusement in his voice.
“Is it that obvious?” Izuku answered, shaking his head at the whole situation that he was in. He was too much of a nervous wreck in general, but here he was, pushing past his comfort zone all to embarrass himself over and over.
“Just a little, but hey, kudos to you for having the guts to come to a place like this.” The man praised. Izuku hummed with a small smile, thankful that this man was kind despite the craziness that encompassed the small man.
“Usually things go a little faster in a place like this, so I hope you don’t mind me being blunt.”
Izuku looked towards the man in confusion, half expecting to see him, but waited when he couldn’t.
“Are you a top or a bottom and do you feel any kind of attraction towards me?” The man stated. The cushion moved slightly and Izuku could guess that the man was positioning himself to face towards him.
Heat rushed to Izuku’s core as he tried to keep his brain from short circuiting. “Umm… I-I have only ever been a, umm, b-bottom and you have been very kind to m-me.” Izuku stammered, his tongue far heavier than it was a moment ago. “I, uh, didn’t expect for a conversation here to be easy, e-especially since I introduced myself by sitting on your d-dick.” Izuku nervously laughed, though he immediately regretted what he had just said.
The man hummed a laugh in reply. Izuku could feel something move to the back of the couch just above his shoulder and was almost certain it was the man’s arm.
“So you are new at everything then? Why did you come here if you haven’t even tried being a top?”
“Umm, my brother forced me to come since I have been wallowing over my ex. But I shouldn’t be since he had been cheating on me for 2 months.” Izuku rambled, anger filling him as he is reminded of the conversation with Hitoshi.
“Damn… so you're here for a rebound then?” The man casually stated.
Izuku sighed with a shrug. “I honestly haven’t planned that far ahead. It took everything I could muster to even step foot in here.”
The man humed in response. “Well, if you want, I am willing to be what you need tonight. Whether that is a good fuck or someone to listen to, I am here.”
Izuku furrowed his eyebrows at the offer. “Why would you do that?”
“Cause, I like you. You are very open and I can tell everything you have said is genuine. It is easy for people to come in here just to have sex. Yet, you haven’t tried to even pull a move on me. It’s kinda expected to have verbal foreplay but just chatting is nice too.”
Izuku nodded in understanding. “Besides sitting on your lap, right?” He concluded after a moment.
“Yes, besides sitting on my lap.” The man laughed in agreement. “And I wouldn’t mind you doing it again.”
Izuku smiled as he felt those butterflies creep up from the warm pool growing. He didn’t know if it was the moans around him that was influencing him growing libeto, but his desire to do just what the man offered had him moving. He quickly shuffled closer and swung a leg so he was straddling over the man’s legs. He kept himself up on his knees, not entirely confident yet to sit on the man.
“Becoming bold are we?” The man teased with clear amusement in his voice. Large warm hands come to rest around Izuku’s waist, thumbs massaging in circles around Izuku’s navel “You are tinier than I thought you were.”
Izuku hummed- quickly distracting himself so he wouldn’t have a chance to chicken out- as laid his hands from the back of the couch onto the man's shoulders. With surprise but mostly fascination, he could feel long hair between his fingers. Izuku couldn’t help spin his finger around one of the strands and lightly pulled until it found the end. The man’s hair was long and very soft as it fell from his hand and back over large shoulders..
Izuku brought his hand back and allowed it to glide slightly up the curves of thick muscle. He could feel the muscle flow and divot under his fingertips. The way smooth skin ripples over hard muscle was accelerating to the smaller man.
“And you are bigger than what I thought.” Izuku replied back in a teasing tone.
“Trust me, I’m big everywhere.” Was the reply, and it had Izuku’s entire body heating up at the thought. This man was something; bold and confident, but surprisingly caring and kind. Two things Izuku hadn’t expected from tonight.
“So, do you need someone to talk to or…?” he trailed off, bringing Izuku’s attention back to him. Izuku couldn’t help but smile at the man, he was obviously looking for at least some form of consent before just jumping in.
“If you want to kiss me, you can just ask…” Izuku replied with a teasing tone. “or take it for yourself.” He then whispered as he leaned forward until he could just barely feel the other man against his nose. He held his breath as he felt the hands on his hips tighten slightly. A slight pressure rising and pressing against his ass gently as they two breathed into each other.
“Ohh, someone has come to join our little party.” Izuku continued. He slowly rolls his hips, feathering his ass against the tip that was rising up to meet him. “But it is up to you.”
Without warning there is pressure against his lips, and it had him quickly melting into it. Smaller arms tightened around the large man’s neck until the two were chest to chest. The slide of a tongue against Izuku’s bottom lip has him sighing and welcoming the other in. The two licked and twirled their tongues together in a much more passionate way than was should be allowed between strangers, but it felt natural with the growing relationship.
The increasing heat was delicious, but the unexpected sharpness of the man’s canines against Izuku’s tongue spurred him on so much more. Izuku couldn’t help it, the moans that lightly fluttered up from his throat was barely enough to soothe the ach deep inside him.
This stranger knew how to kiss. The passing of tongues, the brushing of fingers, the gentle graze of a head that stroked up through his cheeks so slowly while they were pressing their bodies together. All of it made it so easy for Izuku to just fall into and lose himself. To let himself be guided and handled in a way he hadn’t been in a long time.
Those large hands, so warm but rough to the touch, were running up and down his thighs. Slowly massaging his muscles as his thumbs rubbed in circles so close to his cock that it was almost an insult. They would glance so close to the sensitive area, just shy of being at the junction of his balls and thigh.
The man broke the kiss, his breath feathering down to Izuku’s neck as he spoke. “If we continue, we need to decide if we should fuck here or find a room.” He stated in a low groan before reconnecting the kiss.
“Lead the way.” Izuku replied against his lips, not wanting for a second to be away from the source of such passion.
Izuku wasn’t particularly against the idea of having sex on a couch since it was so dark, but it was a concept he wasn’t quite comfortable with. He had never done anything like this before, so dipping his toe in before taking a full dive seemed like the better option.
Also, for some reason he wanted this man all to himself. Izuku had always been a bit possessive in his relationship. He didn’t like the idea of someone eyeing who he was with or trying to interrupt what they were doing. Especially since Kendo had been one of those people that had done that.
So it was only natural that he would want every sound and movement this man made to be only Izuku.
They weren’t anything but strangers, but in this moment this man was his and only his. How they spent their next hour was for them and them alone, it only felt right.
“Let’s go somewhere private.” The gruff voice mouthed against his lips. Izuku smiled at the words, happy that this man was on the same page as him.
Izuku tightened his hold around the man's neck as he felt himself getting lifted. Strong arms cradled under Izuku’s ass, supporting all of his weight as they moved. Izuku broke the kiss only for the man to concentrate on moving them through the crowded room.
Though his mouth only moved to leave kisses across the man’s jaw, ear and neck as he waited. He barely noticed a door closing behind them, too focused on the stubble that was shadowing a sharp jaw.
A gasp filled the room when he was suddenly thrown, the sudden fall not expected as he landed on a mattress. A chuckle left the man as he moved about the room for a moment.
He was only gone for a moment before he knelt on the side of the bed. Izuku reached out his hands as he felt the mattress sink next to him, guiding the other over himself before resuming their kissing. Izuku finally allowed his hands to roam where they he wished, mesmerized by the continuous muscle under his fingertips.
“Rough or soft?” The man asked as he kissed down Izuku’s chest, stopping at one of his nipples. Izuku preened as the man sucked on it, his teeth grazing lightly against the sensitive nub.
“Whatever you want… just prep me before.” Izuku said as he slid his fingers into the long hair. “I like it rough, but only if we use lube.”
“Sounds good to me. Just tell me if you don’t like something.”
Izuku moaned out an okay as he felt a finger rub against his hole. He was lost in the feel, the gentle movement from his taint back to his ass so good it hard to focus on anything but that. Over and over he was teased until he was lose and relaxed, his breaths coming out heavier. He could hear something rip before those thick fingers disappeared for a moment before reappearing with a cold, wet feel.
“Cold.” Izuku gasped, his ass tightening back up as the gel coated him.
“Sorry, love.” The man hummed, though continued to move his fingers gently. Slow circled around with enough pressure to hint at what he wanted, but not breaching the area until welcomed.
Izuku let out a shaky breath when he felt a finger press in, the sudden sensation enough for him to bite down on his lip to try and contain the noise that escaped him. He tried to keep his moans quiet- not wanting to disturb anyone outside- but had to cover his mouth completely when the man finally found his prostate.
“The room is insulated, no one will hear you unless they are right by the door.” The man informed him before reconnecting their lips in a slow kiss. Izuku let his voice go into the other’s mouth, letting himself go fully so he could enjoy the pleasure this man was giving him.
The two were consumed by one another. Hands grasping and holding each other as they moved together. Each finger after the second was so much for Izuku. Neito’s fingers were dainty, not filling him unless he had all 4 fingers deep inside Izuku. This man though, he had thick finger’s. He felt so stretched after 3, far more than he ever had been with Neito. It was mind numbing, to have so much pleasure bursting through him until he was begging for the man to fuck him as he tried to insert a fourth. He wanted so badly to feel the man inside him, this had been enough prep. He couldn’t wait any longer.
“Please, I want your cock.” Izuku whined, fisting a handful of the man’s hair. With a hum, the fingers slowly pulled out of him. The sensation left behind was depressing, he felt so empty. His body begging for the man to return as his ass winked in unrest; but no matter how much his body begged, the man didn't do anything to touch him.
“If you beg a little more, I will pound you until you can’t handle it.” A growl rumbled. Izuku moaned at the man’s words. His entire body suddenly begging for this man’s mercy, for him to just touch him.
“Please, I need you to t-touch me. I feel so- it’s empty- need you back. I want you- to feel you inside me- please…`` Izuku begged. He no longer cared if his words sound dilutional. It felt like his life depended on this moment. “I’ll do what you want- all of it- your cock- I just want your cock.”
Izuku’s voice wobbled the longer he rambled. He felt on the brink of a pressapis, so close from what he needed but being dragged farther away from it.
