“I can’t let you do this.” Izuku practically cried out. He was curled into a ball on his bed, his hands gripped tightly around one of his pillows as he tried to prevent himself from moving.
“If you don’t then you could attack someone.” Shoto replied, his voice soft as he tried to ease the other. He couldn’t help the pained tone his voice held as he kneeled beside the bed. His hands reached out to hold the smaller male but quickly stopped himself knowing that Izuku would never forgive him for ignoring his demand for space.
“I can handle it, this will be fine.” Izuku whimpered out just before he clamped his jaw down on the pillow. He squeezed his eyes shut, his face twisting in agony as a pained groan escape his lips.
Shoto sat there for a moment, his mind trying to figure out how to help Midoriya without breaking the man’s trust. He didn’t know the stages of starvation for a vampire, so he couldn’t tell how bad this situation was. Although from the looks of it, Izuku was in bad shape and had to be lying about it.
All Shoto had learned about vampires was the difference between passive and hungry body language, nothing else was deemed important to the human population.
Izuku’s freckled face was even more pale than the last time he saw him, which was right before dinner yesterday. Dark rings under green eyes had grown deeper despite the sleep that he claimed to have. Even his nails had grown out impossibly fast, his once clipped and manicured fingers from just a few days ago now fully grown into sharp points. His fangs had fully extended out of his gums as they punctured into the pillow.
Shoto had noticed that Izuku’s behavior had been changing over the past few days. His once bubbly personality turned into something that resembled more of Shinso Hitoshi. He was more irritable and had even lashed out at Bakugo without much prompting. Though it wasn’t until Izuku had skipped class saying that he wasn’t feeling well that Shoto got concerned.
He skipped lunch to check on his green haired friend, his gut telling him that something was seriously wrong with the other. As he walked across the lawn, he spotted Izuku leaving the small building that distributed their mail. The smaller male looked even worse than what Shoto had ever seen before.
Shoto followed him, keeping his distance so that he wouldn’t scare the poor guy. Izuku was evidently out of it, paying no mind to his surroundings until he made it to his dorm room. That was when Shoto decided to involve himself.
“Izuku, I know that you don’t want to drink anyone’s blood…” Shoto apprehensively reached out, his hand gently touching Izuku’s fisted hand as he tried to express his concerns. “But, please. You can’t go any longer without feeding. You will kill someone before your blood packets get here.”
Izuku shook his head, the punctured holes in the pillow ripping into bigger slits at the movement. Another groan resonated through the green haired male’s chest, his fingers digging into the pillow.
Todoroki sighed, his mind made up on the matter. He was going to make Izuku feed even if his friend never forgave him. He couldn’t allow this to keep going, Izuku was torturing himself, putting himself in such pain all because he refused to bite someone.
Shoto guessed he didn’t fully understand the response of repulsion that Izuku seemed to have at the idea, but Izuku would have to deal with it. Izuku hating him was far better than the alternative, and that would be Izuku attacking someone in a hungered frenzy. The smaller man would never live that down, he would hate himself and Shoto couldn’t stand by and wait for that to happen.
He didn’t want to lose his friend, his real first friend. It was a delicate line that vampires walked in public. They were treated like animals; chipped and tracked to insure the general public’s safety. Because there was no documentation of Izuku’s true family history, he was already watched closely. So if he suddenly attacked and possibly killed one of their classmates, it would only lead to a very harsh punishment if not being put down.
Shoto rolled up the sleeve of his shirt until his bicep was fully exposed. He didn’t want Izuku to bite somewhere near a major artery in case he had to rip himself away, so an arm was the best option if he had to hide the damage for an extended amount of time.
“Izuku, you need to eat.” Shoto stated as firmly as possible. He moved closer to his friend, laying his arm next to Izuku’s face on the pillow. He gently threaded his fingers through the green curls, coaxing the vampire to open his eyes with a gentle caress.
