Chapter 3

Fire and Screams

Blood curdling screams jolt me out of bed. I quickly run to the door, my bare feet slapping the cold wood as I make my way outside into the cool night air. Fire, smoke, and a horrible stench meet me as I observe the view from my door. The night is illuminated by the rising flames of numerous houses burning to the ground. Members of my pack running and fighting unknown wolves. Rouges!

I run forward, trying to assemble some kind of plan in my head, trying to drag myself out of shock and take action. Anxiety starts filling me as I stumble around watching the slaughtering before me. There are so many bodies littering the ground, so much blood.

A chilling scream rips through the air behind me. I quickly turn, my eyes growing wide as one of the children of my pack hangs limp in the mouth of a silver wolf. A little girl that just learned to shift last week. I remember her bright smile as her gray wolf bonded with her. Blood pools from her chest as the wolf clenches down hard, causing small snaps as her chest breaks.

Without thinking, I have moved forward until my arms wrap around the neck of the silver wolf. Green lightning caressing over me as I squeeze, cutting off their air flow. The smell of the rogue stench sending me into a rage. The rogue quickly drops the girl, but I already know it is too late. Her body lands limp on the ground. Her eyes clouded and distant as her blood freely rushes onto the ground, staining the weeds and dirt.

I feel the rogue begin to struggle, trying to pull their head out of my arms, his back claws swiping at my legs. It doesn't take me another second to squeeze with all my strength, my eyes never leaving the little girl's face. A snap sounds through the air as the wolf's body goes limp. I drop the body as I try to regain myself. I can feel my omega writhing with anger inside me, wanting to take over and seek revenge.

"Izuku!" I'm drawn out of my trance at the familiar voice yelling at me.

"Kami?" I turned to see him running toward me, his round belly prominent in his night clothes. Tears evident in his eyes as he grasps my hand and huddles close to me.

I look out to my village, the scene horrific. So many of my people lay on the ground. Some in their wolf form and others still clutching their children as they lay lifeless. So many faces I have loved, now unmoving. A loud growl that catches our attention. A large blue-gray wolf directing itself towards us, their size indicating them the alpha leader of the rogues.

"Kami, I need you to run." I say, just before shifting into my wolf. I can feel Kami take steps back as he obeys me. I search through the pack link and a chill runs through me as I realize how few of my pack are still alive. I can hear some call for help before they go quiet, before their link disappears.

I cringe as my omega begins to fight me, desperate to take out its anger on the leader that is now approaching me. I force myself to stay in control, my eyes never leaving the alpha. We stalk towards each other, sizing the other up. My size is half in comparison to his, this will give me an advantage if I play my cards right.

I bare my fangs, allowing my pheromones to seep out as my omega urges me to kill. Within one breath I hunch down, activating my quirk, and lunge forward. My claws make contact to the side of the alpha's neck as I sink them deep into the flesh. He violently claws at my side, trying to shake me off. I feel pain on my right thigh as I see him clamp down on me, but I don't allow a whimper to escape me. In return I wrap my fangs around his snout, allowing my omega to relish in the taste of his blood that flows into my mouth.

He rears up and I am thrown onto the ground, the impact knocking the wind out of me. I try to get up, but a sudden pressure on my neck keeps me down. I see the alpha hover over me as he puts his weight onto my neck. My lungs scream for air as black dots impair my vision. I try to wiggle away, but the weight only increases. I can see the anger in the blue-gray wolf's eyes above me, blood from his snout dripping onto my face. I try again to squirm away, but the pressure on my neck has become unbearable. A soundless cry is the only thing I manage.

The alpha leans down closer to my face, his fangs bared. Drool dripping from his mouth, landing on my snout as he opens his mouth wide, ready to bite my face.

Relief fills me as the wolf is pushed off me. Blond fur hovering over me in a protective stance. 'Kacchan' I gasp for air, the feeling hammering into my lungs. I hear my whimpers as I try to try to breath.

'You idiot! Why did you pick a fight with the Alpha leader?!' He screams at me through the pack link.

'I didn't, he found me.' I state as I climb to my feet with a slight wobble. I shake my head trying to shake off the light headed feeling.

The blue-gray alpha is already stalking toward us. A growl rips through Kacchan as the fur on his nape stands high. Though Kacchan is an alpha, his size is still smaller than the one in front of us. I watch as my friend positions himself between me and the rouge, allowing his pheromones to release.

