Film Set:

“Midoriya? You have 5 minutes” A voice came through the closed door with a soft knock.

The green haired actor quickly replied as he stared at himself one last time in the mirror. The clothing he wore wasn’t something he should feel uncomfortable in, but rather they were usually something that filled him to the brim with confidence. Though today he couldn’t help but feel exposed and flustered.

There was nothing wrong with the lingerie he was wearing. The sheer, lace fabric barely obscured anything like it should, while the thong wouldn’t be considered modest since it was the smallest fabric he has ever seen. In all reasoning, the outfit was sexy and perfect in every way, better used in an actual porn scene than what he was about to walk out to.

Despite that, Izuku looked sexy. The fabric hugged him like a glove like the costume designer wanted, his thick thighs and small frame enhanced by the custom fitting. The lace swirled around his chest and into a backless bodysuit, the swirls and print caressing his skin and acting more like ink on camera than fabric. A fake, silk robe fell loosely around him until it hit his mid thigh, the front open with the ribbon dangling at the sides.

He did have an actual robe that he would put over the lingerie, it currently dropped over the chair next to him as he fussed with the thong. Everything screamed sensual and inviting like his character was portrayed to be. Confident and alluring even with everything on full display. Right now everything was covered enough to entice the viewers in the commercials, but since the streaming platform that hosted the Tv series didn’t conform to rating restriction, nothing prevented the writers from taking advantage of how attracted the audience was to Izuku.

So why was he not feeling his usual rush of excitement and arousal like he had with the other film he was in? Well, Izuku would confirm that it had nothing to do with fabric, the script or even the scene itself. But rather who he was about to do the mature scene with. There was only one word to describe the intense emotions and physical responses he was feeling; intimidated.

Izuku had been so stupid and did the exact thing his manager had always said not to do. Did he listen, of course not. Despite better judgment, not his own obviously, he researched his potential co-star after signing the contract for the series. He looked up who he would be his on screen love interest, and did a deep dive like any other obsessed fan would over an A list celebrity.

Yet, for the first time in his career he was kicking himself in the ass for his idiotic entitlement and curiosity. This deep dive on this co-star, that he was about to do a mature scene with, was more than he could handle. Yes in that way and in others. This man, who was now on set, wasn’t just an average guy. No! He’s hot, sexy and overall the most amazing person anyone could meet. But that wasn’t the issue that Izuku ran into, it was the porn channel that he found. His married co-star participated in his porn star husband’s channel regularly.

Izuku doesn’t even know why he clicked on those videos to be honest. He watched way too many on the page, a few admittedly filling him with that oh so welcomed heat in his stomach.

At first Izuku was more than excited that he sign the contract. Yet, of course, Izuku’s too much gene hit hard and he spiraled. One video turned to 2, then 10 and then he was suddenly binging the entire page. Izuku even went as far as to look at the man’s and his husband’s shared twitter and instagram. And oh god was that a whole other experience.

These two men were unfortunately now a full on obsession for Izuku. Everything that the couple did during their ‘play’ time videos sucked him in deeper. Each brush of their hands or thrust was so erotic and sensual. Nothing like the usual norm of a ‘Dom’ and ‘Sub’ in male on male acting.

Usually porn was filled with men that were rougher and harsh in their movements, but not this couple. They weren’t like that from what Izuku could see, these two obviously cared about each other.

His co-star was gentle, delicate and focused on his partner. Even when he would go all out, it was like he made sure his husband was actually enjoying it and not just putting on an act.

Izuku hoped that was true. It was rare to actually have that good of a time filming. With how many sex scenes that he had done, both with male or female co-stars or sometimes both, it was all routine at this point. Acting and turning on that part of his brain that would push and force those feelings away so that he could perform his part perfectly. It was hard work with how many pauses there had to be with adjusting angles, moving objects, the obscene noises, or pushing through embarrassing things that were always bound to happen.

All of that had become repetitive and expected with the numerous scenes Izuku had done over the years. It was expected and normal, a very comfortable part of the job that Izuku had grown to love.

So why was this time, this scene, making him so nervous? Probably the fact that the hunk of a man with that wild ass red hair was nothing normal, expected or repetitive. Every video Izuku watched was a nail in the coffin, this man was going to be the death of him.

The cherry on top of this was Izuku’s character was a walking sexual attraction. He was to embody everything that sex could be, and that meant nothing half assed during a scene like this. The director and his manager expressed this need in their last meeting. Izuku needed to appear real and aroused for his character to fully come across through the camera. He had even been given the go ahead to do whatever he needed to make everything believable.

“It’s time, Izuku.” The feminine voice of his manager called again through the door before walking away. With a heavy breath, Izuku made sure he was tucked into the tiny triangle of the thong and that his privacy guard was secured for the time being. His hands shook slightly as he shifted the lingerie, examining the light amount of makeup he had put on so he wouldn’t look too pale on camera.

