Chapter 33
Two blonde buns bounced through the metal door of a run down warehouse, a happy tune on her lips. Each footstep echoed as the omega skipped across the cement floor until she made it to an unassuming door at the back of the large building.
“You’re back too early! I’m so happy to see you!” A voice called from above.
Bright yellow eyes glanced up toward the voice, seeing the masked figure sitting on the edge of the second floor balcony. His mask didn’t allow much facial expression, but the blonde knew the man was indeed happy to see her.
”Twice!” Toga yelled with a wide smile. She watched the man jump down next to her, his landing making little to no sound at all.
The two fist bumped, in greeting.
“Boss-man’s boss has been in a terrible mood. It’s been great.” Twice filled her in, giving a thumbs up as they opened the door.
”What happened this time?” She sighed, spinning on her toes and walking into the dark hallway.
”Probably his constipation.” The man stated loudly before continuing. “Shigaraki threatened to pull us out of assignment if Overhaul didn’t pay up. Apparently that bust was a big hit to death-finger’s wallet.”
Toga nodded, understanding the situation for what it was and not giving an ounce of sympathy. “So just another day in paradise then?” Toga answered, turning away from her best friend. “God, if only I could kill that freaky bastard. It’s stupid I have to be his errand dog because he is too scared to go against Dynadaddy.” She ranted, taking a dark set of stairs.
”Right, a fight with two Pros is nothing, we do it all the time.” Twice said with an insulting tone, “ His ego has been dragged through the mud.” He finished just as quickly as the first sentence left his lips.
Toga snorted at the man’s statement. “He’s a stupid cunt. That alpha has no idea how to actually do shit without his precious father helping him. He’s running the Yakuza to the ground!”
”Toga!” A scraggly voice yelled out from the bottom of the stairs.
”Uggg!” The woman whined as she jumped the last free steps and landed beside the blue haired man who was leaning against the wall. “I’m not going to zip my lips if you can’t get my payment!” She said, arms crossing over her chest, before the man could even say anything.
Shigaraki scratched at his neck and frowned down at the woman. “I did get your payment, you stupid omega. Stop being so fucking dramatic all the time.”
Toga perked up at that, watching as her boss pulled out a ziplock bag with cash in it. The woman snatched it quickly, shoving it into her shirt and under her bra for safe keeping.
“That’s great!” She smiled, all irritation gone in a blink of an eye. “Overhaul has been having such a difficult time, do you think he’s gotten enough sleep?” She asked, concern contorting her face. “It’s not healthy to stay up all the time like he has been doing.”
“I’m sure he will live.” Shigaraki groaned at the woman’s antics. “Go give your report to him before he sends that tiny creep to find you.”
“Yes sir, bossy boss.” Toga agreed, turning on her heels to continue her skip further into the base.
Shigaraki glanced at the beta standing next to him. “Twice,” He said in a lower voice. “Keep an eye on her. You know how that dick gets with omegas. I don’t need her turning into a glob.” The alpha said in a dry tone before turning to walk in the opposite direction.
”She’ll be easy to control.” Twice exclaimed before walking after the short blonde. “She would beat my ass if I got in her way.”
Toga rolled her eyes as she heard a pair of steps behind her. She knew it was Twice because there was no way the Shiggy would follow her just for a report. So she ignored the man, not wanting her good mood to be drained so quickly after gaining it.
She pushed through a thick metal door, not caring to knock since she was a valuable pawn at the moment. She had a lot of information, some that she knew could bring the brunette alpha an aneurism.
“OVERHAUL~” Toga sang as loudly as she could in the small room. She skipped in, ignoring the masked mutts that stood around, and took a seat on the couch that was directly across from the Yakuza leader.
A woman sat on the couch next to the blonde, one she didn’t care to look directly at since she was able to scent the alpha musk spreading through the air. The Yakuza leader was obviously in some kind of dispute with the woman, his own pheromones hinting at the air more than normal.
Toga rolled her eyes at the display. Stupid alphas were always so emotional over the most trivial things. And she knew that her disregard for the female stranger was just adding to that.
“What.” Overhaul said in a deep growl, his eyes narrowing at the omega.
Toga giggled, shrugging her shoulders half heartedly as she relaxed back into the couch. “I thought you wanted my report. You know I am a busy girl, you know, with my omegan woes and hormonal difficulties.” She rambled, looking at her nails to play up the ditsy act.
The male alpha huffed, his irritation showing as he adjusted his posture. “Please give us a moment.” He said to the other alpha. “I obviously have a bitch to put into place.”
The alpha next to the blonde shifted to look at Toga. “Oh please. You and I both know that this is just what I wanted.” She spoke, her voice catching the omega’s attention.
Before Toga was able to glance at the woman, Overhaul groaned before nodding at her to talk.
“Izuku-chan is doing great. More lively now that he is getting some color to his skin. He’s not as skinny, and his blood tests have come back with his levels rising back to average range. Though he is still low on Iron and Magnesium, that is a slower repair.” Toga continued, her smile growing as she saw the male alpha’s reaction to her words.
“He is also an adorable couple watching him. Dynadaddy’s parents are taking good care of him. So loving and gentle with him, even the alpha. I thought she would be as mean as Dynamite, but she is so docile around Izu-Chan.”
Overhaul’s eyebrow twitched in irritation.
”Oh, and he has gotten his sense of smell back!” She exclaimed happily, clapping her hand together. “From what Izu-Chan said, Eri fixed him right up and he is now relearning how to read scents. Isn’t that wonderful?”
The alpha across from her nashed his teeth under his mask, his scent filling the room with a molten rot. “Is that it?” Overhaul questioned, though it was more of a demand.
Toga made a show of thinking. “I think so.” She finally said with a sigh.
“Then leave!”
The omega giggled, but nodded. She had her fun and was ready to head home. As she stood she made a quick glance at the alpha that was next to her. The woman didn’t have any outstanding features, not with the face mask covering half her face and the black hat that was pulled low on her head.
Toga would have dismissed the woman if it wasn’t for her omega perking up suddenly. The woman was drawing her attention for some reason, but why. As she turned to walk around the couch and back toward the door, their eyes met. A deep brown that sparkled with warmth.
Toga’s eyes widened in recognition for only a moment. She had gazed at those eyes many times before. Wished that she could look at them every morning and night. And here they were, in the last place that she ever expected them to be.
Katsuki smirked as he looked down at the omega next to him, it had been a few hours since they had run into each other on the back patio. The two talking and getting reacquainted in the small things. It was invigorating, and comforting to see Izuku becoming comfortable with him again, almost like they were brats again.
Even with the occasional flinch or freezing in place from the omega, Katsuki could tell that Izuku was wanting to talk with him. Desperate for him to stay for just a bit longer next to him.
It wasn’t hard to read the man with the way the omega’s scent freely moved around them. It was like Izuku didn’t know how much of his pheromones he was releasing at any given moment. It was humorous, like a newly presented pup gaining their own scent and learning how to keep it in check. It made sense with the half decade long nose blindness that the omega had to live.
The alpha rumbled an encouraging tone as the smaller man’s hand grip tightened onto his hand. It was like a vice now as they approached the edge of the patio; the other hand squeezing the alpha’s forearm as well. It was endearing and kinda cute with how Izuku stared wide eyed down at the grass in front of them.
It reminded the blonde of the years before he had become an ass, when they were just old enough to go to the playground alone. Specifically a time when Katsuki had held onto Izuku’s hand as the smaller male tried to cross the small creek on the slippery rocks.
Katsuki of course had crossed without an issue, jumping from one small stone to the next with no issue in keeping his balance. Izuku though had always been more reserved and cautious, to the point where the blonde had to cross back over and hold Izuku’s hand while balancing on the small foot spots. It had been hard, but of course Katsuki stayed brave so that Izuku’s already shaking frame wouldn’t get worse.
This was similar to that time. They had been standing at the edge of the patio for a few minutes now, the alpha refusing to disrupt the courage the other had shown when they had first walked to where they were. But now, it seemed the omega was shrinking away, his cautious nature taking over and pulling him back.
It had Katsuki’s alpha whimpering in sympathy toward the other. He never liked the sight of his childhood friend withdrawing, even when he was the cause of such actions.
Katsuki racked his brain, trying to remember the small bit of training he had received for situations like this. There wasn’t much for him to go off of- the alpha had relied on his parents for the most part when it came to rehabilitation- so most of his hero training was focused on direct care towards civilians on scene.
Since it was apparent walking out onto the grass was becoming difficult for Izuku to achieve, maybe just touching the grass would be a bit easier. It was the only thing Katsuki could think of, and part of him felt silly suggesting it. Katsuki didn’t want the omega to think he was looking down on him, cause it was the complete opposite.
Katsuki let out a small huff, hating how much he was second guessing himself nowadays. He squeezed Izuku’s hand lightly to get his attention, he waited until green eyes flickered up, wide with uncertainty but still curious to what the blonde wanted.
“What about holding the grass first?” He asked, voice as soft as possible.
Izuku’s eyes narrowed slightly in confusion before his cheeks deepened to red. He dipped his head down quickly so the alpha couldn’t see how embarrassing this was for him. The omega shook his head, leaning his body away to indicate that he wanted to walk away.
Katsuki wasn’t going to allow that to happen and held strong for the both of them. Izuku had done this same thing on numerous occasions when they were tiny, and Katsuki would do what he had done then, guide the smaller through his doubts. “Common, nerd.” Katsuki smirked, nudging the omega gently to encourage him. “I’m right here, and that means that nothing bad will happen. Just sit down with me, ya?”
Red eyes watched as Izuku looked back down toward the vegetation, teeth nibbling at his bottom lip. Katsuki could see the gears turning in that head of green curls as the omega seemed to zone out.
After a few moments, Izuku nodded but didn’t move. Katsuki smirked and sat down at the edge of the patio, before gently guiding the omega into a sitting position next to him. They were situated close together, legs pressed closed as Izuku leaned in closer to the alpha, his hands still gripping tightly to the alpha.
It was with gentle ease that the alpha was able to lean forward and pluck a single blade and hold it out for the omega to see. He twirled the blade between his thumb and pointer before blowing it back out to the yard.
Izuku watched, a small smile pulling at the side of his mouth as he watched the strand fall back to the ground. His scent fell to an easy mood, comfortable in this moment with Katsuki.
“This is stupid.” The omega mumbled when the blade landed on the grass.
The alpha chuffed under his breath, something that he hadn’t done in a long time. It usually only happened when he was around his Dam; when the older man needed comfort when he was stressed. It wasn’t something he actually thought he would ever do for someone else.
”Na,” Katuski whispered. “This grass is itchy as hell. It’s probably a good idea to not touch it since it gives everyone hives.”
A moment of silence stretched between them before Katsuki felt a silent laugh rack through the omega next to him. “Are you allergic to grass? I didn’t know that about you.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed as he looked toward the other man. “No way something as weak as grass could do anything to me!” The alpha rolled his eyes. “I just get bumps like everyone else.”
”That means you are allergic.” Izuku giggled, a smile growing as he looked up at the alpha. “It’s okay, we will put some cream on it if it gets too bad.”
Katsuki shook his head, huffing under his breath as he refused to look at Izuku. He ignored the fact that his face was suddenly feeling a bit warmer than usual. “Don’t need any useless cream.” He muttered.
Katuski leaned forward again- half in an attempt to prove that nothing would happen to him, and the other for a distraction from the green eyes that were watching him.
He grabbed another blade of grass, this time holding it up in front of the omega. A shaky hand reached out, fingers slowly curling around the blade of grass but not attempting to touch or take it. The alpha let go and watched as Izuku instinctually flattened his hand to catch it.
The two sat there, staring at the single blade for a few moments as it laid in the omegas outstretched palm. Izuku was no doubt in a bit of shock, not knowing what to do now that he was holding it.
Katsuki waited, curious to see what the omega would do now.
After a while it seemed that Izuku was finally able to move. The other hand that had been gripping Katsuki released slowly as he leaned forward to inspect the vegetation closely. A single finger running along the blade slowly. It was adorable to watch those scared fingers play with the grass slowly before Izuku blew the blade out into the air to watch it gently flutter to the ground.
Katsuki watched with bated breath as a wide and bright smile spread across Izuku’s face. One that he hadn’t ever seen on the man before.
It was beautiful.
“Izuku?” A hushed whisper breathed out behind them.
The omega turned, his eyes widening before tears began to pool then spill over and run down his cheeks.
Word count: 2712
Thanks for your patience with my unexpected break. Holidays are draining and stressful, but I’m here and ready to start the new year with more chapters!!!
Happy New Years!!!