Chapter 34

Old Memories and Heavy Secrets

Izuku couldn’t move fast enough, his legs tripping under him as he sprinted toward the patio door into his mother's arms. An almost pup-like cherp echoed from his throat as he grip the older omega tight, tears streaming down his face. 

With each breath he took, nostalgia tugged from deep in his chest. A familiar and welcoming scent of sweet plum smothering his aching heart with comfort. It was just the same as when he was a child; soothing the aches and pains away. 

Fingers threaded through Izuku’s green locks; a returned chirp from the Dam answering her pup’s call and a promise of protection.

The older omega pulled her child away briefly from her neck, eyes glistening as she looked into her son’s eyes for the first time in almost a decade.  Her omega whining deep inside as she took in her son's features. Looked at the shallow fine lines that now crowed his eyes and the new scars that adorned his nose, chin and forehead. 

”My baby!” She whispered, thumbs running under Izuku’s eyes to brush the tears away. “My baby.” 

Inko pulled her pup back into her chest as her knees gave out and forced them to the ground. Izuku went willingly, practically crawling into the woman’s lap and buried his head into her neck. 

“M-mama.” Izuku cried, the word broken up by hiccups. It was like he was a child again, yearning for his Damn’s presence. His omega urging him to find refuge from the world within her embrace after so long of being alone and fending for himself.

“Shhhh.” Inko lulled, rocking the both of them slightly from side to side as she once did when Izuku was a pup. “I’m here, baby. I’m here now.” 

The outdoor area flooded with the two omegan scents, plum and peach sweetening up the air and causing the group around them to tear up and stand guard. Each alpha kept an instinctual eye out for any trouble that could be lurking.

Katsuki wiped at his eyes discreetly, his heart throbbing as Izuku seemed to completely relax for the first time. His shoulders still shook with his sobs, but the omega's body seemed to droop further into Inko’s embrace. His face was no longer shoved into his Dam’s neck but resting on her chest and staring up at her, fingers twirling around the woman's long hair.

Masaru made his way over from the doorway, his steps quiet and slow but his own smile large as the streaks on his cheeks reflected the light. He placed a soft hand on Inko’s back, cooing softly as the two green haired omegas cried lightly. He released some of his scent, his instincts urging him to protect the vulnerable omegas as they reunited. To mask them as meat as he could from predators.

Mitsuki stood in the doorway, her scent held back in consideration for the three omegas; her alpha knowing how delicate the situation was. 

Beside her was a man that Katsuki didn’t recognize, but it didn’t take long for him to deduce who it was. Red eyes scanned the figure with a sharp gaze, memorizing every detail that they could.

The man was tall with white hair cut short and shaved at the sides. A deep scar adorned his upper lip and traveled to the curve of his nose. The healed wound disfigured the area slightly and pulled the man's lip higher than normal to show a hint of his teeth even when his mouth was closed. 

It was obvious the man was an alpha. He, like Mitsuki, retained his scent so as to not overwhelm the omegas. Though, the man gave off an aura of prestige and vigilance that Katsuki recognized as someone who had gone through extensive training.

Katsuki walked over, being sure to give the trio on the floor room so as not to disturb them, and joined his sire at her side. The hero kept an eye on the stranger, analyzing his clothing and posture as those grey eyes studied the group intensely. 

Izuku hadn’t talked a lot about his sire when they were young, just that he was away in America for work. It had been obvious to a much younget Katauki that Izuku didn't know the man personally, only knowing stories told to him by his Dam.

Katsuki remembered during play dates looking at pictures that were littered throughout the Midoriya home.  One in particular was a large frame in the living room that showed Izuku as a newborn baby swaddled in his Dam's arms with a tall man smiling down at the baby and holding Inko close to his chest. 

The same man as the one here, though older, hadn’t changed much from what Katsuki could remember. His white hair was still shaved short like in that photo and there was no facial hair that adorned his face.

The man's clothing was fitted as if it was tailored to his body, the quality standing out as higher end and expensive service. The older man stood with his back to the wall, arms firm at his side with his back straight. Those perceptive eyes scoped the area repeatedly before returning back to the omegas. 

That was something Katsuki had learned to do early in his education at UA. Scouting the area and remaining vigilant was one of the first habits that was drilled into their heads. It was ingrained just as deep as their instincts; to insure safety and provide protection at a moment's notice.

