Chapter 8


It has been a week since we arrived at the Todoroki pack. Though it has been a hard adjustment, things have been going smoothly so far. Well, besides Kacchan becoming over protective of me.

Since that night at the pond, he has refused to leave my side most of the day. It seems he has taken the responsibility of keeping my virginity intact. He and Shin have started doing the night patrols while making me do the morning, and I am not allowed to bathe without Kami present. I'm sure it is in hopes it will deter Shoto from joining.

I can't really argue with the changes, I also think Shoto and I went too far that night. We almost mated and we don't even know each other. Hell we are both Superiors from different packs. Mating would cause confusion and issues within both our packs, and I can't do that to my already stressed family.

My omega disagrees with me though, and still begs for me to be with Shoto nonstop. Though that night was exciting and honestly satisfying in a lot of ways, even when we were rudely interrupted, I have ignored the urges as best as I can. But I can't stop the butterflies that flood my stomach when I catch glances of Shoto in the morning when he leaves the pond.

This morning is no different. The sun is starting to glimpse over the horizon when I trade Shinso out for my patrol. Kacchan didn't wake when Shin had entered the cabin, and I convinced him that Kacchan needed his sleep.

I start walking around the perimeter that we have created. At this point a trail has started to form from the 3 of us taking the laps over and over. The morning breeze blows from the south as birds and squirrels start to wake. I walk past my favorite rock when I hear faint footsteps. I turn and feel those same butterflies form when the obvious red and white hair comes into view through the trees.

My omega chirps with joy as Shoto's breath taking form comes closer, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Good morning Izuku." He greets in a low voice. The small smile on his face is enough for me to almost die of joy.

"G-good morning, Shoto." I can't help but stutter as he closes the space between us quickly. "Did you enjoy the pond?"

He smiles a little bigger, bringing a hand to my cheek. "Yes, though it was a bit lonely without y-you there." He slightly stutters.

I feel a blush form on my cheeks as I nuzzle into his palm. Goddess I love the feelings his presence brings me.

"There is a mating party for 2 of my pack members today. It starts at dusk if your pack would like to come." He voice is so smooth as he talks, it makes it hard to concentrate sometimes. I smile at him, but before I can answer an irritated blonde's voice carries to us.

"Oi, Deku!" Kacchan yells from behind me. "Why didn't you wake me?"

I sigh, turning to the blonde alpha. "I thought you would enjoy sleeping more than 6 hours for once." I say, trying to turn my obviously devious actions into kind gesture.

"Tch, I don't need it." He gruffs, looking at Shoto before glaring. I sigh knowing that Kacchan’s patience is already thin today. I should probably stop this before it turns into a fight. This is stupid...

"Shoto, I apologize but I need to be with my pack." I say turning to him. He slightly frowns but it was gone in an instant with a blank look.

"Understandable, see you later then?" He asks, his voice full of hope as brushes his hand against mine.

"Yes, See you later." I confirm with a smile, grabbing his hand and squeezing it lightly. I turn my head towards Kacchan with a glittery feeling in my chest, though my omega is dying on the inside at my decision to leave him so soon. Shoto smiles before nodding to Kacchan and walks off.

"He looks like a candy cane." The blonde alpha grumbles as he watches Shoto walk away. I smack him in the stomach with the back of my hand and give him a dirty look.

"Be nice, he is the reason we have a place to live." I warn. I try to make my voice as stern as possible as I try to encapsulate my Superior status.

"Na, that is all because of you. He is like every other horny alpha." He states with a wave of his hand before walking along the path. “Thinking with his dick over his brain.”

I sigh as I follow him. He may be right in most cases, but I can feel the bond we have. It's nothing like I have ever felt before, and I have had many alpha's court me. What I feel towards Shoto is strong and genuine, I can only assume it is reciprocated with how crazy my wolf is around him. That is more than just an Alpha wanting to let of some sexual tension. This is what I was told would happen when my wolf found a suitable mate.


The morning went slow since my departure from Shoto. It was late afternoon now and I decided there wasn’t a need to patrol since Kami has healed enough to walk out of the cabin on his own. Though Shinso wont let him wander far without him. The two are spending time on a blanket under a tree close by. Their pup sprawled out on Shin's chest as Kami played with the alpha's hair. Laughing can be heard every so often as they eat and talk with each other.