Shoto's eyes widened when he saw the deep emerald that he knew so well glow with an unrecognizable shimmer. The beautiful green reflected almost white while Izuku’s pupils dilated into tiny points. The vampire’s attention was now drawn to his friend’s neck, where his jugular pulsed evenly. The dazed look on the freckled face sent a panicked shiver down Shoto’s spine.
Izuku unclamped his jaw from the pillow, sitting up slightly as if in a trance. His posture was more hunched as all his weight shifted to his legs like a cat would before it pounced. Fear overcame Shoto at the realization, his body moving slowly so as to not turn this interaction into some kind of hunt. He knew that Izuku’s predatory instincts were on high alert and focused on its prey- him.
Shoto shifted closer to the vampire, not breaking eye contact as he sat himself on the edge of the bed next to Izuku. His arms still extended out as an offering. “Izuku?” Shoto asked, his voice so quiet he wasn’t sure if his friend heard him.
He was concerned, Izuku stayed frozen in his preparatory stance of attack. The only thing proving that Izuku was conscious were his eyes, his pupils dilating continuously from normal to pinpoints as he stared Shoto down. The scene was frightening to watch, the shift from the eyes he knew so well to the predatory stare. Shoto wondered if Izuku was mentally fighting himself, trying to stay in control and prevent himself from attacking him.
Shoto shifted again, his arm moving just in front of Izuku’s face. “Here, eat.” Shoto reassured, a small smile forming on his face as he watched Izuku’s eyes focus on his arm. His cheeks were becoming flushed and small drops of a glistening liquid were falling from his fangs, the image reminding Shoto of an excited puppy looking at a treat.
It only took a few milliseconds for Izuku to lose the battle he was waging in his head. His mouth opened wide to accommodate the size of Shoto’s large arm. His fangs extended a little more, the drops turning into a silver just before Izuku bit down.
The pain was immediate, the puncture wounds becoming deeper as Izuku clamped down. Shoto gasped out, his body instinctively trying to pull away from the predictor, but Izuku had a firm hold on him. One hand had found its way around his elbow, preventing it from bending in any way, and the other was hooked around the top of his arm just below his armpit to prevent an attempt to swing away.
The hot feeling that seared through his arm soon started to ebb into an icy feeling before going numb. The fangs no longer noticeable as Izuku guzzled his blood. Shoto couldn’t pull his gaze away from the sight of his friend. His eyes were still a shimmery white, green reflecting in the light as Izuku’s pupils slowly pulsed with each of Shoto’s heart beats.
Izuku’s touch was gentle now that Shoto wasn’t trying to rip his arm away. His fingers kneeding his arm with a slow, careful carresses down a vein. The soft touches were surprisingly pleasant as Izuku encouraged more blood to flow to him.
Shoto sighed again this time as he felt himself grow light headed. He had experienced this a lot with his father’s training to become a vampire wrangler. The loss of blood was always a weird feeling, but this time it was accompanied with something different. Shoto felt uncharacteristically calm, so content despite having a vampire latched to his arm. His mind became consumed with the high he felt as he continued to watch Izuku.
Shoto didn’t know how long Izuku stayed attached to him, just that eventually Izuku’s pupils returned to their normal state and the white shimmer faded back into his emerald green.
Izuku released his fangs, the action not as painful as Shoto would have thought. The feeling left behind was a warm sting that ebbed along with a hot pulsing, but even with that Shoto was too sated to complain.
He watched as Izuku licked up the blood that pooled out of the openings, the warmth bringing a gratified whine from him. It felt like hot wax being spread over his skin, not hot enough to burn, but just enough to make the experience pleasant. Izuku lapped at the wound, taking extra care to massage around the area as he inspected it.
Izuku smiled as he looked up to his friend, the contentment obvious on his face as he slowly pushed Shoto to lay down. Shoto wanted to protest, but the moment that his head rested against the pillow his eyes grew very heavy. He was just aware enough to feel the vampire curl up next to him, his head resting on his chest and a happy giggle following shortly after.
This was so much fun to write. I love vampire AU’s wish there were more of them. Maybe I will write one someday. :)