Face Cream:

“And this one?” Katsuki asked as he held up a bottle.

“That is to help soothe my scare.” Shoto replied. He leaned against the door frame, arms folded in front of him as he watched the blond rummage through his stuff.

“Okay… This one?” The blonde grabbed a spray bottle from the bathroom counter, holding it up expectantly. He had his head tilted toward the other hero, an expression that Shoto wondered was his attempt at being intimidating.

“That is heat protectant for the right side of my hair, how else do you think I keep it so healthy?” Shoto deadpanned. He tried to hold back his smile as Katsuki released a loud breath in exasperation.

“Ugg… but you already have 4 other hair products. Just get rid of one of them.” Katsuki pleaded. He placed the bottle down, the process knocking three others over in the process. The loud sounds of the objects hitting porcelain was comically loud. Katsuki yelled different swear words as he tried to catch them before they made any more noise.

“Why?” Shoto questioned. He didn’t understand why they were doing this, his sister had a lot more product then him and it had never been an issue.

“Whyyyyy… You have so much shit that I don’t have any space for my stuff!” Katsuki declared. He used his hands to emphasize the cluttered counter that was filled with different creams, lotions and sprays.

“Then use the half bath.” Shoto stated. He pushed off the door frame and walked closer to his boyfriend.

“NO!” Katsuki yelled. His hands began to fist with small pops, his teeth clenched as he tried to control his anger. “If I’m paying half the rent, I get to use the main bathroom as well.”

“But you only have 6 things…” Shoto pointed to the few things Katsuki had put in the bathroom sink so he could make room for them; Toothbrush, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, lotion and hair gel.

“Exactly, and there isn’t room for those 6 things!” Katsuki couldn’t believe what was happening. How could Shoto not understand that having 40 products was useless. Who needs 3 different kinds of lotion? There was no difference between face and body lotion, and who needed blow drying their hair and use heat spray?

“I think I know what the real problem is.” Shoto declared, looking into the blond’s angry red eyes.

“And what the fuck is that?” Katsuki replied, eyebrow raised. He crossed his arms, waiting for what his boyfriend was not understanding.

“You have no sense of personal care. Don’t worry I will help you figure out your skin type.” Shoto declared, grabbing some of his products off of the countertop. “We will also strip your hair from the product build up while we are at it.”

“WHAT?!” Katsuki practically screamed. He was shocked, beyond shocked; horrified. Everything had taken a weird turn and he didn’t know when it happened. How did this declutter project turn into a pamper fest?

“Common Kit Kat, I will let you lay on the bed while we do this.” The duel colored male yelled back toward him as he walked out of the bathroom.

“Icy-Hot, this isn’t what I was getting at? I don’t need you to pamper me like your princess ass is accustomed to.” Katsuki groaned, trudging into the bedroom. He watched his boyfriend set everything up next to the bed, laying down a couple towels before filling a bowl with warm water and setting it on the night stand.

“Kat, I may be high maintenance but at least I know what I am talking about. You need help, your skin is dry and your eyebrows could use a trip and reshaped. You also need a good face mask to get those black heads.” Shoto stated like he was all knowing before motioning to the bed like there was no other choice for the blond.

“I do NOT have black heads! It’s just residue from my quirk.” The blond’s cheeks began to heat up as het felt a part of him become embarrassed. He didn’t know why this was all such a big deal. He washed his face in the shower, after work and when it felt dirty. Why did that dictate to his boyfriend that he needed ‘help’.

“Yes, you do. Now lay down!” Shoto commanded, point to the spot he had prepped.

Kastuki quickly walked over to the bed, not interested in pissing off his boyfriend over something so trivial as lotion and hair products. “You better not get this shit in my hair!” He threatened.

“Babe, we are going to strip your hair after the facial. Don’t worry, I will make sure you are nice and clean when I am done.” Shoto explained while sitting just above Katsuki’s head.

“Whatever, princess.” Katsuki grumbled while closing his eyes.

Shoto hummed in response as he dabbed a wet, hot towel over the blonde’s face. After a few minutes Katsuki could feel his whole body relaxing. Shoto’s hands were soft and gentle as he massaged his face. He wouldn’t admit it but what his boyfriend was doing felt amazing.




Hero Interview: