Izuku slowly walked through the bar, loving the eyes that scanned his figure up and down. Each look only added to the heat that was growing. His skin tight suit made his figure more of an hours class as the corset hugged him tight. Its black and dark purple fabric glistened with the moody lights as he swayed with the music. 

He felt sexy tonight. His green curls framed his face in an ungodly way, each curl perfectly tamed with a small clip holding his bangs away from his face. He kept his face simple and clean, wanting a natural look that he didn’t usually do at the bars. He was used to wearing makeup because of his job at the strip bar, but here he could be more himself. 

Though this outfit wasn’t necessarily something he would consider ‘being himself’.  He had purchased it on a whim late one night when he was high, certain that sober him would love it. He never thought he would enjoy it so much when he opened that surprise package. 

He had never seen a male corset before, but was entranced by the beautiful vest design and delicate fabric that pulled and sinched into the laced back. He wore fitted leather pants to complete the look, his shoes a simple black booty that didn’t distract from the outfit but still gave him a few extra inches.

As he walked through toward the bar he could see a group of men set off to the side watching him closely. He liked that in this building, any sexuality was allowed, and thus he could keep all his options opened. Including his own sexuality that wasn’t always accepted in society. 

As he passed the table he allowed himself to take a glance at each of the men. He was truly feeling himself tonight, and wouldn’t mind being a bit more risky with his activities.

The first of the three men had red and white hair that bled together into a side part, a scare over his eyes that barely distracted from his perfect skin. Even as he sat, slouched comfortably, it was obvious that he was a tall man. He had on a tight dress shirt that took on a more blue hue in the shifting lights

The second had bright red hair that was pulled pack into a messy bun, some strands falling loose and caressing his chin. He had a large smile as he watched Izuku with large red eyes. His broad shoulders and muscular torso on full display as his shirt was cut off at the shoulders with the neck a low cut. He seemed to laugh at what the man next to him said, a hand resting on the thirds neck as he lightly massaged the area.

The last had hair that looked blond, but not as vibrant or golden as most. It seemed to have a brown hue as it was spiked up with shaved sides and an undercut. He had a chiseled chin with eyes that bore into him, a satisfied smirk on his face as he watched Izuku’s eyes dance over his body. Said stature was just as incredible as the two sitting next to him. The black tank top was perfect for the curves that he had, falling in a way that showed that he was just as muscular. His large pecs peaking over the collar and taunting Izuku as he shifted his gaze back over to his destination.

He leaned against the counter of the bar, smiling happily at the tender as he ordered his drink. He grabbed his drink, batting his eyelashes at the compliments that the bartender gave him, he turned to make his way to one of the back rooms. He didn’t know exactly what he was in the mood for tonight, just that he wanted to try something new. He thanked the bartender as he grabbed his orange drink, pulling the straw to his mouth and almost moaning at the delicious taste. 

“Damn, I wanted to buy a drink for you.” 

Izuku tilted his in the direction of the voice, a smile pulling at his mouth as he made eye contact with the red head he checked out before.

“No worries, I’m not leaving yet.” He said, turning his whole body to face the taller man. 

“I’m Eijirou. I’m here with my friends and we were hoping you could show us around.” He said, taking a step closer and smiling down at Izuku. Izuku hummed in return, leaning into the redhead’s touch as he felt thick fingers drag lightly up and down his arm.

“Just your friends? You seemed a lot closer than that.” Izuku teased. 

Eijirou blushed, looking toward the table he had come from before meeting green eyes again. “Ya, a bit more than friends…”

Izuku giggled, smiling brightly at the taller man. “Sounds like a lot of fun. Mind if I join you guys?” He flirted, fluttering his eyes as he took another sip of his drink. Izuku knew what Eijirou wanted, why else would he be in a BDSM bar on a Friday night with two friends. They were here for the same fun that Izuku was also looking for. 

“Why don’t I introduce you and we can discuss what interests us.” Eijirou suggested with a low tone. 

Izuku nodded in agreement, allowing the red head to intertwin their hands together. Eijirou guided him back through the crowd toward the other two who had been watching their interaction with sharp gazes. Izuku smiled at them as he walked closer, excitement filling his abdomen as he envisioned the things the four of them could do tonight. 

This was right up to par with what Izuku was wanting to do tonight. 3 hot men asking him to join them was nothing beyond arousing. This was going to be fun.


Sex Room:


A night with the King: