Chapter 5


I'm running as fast as I can through the trees towards the howl, allowing myself to use some of my quirk to propel myself forward. I can feel the dominant alpha right behind me as he catches up to me, matching with my pace. I growl as he gets too close for my liking and he quickly adds more space between us.

I use more of my quirk, the green lightning caressing over my green fur as I leap over a fallen tree. Landing and using to the momentum springing me forward, pulling distances between me and the alpha. Within seconds I was far in front of him.

"Shin!" I yell through the pack bond.

"Zuku?!" I hear in return. I can feel my heart swell with joy at the sound of his voice. He's alive, he is here!

"I'm almost to you." I state as I hear growls not far ahead of me.

I jump through the trees and into a small clearing. I see the dark purple wolf that is my friend crouched down in a defensive stance. His teeth bared as he lets out a warning growl. He is surrounded by many wolves, all of them baring their teeth in a threatening manner towards him. I jump over a few wolves, quickly find myself enveloped in angry alpha pheromones as I land next to the Alpha of my pack.

The pheromones are not hard to ignore, my omega getting annoyed at the wolves around us for causing such a stink. I start releasing angry pheromones as I growl at the wolves around us. The wolf closest to me whining as they slowly bow their heads unwillingly into submission to me. I raise my head higher as I allow my pheromones to cloak the entire area. Even Shinso starts whining behind me at the amount of pheromones I am letting out, but he stays close to me.

Within seconds all the wolves around us start backing away trying to get away from me, their heads bowing though the growling doesn't stop. I glance at Shin. He is on the ground, throat exposed to me in a submissive manner. Pain evident on his face as his alpha tries to defy my pheromones. The whines leaving him hurt my heart and I started calming down.

"I'm sorry Shin." I state as I lick his ear, trying to sooth my friend. He sighs in relief as a cool breeze blows through the trees, disturbing my scent.

A loud growl resonates behind me and I quickly turn, ready to fight and defend my pack member. But I am taken aback as I see a large white and red wolf forcing his pack away from me and Shin. A blond beta wolf growls in response but is quickly put in place as the alpha snaps his jaw a few times in warning. I quickly straighten myself as I gaze at him, allowing my small frame to take up as much space as possible.

I can feel Shinso slowly standing behind me to guard my blind spots as I direct my attention to the large wolf. The bicolored alfa turns to me before shifting back to his human form, slowly approaching me.

"I'll handle this." I state to Shin before shifting as well.

"My apologies for my pack's behavior. Your pack member has a lot of rogue blood on him, they mistook him for one of them." I nod in understanding as I turn toward the alpha behind me. His fur is matted down with blood, and I can't help wondering what he had to deal with alone.

"I understand the apprehension, and no hard feelings have been made." I say as I look back at the bicolored Alpha. "My pack doesn't intend any harm, we are grateful for your generosity." I bow my head slightly in respect, hoping that the other wolves around us understand that we are under their power. I know Shinso reacted the way he did because of Kami. We are close to the spot where we had rested yesterday and I can still smell some of the scent imprinted in the foliage. He must have picked up on Kami's distress pheromones and charged over the territory line.

"You may also join your pack in the cabin we provided." The bicolored Alpha states, his eyes on Shin, as he motions for us to walk back to the village. I nod in response as I start walking toward the cabin, Shinso close behind me.


"Kami!" Shinso shouts as he walks through the door, tears apparent in his eyes.

"Hoshi?" The omega quickly sits up in his nest, his eyes already releasing tears as he sees his mate. The two quickly embrace each other, their pheromones filling the room as they scent each other. The alpha carefully stays outside of the nest until he has permission to enter, as he tries to get as close as possible to his mate.

"Get in here and meet our pup!" Kami yells happily as he drags his mate into the large nest.

"Our pup?" Shin whispers as he takes in the small bundle on the far side of the nest. I watch as he hesitates next to his mate, looking to Kami for direction.

"Our pup." The omega whispers back as he picks up the pup and presents it to his alpha, a large smile on his face.

Shinso lets out a breath as he takes the bundle in his arms, pulling it close to his chest. A small sob leaves him as tears fall down his cheeks. "You did so amazing my omega." He says between his sobs, kissing Kami on his temple. "My pup, my mate."

I slowly close the door of the cabin to allow them privacy. The morning sun is finally breaking over the horizon. The village slowly becoming more active around us as the sunlight brightens. I sit on the small stair next to Kacchan, listening to the birds as they chirp away and watch the clouds. It really is the perfect morning.

"I told you not to shift, your shit stitches opened up, you know." The alpha suddenly states. I turn to him with a smirk, he was the one who did my stitches.

"Ya I know, just more scares for my collection." I state with a giggle.

"You're going to be a fucking husk by the time you're 30." Kacchan retorts back. I punch his shoulder playfully as I fake a hurt gasp. "A beautiful husk though." He sighs. I laugh as I rest my head on his shoulder. It has been a long morning, and I have a feeling it is only going to get longer.

"How long are we going to stay here?" The question catches me off guard. I sit up, quickly lost in thought.

"Shin just got here and will need a few days to rest and rebond with Kami. We also can't leave with the condition Kami is in, and I'm not leaving him behind. I'm not sure where we will go, or how to travel with a pup. Three months is the normal recovery time for an omega after birth, but that doesn't mean we could travel with the baby being so young." I mumble to myself, lost in thought until kacchan interjects.

"Ya, and I don't think we will be able to go fucking home. With the state we left our village, there will be nothing but ashes and bodies to welcome us." He growls. "I'm going to slaughter those bastards!" I nod in agreement as I feel his anger. I too would like to destroy the rogues that took away my pack. They deserve to rot and be eaten by scavengers.

Before I can continue I see the brown haired omega we met yesterday approaching us.

"Hello, my Superior Alpha would like to speak with your Superior." She states, her hands behind back as he bows her head slightly in respect. I sigh as I look at Kacchan, he keeps his face blank, waiting for me to respond.

I slowly get up. "Stay here." I direct and Kacchan nods, not questioning my decision. He knows I can hold my own if it comes down to a fight. I am the strongest in our pack, he is need here more than with me.


The room I enter reminds me of the meeting room Yagi and I used to use for our meetings with the our pack's council. There is a large table in the middle of the room with cushions lining around it for comfort. Large windows line the back wall allowing sunlight to flutter in.

I am left in the empty room as the girl slides the door close behind me. I make my way to the far side before sitting so I can have full scope of the room. I don't know why that bicolored alpha called for me, but I'm not going to take any chances.

It isn't long before the door slides open and the alpha walks in. I allow myself to look him up and down as he walks and sits in the spot across from me. He is wearing black pants with a white shirt that wraps around his torso in a traditional manner, but he doesn't wear the under portion of the shirt, so his chest and upper abs are on full display.

My omega chirps at the sight, excited to see more of this handsome wolf. I quickly redirect my gaze to his face as he looks at me. I noticed for the first time that he has two different colored eyes. One an ocean blue and the other gray as storming clouds. I can't help but stare for a moment as I look at his face in the light. He is much more attractive than I first gave him credit for.

"You are a Royal Omega are you not?" He states flatly as he stares back at me. I blink in shock, my mouth falling open slightly.

"I, umm..." I try to speak, but I am having a hard time processing what is happening. This has caught me off guard and I can feel panic setting in. I try to hold back my distressed pheromones as I look away from the alpha.

"I am sure you are aware, but omegas shouldn't be able to resist alpha pheromones like you did this morning." He says, his voice monotone. "You resisted 6 of my alphas and also put them into submission. That isn't something an omega can do... But a royal omega..." He trails off, his face lacking any emotion making it hard to read him.

What should I do? I cannot deny what I did earlier, but how do I spin this for me to get my pack out alive. This isn't looking good for us. At the very least I could shift, distract as many as I could and tell my pack to run in the mean time. Kacchan will more than likely be a wolf while I'm here, so he will be ready to fight. And with Shin, they can get both Kami and the pup out quickly.

"You know that I can hear you mumbling." The bicolored alpha states with a small smile on his face. I widen my eyes in shock as I realize my mistake.

"I am not going to hurt you or your pack." He continues. "I have already sworn on my life, and I don't intend on losing it."

"Then why am I here, why are you questioning me?" I can't help the disdain in my voice as I respond.

"I am curious. Royal Omegas are supposed to be extinct. The last one died a century ago." He leans forward, bringing his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. I narrow my eyes and nod. I know the history of my kind, and what other packs believe to be true. There is no reason for me to tell him the truth about my pack. We sit there in silence, both of us watching the other. I know what he is trying to play, but I will not fold.

He sighs and looks away before speaking. "I understand why you won't speak to me, but I will help you and your pack nonetheless."

"What do you mean?" I state dryly.

He looks back at me before bringing his hand back into his lap. "What I mean is you and your pack are welcome to stay here as long as you need. You will need time for your omega to heal and for the pup to be old enough to travel." He watches my face as he talks. I presume to watch for any signs I might give away.

"What is the catch?" I say while folding my arms. I am not dumb, I know how these alpha Superiors behave. Nothing is done without some type of trade.

He smiles at me. " There is no catch."

"You're lying, or crazy. You would allow another pack with no treaty or agreements to live among your people for an extended amount of time?" I can't help the small laugh that comes from me.

"Neither." He chuckles, causing me to stop mine. "The only dangerous member of your pack is you, and I could take you down with no trouble." He shrugs but continues before I can retort his last comment.

"I am offering a pack without a home a chance to get back on their feet." His tone is serious as he looks at me, his eyes meeting mine. I can't help but feel a bit grateful at his words, but I quickly shove it down.

"What would you get out of this?" There has to be a motive. I can't believe that he is actually this kind hearted.

He sighs a frown forming on his face. "If I had anything to get out of this it would only be to spend more time with you."

"W-what?!" I can't help the shock that comes over me. Did he really just say that? A small blush follows as my omega purrs at the Alpha in front of me. I can feel him wanting me to lean towards the alpha, desperate to close the space between us.

"Yes, I have a personal interest in you." He furthers, his eyes not leaving mine. "I would like to get to know you more."

My omega can't help but feel aroused by the words coming from the alpha. I know my omega sees him as a good mate, but I don't need one. "What about your mate, won't they be displeased?" I say trying to find some kind of way out of this emotional mess I am in.

He chuckles again, this time I can't help but find it beautiful to listen to. "I don't have a mate. Never wanted one before."

"Then we are of mutual understanding." I say and I slowly start to stand. I don't need a mate! I don't want one, all I need is my pack.

"What is your name?" He says as he quickly stands in response. "Unless you want me to call you Omega."

I hesitate before giving in. "Midoriya Izuku." I state not looking at him as I make my way towards the door.

"Todoroki Shoto." He says gently.

"I'll think about your offer. Until then, goodbye."


Chapter 6


Chapter 4