Hero Interview:

The spot lights from above were blinding, so bright that the green haired hero could barely see past the red tape that was stuck to the ground a few feet away. He wished that the sweat that creeped down his neck was from that, rather than the large studio audience that was staring at him as the producer counted down. These things never got easier, no matter how many times Izuku did them. Why couldn’t he do a private interview like in that 60 minutes show?

“Welcome back to Japan’s Hot Spot. I’m your host, Kozo Takase! Today we are have two special guests, the is the young and handsome hero, Deku.” The audience clapped, a few members whooping and cheering as Izuku waved with a small smile toward the large camera positioned right in front of him. The hero readjusted in his seat, pulling at the neck of his costume as the interviewer 

“So, Deku how did you celebrate breaking into the top 10 of the Pro Hero Ranks?” Kozo asked, his bright eyes trained on Izuku. He smiled over at the interviewer before turning to the camera. Izuku nodded as he prepared to reply, his hair falling into his eyes slightly and hiding the audience to his relief.

“Nothing too crazy, just hung out with friends and had homemade Kasudon.” Izuku explained, his smile becoming more genuine as he thought back to the party his friends threw him last week. It had been the best night, tons of food and drinks.

“That sounds fun!” The lanky man replied. “Can you tell me; how did your family and friends react when they heard of the new ranking?” The man asked, waving his hand around expectantly before resting a hand on the arm of the couch. Izuku hid a smile as he saw the cards his interviewer was reading from tucked under his leg just out of sight of the audience and cameras.

“My mom was so happy. She wouldn’t stop crying and screaming when I called her.” Izuku laughed, resting back into the armchair. Some of the audience awwed while the other half laughed. “She took the day off work so she could watching the news and not miss it. She has been amazing throughout my whole career. Always a level head that I can rely on, yet in that moment I was the one trying to calm her down.”

“Your mother is just as treasured as you. I know that I love her so much just from the few outings she did, she is such a kind soul. Isn’t she?” The man replied with a chuckle as a picture of Inko showed up on the screen of the wall behind them. The audience clapped in reply, hooting and laughing at the picture. Izuku smiled at the photo of the two of them when he graduated UA. The smaller woman had tears streaming down her face as she cupped his freckled cheeks and pulled him down to her level. He remembered his mother kissing him over and over, so happy that he had achieved the first step of his dream.

“Ya, she honestly can’t believe how many people have requested to follow her on social media.” Izuku laughed loudly. “If I’m not careful she will out rank me in citizen approval any day now.”

“She may already. She is truly a jewel, loved just as much as our top heroes. But, back to your career,” The interview redirected, glancing down at the cue card.

Izuku nodded as he waited for the question. He flickered his eyes toward the edge of the back stage behind the couch that Kozo sat. His smile softened as he saw his secret boyfriend standing just behind the curtain waiting for his turn to be interviewed. He too had just broken into the top 15 and was quickly gaining the approval to keep increasing.

Bakugo had his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the interview. To anyone it would have looked like his face was blank and unreadable, but Izuku could see the hint of a smile at the corners of his lips. His eyes held Izuku’s with a gleam that no one else ever received.

“You just came out as gay, has that effected your work?” The interviewer asked, his tone soft and a little hesitant. Being gay was still a taboo subject in Japan, but Izuku’s generation was determined to change the view on the LGBTQ+ community. He wasn’t the only hero to come out over the past few years.

Izuku blinked as he zoned back into the man infront of him. He shook his head with a hum. “Not by much. Of course there are the few that send me death threats or demand that I turn in my Hero License, but most of my colleges were very supportive and continue to be. I even had a villian congratulate me on the last bust we did where I arrested him.” Izuku giggled as he scratched the back of his neck.

“Oh? Can we know who?” The gangly man asked, leaning forward slightly at the possibility of a juicy story.

“I won’t disclose his name for privacy reasons, but he was very encouraging when we talked. It’s nice to know that two people with a different perspective on life can still connect in this way.” Izuku explained. “He gave me some good dating advice as well.”

“How nice of him. Hopefully his advice will win you some success.” He smiled before settling back into his seat, a hint of sadness in his voice at not getting any more details. The interview was coming to an end as a red light flashed on top of the main camera in front of them.

“One last question that I know everyone here has been dying to know.” The man stated, leaning back into his chair, his posture relaxing.

“Go ahead.” Izuku prompted.

“Are you dating anyone? Or interested in any of your colleges in a romantic sense?” Kozo asked, a sly smile of his face as he watched Izuku.

The hero’s eyes flickered to the blond that stood off stage. His heart rate picked up slightly at the forward question. “Umm…” Izuku looked down, trying to regain his composure. The two of them hadn’t discussed how long they wanted to keep their relationship on the down low, and this was the first time someone had asked so directly.

Izuku looked up again to answer the question but regretted it immediately. His secret boyfriend had a wicked grin on his face as he lifted his hand to his mouth and blew 2 kisses toward the already panicking hero.

“Hero Deku? Are you okay?” The interviewer asked, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.

Izuku could feel his face heat up to a very dark red. The hero began to open and close his mouth like a fish, any words he had were now gone as he stared at the ash blond. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the loving smile Bakugo was giving him, the endearment spiraling Izuku further.

“Well, we are out of time…” The interviewer stated with a hesitant tone. He was looking at Izuku with so much concern that it was almost laughable. “After our break we will have the new number 15 hero on set, so make sure to tune back in.”

“And we’re off.” Yelled a women behind the camera, indicating that they had gone to commercial.

The interviewer turned back to Izuku, his expression one of worry as his eyes examined Izuku’s face. “Are you okay? Do you feel sick?”

“No!!” Izuku yelled, jumping to his feet. He paused as he looked over to the full audience that was sitting silently. “I-I am fine…. That was just a hard question?” Izuku scratched his cheek as he tried to calm himself down, not realizing that he answered the question with a questioning tone.

“Well, whoever you thought of must be a hunk to pull that kind of reaction.” The gangly man teased with a small laugh before walking backstage. The audience started to chatter a little bit as Izuku quickly walked to where Bakugo was standing.

“You did that on purpose.” Izuku whispered, his tone only slightly angry as he tried to not melt at the small laugh that the ash blond gave in reply.

“Of course I fucking did. And I’m sure that it will have everyone talking. You looked like a deer caught in headlights.” Bakugo snickered, his red eyes looking straight into green as he talked.

“I will get you back for that.” Izuku threatened, punching the taller males shoulder gently.

“We will see.” Bakugo retorted as he walked onto set to get ready for his interview.

These two are so funny

I can imagine Bakugo teasing Izuku for weeks about this 😆 He wouldn’t let this be lived down.


Face Cream: