It was early as Izuku walked across the campus to his first class of the day. The winter wind chilled him to the bone as he walked faster. His breath huffed out in puffs of clouds, his cheeks and nose immediately painting bright red. 

“It’s so cold.” Izuku chattered. He turned to Shoto as they walked, expecting the other to agree. Shoto looked up into the sky, the morning sun just hinting over the mountains.

“Hmmm. I’m fine.” He stated, his tone slightly influxing as he looked down toward Izuku. 

Izuku chuckled under his breath. Of course the ice user wouldn’t mind the frigid temperature. He smiled up at the other, closing the space between them as he hugged up against Shoto’s left side. 

A hint of a smile showed at the corner of Shoto’s mouth, his arms circling around Izuku’s waist as they continued their walk toward the school building. Izuku hummed happily as he felt heat begin to radiate around him. The gentle waves rising off of the ice user and into the cold morning.

Izuku liked how warm Shoto could make his body. Always helping him keep warm as the morning got colder with the approaching winter. 

The two walked into the school, exchanging their shoes for their school slippers at their locker before heading down the hall. The building was warmer than it was outside, but Izuku still shivered as the cold clung to his clothes. 

Shoto seemed to notice, returning his arm around the other and pulling him in close. Izuku giggled in appreciation, whispering a soft thank you as they entered their class room. 

Like every morning of their second year, Izuku followed Shoto to his desk. They sat silently most days, enjoying the quiet before their classmates bustled in and started conversation. Izuku sat up on the top of Shoto’s desk, his feet hung as he hummed softly. Shoto was in his seat, head resting on Izuku’s lap with his eyes closed. Izuku liked playing with the red and white strands, twisting peices into small braids.

“Y’all are nasty.” A grumpy voice came from the doorway. “All gushy this early in the morning makes me want to fucking vomit.” 

Izuku turned his head towards the voice. “Good morning to you two, Kacchan.” He kept a smile on his face, not caring what the blond said. 

“Good morning, Mido!” Kirishima said as he entered right behind Bakugo. “You two are so manly with PDA, I don’t know how you do it without feeling self conscious.”

“I’m just an outwardly affectionate person.” Izuku hummed out, his fingers carding through Shoto’s hair as he thought out loud. “Though in our relationship Shoto is more reserved. He is just accepting of my gestures of affection, though they can make him uncomfortable sometimes. I think being open about our boundaries has been super important, cause even some of Shoto’s direct nature can make me embarrassed too.”

”uggg, stop muttering.” Bakugo griped as the other began to speak. 

“Oh, that makes sense.” Kirishima said as he side eyed the blond next to him. “I guess I just worry about what people would think if I were to do PDA with someone.” His cheeks flushed pink when the blonde looked at him.

“Who cares what people think. It’s not their business!” Bakugo growled, stomping to his seat. He fell heavily into the chair before pulling out his phone.

Izuku nodded, agreeing with Bakugo’s statement. The redhead just sighed in reply, walking to his seat and settling in. 

Kirishima’s phone buzzed a few moments later. Izuku smiled at his childhood friend's attempts to keep the relationship between him and Kirishima ‘secret’. It was sweet that he was willing to do that for Kiri. Though it was kinda obvious what was happening since everyone lived in the same dorm building. The entire class knew that they were together, but kept their mouths shut after the aggressive threat that Bakugo yelled at them early one morning when Kaminari tried to tease him.

People started bustling into the classroom. Some huddled into small groups to talk while others tried to fall back to sleep for a few extra minutes before class started. Izuku watched happily, his hands still playing with Shoto’s hair since it seemed that his boyfriend had fallen asleep. 

Iida entered the room, his arms chopping the air like always as he announced for everyone to get to their seats. His tone was direct and commanding as he pressed that there was only a few minutes before the beginning of class.

Izuku nodded toward Iida before looking down at his sleepy boyfriend. He smiled, pressing the tips of his fingers firmly against his scalp and massaging away in an attempt to wake the man gently. 

“Hmm.” Shoto groaned, his head turning deeper into Izuku’s lap as he began to wake.

“Wake up Sho. Class will start soon.” Izuku hummed out. 

Shoto was always adorable while he woke up. It reminded him of when a toddler would begin to rouse from sleep. He always rubbed his eyes with a closed fist and shifted his head back and forth trying to get comfy. 

Shoto sat up in his seat, blinking his eyes periodically as he stared blankly at Izuku’s lap. Izuku giggled, knowing full well that Shoto was having an internal battle with himself. 

He quickly began combing down the red and strands with his fingers. Separating the tiny braids and patting them down so Shoto’s hair would look nice again. Shoto looked up at him, his gaze gentle as he softly took one of Izuku’s arms into a hold. He pulled the other closer to him, placing a small kiss on Izuku’s cheek in appreciation.

Izuku smiled, seeing the small opportunity given and taking full advantage of it. As Shoto began to pull away, Izuku chased after and turned his head slightly. He connected their lips and deepened the kiss quickly.

Shoto seemed to be expecting after so many times Izuku had done something like this before. He kissed back immediately, always willing to satisfy his boyfriend's greedy motives. His tongue caressed over Izuku’s lip before brushing with the other’s as Izuku opened his mouth eagerly. 

A fake gagging sound resonated through the room, obviously from Mineta. The two ignored him, as did the rest of the class as they were used to this kind of scene from the couple. 

“Alright, problem children! Stop sucking face before I expel you!” Aizawa groaned as he entered the class, a yellow sleeping bag slung over his shoulder. “I should just make you two take laps today since you obviously have so much energy.”

Izuku pulled away, his cheek pink at getting called out… again. He hopped off the desk, and maneuvered to his seat. He kept his head down as he did so, though a smile stretched across his face. 

“God, why are kids so horny nowadays?!” Aizawa asked no one in particular. 

I love writing about Kiri being super bashful about dating and Bakugo is willing to do anything for him. I truly think that if BakuDeku isn’t a thing, then it has to be KiriBaku.

Anyways, don’t forget to like and comment 🥰