Izuku shook out his hands before he grabbed the thick fuzzy robe that he would wear during his walk to set. At least he would have some essence of desancy for a few minutes, even though he will be naked in front of the production crew in a matter of minutes. At least he had to keep the protective guard around his privates throughout the scene. It wasn’t like this was a full porn scene, just a hot and heavy one for the Tv series.

As he walked onto the set of the fake bedroom, he remembered exactly why his anxiety was out of control. There, with only pants on, was his co-star. All 6 feet of muscle and tan skin that called for Izuku to touch and explore. Those red eyes that called all attention and hypnotized him with one look.

Izuku quickly walked up to the producer who was talking to the tall red head. He was instructing Kirishima of where his placements were and what camera angles he needs to be mindful of. The red head smiled and nodded his head and asked questions when needed.

When Izuku stopped beside them the director gave him a quick run down of the placements and angles again before walking away and behind the cameras. Izuku took his place behind the ‘bathroom’ door, closing it slightly to give the impression that he was walking into the bedroom.

He stripped off his robe and put it on the ground out of shot. Each moment was becoming more anxiety ridden; deep breaths through his nose and the cool air from the vent above him barely helped when he knew that Kirishima would be sitting on the side of the bed, shirtless and on full display when he opened the door.

Yet, despite his nerves, he kept reminding himself that those red eyes and gorgeous body would be there for him to touch and look at without having to be sneaky. That he would soon be touched and caressed like Kirishima did with his husband. That thought was enough to settle him down a bit as he heard the production crew walk off the set.

Izuku opened the door when he heard his que, leaning against the frame in a provocative way and fluttering his eyes up at the red head. His breath hitched as he saw his co-star leaning back on his hands with his legs open wide on the bed. He had a flat expression on his face, but his eyes gleamed with interest when they looked Izuku up and down.

“Do you like my outfit?” Izuku asked. His line came out cute and excited as he smirked at his co-star. Izuku slowly walked closer trying to keep character as he let his eyes roam over the redhead. Kirishima had green, skin tight pants with yellow marks on them so the special effects team could edit the male the way his character was portrayed in the show. The fabric left little to the imagination when it came to the size of his cock. The material outlined it perfectly to show a partial chub, but Izuku didn’t really mind now that the scene had started.

Izuku pulled his hands behind his back and spun in a small circle to showcase his lingerie. He let a giggle following as he made eye contact with the other.

Kirishima’s character was very different from his true personality. The red head was usually smiling and making jokes, his kindness evident in everything he did around the set. But his role wasn’t anything of the sort. He was to exhibit stoic and controlled features with a dominating cadence. His actions are more brash and rough in almost every manner. It brought flutters to Izuku’s chest when he watched his co-star’s interpretation of the character.

The two had already done a few scenes, none of them explicit like this one would be, and every time Kirishima needed to be physically rough with Izuku he would make sure that each touch was soft and calculated. Each action looked brutal and mean on camera, but it was all through perspective or an over exaggeration on Izuku’s part.

After every run through of the script, Kirishima would make sure that Izuku’s mental health was okay and that the harsh words he had to speak weren’t affecting him. Kirishima was truly a professional and cared for his co-stars more than any other actor Izuku had worked with.

“You expect me to like you when you are covered up?” The redhead said with a lazy tone. His face shifted to a form of disgust as he examined Izuku closely, his eyes slowly trailing over Izuku’s barely covered body. Izuku noticed Kirishima’s eyes pause at the thong that was hiding the protection guard before shifting back to meet Izuku’s gaze.

“I thought you would like it.” Izuku replied, his eyes growing sad as he looked down at the lingerie. His fingers played with the trim of the top, as he slowly looked back up at the bigger male. “I thought it would make you excited since we have been apart for so long.”

“Take it off, you look better without anything covering you.” Kirishima said as he quickly stood up and pulled Izuku harshly into his chest. Though the hand he used to pull Izuku close had a tight grip around his upper arm, the other that couldn’t be seen by the camera was gentle on his hip. The actor used his thumb to lightly caress circles on the exposed skin to help ground Izuku through the scene.

Izuku smiled as stated in his script, tiptoeing up and looking Kirishima in the eye. Though red, harsh eyes looked down at him, he looked at the other with fondness and love as his character would.

“You like me without clothes?” Izuku asked, running his free hand up the other’s chest slowly. He could feel goosebumps forming under his fingertips and smiled before dragging his nails against the skin. Red marks appeared as he trailed higher until he got to the redhead's collar bone.

“Sad. After so long of not seeing each other, this is the first thing you say to me instead of praise or attraction.” Izuku started with a bite in his tone. He let the loving expression fall to one of more poise and pride. “Don’t you, my love, care for me as I do you? Or will we be like this for another 100 years?”

Izuku paused as stated in the script, his eyes searching the other’s. “You demons are all the same. Demanding and rude.” He finally conceded when Kirishima didn’t reply. Izuku huffed out in irritation as he tried to take a step back, but Kirishima’s grip refused his attempts. Izuku looked up again, his eyes glaring up at the other.