Red eyes glared at the man, wondering what kind of job the alpha had that would take him away from his family for years at a time and result in such rigorous training. 

Mitsuki glanced at her son, noticing the on-edge look that Katsuki held and let out a breath of irritation. She turned towards him, her eyes narrowing on her son. “Common brat, let's get dinner started. I’m sure everyone is hungry. Go get your boyfriend, he can help too.” 

There was no question in her voice, only a silent demand. Katsuki nodded, though he stayed planted in his spot for a moment as the two alphas retreated back into the house. 

Katsuki looked over at the trio of omegas, unsure of whether he wanted to leave them unattended. 

His dam was still crouched down, though now he was holding Inko and whispering something to her. The woman nodded in reply, a hiccup rocking her chest as she continuously wiped at her eyes. Masaru chuckled softly, shaking his head before looking up at Katsuki and motioning him over with a tilt of his head.

The blonde alpha approached slowly, curious as to what his Dam would need. Inko looked up at him and gave a wobbly smile, her eyes squinting as another round of tears flowed down her cheeks.

“Thank you for saving my baby.” She whispered.

 His scarlet eyes softened as Inko leaned back a little to look down at her adult pup, her fingers resting at the back of Izuku's head to hold him steady.

The angle allowed the alpha to see more of the young omega. Izuku was curled up in Inko’s arms, head nestled against her chest. The omega’s back rose and fell slowly, long eyelashes fluttering softly against his cheeks as the omega slept soundly.

Katsuki chuffed lightly at the sight. The sound drew  his own Dam to look up at the blonde; a brown eyebrow raised as he gave a knowing smile. “Will you carry Izuku inside? I think Inko wants some time alone with her pup.”

Katsuki nodded, kneeling down and gently putting the small omega into his arms. 

“Do you want to see his nest?” Masaru asked Inko. “Izuku told me it was his best one.”

Katauki frowned at his Dam's statement since in Truth it would have been Izuku’s only nest. There was no way the stained mattress, ripped pillow and single blanket in that dark room could ever qualify for any omega's need.

Inko nodded at the brunette, quickly getting to her feet to follow the two. Soft purrs filled the space around them as Inko and Masaru held one another through the house and up the stairs and into Izuku’s room. 

Within minutes, Inko had settled into the nest, pup held close to her as her own eyes grew heavy

 “I'll keep an eye on them.” Masaru whispered as he sat at the desk. “Go get Hitoshi and help your Sire, please.”

Katsuki agreed quietly, though paused to look back into the room. Nyan had trotted into the room after them, and was now kneading one of the blankets at Izuku's feet. His purrs grew louder and moved around the foot of the nest.

  Katsuki hadn't seen the beast in a while since the cat only ever went from the kitchen and into Izuku’s closet. Hitoshi had said something about the comforting scent of an omegan drawing him in. It was weird, but the alpha assumed a house as large as his parents would take a while for a dumpster cat to get used to.

 Izuku seemed to like the cat's presence anyway, petting Nyan during therapy and medical checkups with his nurse. The cat seemed to bring comfort to the small omega that Katauki hadn't been able to provide. 

Even now as Nyan finally settled into a loaf, the two made room unconsciously. Izuku had a small smile pulling at his lips as he laid facing his Dam. Their soft purrs danced through the room.

The sight filled Katsuki with relief. Allowing his alpha, for the first time in weeks, to finally feel like the mission was finished in some way. Even with Overhaul still at large, Izuku was finally safe and home again with the people who loved him most.

Shinsou sat in the kitchen on a stool, trying to ignore the two blonde alphas as they bickered back and forth. At least their voices were soft though that didn’t mean their jabs weren’t abhorrent. 

The dark haired alpha was positioned up against the counter, assigned to peeling potatoes beside the new alpha that was chopping carrots and celery.

“I’m Hitoshi Shinsou.” The hero finally introduced himself when it was obvious that neither of the Bakugous were going to do it for him. 

The man looked at him and smiled. “Hizashi Midoriya.” He replied, his tone kind.  

Shinsou raised an eyebrow at the man's name, curious as to how he was related to his omegan friend. “Are you related to Izuku?” 

The man nodded, his smile falling to a slight frown. “Yes, I’m his sire.”

Shinsou paused at the information. “Sorry, I wasn’t told  that Izuku’s father was still in the picture, I shouldn't have assumed otherwise, apologies.” He tried to explain himself quickly and hide the uncomfortable air that was beginning to grow. “I'm glad you're here. It is nice to finally meet you and Mrs Midoriya.”

