Shark Attack:
“Shark Attack!”
Izuku squealed as he crashed onto the common room couch, a heavy weight forcing him down. The blanket he was using to keep himself warm as he walked out of the kitchen and toward the common room was now crumbled under him.
A giggle escaped him as he felt kisses trailing on the back of his neck. “That tickles.” Izuku whined while scrunching his neck in response to the kisses. A small chuckle fluttered against the skin on his neck as the attack of kisses slowly ended.
Izuku wiggled until he was able to roll onto his back, his boyfriend now holding himself above the smaller male. Green eyes looked up and admired the large smile he was greeted with. It always brought a flutter to his chest when he saw that smile, especially when it was directed at himself.
Izuku let out a happy sigh, his hands reached up to run along the other male’s cheek. His fingers made their way over the soft skin until they were tangled in the red hair. He looked into deep red eyes and felt his heart melt at the endearment he saw looking back at him.
“I thought you were training with Kacchan?” Izuku asked while twirling his finger around a strand of red hair. He smiled with amusement as his boyfriend closed his eyes in response to the gentle touch.
Eijirou eventually shook his head slightly, shifting them until he was lying on his side next to Izuku. His body settled against the back of the couch with his arm wrapped around Izuku’s waist to pull him close.
“Na.” He said as he gave a quick kiss to Izuku’s cheek. “I spent enough time with him earlier, I wanted more time with you.” He admitted with a soft smile.
It was a cute notion, one that Izuku would never get tired of. Eijirou was always so honest with his feelings, never holding back his affection. The red head was always complementing the smaller boy, telling him how beautiful he was and how strong he was getting. Continually saying that Izuku’s quirk was manly. Proving time and time again that spending time with Izuku was his favorite.
When he wasn’t giving compliments to Izuku, he would show his affection through touch and physical affection. Izuku noticed that Eijirou liked having a hand on the small of his back when they would talk with others. Or he would have his arms wrapped around Izuku as he hugged the smaller male from behind when they chatted with their classmates. Eijirou would even have Izuku sit on top of his desk in the mornings before class, laying his head on Izuku’s lap so he could take a quick nap before class started.
Even now as they laid together, the large man was running a finger along Izuku’s cheek bone, his eyes admiring how beautiful his boyfriend was.
“Aww. You missed me?” The green haired boy teased, his smile grew bigger as he leaned further into the redhead’s embrace. Their legs automatically intertwined as they looked at each other while resting on the same pillow.
“Of course I did.” The red head replied, averting his eyes suddenly. A hit of pink formed on his cheeks as he looked at anything but his boyfriend. “You’re my favorite person.” He whispered.
Izuku giggled, his smile turning sincere as he grabbed his boyfriend’s chin and pulled him into a soft kiss. Izuku loved the effort that was so easily given to their relationship. It wasn’t hard for them to find time to spend together; everything wasn’t as important as they were to each other.
Izuku loved all the affection. It was so different then what he had grown used to over the years. It took some time for him to become comfortable with giving physical attention back, but slowly he grew more confident. And the more affection he showed his boyfriend, the more he would receive; basically ten fold in return.
The two deepened the kiss, slipping their tongues into each other’s mouth as their hands gripped and roamed the other. Izuku loved kissing his boyfriend, Eijirou was never too rough and always made sure Izuku was enjoying himself. Their kisses were always sincere and full of passion, even when they got heated, they still showed each other how much they loved each other.
Over the course of their relationship, Izuku noticed small things about his boyfriend. Like, Eijirou’s smile would get bigger when he would drag his fingers up and down the red head’s arms when they cuddled. Or that Eijirou loved when Izuku would kiss his cheek in front of others. But most of all, Eijirou loved when Izuku would complement and tell him how much he liked him when they were in private. Reassuring that their relationship was the same in private as it was in front of others.
“Get a Fucken room!” An angry Pomeranian yelled as he walked through the door, slamming it for a more dramatic effect. Bakugo
kicked off his shoes, making them thud against the wall. The two broke apart and turned to look at blond. Izuku couldn’t help but giggle. He knew how much Kacchan hated seeing PDA, so his reactions were always funny when he walked in on them.
“Shitty hair, if you're going to eat the nerd’s face off, do it in your room. You two make me want to gag.” He yelled, pointing towards the hall where the elevator was.
“Common Bakubro, don’t be jealous.” Eijirou teased back. His grip on Izuku’s hip tightened slightly as the blond basically growled at him.
“Why would I be jealous, you’re kissing fucking Deku.” The blond retorted before stomping off towards the elevator. It was a comical sight as the blond tried to angrily walk with his two bulky gauntlets in both hands as he grumbled to himself.
Izuku turned back to his boyfriend, running his hand over the other’s back to get his attention. “Why don’t we find some privacy?” He suggested, cheeks painting pink hue as he looked at the red head’s lips.
“Heck ya!” Eijirou loudly agreed. He quickly got up from the couch, wasting little time in picking the smaller boy up so he had his legs wrapped around the other’s waist. The two reconnected their lips, their kissing becoming more heated as they made their way towards the elevator.