Chapter 7

One step forward, two steps back

Hello, 👋
Major trigger warning for this chapter. There is physical abuse, mentions of unaliving ones self, abuse of a minor, self depreciation and detailed writing about such topics. To some this chapter is really fucked up, but this whole story is rated the way it is for a reason with the TAGS it has. This is a shorter chapter since it is heavy and dark.

AGAIN, I am someone that doesn’t like to sugar coat things. I wouldn’t say I am a dark writer, but sometime it just comes out in my writing and I don’t like to dampen it. So please!!!! If you cannot manager your own traumas and reactions to triggers yet, don’t feel bad or discouraged, but please don’t read this chapter, or story really. 🙏
See you at the end.

Izuku groaned loudly as he sat hunched over himself in his room. Eri’s hand pressed firmly on his injured shoulder as she slowly reversed more of the omega’s bigger wounds. The tingles that coursed down to his elbow and across his shoulder blade felt nice in a weird way. It was a numbing buzz that left a cool residue as it pulsed in waves with every breath the pup took.

He could feel the ache in his shoulder begin to dissipate as Eri focused her quirk to a different spot. Even that little bit of relief was enough for Izuku to feel a million times better. Though his throat still hurt like a bitch and caused an enferno to erupt whenever he would swallow, that was something he could live with in comparison. The tear in his shoulder however was way too inconvenient for his lifestyle. Sure it was painful, but it was more irritating now than anything.

Thank the gods he hadn’t gotten any injuries during his fight besides a bruised foot, Eri's focus herself on mendin his shoulder. Anything after would be a happy little bonus.
Izuku kept his eyes closed as he sat on the edge of his nest; his body falling more into itself as each second passed. He was so tired, just the effort to stay upright was too much at this point. He honestly didn’t know how he was able to last as long as he did in the ring.

In retrospect most of the fight was a blur, pure instinct and adrenaline keeping his mind clear and body responsive for the condition he was in. He knew that his body was well past its limits before the starting buzzer even rang, he shouldn’t have been allowed to fight. He was still hurt from the week before, and even with Eri being attentive to him, there was very little healing allowed with the short amount of time.


Izuku sighed when Eri pulled away, the warm touch of her fingers leaving behind a cool wave of comfort. There was no pain as Izuku rolled his shoulder and flexed his arm in different ways, the light sensation in the ligaments bringing a smile to freckled cheeks. There was still tightness deep in his muscles from lack of mobility, but he presumed that would sort itself out with time.

“Can you do my throat? It’s still causing a lot of pain.” Izuku asked, his hand touching the spot that was still slightly bruised with finger tip impressions. He wouldn’t speak it out loud, but Izuku hated that each time he tried to move his head or swallowed he was reminded of that beta.

“Uh huh.” Eri agreed as she helped Izuku turn around in his nest so she could have a better angle. Izuku breathed happily with a new sense of energy as he was able to put all his weight on his arm and move without needing the pup’s help. That in itself was a cause for internal celebration.

Eri knelt in front of Izuku, her hands coming to rest on his throat while her fingers lightly hovered over the bruises. She narrowed her eyes with focus as she activated her quirk on the section right next to his jaw. Eri hummed softly as she worked, her tune intended to ease any stress her friend may have. She kept her attention on her hands, being sure to keep the wave of light away from Izuku’s face so that his sinus would stay collapsed.

Both of them knew that this injury was the only one that must never be healed, though it made Eri a little sad. Sure, it did give him an advantage in the ring, but it also ensured that Izuku would be ‘blind’ to a lot of social cues. This leverage in the ring was a disability outside of it.

Until Izuku’s sinus was healed he couldn’t sense the quiet pheromones of those around him. His everyday life was limited to less than what even a beta had, moving through the world with no indication to those around him. Even those who were blind in this world still had an advantage over the omega sense they could still read other people without their sight.

Eri remembered how confused she was when their master allowed her to be around Izuku for the first time. She thought that he hated her because of his lack of acknowledgement to her pheromones. She knew now that her anger was because of how she was conditioned to stay quiet about her emotions, the only way that anyone knew how she felt was through her scent.