I hum to myself as I sit on the step of our cabin, resting my back against the door with my eyes closed. The sun was warm against my skin and it felt heavenly as I let my mind wander freely.

I could hear Kacchan sigh loudly from beside me and I peaked my eyes open. "What?" He looks at me then to the ground, grinding a rock into the dirt with his foot. I wait patiently for my emotionally oblivious friend to speak his mind.

"Look, I understand that your omega chose that half n half bastard... But I still don't trust him." He says turning to me. His eyes are narrow as he hold my gaze.

"I get your worry, and I am not going to rush into things. You 4 are my highest priority." I say, sitting up straight and looking at him. "Besides, I have gone 24 years without a mate, it should be easy to keep the streak going." A small chuckle leaves me as I feel my omega frown at my joke.

"Let's pray to the Moon Goddess that your horny omega will stay in your control then." Kacchan says lightly.

"Hey, that was one time Kacchan, and you snapped me out of it." I counter, as I smack his shoulder lightly.

"Ya, after you had ripped my shirt off and tried to get in my pants." he retorts back, pushing my shoulder.

I sigh as I relive the memory. "That was the first time I went into heat, you can't blame me when you were the closest alpha."

"I can, because I had to live through Superior Yagi and your mother's anger." he exclaims. Though his voice is direct I didn't miss the smirk on his face.

"You know it was worth it." I tease. "You basically became my bodyguard after that because Yagi was impressed with your self restraint."

Tch is all I get in return and I can't help the laugh that follows. He looks at me and shakes his head, a small smile on his face.

"You're my best friend Kacchan." I say leaning back on the door. "You and I will be by each other's side forever."

"Ya, you're not getting rid of me, nerd." He chuckles resting his head on my lap. I smile and start playing with his hair.


Kacchan begrudgingly follows us to the center of the village, not without complaining and throwing empty threats at all of us. It was already dark by the time we decided to go to the party the Todoroki pack was having. Mainly because of a certain blonde being stubborn.

We walk around the small homes that are scattered around until we come to an open area. There were candles and torches everywhere to light the communal areas. Flowers and ribbon adorned the chairs, tables and trees. While the smell of food filled the air. People relaxed in little groups as some danced close to the music being played while other sat at tables or at chairs that ran along the outer area.

I couldn't help but smile at the feelings that reminded me of home. I turned to my pack and was glad to see them smiling as well. This was something we hadn't realized we missed until now. Love, acceptance, fun and laughter that only a pack can create.

"Hello!" A female wolf makes her way over to us. She has pink hair and yellow eyes, and her scent is one of a beta. "I'm Ashindo Mina, but just call me Mina. We are so glad you could come.

"Thank you, we hope we didn't intrude on a special time for your pack." Kami states next to me, his pup beginning to wiggle in his arms.

"Of course not! We love parties, so the more the merrier." She says happily, waving us forward towards the group she was with.

"This is Sero, a beta. Ojio, an Alpha. Tsuyu, a beta. And Yaoyorozu, an alpha." Mina introduces us while point everyone out before turning and looking over to the other side of the communal area, "and the happy couple over there are the ones we are celebrating. Uraraka and Iida. Omega and Alpha."

I smile as I recognize the brunette girl dressed in a cream dress with a pink flower crown on her head. She is holding a bundle of flowers in her hand as she talks and laughs with people in her pack, her new mate standing by her side with a hand on the small of her back.

I turn to my pack as I hear Kami and Shin start to talk with the group beside us. Even Kacchan is talking with the tall black hair girl casually. I lean to Kami and whisper that I am going to congratulate the couple for our pack. He nodded in agreement before I turned and started making my way through the crowded area.

The atmosphere is warms as I am consumed with laughter from pups running around. Groups of people cheer and joke with one another as they eat till their fill. It truly is a nice change.

As I pass a group the scent of Oak and rain fill my nose and I can feel a large smile grace my face. "I'm glad that you came." I hear a soft voice in my ear.

I turn to the Alpha beside me. "Me too, I was going to congratulate the new couple if you want to join me."

Shoto nods his head and walks beside me as we make our way to the new mates. They are giggling with one another as the girl tries to feel her alpha, before turning to us.

