Chapter 24


Katsuki jumped onto the bed, his towel taunt around his waist as he laid on his chest. The door clicked closed quietly behind him, the sound loud in comparison to the late hour. The blonde let out a low groan as Hitoshi climbed over him, muscles relaxing under the other’s presence as a hot breath fanned up his back.

Hitoshi made his movements slow, kissing just above the towel, along the blonde’s spine, then to a shoulder blade, and slowly grazing his lips up to the juncture of shoulder and neck. The alpha dropped his hips slightly, just enough to let his cock rock along the crack of Katsuki’s ass- towel pushing up at the movement. 

Katsuki’s fingers dug into the sheets, arms crossed to rest his head on as the other sucked on his neck, sharp fangs nicking the skin gently between each kiss. It wasn’t something that the blonde ever thought he would be into, the idea of alpha fangs on him never crossing his mind before- until now that is. He had always seen himself as a top, the one to control the shots; but here he was, absolutely enjoying the living hell that Hitoshi was doing to him.

It seemed that the other alpha had always been able to get a rise out of him in some way or another. Though, this was a bit different than how annoying the insomniac had been at UA. Katsuki couldn’t put a finger on when things had shifted, when the other was able to do these things to him without setting off the blonde’s hackles. It was incredible how Hitoshi could easily make his stomach swoop, send goosebumps to litter across his skin, and pull a desire so deep inside him that Katsuki was desperate to be close to the other. It was a weird development for the blonde, but in moments like this, he really couldn’t give a shit. 

The way Hitoshi touched him- fingers slowly drifting up his spine; gentle and light- had the blonde becoming a puddle. Each brush of the alpha’s lips were a careless tease that released the strain in his muscles, undoing all the tightness that he had been carrying since the raid. Every deep roll of hips serenaded that yearning so deep within Katsuki that he couldn’t ignore the call. 

“Alpha~” Katsuki gasped, his hips lifting himself enough to press back into the cock that had been sending tingles through his body. The head just barely grazed enough for him to feel it against his ass. 

“What is it, Kats?” Hitoshi hummed, face buried in his neck. The alpha had a deep rumble forming in his chest, coaxing the one below him to speak.  His lips found Katsuki’s ear, fangs nibbling his lobe and pulling on it gently. 

Katsuki tried, his tongue heavy in his mouth. “Stop teasing.” He rasped, a gasp interrupting his demand when the insomniac bit a little harder than needed. The blonde tried to lift himself up more, tried to gain some kind of control before he completely lost the ability altogether. 

But Hitoshi wasn’t having that. He was so close to getting the other to fully let go for him, to hand over his body and mind. Hitoshi wasn’t going to let the blonde back out of this now, not with how hard they both were and how their scents intertwined around them. That delicious smell of ginger that beckoned the alpha to taste it, the spice dressed with sugar as the alpha below him became more aroused.

Hitoshi rolled his cock on more time- allowing the blonde to feel him, give him a better taste of what he could have. The alpha smiled at the moan the blonde made as he dropped back onto the bed, his arms useless. The dark haired alpha couldn’t possibly keep his lover on edge too much longer- that would just be cruel when he had been so good the entire time, so pliant to Hitoshi’s wishes.

And honestly, he himself wouldn’t be able to keep this going for the hours his alpha wanted to. Katsuki wasn’t the most patient person in the room now, and for once Hitoshi was able to sympathize with the blonde’s innate need for immediate gratification.

“Alright.” Hitoshi finally rasped out, hand pulling at the towel that had been keeping the two apart. “Let me see you.” 

The blonde quickly lifted his hips, desperate for the towel to be off him. It was cute; the way his ass lifted into the air, giggling slightly at the yank of the cloth. Yet it was absolutely sinful when it was completely bare. Katsuki’s loose hole peeked through round cheeks, his hips still angling toward him as an invite. Hitoshi couldn’t stop himself from throwing the fabric away and biting his fangs into the meat of Katsuki’s ass to suppress his alpha.

The blonde yelled in surprise, his head wiping around in shock as he looked at the other incredulously. “You piece of shit.” He rasped. His eyes were still blown wide, publes circled by a tight ring of red as he glared at the other. 

Hitoshi only smirked around his bite, turning loose a snarky growl at the other before  releasing his grip. He lapped his tongue over the tiny pricks his teeth made, crooning at the pale skin that looked ten times better with his mark now there. 

“I’m sorry, you looked too good for me not to taste.” He whispered, dragging his lip to the other cheek with a smile. “You’re just too beautiful to ignore, my alpha wants you all to itself.” 

The blonde huffed at him, though his cheeks darkened a bit at the alpha’s words. “Just don’t bite too hard. Don’t want a scar.” Katsuki whispered while laying back down, turning his face away from the other.

”Then I will have to keep biting you, don’t want anyone to think they can touch this ass.” Hitoshi teased, groping both cheeks and leaving small nips for emphasis.

“You don’t own it.” Katsuki barked. “Don’t think it belongs to you.”

The insomniac tutted his tongue. ”And what if I want it to be mine?” Hitoshi questioned, his chest filling with the musk from the other alpha. “Would you let me have you Katsuki?” He whispered before leaving a kiss at the top of the blonde’s crack.

The blonde was silent for a moment as goosebumps climbed up his back and down his arms. “A-are you asking me out or something?” Katsuki stuttered, his words heavy with breath. 

Hitoshi smiled at the other, though the other was still hiding his face in his arms, “No, I’m asking you to be my boyfriend, partner, lover. Whatever term works for you.” He clarified.

”Oh,” Was Katsuki’s reply, but a deep rumble settled in his chest. The sound beginning to harmonize along with Hitoshi’s. “Only if I get to top you next.” The blonde finally answered.

The alpha above him couldn’t hold back his laugh even if he wanted to. “Deal.” He said, hands tightening before moving to the blonde’s thin waist. “You can top me as much as you want, Kats. I would never say no to you.” 

Hitoshi didn’t wait another second before diving into the feast that layed before him. His tongue slipped up and down the blonde’s crease, fingers pulling the muscle of ass apart so he could have full access to what he truly wanted.

Katsuki moaned at the sudden increase of pleasure, hips rising to encourage his partner to take more. By the time Hitoshi’s tongue touched the loosened ring, the blonde was a moaning mess. His voice low and buried in a pillow as he clawed into it for a semblance of control. “Fuck, Toshi!” 

The alpha continued with his tongue. Only allowing the tip to delve in just enough for the blonde to feel it before lapping up his crack again. It was the definition of teasing, his tongue pressing hard on one side of the blonde’s craving hole before sliding out and away. 

Hitoshi could feel the blonde beginning to tense up with pleasure, his body begging for more attention as his ass flexed around his mouth. So Hitoshi gave it to him; letting his tongue dive a little deeper each time, pressing hard against his walls and pausing just long enough to lap at that area before pulling out and repeating his tease. 

Katsuki was lost within himself, his ring far more relaxed than it had been in the shower, the orphace blossoming open in an invite for the alpha to penitrate. Even when he clenched down, it was only because of a ripple of pleasure that begged for more stimulation. It was out right delicious to feel against Hitoshi’s lips. How the blonde would moan louder when he began to suck and nip at the ring before stuffing his tongue as deep inside as possible. 

It was heaven, even with the way Hitoshi’s jaw began to ache from the movements. He didn’t want to stop, didn’t want to disturb the absolute glory that he had finally found. 

His ears perked as the other practically screamed. “Toshi- fuck, alpha. Give me more!” Katsuki demanded, slamming a hand down on his pillow in a pleasure induced frustration. His feet lifted and wrapped around Hitoshi’s torso, pulling him closer in an out right demand. 

Hitoshi answered with a croon, his alpha beyond ecstatic at his lover’s words and actions for him. “Of course, darling. Anything for you.” He whispered, leaving one last kiss on the blonde’s loose hole, smiling as the wiggle Katsuki gave him when he pulled away. 

The dark haired alpha climbed onto his hands and knees, giving his engorged cock a few strokes to ready himself. Just those few motions had precum dripping from his tip, his alpha beyond ready to stake his claim on his partner. 

He adjusted himself forward until the tip of his cock could just barely kiss the blonde’s gapping entrance. Spreading his watered spunk around the spot until he was ready to devour. 

“You want this, Kats?” He asked, his voice low with arousal as he watched his cock brush around Katsuki’s entrance. 

Hitoshi finally pressed his tip forward, barely entering the blonde- just enough to stretch it before letting himself pop back out because of the indirect angle he was at. Each press was welcomed with the blonde lifting his hips, trying to catch the head of Hitoshi’s cock. His hole begging to get a big enough latch to have that dick sink in a little deeper.

”Yes~” was the answered cry. Katsuki was trembling, his lower back tightening at the angle he was trying to tilt his hips. It wasn’t enough for it to be a beg, but was more than anything the stoic alpha was known for. The blonde arched his back a little more, large muscles flexing as he did so. His arms flexed above his head for stability, lower back tucked in to allow his ass to pop off the mattress. 

It was a picture of beauty. One that the insomniac burned into his memory. 

Katsuki moaned out a gasp as Hitoshi’s cock finally caught past his ring. It was like the blonde was sucking him in; tightening just enough to drag Hitoshi deeper before relaxing enough to cause the alpha to fall deeper, before tightening again. It felt amazing, warm and wet. The way Hitoshi’s dick was being massaged with each breath his lover took was almost too much for him. 

“Oh, Kats. Perfect, darling.” He whispered, body folding over the other. He rested his forehead on the alpha’s shoulder, breaths coming out in ragged waves. 

He didn’t allow himself to push all the way. Instead, allowing the blonde to swallow every inch as his body flexed and relaxed for him. The process was slow and torcherous for Hitoshi. But when he was fully seated into his lover, with his balls already drawn up tight in preparation to cum, he couldn’t deny how satisfied he already felt. 

The presapace was right there, so close for him to dive into head first and it was because Katsuki had led him to it. The blonde was the entire reason Hitoshi felt this way, and there was no way he was going to go over the edge without Katsuki. Hitoshi wanted to feel how his partner came around him, wanted to feel the other as he too cummed deep inside him. 

He rolled into the blonde, pushing his cock even deeper before pulling out just a little. It was difficult to do just that as Katuski clamped down around him, moaning around the pillow. The way Hitoshi’s cock dragged against his walls and kissed his prostate was pure extacy. 

It was a slow pace, gentle compared to anything Hitoshi had done before. It was exhilarating, new and beyond refreshing. He could feel every twitch and pulse more intensely at this speed. This might be his new favorite way of letting his partner adjust to his movements; so much better than just holding still and waiting for the command. This was so delicious, the slide of his cock as it was swallowed by the blonde until his knot pressed against Katsuki’s taint. The way the alpha below opened up so easily for him. 

It was all consuming, his entire being focused on each breath shared between them. On the way Katsuki’s mouth hung open, drool forming a ring on the pillow as he gasped for breath. The tight grip that the blonde now held in his hair as he yanked the alpha closer to him, arm thrown back behind his head with fingers threaded between long strands of hair.

”I-uhmmm, close.” Katsuki gasped, his red eye just peeking through those blonde eyelashes. “Toshi-“ 

An approving rumble answered the blonde. “Me too, so close.” Hitoshi was gasping alongside Katsuki, so desperate for his own release that he didn’t know how much longer he could last. 

“Common Kats, cum with me.” He begged, his voice shaky as his thrusts became less predictable, desperate for his partner to tumble over with him. 

Hitoshi didn’t see it coming. The way Katsuki went silent, his body tightening up in ecstasy. The grip around his cock became so tight before it relaxed and throbbed uncontrollably as his partner came. Hitoshi was already in the midst of his own orgasm before he even recognized it. His body taunt, abdomen flexed tight as he buried himself as deep as he could reach. 

Katsuki groaned as he settled into the bed, his head blank and fuzzy as he felt Hitoshi empty inside him. Each throb of the other’s cock brought more hot cum with it, spreading heat so far inside him he was sure it would be there for days. It was unexpectedly relaxing to feel, to have the spunk soothing his overstimulated walls as his lover pulled out. 

“Fuck.” The blonde alpha whispered, eyes growing heavy as he finally felt his body listen to the beckoning call of sleep. His ass tingled with the use it got, back sore but body satisfied with what Hitoshi gave him.

“I’ll clean you up, Kats.” Hitoshi whispered, his voice so soft and soothing.

Katsuki felt warm lips on his own, his answering groan habitual as he welcomed the affection. He opened his mouth, happy at the tongue that slipped along his own, caressing him in a passionate kiss before pulling away. 

Katsuki could feel warm hands on his lower back- soothing his muscles- massaging his legs as slight kisses were littered on his ass. “Go to sleep, darling.” Hitoshi whispered.

Katsuki nodded, happy to let the other do his thing as he drifted off to sleep. 

Izuku woke slowly, his nest brought comfort as he looked around his new room. It was obviously put together for the intent of being a guest room in this strange house, but it still looked so familiar to the one that Izuku had been in a hundred times in his childhood.

The walls were painted the same light blue, the curtains thicker but the same shade of yellow as they had been years ago. Even the hardwood floors had a large rug that looked so similar to the gray and blue one that was in Kacchan’s playroom. 

It was almost uncanny how Izuku could see his younger self and a certain blonde play on the floor with their action figures. Or sit in front of a small tv to watch their favorite All Might show. The laughter they shared as they dressed up and pretended to be heroes and save their action figures from villains. The historical dive that Kacchan took off the bed to catch All Might when his string broke off the spinning ceiling fan and was about to fly to its death. The shouts of celebration when the young blonde successfully caught the toy inches before its demise.

The omega sat up, his body still adjusting to the new environment. It was strange to know that he had freedom in this foreign place, the ability to go where he wanted when he wanted without needing to ask for permission. The door, though closed right now, wasn’t locked. The window was large and could actually open. If Izuku really wanted to, he could crawl out and sit on the slanted roof and no one would probably care. 

It was exhilarating to look around and not see bare walls and a dirty floor- how the rug felt so soft between his toes. There were even things in the room that weren’t dented, scratched or water molded. All of it was clean and open for him to use.

Aizawa had helped him unpack the day before. Assisting the omega with folding the few clothes he had into the dresser, comforting him as he got acquainted with the bathroom that was attached and the paths to different sections of the house. It was overwhelming but also exciting to have a place to call his own for the time being. Izuku could feel his omega warming up to the space, liking it far more than the dark room they had resided in for years.

The whole process of reuniting with the Bakugos and unpacking had worn Izuku down more than he would have thought. It seemed that the couple was well versed in being live-in care takers of a safe house, cause they left the omega to sit in his room without them hovering; not even questioning if he wanted to come out- since he was confirmed not to be suicidal. 

Part of the omega felt bad. He did want to talk with the two, but he could bring himself to move from his nest once Aizawa had left. He had fallen asleep after rearranging it one more time, and had apparently slept through the rest of the day and through the night.

With a content sigh, Izuku climbed from his bed, making his way into the bathroom. It was strange to have it to himself and know he wouldn’t have to share anything inside. The drawers were already filled with oral care and hair care products, the shower stocked with soaps and exfoliation tools. Even the cabinet under the sink was filled with fluffy towels and extra toilet paper. 

It was pure luxury for the omega, and he may have indulged a bit too much with how long he stayed in the hot water of his shower. He couldn’t stop the purr that filled his chest as he lathered the tea tree shampoo into his hair. He hadn’t been consistently this clean in years. He loved the way the soap ran off his body and left behind a silky feel.

Izuku took his time to enjoy it all, allowing his mind to go blank as he determined his new routine. Even when he finally decided to walk down the stairs, his omega was still calm. It was strange, but weirdly enough it made sense to Izuku. It was like his body could sense how safe he was with the two Bakugos close by.

He only hesitated a second at the entryway to the kitchen, hearing the familiar voices of the parents he had once deemed as his second family. They seemed to have the same habits they did when he was younger. Mitsuki by the stove, cooking away as her mate sat at the table with a mug of tea. The two chattered with one another, the omega enthralled with the conversation about their newest designs and upcoming exhibition. 

“Good morning, Izuku.” Masaru greeted when he noticed the other omega standing in the doorway. The voice caught the omega’s attention and drew him from the memories that had been playing. Mistuki turned, her face pulled into a soft smile as she waved the spatula in a hello. 

“Hello.” Izuku said, raising a hand awkwardly. 

Masaru gestured for the omega to sit by him while the blonde alpha set a bowl of fried rice on the table. “How did you sleep?” She asked, her tone softer than any other time he had heard it. 

Izuku nodded, tucking his hands between his thighs as he tried to figure out what to do. “Good. Sorry I fell asleep so early.” He apologized. 

Masaru shook his head as he served up a plate and pushed it to the omega. “Don’t worry about it. It must have been a long day by the way Mr. Aizawa was looking.” 

Izuku chuckled at the other’s observations, “He always looks like that.” 

Mistuki laughed, the sound surprising Izuku before he too joined her. 

“I guess you're right.” The brunette hummed before taking another sip from his mug. “After all these years those circles under his eyes seem to be permanently painted on his face.” He said behind the ‘my mom is better than yours’ mug.

Izuku cocked his head to the side. “How long have you known Aizawa?” 

Mitsuki answered, taking a seat on the other side of the table closest to her mate. “Quite a while. He was Katsuki’s homeroom teacher at AU. The brat now works alongside him, thank god. That man is the only person he will actually listen to.”

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise. “Kacchan.” He whispered, his eyes falling to the plate he hadn’t touched yet.

”The brat forced us into this life.” The blonde alpha continued, not hearing the omega as she laughed. 

Masaru shook his head slightly, a smile on his face. “Not forced, Suki.” He hummed before turning to face Izuku to explain. “His first year as a hero was mostly assisting in raids since there was so much disorganization after the war. He noticed that there weren’t many places for victims to go once they were discharged from the hospital. Especially ones that still had targets on their back.” The omega said before his mate took over.

”One day he barged into our house and said that we needed to do more with our money than travel and waste it on stupid shit. The brat didn’t take no for an answer and had us build this damn house.” She said around a bite of rice.

The brunette sighed beside Izuku. “He was just passionate, Suki. Katsuki wanted there to be a safe house that was more secure but still flexible like the halfway houses. So we signed up for classes, got certified in what we needed to and the rest is what you see.” The man smiled, pride evident on his face as he looked around his kitchen. 

“That’s amazing.” Izuku said softly. “I guess he has really made something of himself, huh.”

”Nothing that he is willing to be proud of.” Mistuki said while pushing her rice around. She had a frown now as she glared at the food. “The idiot runs himself ragged with how much time he spends doing hero work. I was surprised when he texted the other day and said he was taking a week off.” The blonde alpha groaned as she grabbed her phone from her pocket. “We should get his ass over here since he has nothing better to do.”

”Dear.” Masaru said, his tone sharp as he turned to stare at the women. 

“What? He can get over here and help around this place. I have some chores that need to get done.” She said, waving her mate off with a flick of her hand. “Actually, he should probably apologize to Izuku while he is here.” She continued, red eyes focused on the screen as she typed. “I won’t let him get away with what he did. Not after all the times Inko cried to us after reading Izuku’s journals.”

The omega sat up suddenly at the new information, anxiety overrunning his veins as he looked at the woman. ”My journals?” Izuku gasped at the other. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, if his mother had read any of the journals he had written, then she would know almost everything that Katsuki had done to him. All the bullying and degrading things that were said, how obsessed Izuku had been with the alpha despite all of it and how determined he had been to be friends. 