Even around Izuku it was hard for her to speak up, but it always took an ungodly amount of her pheromones for the omega to even glance her way. It was a continuous emotional whiplash. Izuku was always so kind and loving toward her, but he never acknowledged her scents when he wasn’t close to her. It irritated her as a pup, made her resent the omega for saying they were friends only for him to ignore her all the time. It hurt her deeply because there were several times that she would try to indicate her needs like the omega said was allowed to do, but they would be ignored over and over again.

She remembered the relief that she felt when the omega talked about his injury in passing. The information filled her with remorse for the negative thoughts she had toward the only person that she had grown to trust in some way. She cried for hours in Izuku’s arms, apologizing and begging him to keep her around. The omega reassured her that he didn’t think badly of her for using the only effective way to communicate with all the sheep that followed Chisaki.

Ever since then, both were inseparable. They knew each other in ways that even Chisaki couldn’t compete with. Though Izuku was nose blind, he could read Eri with just one look and the same when the other way. They grew to rely on each other, and no matter what, the other was always a priority.


Eri worked at a steady pace, her hands glowing as she moved them slowly down to Izuku’s collarbone. Her red eyes tracing the fading bruising as she moved with the same cooling effect lingering behind.

Her quirk had always fascinated Izuku, it was nothing like what he had ever seen. Over the years, Eri’s control increased with the intense training and repetitive use that Izuku needed after every fight. Her once hesitant and shy touches were now confident and controlled. She could now isolate her reversal, guid when it started and stopped.

Izuku was terrified the first time Chizaki ordered her to use her quirk to heal him. It was the first time they had ever met, no words allowed between them as their master growled at the small girl to do as he said. Her tiny hands shook as she touched Izuku’s broken leg, her eyes filling with tears as she tried to calm her breathing down. Izuku didn’t know what her quirk was at the time, the glow around her entire body was mesmerizing as he watched from his reclined position on the rusty medical bed.

That was until a new surge of pain shot through his leg and up into his hip. The poor pup couldn’t stop her quirk and it resulted in his leg having some permanent deterioration. The dominant appendage was now weak and even fragile. The omega could no longer use it like he used to in fights, it wasn’t able to withstand the impacts when he would kick his opponent.

Yet, the pup’s quirk still captivated him. Izuku couldn’t help the excitement when he began to think about all the possibilities that her power could obtain. So he begged their master to let her stay with him and then began to help her despite the threat of damage to his body. He gave her ideas and potential tips and slowly she gained confidence in herself and now enjoyed her ability to some extent.


The two had only been in Izuku’s room for a few minutes before the door opened. Izuku turned in response as he watched Chizaki step in, he didn’t look angry like the last time Izuku saw him, but it was hard to tell with his face mask pulled up over his nose. Izuku bowed his head in respect, pulling his shirt back on so he wouldn’t be exposed to the alpha.

Chizaki gave Eri a quick look and the pup quickly backed away, her head held low as she did so. It seemed the time given to heal Izuku was going to be shorter today despite his victory.

Izuku looked over at the pup from the side of his eye, watching as she took a deep breath with irritation evident on her face. Though she kept her eyes down and her face directed away from their master.

Izuku pulled himself out of his nest and stood in front of the alpha like trained to do many years before. He tried to hide the shaking of his body from the fatigue that raked through his bones. It didn’t matter his condition, he needed to show respect to his master. He couldn’t tell what the alpha was feeling, so thus needed to toe the line more carefully. Even if he had won this match it didn’t mean that he could get away with outright ‘disrespect’.

Chizaki wasn’t easy to please, he demanded full devotion no matter how little was given in return. So,Izuku kept his eyes directed to the ground to maintain their different social standings.

“Master?” Izuku questioned, his fingers intertwining in front of him as he waited. He could feel Chizaki’s eyes on him, it was like fire on his bare skin as it seemed to mar every inch it touched.

“Eri, go down to the communal area. Make your quirk useful for once.” He stated with a dry tone.

Eri stiffened at the command, her hands fisting the bottom of her shirt as she nodded in response. She kept her head down as she walked, taking a few hesitating steps as she walked closer to the alpha. The alpha watched her with piercing gold eyes, his body still by the door as he glared at the pup.

A small gasp echoed through the bare room when Eri came within an arm's length of Chizaki. Izuku looked up at the noise in utter shock and then anger. His whole body seemed to ignite like a live wire as he watched his master grab Eri by the back of the neck. His gloved hand squeezed hard as he increased the momentum that her body was already taking but directing it toward the hard floor.

Izuku panicked, his mind racing back to the last time Chizaki laid his hand on the pup. It wasn’t anything but the worst abuse, and Izuku still regretted his lack of action at the time.

“Master!” Eri shrieked as her knees made contact with the ground. The smell of blood already hinting the air the pup tried to catch herself.

Izuku couldn’t stop himself from lunging forward, he moved before he could think twice. His hands reached out and his body lurched forward with desperation toward the pup’s safety. He knew the moment his fingers came into contact with the purple coat that he was going to be punished, but his hand fisted the fabric regardless. His nails dug in until he was sure that it wasn’t just fabric that he was clawing into, and pulled until the alpha had no choice but to let go of the pup and wip his attention toward Izuku.

Everything didn’t seem real as green eyes widened in realization. Izuku knew he had no right to touch an alpha without consent, especially this alpha. Chizaki hated any physical contact, making it known that anyone who did would pay the price heavily. Yet, Izuku would never take back what he just did. Chizaki was never gentle with Eri, he always used too much force.

The alpha growled, his eyes directed toward the omega with a piercing stare that forced green eyes to dilate wide with fear. The alpha had let go of Eri for only a moment, but that moment was going to haunt Izuku for the rest of his life. Everything seemed to slow down to the omega as Chizaki’s volcanic scent exploded through the room. The pheromones burned Izuku’s nose and forced him to gasp as it overwhelmed him at such a close distance. He hadn’t even noticed that the alpha had his hand wrenched into the hair on the back of his neck until the hot pain spread. Izuku couldn’t only follow the force that dragged him around as Chisaki turned to search for Eri.

Seeing that she cowered on the floor, he turned back to the omega entrapped in his snare. The sharp stings around his wrist from Izuku’s nails trying to pry him away barely did anything. Chisaki was no longer in control of himself as his anger overflowed.

A high pitched whine left Izuku as he caved into himself from the ruthless punch that made contact with his ribs. The shock of the action barely registering before he was pushed backward with immense strength. Izuku could only stare up at his master as his body habitually tried to lessen the impact of his fall, his left arm taking all of his weight with a loud snap.

Izuku winced at the noise that bounced off the bare walls, but kept himself calm as his mind prevented any pain from registering through his body. Everything felt so far away as he looked down at his arm, the awkward twist proving that this was more than a simple break.

“Worthless omega!” The alpha yelled. He looked almost feral, with his pupil dilated and his mask darkening with the spit that ran out of his mouth. The person before the omega was nothing like the man he had come to fear. No this was a monster, a man with no morals or consciousness for the well being of others.

Izuku tried to push himself up, cradling his hurt arm as he watched Chizaki grab Eri again. The alpha flung the pup like a rag doll, no care as she hit the door causing it to slam shut. “God damnit, get out before I bite your throat out!” He screamed, any awareness of the pup’s valuableness gone. A small whimper cried out into the room as Eri grabbed the door handle, her hands shaking as he kept her eyes away from the alpha.

Izuku let out a shaky breath when Eri finally opened the door and ran, sour milk hinting in the air as the omega tried to steady himself. She was safe, that was all that mattered for now. Izuku kept his head low as he sat on the floor, the attention of the alpha directed back onto him in a single heartbeat.

Izuku knew he fucked up, the alpha’s scent of scalding hot moss still burned his nose. Izuku bared his neck in submission, his omega fearing for their life as he bared down into himself. He held his injured arm close to his chest as he squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation for another heavy hit. Izuku shook uncontrollably as he shrank further on the stone floor, fear encapsulated every fiber of his being.

“This is why I hate omegas. Pathetic and weak.” Chizaki rasped out, spit flying from his mouth and through the holes in his mask as he continued to rage. The alpha took quick steps closer to Izuku, his anger evident with every hard landing of his boots. Izuku tried to stop his shaking but the decrease in proximity from the alpha only seemed to make it worse.


Izuku was a coward, he knew that already, but the feeling of his body moving on its own only confirmed that despite everything he dreamed of being or strived to become wasn’t anything reachable. He was nothing but a quirkless omega, a weak person that could never gain respect or freedom in any capacity.

He lifted his head, tears streaking down his face as he met the intense gold of his master’s. His stomach ached, his nerves on fire though his body continued to shake as if he were in a freezer. Those eyes could cut him down at any moment, end his pathetic life here and now. Yet, Chizaki just stared down at him. He looked angry but also had a hint of something else. It was even more strange and it completely terrified the omega more.

“Go to the meeting room.” His voice was low and harsh as he leaned closer, his body hovering over the omega until Izuku was forced to crane his neck. There was no emotion in Chisaki’s face anymore, even the residual anger that had consumed the room minutes before was gone. Only blank eyes stared at him as the alpha continued to speak despite the clear confusion now on Izuku's face. “Your highest bidder wants an audience with you and you will behave. Give them what they want or pay the price for losing their support.”

Izuku quickly nodded his head, his mind feeling so muddy as he tried to understand what was going on. The alpha growled one more time, a warning to the omega before leaving with a stomp to his feet. His scent lingered in the room even after the door had slammed behind him. The wood was still shaking on its hinges as Izuku stared in shock with furrowed brows and a ragged breath.


It seemed there wasn’t enough time for Izuku to compose himself before he willed himself to his feet. A shaky hand wiping the tears from his face as the other dangled. Each gasp of breath doing little to calm down the shaking omega from their shaky temp. It seemed like everything was fake around him, all an illusion, though the evident throbs in his arm was a clear indication that he was still stuck in this predicament.

How could Chisaki leave him to meet his supports with a broken arm? That thought alone brought tears to green eyes as they stared up at the ceiling, numerous blinks doing nothing to prevent them from rolling over freckles. Gods he wanted to die, he hated this. Hated everything about his life. The only good thing was Eri.
Right Eri, he needed to make sure she was okay. There was a chance that Chisaki went after her, but he doubted that he would find her. She was excellent at hiding when she needed to.

With the pup present in his mind he tried to find a way to lessen the pain in his wonky arm while his mind trudged in an attempt to figure out how he is going to meet with the supporter and not look weak in his state. As the seconds ticked, anxiety promptly took hold of Izuku once again. He knew he was running out of time. His guests had probably already been waiting far longer than what was promised.

Chizaki wasn't gonna be happy with him, if he ever got in the alpha’s good graces. Izuku had to get going if there was any chance for that.


Izuku slowly entered the dark hallway, his body hunched over his broken arm in an attempt to dampen the pain that wouldn’t lessen. Every step that he took caused intense pain to radiate from the limb.

Why was his life like this? His victory in the ring and the relief of being healed enough to function properly now was nothing more than a small blimp in his mind. Nothing ever went his way. No matter how many wins he got, the gods loved to knock him down a few pegs.

Izuku paused for a moment outside of the closed door, leaning his weight against the wall as he tried to collect himself. This injury won’t be something he can wave off as a result from his last fight. No, he will have to remember to stay in character and not allow the people on the other side of the door to know that he has been hurt outside of the ring. If Chizaki got word that Izuku had appeared weak in front of such high people he would be disposed of for sure.

Izuku let out another deep breath, gritting his teeth in preparation for what he had to do. He stood up straight and slowly let his arm hang to his side. The pain was manageable, but the pressure from his limb hanging limp was awful. He knew that even the slightest touch would cause him to cry out, so he would have to convince the person behind the door that any physical interaction could wait till their next meeting. With that in his mind he began to walk, keeping himself from moving his arm too much in hopes that it would ease some of the pain.

Don’t worry, It will get better. I promise!

Word Count: 3530

Well, that was heavy. The next chapter won’t be far behind this one being published. I am already doing a final edit and it is almost ready. I don’t like the idea of leaving everyone on such a dark and awful cliff hanger. (is this considered a cliffhanger? oh well. )I promise chapter 8 will be out soon.
I’m not going to apologize for my absence since life is a bitch and I am a wimpy bitch and it all just goes hand in hand. I got a second job, quite it because wow was that awful, found a new job that will have me working from home after training and has higher pay (fuck ya 🎉). I moved into a bigger apartment with my partner and it seems things are turning to a brighter side of this fucked up coin. So I would like to say that I will be writing more, but lets not get ahead of ourselves… life will find a way to humble me here quickly. But hey, I’m back even if it is just for a short time.

I can’t wait to hear from you. Tell me your thought on this chapter since it is just a black hole of pain and sadness. And thank you for waiting and sticking with me, y’all are fucking amazing and I’m so happy to have you here.


Chapter 8


Chapter 6