“Shhhh.” The man answered. His body now hovering over Izuku as his hand glided from chest down to his hip. “Good boy.”
Izuku moaned a scream as he felt himself stretch around the head of a cock. His mind was all but sludge at the feeling of it slowly filling him. It was perfect, the perfect feeling that he had been begging for. Every breath had more and more of it stretching him open until it rubbed past.
“Hahhhhh,” Izuku gasped out. Izuku was being consumed, every part of him now focused on the cock that was still bearing inside him until finally hips met ass. “So good.” Izuku whimpered, his fingers digging through the strands that draped down over his chest.
“You sound so pretty.” The man crooned, his hand cupping Izuku’s cheek as he waited for Izuku to adjust. Gentle kisses little along his other cheek and temple. Soft words praising how well the smaller was taking the other.
Finally, after far too long, Izuku could feel the other begin to move. The dragging of that large cock against his walls, springing on so much sensation. “Keep begging for me to continue, or your master will stop.” He whispered.
Izuku froze, his hands loosening as his eyes snapped open. What did this man just say? “What?” Izuku gasped out.
Hips immediately stopped at the response. “Hmmm, don’t like that?”
“No.” Izuku answered. It was a bit awkward hearing what Neito had always used in the bedroom. The name brought a weird feeling to the pit of his stomach.
“Okay.” The man answered, the moment a bit awkward now that everything had come to a complete stop.
“Don’t stop.” Izuku whispered, the residual heat fading faster than he wanted. “I will be a good boy, just call me something else?” Izuku asked, his voice growing soft as he waited for the other’s response.
“Of course.”
Izuku groaned as the man started to move again. His finger’s found one of Izuku’s nipples to pinch and twist. It was enough to build back the heat, to bring Izuku back to where he had been.
“I like you.” The man whispered into Izuku’s ear. “I like a man that can say what he likes and doesn’t.” Izuku moaned loudly as the man picked up his pace as he continued to talk to him.
“You like it when I compliment you? Are you someone that wants to be treasured and not owned? Huh, baby?”
“Fuck!” That did it. That one word had Izuku’s insides twisting in pleasure, his body tightening in an attempt to keep the man inside him.
“Oh, you definitely do.” He chuckled. A breath beat against Izuku's ear before teeth graded against his ear lobe. “You are so cute, baby. Perfect.”
The man sat up onto his knees as he pulled Izuku’s leg up until they were folded against his chest. The new position tightened Izuku around the cock that now moved lazily inside him.
“Please-want more.” Izuku begged. He was getting close, his orgasm growing as his prostate was continually stimulated.
“Here baby.” He groaned out, his thumb sliding into Izuku’s mouth and lightly pulling onto his tongue. Izuku's eyes rolled at the new sensation, his tongue wrapping around and sucking on the finger. Small moans filled the room, Izuku’s chest arching as his back lifted from the bed. his tongue swirling around the digit as he feels himself about to climax.
“Mnhmmmm. I- I'm gonna cum.” Izuku gasped out around the finger. He was right on the edge, only a small push would be enough to send him right over
“No, not yet.” The man replied. His finger left Izuku’s mouth but only to cover the tip of Izuku’s dick and he continued to thrust. The base of his cock was suddenly restricted as a large hand squeezed it, the restriction stopping any progress toward orgasm.
Izuku let out a frustrated moan as his orgasm was forced in. It was aggravating, the sensation terrible as the man above continued to stimulate his prostate. Izuku reached up to the man, one had fisting at the base of his nape to pull him closer. The other found the man’s throat, his finger’s finding the pressure points on either side of his airway before squeezing off his blood circulation.
The man chuckled between heavy breaths while he continued to pound into the smaller male. “So feisty, good boy.” He moaned. Izuku moaned out in tandem when the man started to stroke his hand up to the tip of his cock, his other hand still blocking at the base.
The man’s thrusts started becoming sloppy as he leaned further over, his head falling further into Izuku’s grasp. Without warning, he let go of the base of Izuku’s dick. Izuku screamed a moan as his orgasm hit hard, no longer held back. The feeling of cum that squirted across his chest all but joined the warmth that began to warm deep inside him.
It was pure bliss. Izuku’s eyes squeezed shut as he pulled the man above him as close as possible. The feeling of heat that radiated through him and up his spine cleared away the ach and desire that had been building between them.
When the man finally pulled out, he flopped down and laid next to Izuku. One arm resting over Izuku’s waist as they breathed heavily, trying to recollect themselves. It was perfect, the heavenly feeling that swarmed around them as they laid there.
“Shit, can I have your ID number?” He asked, panting.
The question brought a warmth that flowed through him. This man wanted to get to know Izuku beyond what this was. Hitoshi had explained that to him when they registered for tonight’s event. Everyone here had an ID number that they could share with others. That number would allow them to have access within the website while keeping identities secret. It was a perfect way for people to meet up for occasional fucks. Or in some cases like Hitoshi’s friend, exchange information so they could officially meet and go on a date. “M-37.” Izuku replied with a smile, his body still floating on cloud nine.
The man hummed at the answer. He tightened his grip around Izuku and pulled him closer, tucking him into his chest.