“Oh,” Mitsuki seemed to understand where she had gone wrong as she sat her phone face down. “It was after you got kidnapped.” She explained with a careful smile. “Inko never would have invaded your privacy. She only did it in hopes of finding out where you could have gone.” The woman said but it only resulted in her mate dropping his head in his hand with a sigh.

”I’m sorry, Izuku.” Masaru finally spoke. “I’m sure this is overwhelming for you. A lot of things changed when you disappeared. But, we don’t expect anything from you- especially when it comes to our son. Mitsuki shouldn’t have spoken so openly about everything.”

The omega nodded, though he didn’t know how to feel about it all. He didn’t want to see the blonde alpha, even if the man had rescued him. Everything had become too painful when he had reunited with Katsuki in the compound. All the terrible memories and ghosting pain relieving inside his head had been enough for him. Izuku couldn’t imagine speaking to the blonde again.


After a while- the couple finished eating- they left to begin their work in the home office across the house. Izuku stayed at the table, picking at the rice with his chopsticks as thoughts swirled in his mind. He smiled as his favorite memories with the blonde alpha played in his head. 

Over the years he had successfully kept the pup version of Kacchan separated from the older version that was from middle school. The two blondes had practically become two separate people in Izuku’s mind. He cherished the young blonde- his best and most protective friend- too much to have him mesh with the bully that evolved in their early teens. 

The child Kacchan had done so much for the omega- and Izuku believed it was because of him that he was able to get out of his shell and explore the world as much as he had. Katsuki truly had shaped his life for the better, he saw his friend as the best of the best. He trusted the blonde with his entire being, following him without question.

Now that the two of them had reencountered, it was hard to keep the two versions separated anymore. These two versions were becoming meshed together now that Izuku had been able to see the adult Kacchan. It was impossible to not see how young the other two were, they had been children; only a few years separating them. 

Izuku realized he couldn’t rely on the last memory he had of Kacchan to dictate his feelings anymore, not when Kacchan was twice the age they had been. Twice their size and maturity; twice as much time to learn, grow and change.. 

it didn't matter if Izuku liked it or not, Kacchan had saved him. He put his life on the line more times than one; all for someone he had once claimed to hate. That had to count for something, even if it was a tiny bit of gratitude from Izuku. Even if the blonde’s views never changed toward the omega, he had been able to put them aside and do his job. If that wasn’t growth then there wasn’t much Izuku could expect from others.

Izuku took a few bites, chewing each grain slowly as he tried to settle himself. His stomach rolled as he tried to swallow, becoming nauseous with each additional bite. He didn’t want to waste the food, but throwing it up was probably an even worse insult to Mitsuki. So he quickly scraped the food into the trash, ashamed that he couldn’t force himself to eat more of it.

He didn’t know what to do with himself. The house was far too big for him to find comfort in yet. Exploring outside was tempting, but it was still a bit out of his comfort zone to go out there on his own. He could feel his omega yearning for his bed, begging him to take it easy and enjoy his solitude for as long as possible.

Since the Bakugo’s were busy, it didn’t feel rude to hide away again. It seemed they hadn’t changed their schedule at his sudden appearance- which he was sure they would have done within a heartbeat if they felt the need to. So, Izuku immediately turned toward his room, desperate to fulfill his omegan desires and laze around. 

He retreated away into his room. Allowing the sun to cross the sky and flicker through the trees without a care. He wasn’t interested in leaving his small haven.  He ignored the knock on the door for lunch in favor of staring out the window. He watched the birds fly from branch to branch, the bees that floated from flower to flower and the leaves that fell gently onto the clovered ground. It was beautiful, something that Izuku hadn’t been able to see in a long time. 

It felt strange that the world had been like this while he was locked away in a dusty basement. Heartbreaking to suddenly be able to explore where he wanted; that no one would yell at him if he looked out a window, that no one would threaten his life he tried to walk out a door. 

It was all here, in reach for him to finally have again; but it felt wrong. Like his body knew he wasn’t allowed, that all of this wasn’t actually for him. 

Word count: 5118

🥵 it got spicy. I love these two so much.

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Chapter 25


Chapter 23