“I appreciate your effort, darling~ but you, of all immortals, should know that I have no patience for the fickle flauntiness of mortals. When we are alone, you shouldn’t let any disgusting fabric touch you. I don’t like it when you hide away from me!”

Kirishima growled as he pressed their chests together and towered over Izuku’s small frame. His large hand grabbed the back of the lace top and pulled it harshly off, the hidden seams at the shoulders and chest ‘ripped’ apart as intended and left Izuku topless.

“You hid your body from me for centuries as you worked alongside God, but now you are free and I refuse for you to have to keep up that filthy modesty.” Kirishima retorted, his voice inflecting to a sadder tone as he remembered why they were forced apart.

“So tell me, demigod, have you missed me enough to put aside your tricks? Or are you going to keep teasing your mate like you have for the past century?” Kirishima gritted out, leaning closer down to the smaller male. Their faces were inches apart, the puffs of the red head’s breath fluttering over Izuku as he kept his face flat.

A moment passed as the two held each other’s gaze, their breathing synced as they pressed closer together. Izuku’s character finally broke, a giggle spilling from his mouth as a large smile spread across his face. His hand reached higher before gripping around his co-stars neck. He tightened his hand without clasping down, exhibiting the choking hold he suddenly had on the taller male.

Izuku pushed Kirishima back onto the bed with ‘unexpected’ strength and straddled his co-star. He felt Kirishima rest his hands on his waist, but didn’t move his hand from its place around. He sat up slightly and ground his hips against Kirishima’s and threw his head back in ‘pleasure’.

“You haven’t changed at all. Still playing your dirty tricks so I play right into your hand.” Kirishima moaned, his grip tightening.

“But then I wouldn’t have the fun of feeling you rip that cloth off me. You know how much I like foreplay, and I’m the only one to ever initiate it.” Izuku teased, as he kept grounding his hips and gasping through ‘pleasure’ that may or may not be real. “To think a demon like you would be in love with a half breed like me. You truly are crazy.”

Izuku leaned down and connected their lips. The kiss was more of a make out than anything else. Their tongues caressed together in desperation as both shared dominance. Izuku could feel Kirishima’s hand glide from his hip, over his ass cheek until his fingers were able to pull at the thong; forcing it to ‘rip’ away. The protection guard stayed in place as the thong was thrown aside. Everything gave the illusion that Izuku was completely naked for the camera. The rock of his hips and the kneading being done on his ass was becoming too errotic for himm to hold back a loud moan.

Izuku quickly got back into character as the two broke apart, lips glistening and faces flushed as Kirishima said his line. “Oh, my poor little thing. Are you going to ignore that you were the one to make a bargain with God for my life? That sounds like a crazy decision to me.”

“And I would slave away another 10 centuries to ensure your safety.” Izuku divulged as he paused their actions and looked his co-star in the eye. “I don’t care what anyone thinks. You are mine and I will protect you and love you until the end of my immortal life.”

Kirishima lets his character smile, his hands groping Izuku’s ass and pulling his cheeks apart slightly as he whispers. “And I will forever be grateful to have a mate so devoted to me. I will treasure you for my entire damned life.” Izuku breathed out another moan as he slid down and reconnected their kiss.


The two break character as they let out a breath, their eyes meeting for a moment before Izuku sits up all the way. “Good, let's do another take.” The producer shouted before turning to the crew to instruct them.

Kirishima sits up so he can properly cup Izuku’s cheek. His once angry and harsh stare now soft and caring. “Are you doing okay?” He asks. His voice was now soft and quiet enough so only Izuku could hear. Izuku nods, a warmth pooling in his chest as a blush crosses his cheeks at Kirishima’s kindness. Izuku loves that these check-ins were only for him to hear. The kindness was never a show or a display, but rather very genuine and personal for the person he talks to.

“Yes, thank you Kiri.” Izuku replies with a soft smile, his eyes quickly looking away as he tries to push down the emotions that were slowly creeping up. “You? I didn’t go too hard with my scratch?”

“No, I am fine.” Kirishima answers before leaning forward slightly. Izuku could feel his breath tickle his neck as he whispers into his ear, sending goosebumps across his arms and neck. “I like my chest being touched in any way.”

Izuku could feel his face go even redder as he slid off the bed and turned to one of the costume assistants that was waiting to help put the lingerie back on correctly. Izuku takes the moment to breathe deeply in an attempt to calm himself.

Kirishima would make comments like this every once in a while, and Izuku would be lying if he said he didn’t love it. He couldn’t help himself from fantasizing about having unscripted and unobserved intimacy with him.

Ahhh! I love this

I loved writing this one. I always struggle with writing Kirishima with a bad boy personality or his pup dog one. So I decided to do both. Hope you liked it. Please comment and let me know!


First Time:


Game of Chase: