Chapter 8
Acceptance or Defeat
The two alphas waited in the small room that was decorated with very few accommodations. There was a table pushed up against one of the walls with a few chairs pushed haphazardly around it. The wood groaned with the slightest bit of pressure put upon them, as the rough grains clung desperately to any clothing that came into contact. There was a single, tiny window high on top of the wall, bars bolted on the outside with spider webs spun across them and paint chipping from the frame.
They had been left to wait alone, their only company were the random mounds of dirt that drifted toward the corners as a light draft pulled from under the door to the cracked window. The entire atmosphere around the two alphas was less than appealing as it did little to improve the negative emotions that seemed to radiate from the walls. The air had a musty smell, like mildew from water that must have leaked through the walls any time it rained. The yellow and brown, ringed stains on the ceiling confirmed that this place was no wear close to code or even cleaned in years.
Even with all of these lack luster details, nothing was as horrid as the fluorescent light that dangled in the middle of the room. The once low buzz became unbearable as it seemed to get louder just to spite them.
The scratching of wood on concrete echoed through the room as Shinso wrestled back in one of the chairs. The obnoxious sounds from the legs doing little to deter the alpha from trying to get comfortable as they waited. Katsuki watched with an even glare as he prayed for one of the rotten twigs to snap and throw the man to the ground.
The trust the insomniac put in the rickety wood was unfathomable as it crumbled before red eyes with every jostle made. The scene brought a cautious air to the blond as he tried to not move so much in his own seat. The last thing he wanted was a dirt stain on his ass when he met with the one person he was really nervous about seeing.
On the other hand, Shinso only had one thought on his mind despite the raging anxiety in his partner's head. Why the fuck would anyone use Daylight bulbs when a nice Amber could do the work just fine? It’s because they’re cheap, Huh?!
The purple haired hero kept his eyes closed in hopes that the awful lighting wouldn't give him a headache. It was like they were put in an interrogation room with how low the massive metal hung above them. Every tick of the clock that passed edged Shinso into more awareness of the annoying high pitched buzz it emitted. It was almost enough for him to brainwash someone to come fix it then and there.
There was no way he was willing to put up with this if they had been stood up. He would burn the hell hole down before he left with only a massive headache to show his efforts.
Even with his inner debacle, Shinso kept a cool vibe going. His face blank and attitude unassuming in case they were being watched with a surveillance quirk. He hadn’t run across such a thing that could look through walls, but being in the underground had taught him to be suspicious of no matter his surroundings.
With all of the training they were put through for this line of work, Shinso was certain that his partner wouldn’t do well under interrogation. He desperately tried to ignore Bakugo as he grumbled under his breath. His chair gave a sigh of relief as the massive blonde got up and walked around the perimeter of the room. After a few laps he still didn’t return to his chair but rather leaned against the wall with his hands in his stupidly tight, over customized, flattering pants.
Katsuki was obviously a bundle of nerves. Shinso didn’t need the blond’s scent to confirm his observation as he watched the other fist his hands and push them deep in his pockets. Shinso understood why the alpha was so stressed, and a small part of him was concerned for what was about to happen. Though the other, much larger, part of himself laughed hysterically at the way the alpha couldn’t seem to keep his ‘I’m so tough’ charade going.
It was almost comical to watch Bakugo try to process his emotions in real time. He wished that he could take a picture as evidence to show Kami and Eijirou at the bar this coming Sunday. They wouldn’t believe him unless he had tangible proof that the blond was physically showing nerves on a mission.
Shinso leaned back in his chair, pushing it back onto two legs until the backrest settled against the metal table behind him. He looked down at his watch with a sigh. It had already been 30 minutes since they were escorted into this room. He would normally be concerned by the wait time, but he knew that they had convinced that masked man that they just wanted to have their way with the omega for a few minutes. Nothing out of the ordinary for things like this, especially sponsors checking in on their fighter.
“Where the hell is he?” Bakugo grumbled as he pushed off the wall and walked closer to the purple haired hero. “Izuku did not sustain any shitty injuries tonight, so what could be taking him so long?”
Shinso knew that these questions weren’t technically directed to him, but rather just stated out loud as a means to defuse some tension. He nodded along in agreement non the less as he tried to continue with being the calm one in hopes it would rub off onto his partner.
“He could have more than us trying to get an audience with him.” Shinso shrugged, his voice carrying how tired he was. He smirked at the growl that was given in response. He knew that Bakugo was protective of this omega. Even without the whole vomit-of-trauma-that-was-actually-an-admission-of-guilt. How could he not notice the underlining devotion when the alpha was obviously planning his own rescue mission for someone he hadn’t seen in a decade? Na, there were some deep seated feelings that were starting to sprout in the alpha’s cold heart.
“Don’t speak like that about him, Izuku would never fucking do something like that.” Bakugo growled as he paced in front of Shinso. Shinso shook his head, leaning forward slightly despite the tilted chair screaming in protest. He examined the blonde for a moment before sighing and excusing the outburst as nothing worth dealing with.
He could really use a coffee right now, maybe the bunny/cat cafe by his apartment would still be open after they finished tonight. The mental hero let his mind wander freely as the silence stretched through the room. His mind freely jumped to the new kitten he was introduced to last week. He wondered how she was doing. He hoped the Fleming Giant rabbit he despised wasn’t still being a dick to the fur ball. That kitten didn’t need that type of treatment after being found in a dumpster. The other cats were more accepting of her, but that damn bunny! It made him want to shove the fucker in a closet for a while to teach it a lesson.
“Fuck!” Bakugo grumbled. Shinso squeezed his eyes shut, not expecting the sudden intrusion to his thoughts. The blond was starting to get on his nerves. Couldn’t he be quiet for the few minutes that they were allowed to be. God, he just wanted to daydream about a cat for gods sake!
“What?!” Shinso hissed between his teeth. He pushed forward, the chair falling onto all four legs with a loud smack as he looked the blond in the eye. “You think that an omega who has been in the underground as part of the illegal trades wouldn’t do anything to keep themselves alive at this point?” Shinso accused. He continued to stare down the alpha, even as red bore back in rage at what he was saying.
“Be realistic, there is no way that he has ever had a choice over anything, that includes his own body. You don’t need to add any more expectations or wishes onto him. You haven’t seen him in years, he may not even know who you are with how much trauma he has gone through.” Shinso watched in satisfaction as his partner redirected his attention to the far wall.
The blond hero began his pacing again, though faster as he avoided the purple eyes that followed him intently with a tired look. He watched as red eyes closed and eyebrows pinched together in response to what was just said. It was obvious that his partner was now struggling with even more emotions.
Shinso took a deep breath to collect himself regardless of his head already pounding his patience into nothing but crumbs. He sighed as he hung his head forward. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that, he could have waited or said it in a better way. He didn’t know what it felt like to see someone that you once… disliked?… show up in the worst place that anyone could be.
Shinso lowered his voice and softened his tone as he looked back up. “Look, I don’t know what you are feeling. But, when we see him you have to keep yourself in check. The last thing we need is for him to run to his master and snitch on us. We have to build his trust, and from what you have already told me it will be an uphill battle already.” He needed them to be on the same page, not at odds when the omega showed up.
Bakugo nodded as he slowed his walk to a stop. He kept his eyes on the ground for a moment longer before taking a breath, his shoulders visibly falling into a slumped position as he made his way back to his chair. Whether it was in acceptance or defeat, Shinso had no clue.
The door slowly creaked open, the movement catching the two alpha’s attention immediately. Both unconsciously sat up straighter in their seats as the omega they had been waiting for came into view.
The small male kept his head held high as he walked into the room, though his eyes stayed trained on the ground out of social respect. He didn’t say anything as he walked to the middle of the room, pausing just in front of Shinso but keeping as much distance without being too obvious with his hesitation.
His demeanor confused the purple haired hero as he eyed the omega for the first time up close. From his spot earlier, in the VIP seating, the alpha thought that the omega was skinny thus making the little he had muscles more apparent. It was a reasonable assumption since most individuals in this kind of environment were more skin and bone than anything else.
Yet, as his eyes ran along the male in front of him, he could see that he was being fed. Even if it wasn’t to a basic standard, it allowed the smaller man to have a toned form. Even with the baggy shirt that hung heavily on his shoulders, the thick muscles of his arms and neck were hard to miss. Deku wasn’t anything but a fighter in his appearance, including the marks across his body. That was what caught the attention of the alpha next.
It seemed that the cause for the optical illusion that the alpha saw on the omega was the bright white and pink scares that covered almost every inch that he could see. Most of the larger ones were contorted and jagged but others were straight and clear. They patterned over the omega’s pale skin and cast shadows that resembled battle worn heroes after years in the field. The thought made the alpha grimace, the idea of how many fights the omega had to cause this much damage left an impression on Shinso that he was sure would keep him up from any attempts of sleep.
As the Omega stood in the middle of the room, his hair falling into his eyes and blocking the alpha from meeting his gaze, Hitoshi got the impression that the omega was hiding something. Was the omega anticipating something to happen? Shinso furrowed his eyebrows as he looked the fighter up and down, searching for anything that could give him a hint to what the omega was doing.
Just as he had learned to read lips from his years in the underground, he could also read body language like a poet does his script. Every shift and lean was an indication to a story, and over the years the alpha had learned to read it fluently.
The omega was standing off kilter, his right side holding all his weight as he angled his left side away from the two alphas. He kept his shoulders straight and posed them to lean back, away from the alphas , the opposite of what someone would habitually do.
It didn’t make sense to the alpha as he analyzed the stance. If the omega had a hurt leg, like his posture was indicating with his continuous shift of weight to the front foot, then he wouldn’t try to hold his weight away from the alpha’s, but rather towards them to make his body comfortable. If the omega was too concerned with that he would put his left in front and lean away… He was purposefully throwing his balance off his sturdy leg for some reason and chose not to do a comfortable stance.
Shinso also took a mental note of how a fighter wouldn’t instinctually do that, he would want as much range of motion and possibilities for defensive and offensive moves. So putting his weight on his good leg was obvious, but the omega wasn’t doing that. Why was he purposefully shifting his weight off of his strongest leg and fighting against what would be beneficial?
The alpha mentally groaned as he continued to analyze this weird display before him. This omega is a fighter, he should know stances and positions very well with the way he fights. So this was intentional, but why?
Unless he also had another injury and was trying to divert attention from it. Shinso’s eyes widened in realization. The omega’s left arm was positioned slightly behind his back, shielding it with his body to keep it out of view. Shinso’s eyes took in as much detail of the omega’s left arm, trying to see anything that would prove his theory.
The omega’s limp dangled heavily by his side, but other than that nothing seemed out of place from where the alpha sat. Until he took notice of the coloring at the fingers. The omega’s fingers were swollen and a purplish color at the tips. Just that alone confirmed that the omega couldn’t use that arm in any capacity, but not just that, it would also be a determining factor that anyone could use against him.
The stance made so much more sense now to the alpha. The omega was trying to protect himself without looking weak or disrespecting the two alphas. He was already at a disadvantage against them because of their secondary genders, but also being injured to this extent would be detrimental in so many ways during this meeting.
Why was he forced to come here before getting healed, what happened?!
Shinso felt anger begin to boil deep in his chest when another thought came to mind. The omega didn’t show any kind of injuries from the earlier fight, he left unscathed. No, nothing happened to result in an appendage becoming useless to this degree. The alpha closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as he settled himself. If he wasn’t careful his pheromones would trigger the omega to act in defense and that could ruin their chances with this mission being successful.
Shinso tried to remind himself that they could use this to their advantage if he kept his emotions at bay. These types of things were very normal in brothels and sex slave environments, but in a fight ring? No. Majority of fighters were taken care of even if they lost a match. That is how a master ensured the best results for the next fight. Not caring for a fighter was not caring about their money.
What was the omega’s master thinking, allowing two ‘sponsors’ to see their fighter in this kind of state. If Shinso was truly in this kind of practice he wouldn’t be happy with the state the omega was in. This injury was proof that the omega’s health was never predictable and that was too much of a risk in this kind of business. Any sponsor wouldn’t want to continue betting in any capacity and funding would be cut off. Shinso’s eyes flickered over to his partner as Bakugo cleared his throat. The alpha extended his hand toward the omega before letting it fall back into his lap. Shinso rolled his eyes in annoyance. Of course he knew the blond would notice the injury that the omega had, but he thought the alpha wouldn’t let his emotions be so obvious. Shinso internally smacked the alpha across the face as he realized he would have to take the lead.
Shinso looked back at the fighter. The other’s eyes were still directed to the ground as he waited for the two to address him. Shinso wondered how long the omega would have stood there before getting irritated, but pushed that thought away.
He quickly cleared his throat to catch the smaller males attention. “Fighter Deku,” Shinso addressed in a soft tone. He didn’t want the omega to get even more distressed than he probably already was.
The purple haired alpha stayed seated to show the ‘power’ he was supposed to hold as he continued with the little bit of plan that the two heroes had formed. “It is good to finally meet you face to face.”
The alpha winced as he tried to tone back his acting. He needed the omega to relax, not get more revolted by him.
“Yes, alpha.” Izuku spoke, the slight wobble in his voice clashing against the act he was putting on. Shinso nodded as he looked at Bakugo, waiting a moment before continuing. “Your fight today impressed both myself and my partner. You truly are magnificent when forming a strategy and executing it with the little time given.”
Bakugo hummed in agreement at the alpha’s compliments as he shifted forward slightly in his seat before adding to Shin’s words. “We wanted to meet you tonight so we could get to know you. As we are your biggest supporters we would like to make sure that your needs are being met before we make any further deals with your master. We need our fighters to receive aid and care if we are to make any money, as you are probably well aware of.”
Shinso’s eyes narrowed as the omega took a half step back, shaking his head before finally saying more than the customary respects from before. “I am doing well. I don’t need your involvement behind the scenes. My master is adequate enough to see what is needed for me.” His tone was monotone and strained as the words seemed to spill like a practiced quote. His eyes never left the ground, but his body tensed at the blond alpha’s words.
“Yes.” Shinso stated. “That is good to hear. Though I am concerned about your arm.” He motioned his hand as he addressed the injury. The omega seemed to freeze for a moment before taking another step back. The alpha needed to break this weird barrier of mistrust. The omega was entirely closed off to anything they said and at this rate any attempt at getting intell would result in them being found out.
“I fell, no need to worry alphas.” The omega whispered.
“It seems like it is hurting you, is it not.” Bakugo asked, shifting forward as he reached out to the omega.
Izuku looked to the door, his movement stiff as he refused to answer. This didn’t surprise the Shinso in the slightest, many victims of abuse couldn’t talk about the harm they were receiving. Whether that was from fear of more abuse or mental blocks, it wasn’t anything they could control at the moment.
Shinso stood up, releasing soothing pheromones as he took a few steps closer to the small male. Izuku shifted in response, his body hunching in on itself to make himself smaller and maneuvering away without showing any signs of distress though he was probably already wracked with it.
“Deku, please allow me to see your arm. I promise I will not touch it, just look.” Shinso offered, his concern growing as he watched the omega.
Izuku hesitated for a moment longer. His eyes shifted from his arm to the alpha’s hands that were reached out in an offer. This seemed to be a true struggle and that only led to more anxiety as Shinso watched. The omega shook his head, taking a step back and avoiding any form of eye contact. Shinso’s alpha whined in response, the need to help the omega becoming so strong that it was impossible to ignore.
“I understand that you don’t trust us, and at this point you have no reason to.” The purple haired alpha continued. He saw Bakugo shift next to him, leaning closer to the omega in his chair, barely on the seat at this point as Shinso assumed that he was feeling the same way. “I have experience when it comes to treating injuries. I can’t heal you, but you are losing circulation in your hand and need to have your arm secured until you can get it healed.”
The omega shifted uncomfortably, his attention now on his arm. Shin worried that the omega didn’t hear him with the way he avoided any interaction with them. The smaller male was very reserved and untrusting of them, which wasn’t a surprise, but it stressed the alpha out. He knew that he wouldn’t do anything to the omega and it was painful to watch that not be translated in the ways he wanted. He just wanted to help, but the distrust was hard to ignore as the omega took another step away from the two alpha’s.
Bakugo stood from his seat, keeping his hands in front of him to indicate that he wasn’t advancing with threat. The omega bristled at the blond, his head snapping in his direction and watching carefully. The blond alpha paused at the omega’s response, his shoulders slumping slightly. The omega seemed to take this response as good as one could, turning so he was facing the two better.
His green eyes narrowed as he looked Shinso in the eye. It shocked the alpha at first, the beautiful emeralds that seemed to flow like liquid was hypnotizing. Shinso chastised himself as his alpha whined to get closer to the omega. He knew that his instincts were enthralled by the fighter. His display in the ring and out were nothing like he ever expected, and he couldn’t deny how much he liked that about the omega.
“Why did you request to see me?” Deku asked, his posture sagging slightly. Shinso wondered how much pain the omega was trying to hide, he was reaching his limit despite Deku’s continuous push to appear fine.
“We came to talk with you about your situation here. We have seen how well you fight and want to continue our business, but we would like to evaluate how well you are being treated outside of the ring so we can be aware of any outside influences involving our money.” Bakugo stated again. He kept his tone light as he spoke, the way he watched the omega proved just how much he wanted to close the distance between them.
“Then speak to my master. I am just an omega and have no reason to be involved to this degree.” Izuku bit back, exposing his fangs slightly to show his displeasure. Shinso smiled at that, he was impressed that the small male had the courage to speak to two powerful alphas in that way. He was definitely a warrior in every sense of the word. That could be a benefit and a hindrance for them.
“Yes, you are correct.” Shinso interjected. He knew that the blond might not know how to respond, but Shinso had an idea. “As you are aware, this is a beta fight ring. To have an omega consistently fight is very strange.”
Deku nodded in response, his eyes falling to the floor as he listened.
“We are confused as to why your master has placed you in matches every week and not have you serve in… other ‘means’ because of your second gender.” Shinso explained. He watched the omega move uncomfortably with every word he said. They were getting somewhere, even if the omega didn’t outright tell them anything, his body language was enough of an answer. “We are not here for those means I can assure you. We are not in the business of sex, trade or personal. So please don’t fear us doing that to you.”
The omega nodded as he looked up to meet Shinso’s gaze.
“Why are you here then?” Deku’s voice was just above a whisper. His large green eyes searching the alpha as he waited, hesitation clear in his body, but curiosity hinting on his face.
Shinso smiled slightly, watching as Deku seemed to express every emotion through his eyes. It was comforting to the alpha that the other was willing to look at him now without so much anger.
“We are here to evaluate what we see as an asset to us. We want to make sure that you are taken care of and your needs are being met.” Shinso reaffirmed. “You are important to us.”
The omega diverted his eyes off to the side, his fang digging into his lip as he seemed to get lost in thought. Shinso knew that the omega was being cautious about what he should say. Deku hadn’t given them any information yet and that wasn’t a coincidence.
“I am being treated appropriately by my master.” Deku eventually replied, his eyes falling back to the ground as he responded. Bakugo shifted uncomfortably beside Shinso, the movement matching the purple haired alpha’s own feelings. Appropriately? That didn’t give them much to go off of, in fact it made things a bit more confusing. The omega had a broken arm that was not present during or after the fight, so it was obvious to everyone in the room that someone did this to him. This break also didn’t seem to be sustained from a simple fall, no this was a result of someone else’s strength.
Shinso narrowed his eyes as he tried to decipher the reply. The omega’s response could also indicate that he was receiving a variety of treatment, good or bad. Basically it was all connected to something… like his performance or submition.
“Alright,” Shinso nodded. He couldn’t continue to dig into the omega’s response without causing the omega to retreat further into himself. They hadn't gained the trust that was needed for that kind of questioning.
“Deku, I would like to make that deal with your master now that I have spoken to you. You are an incredible fighter and you would be very valuable to me.” Shinso noticed the small nod the omega gave. “I would like to ask one more time for me to assist with your injury. I don’t allow my fighters to be left without care, and that includes you.”
Deku looked up at the purple haired alpha, catching the alpha’s eye as he seemed to debate what could happen. His gaze searched Shinso’s again before turning to look at Bakugo. The omega suddenly glared at the blond, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the alpha for longer than a few seconds. Part of Shinso worried that the omega recognized Bakugo, but begged fate that it was more of a cautionary move.
The alphas waited, wanting to give as much control to the omega as he desired. Deku deserved it after the obvious abuse he was going through, and both heroes were more than willing to give it.
After a moment the omega nodded slightly, looking back down to his arm as he took a few steps forward. Bakugo quickly removed his jacket, the omega furrowing his eyebrows as he watched with obvious confusion from the corner of his eye. Shinso smiled at the new glimpse of the omega’s personality, he was definitely someone that analyzed his surroundings a lot.
“My partner is just going to help. Your arm needs to be tied to your body if it is to heal properly.” The purple haired alpha stated, a small smile on his face as the omega looked back at him.
Alright was the only response the omega gave. Shinso motioned for the omega to take a seat in one of the chairs, hoping that the other trusted him just a little bit. Deku did as indicated, letting out a large breath as he settled in the seat.
Shin squatted down next to the omega’s side, his eyes scanning the injury closely. The arm looked awful up close. The skin now tinged to a purple color from the elbow down. There was a slight bump up by the elbow and Shin knew that the bone was out of place of the joint and more than likely accompanied with fractures.
“How much pain are you in?” Bakugo asked as he moved closer to his partner’s side to take a look for himself. The omega watched him carefully before answering.
“Enough to make it difficult to move.” The omega responded, the façade he had put up slowly fading away with every second that passed. Shinso could see that the omega was being honest to a certain point, but this had to be causing excruciating pain even with him just sitting here.
“I know I told you I wouldn’t touch you, but I am concerned that you popped the bone from the joint and that is what is causing the loss in circulation.” Shin explained. “You don’t have to accept it if you are not comfortable, but I would like to examine it and see if there is anything I can do.”
The omega leaned back into the chair, staying quiet for a few minutes as he seemed to be struggling with what to reply. He seemed okay with the initial agreement, but the change could be causing him a lot of stress. His pheromones had already been in a distressed state since the moment he walked into the room, but now the tinge in his, what Shin assumed was, peach was now becoming more sour as he contemplated his options.
Deku finally nodded, closing his eyes tightly as he turned his head away from both alphas in preparation for the pain to increase. Some small part of Shinso’s mind reacted with a happy dance at the progress he was making with the fighter.
“We can release some pheromones to help ease your body if you would like.” The purple haired alpha offered. He didn’t want the poor omega to pass out and have to deal with the questions from his master. Deku nodded, keeping his head turned and eyes closed.
Within a few seconds the room started to fill with both alpha’s scents, the mix of Allspice and Cypress having little effect on Deku as it clouded around them. The two alphas glanced toward each other with a moment of confusion. Most omegas would have already had bodily changes with the tiniest amount of calming pheromones from an alpha in such a closed off space. Shinso shrugged to the other and pushed more of his scent out. He didn’t want the omega to be in any pain so he was willing to do whatever he could to make the experience a bit easier.
Bakugo’s scent also continued to fill the room. The amount that saturated the small space was ungodly thick before the omega’s shoulders began to slouch and his body slouched further into the chair. The omega’s eyes drooped slightly and he hummed with a pleased tone as he took deep breaths. The sight of the male relaxing was adorable. The alpha’s desire to keep him like this became more of a priority.
“Okay, I’m going to start. If the pain becomes too much let me know and I will stop.” Shinso voiced.
The omega nodded, his head falling heavily as he seemed to enjoy the state that the pheromones were putting him in. Shinso noticed a small smile on his partner’s face, the sight a pleasant change from the usual scowl or angry contortion that usually resided on the alpha. Shin nodded to the alpha next to him, the blond deciding to help Shinso by holding the injured limb still.
A hiss of pain filled the room as Bakugo lifted the omega’s arm, Shinso’s finger’s feathering over the lump to examine it.
“How is the pain, do we need to stop?” Bakugo asked, his tone laced with concern as more of his pheromones filled the space around them. The omega shook his head and Shinso continued. He tried to be as gentle as possible, but it seemed no matter what he did the omega was in a lot of pain.
With little to no time, Shin concluded that the arm had been dislocated at the elbow, the swelling proving that it was more than just a simple break.
“Deku, your arm needs to be placed back into the socket. The longer we wait the more damage will be left to the nerves and blood vessels. I can do it right now if you want. There will be a lot of pain when setting it, but it should feel better overall once in place.”
Izuku rolled his head slightly to look at the alpha, his eyebrows furrowed as he considered what he was being told. “Just do it, I would rather not lose the ability to use my arm in a fight. Whatever it takes, do it.”
Shinso nodded. He felt Bakugo shift next to him, their body becoming increasingly closer as they prepared to reset the bone.
“Alright.” Shinso exhaled, calming his nerves so he wouldn’t make the injury worse.
Izuku nodded his head, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and shoving as much of it into his mouth.
Shinso glanced at the omega’s torso, shocked to see the abs that hinted through Deku’s relaxed position. He had never seen an omega with this toned of a body, and he hated how much he liked it.
He shook his head, forcing himself to focus back onto the project at hand. “1,2,3.” Shinso made quick movements as he said three. The cry that rang through the room hurt more than just his ears. The omega tried to keep himself still, but his back arched up off the chair as the pain coursed through him.
To Shinso’s shock, his partner was suddenly standing up. His hand caressing the omega’s cheek as his scent suddenly dominated the room. Bakugo was saying hushed words, his posture hovering over Deku as he tried to sooth the omega.
“It’s okay Izuku.” Bakugo hummed out, thumb carresting Deku’s cheek. “I got you, you did so good. The pain will go away in a second. You are so strong.”
Tears streamed down Deku’s face, his teeth still clenching down onto the shirt as he tried to control his breathing. His chest heaved with each attempt to slow it, his pheromones potent with distress. His good hand was now clutched to the front of Bakugo’s shirt, desperate to find anything to ground himself.
After a few minutes, Deku seemed to have calmed down to a point that Shinso was comfortable enough to continue. He looked up to his partner, seeing the blond try and blink away a few tears as he looked down at his childhood friend. The emotions that overcame Shinso were immediate. He could feel his heart stutter as he watched the alpha, his chest tightening with the desire to comfort him. He cleared his throat, more to try and disperse the emotional attack he was experiencing rather than to interrupt the other two in front of him.
Bakugo shifted away from Deku, taking a step back as he seemed to realize what he was doing.
“We need to secure the arm.” Shinso said, his voice more breathy than he ever thought it could be. His partner quickly pulled his shirt over his head and ripped it at the seams. The motion slightly surprised the purple haired alpha, but as he looked around he realized that there wasn’t anything else to use as.
Izuku opened his eyes slightly, his face turning pink. The color high lighting his freckles as he watched the display before him. Shinso smirked as he watched the adorable reaction of the omega. He knew how much time Bakugo put into his body, he was constantly working out to maintain his muscle mass. Anytime he walked to work the blond alpha was either just leaving or walking into the company gym.
Shinso helped the omega sit up in the chair, letting him cradle his arm into a comfortable position as he prepared to secure it to him. Deku’s eyes kept flicking to Bakugo as he worked to create the sling. His cheeks still a rosy pink as he tried to hide the way he was checking out the blond alpha. Bakugo had a hint of a smile on his face, no doubt noticing the omega’s distracted attention.
Shinso wanted to roll his eyes or elbow the blond, but he surprisingly didn’t seem to have the energy to do so.
Yay Fluff!!!
word count: 6374