“No worries,” Hizashi said after a moment of eyeing the other. He waved his hand to dismiss the alpha. “It’s not anyone's fault for that. My occupation makes it hard for the Bakugous to talk about me. So I don’t hold it against you for not knowing.” 

Shinsou couldn't help his own curiosity despite the obvious hindrance from the other. “What is your occupation? If you don’t mind me asking.” he asked, focusing back on the potato in his hand. 

The man turned his head towards him, nodding gently before answering. “I am in a sector of the American government. I can’t disclose much more than that, but let's just say I’m called in when there are… unstable situations that need to be controlled.” 

That perked Shinsou’s interest. “So you aren’t a Japanese citizen then?”

The man chuckled and put a small piece of carrot in his mouth and began to talk around it. “No, no. I met Inko while out here on my first undercover mission. We fell in love and lived here for a few years before my country called me back home.” 

Shinsou frowned. “Not being able to see your pup grow up, that must have been hard being away from your family for so long.” The younger alpha couldn’t imagine himself leaving his family for years at a time with no communication. That seemed impossible for him to achieve.

”Ya.” Hizashi sighed “I had originally planned on all three of us moving to the US; since my position would have granted Inko and Izuku citizenship easily. But Inko couldn’t see herself raising a child while moving around a lot.” Hizashi explained with a shrug. 

Shinsou’s eyebrows furrowed. That seemed weird for a spouse not to do. Wouldn't most partners follow their mates anyway? 

“Mrs Midoryia really didn't want to go with you?” Shinsou asked. It was confusing since the Bakugous only had positive things to say about the Omegan Dam. Even though he didn't know Inko

personally, it didn't seem to fit the character portrayed.

The older man shook his head with a hum. “It was a surprise to me when Inko decided to stay here. But, I guess I cannot blame her. She only had a few days to absorb that I wasn't working at the Japanese embassy and we were leaving.” The man chuckled as if what he said was somehow very funny.

Shinsou bulked. His eyes wide as he looked at the older alpha out of the corner of his eye. “She didn't know the nature of your job?”

“I wasn’t allowed to disclose anything, so I told her I worked at the embassy. Protocol and the safety of my country was a priority to me, so a little fib was necessary. My job is strict when it comes to foreign relationships, and worrying Inko with the details seemed overkill at the time. “

The white haired alpha paused for a moment, looking down at Nyan as the cat walked around his stool and over to Hitoshi, his tail high in the air while he rubbed up against the alpha’s leg. 

“ My job is far more advanced and risky than what an average hero does.” The older alpha continued. “Much more strict when it comes to the sensitive nature I was assigned to.” Hizashi said, oblivious to the scrunched face Shinsou gave at the man's explanation.

The younger alpha quickly schooled his face as he implored further. “Country over family? That's a hard discussion to have with a mate.”

Mr Midoriya nodded. “Inko had always been amazing, and she didn’t fault me for being secretive.  Well,” 

The alpha chuckled to himself again, setting the knife down and staring out the window in front of them. “She was for a bit, but wasn’t happy about the whole idea of us moving the day before our flights. Caused a huge fight between us-“

Mitsuki’s voice interrupted the man, her tone low as she spoke. “Because someone told her that it wasn't a permanent move.” The woman was looking at the man with a blank stare. Her eyes focused on the other man.

“I only did that so she wouldn’t worry. You know how she is, gets all stressed over nothing.” Hizashi tried to brush off the other. 

Mitsuki frowned. “Yes, I do. I’ve known Inko for a long time.” The woman added, her tone turning tight. “And it was difficult for her to come to the decision to stay in Japan. Took her months to adjust to being a single parent once you stopped communicating.”

Hizashi shook his head and waved the woman off with a dismissive hand.

Katsuki looked at his sire in confusion before inserting himself into the conversation. “How did you meet Inko then? I thought you guys all met in University?”

“We did.” Hizashi replied quickly before Mitsuki could open her mouth. His smile was wide as he explained. “Your parents and Inko were the ones actually attending university, I was only there as a cover for the mission I was on. It was so much fun getting to live university life again. And dating Inko made it easy to have a cover while also being able to enjoy a country I didn't know. But even with that convenience behind dating her, I fell in love and the rest is history.”

”That’s a weird history.” Katsuki mumbled, turning back to the stove. His sire turned around as well after grabbing peeled potatoes from Hitoshi. “Does ma know?” Katsuki whispered to her.

Something felt off about the entire explanation Hizashi had shared. Katsuki couldn’t imagine how his Dam would have been alright with Inko dating and then mating this man if he had any kind of inkling of false pretenses. 

Just listening to the older man was setting off every red flag in the blonde’s head. He couldn’t help connecting the dots that Inko had been married to a man she hadn't truly known.

“No. And you won’t tell him.” Mitsuki hissed back after Shinsou’s voice filled the room and distracted the older alpha. 

Katsuki balked at the woman, shocked at the dominant display his Sire took.

Mitsuki gave him a look before glancing over her shoulder discreetly. “I didn’t find out until after Inko gave birth to Izuku.” She huffed. “Hizashi was pulling away and spending less time at home. It was stressing Inko out and I suspected he was cheating on her. I went to confront him and overheard the phone call that directed him to return to the US. I forced him to tell me everything.”

Katsuki nodded, though couldn’t stop his hesitation at his Sire’s explanation. “Then why not tell ma?”

The woman's shoulders dropped slightly. “Masaru really liked Hizashi, and at the time the four of us were really close. When I spoke to Inko she begged me not to tell Masaru anything. The more people that knew of Hizashi’s occupation would only put Inko and Izuku at even more risk. So I did what I had to so I could keep the two of them safe. They are pack, I couldn't go against her wishes even if I wanted to.”

The two were silent for a stretch of time. Both of them lost in thought as they cooked next to one another in practiced ease. 

“Is that why it took so long to contact Inko?” Shinsou’s voice broke Katsuki from his thoughts, his attention back onto the conversation his boyfriend and Izuku’s sire were having.

Hizashi just nodded, his eyes focused as his hands worked. With a deep breath he continued. “That’s because of my job. Protocol is that my immediate family is to reside on base with little outside communication until a mission is over. The protocol is meant to keep families safe, though it’s outdated in my opinion. That is why it took so long for the Japanese embassy to contact us. I had just returned to base when Inko received the news. We were on the next flight here.”

Katsuki narrowed his eyes, suspicious about this man entirely. “How long do these missions last?” 

Hizashi answered with a shrug. “Not long. My longest was the one here in Japan. That was a few years. This last one was three.”

Two sets of red eyes looked at each other in shock. Katsuki couldn’t stop the words from leaving his mouth. “So Inko was left on a base with no communication with anyone for three years?”

 Hizashi shrugged as if it wasn’t shocking. “There are other families on base, she wasn't alone. Besides, Inko knew that was how life would be when she flew out to be with me. Don’t worry, she’s used to it now.” 

Shinsou bit his tongue, his alpha gnawing at him to tell the older alpha his thoughts. He set the peeler down for a moment, trying to calm himself down. 

Hizashi spoke again. “It’s not a bad place to live. It's basically its own town with a market and hospital, playgrounds and a school. But I will agree, it will be nice for Inko to have someone there while I'm gone. I'm sure once Izuku has a clean bill of health, the US embassy will allow him to transfer under their care and give him residents.” The man hummed as his knife thunked onto the cutting board, his smile content.

“Why would Izuku need that?” Mitsuki asked, her attention fully on the older man again as she crossed her arms. She didn't hold her aggravation back, her eyes now narrowed and scent leaking with anger.

A thunk then another piece of carrot was popped into Hizashi’s mouth. “Mitsuki, we both know how easy it is for me to get clearance on classified files. Since Japan’s underground heroes haven't been able to imprison this viallin- not only Izuku's captor but a highly dangerous S ranked villain. It is impossible to assume that my pup would be safer here and not in the safest country in the world.” He declared, chest puffed slightly in pride. 

“Izuku may be grown, but it's obvious he will still need supervision until he is acclimated back into society. He can't do that with the fear of his abuser running free. And from what I read, this man has an entire network. So don't be stupid. Izuku's safety is priority over feelings.”

Word count: 3546

Thanks for being patient with me updating. Writing has been difficult since I got a comment on AO3 dogging on how I write. I’m not one to quick my fics, but I’m not immune to the self doubt that comes after such comments. It took me a couple days, but I’m back at it and already going on the next chapter!!!


Chapter 35


Chapter 33