"Hello,” I great with a small wave.” I would like to bring congratulations from my pack. We are honored to be able to celebrate your mating." I say while bowing my head in respect.

"No, it is ours," The alpha states quickly, bowing his head as well. "To have another pack leader congratulate us is an honor."

I scrunch my face at his words, confusion clear on my face.

"It isn't customary for Superiors to attend, let alone congratulate a mating that doesn't involve their own pack." Shoto says next to me.

My eyes widen at the realization. My decision to approach the couple could have been seen as a threat. Though I haven't been the Superior of my pack for long, I should have thought about what my presence would indicate to this pack. I haven't allowed my members to associate with them, so my intentions are hard to read. This pack has been very trusting of us to even invite us to this celebration.

"Oh, my apologies. My culture is different and I had not realized." I say, bowing my head again before looking at Uraraka. "You and this pack have done so much for mine and I only wished to express my gratitude."

"Thank you Superior. It was my honor to serve you and your pack." Uraraka says, a large smile on her face.

I nod my head before taking my leave, Shoto close to me. We make our way to the food table before taking a seat at the edge of the celebration. I look around and see Shin and Kami laughing with the group we had left, their obvious enjoyment making me happy. I scan the area and soon find Kacchan talking with a girl with short purple hair. It seems even he is starting to relax a little.

"You can relax, you know." I hear from Shoto. I hum in response, swallowing the food in my mouth.

"Habit." I murmur as I watch the people around us.

"So, can I ask you how your culture works when it comes to choosing a new Superior?" He asks, his eyes not leaving his food.

I nod as I bring my attention to him. "The Royal Omega isn't decided by birth right like pack lead by alphas. There has always been a Royal Omega born every generation within my pack since the beginning. The honorary Royal Omega start their training to lead at 18, while also receiving the pack quirk shortly after. That is also the age where members are allowed to mate if they choose." I clear my throat before continuing.

"Though it isn't often for the Royal to have a mate. There have been mated Royals, but because we don't rely on birth rights we aren't obligated. Superior Yagi, the Royal Omega before me, never mated. Neither did the one before him." I finished taking another bite of food as I realized I had started rambling.

Shoto nods his head. "So when does the honorary Royal Omega become the Superior?" Shoto asks.

"Age 30 is when they take over, unless the Superior dies before that." I say with a sigh.

Shoto asks another question quickly, probably to distract me from where my thoughts were lingering. "How does one know if a pup is a Royal Omega?"

"Well, a Royal pup won't respond to Alpha pheromones, that is what usually happens when my pack finds the next Royal. Royal Omegas also don't go into heat until 18. Some kind of self preservation response I guess." I finish with a small blush, waving my fork in the air as I try to end that line of thought.

"So is that pup a Royal Omega?" He asks, gesturing to Kami and his pup.

I shake my head. "No, Okami is likely to be an alpha. Royal Omegas have scents like betas, probably another self preservation thing." I say, becoming lost in thought. My scent for example isn't as sweet as other omegas. Mine is a mix of orange and vanilla. It's like my scent is a combination of beta and omega.

"I actually don't know if another Royal will be born.” I say, furrowing my eyebrows. “Kami and Shin are the only mates in my pack, and with how small we are, the Royals might die out with me-"

"Unless you mate." I hear Shoto say. I feel my face grow hot at his words, quickly shaking my head.

"No, Royal Omegas birth alpha or normal omegas. The likelihood of birthing an alpha is lower, and omegas even lower. So for me to birth a Royal is practically impossible. It hasn't ever happened before."

I can't help but look at Kami, then to Kacchan. "They would be the only ones who could continue our pack lineage." I can feel my heart hurt at the realization. My pack has dwindled to the point it might die out. I don't think we could rebuild our members at this point.

My thoughts were interrupted as people cheering for the newly mated couple to dance together. The music starts to play as they take their spot in front of everyone. People circle around and clap as they move together, large smiles and laughter coming from them. My heart warms at the sight as my omega whines. I know that my desire is to be in Uraraka’s place, but I'm not certain if that path is for me yet. Only fate knows that decision.

The night grows long as people continue to celebrate. Soon my pack returns to me and we head back to our cabin. All of us laughing and sharing our experiences with one another. Even Kacchan joins into our laughter before we all settle down for the night.


Chapter 9


Chapter 7