'Leave him to me!' We hear through the pack link. I turn to see Yagi's large blond wolf walking in front of us. His fur is matted in blood, and a large bite mark in his abdomen is dripping blood. His size is just bigger than mine. I wouldn't doubt his ability to take down this Alpha, but his condition is obviously not conducive for a fight.

'Bakugo, take Izuku and run. Protect him at all cost.' Yagi demands without turning to us, his attention is on the rouge.

'Yes, Superior.' Kacchan says. He turns quickly to me and grabs the nape of my neck in his mouth, dragging me as he runs towards the tree line. I try to pull away, but his grip is tight, making my omega instantly refuse to fight. My body instinctually curls in on itself, my tail tucked in, as Kacchan carries me away.

'What?! No!' I scream as I watch our pack leader and the rogue Alpha begin a fight to the death. Before we are into the woods I can see Yagi being thrown to the ground, the alpha poised to make a fatal strike. He fangs aimed for my Superior's throat.



I gasp awake, my body shaking uncontrollably, my eyes opening to see the candle lite room. I can feel sweat on my face as I sit up, Kacchan's scent fills my nose and instantly calms my nerves. I shake my head trying to get that dream out of my head and bring myself back to the present. I steady myself for a moment, taking deep breaths before turning to the alpha.

"Anything?" I ask softly. I stretch out, my muscles screaming in response.

"Nothing besides the pack's scouts." Kacchan responds. He looks exhausted, his eyes have dark rings under them and he ungracefully sits next to me. His blonde hair looks more brown with how much grime is in it and even his usual smirk seems to be forced at this point.

I nod slowly, leaning in and scenting him with a hug. He hums in response, his body visibly relaxing. I know that this specific action is reserved for mates, but I can't help but do it. Kacchan is my everything even if he isn't my mate. Now that I am Superior, it isn't as taboo, though I shouldn't be using my neck gland to scent him.

I force myself to stand up and move off the bed so he can take it. I turn to the nest, peaking in at it's 2 occupants. Kami is still asleep with the small bundle next to him. I slowly bring a hand down to the pup's face, sighing in relief when I feel a small puff of air hit my fingers. I feel Kacchan lay in the bed I made, a grunt leaving him as he gets comfortable. I smile as I look at my pack. Humming in content as I ready myself to begin my duty. "Sleep well Kacchan" I say. He waves a hand lazily at me in response, not bothering to look at me. I pull the large cloak he wore over me, his scent will help hide mine while I patrol. I slowly walk out the door, glancing one last time at my pack before starting my walk.

It's a warm night, crickets and frogs sing out as the clouds slowly flout by. There is a gentle breeze that ruffles the trees, and the soft sounds of water from the nearby stream making the perfect ambiance. The forest that borders the village is beautiful, large trees and many bushes forming a circle around the clearing. The faint smell of a few members of the other pack are the only things I sense. Everything seems fine as the night drags on.

I walk around the cabin, making my perimeter bigger with every pass. I use Kacchan's scent as a marker for how far out he had set the perimeter. I slowly walk through the woods a few meters away from the cabin. I pass the stream for what has to be the 50th time. My omega yearns for me to jump in and wash myself. The crusty blood, sweat and dirt is beginning to make me smell and itch. I have resisted so far, but each time I pass the water it becomes harder and harder to resist.

"Fine." I whisper to myself. "One more lap and then we can wash."

I pick up my pace as I feel my omega jump with happiness. As much as I am Superior, I can't help but fulfill the desires of my second gender. I approach the cabin and stand by the door, listening to the faint breaths on the other side until I am satisfied. I quickly made my way back to the stream, every step bringing more excitement.

I still have a couple more hours of darkness, so this is the perfect time for this anyway. The village is asleep besides the few scouts I smell, but not once have they come near enough for me to take offense. I quickly strip off my clothes, placing them on a nearby rock before entering the water. It's very chilly, but my omega chirps in happiness non the less. I squat down cupping water in my hands as I try to wash myself.

After a few minutes I start to get irritated, this would be so much easier if I could find a deeper part of this stream. I stand and slowly make my way down stream, hoping to find a deeper spot. Within a few minute walk I can see a small pond up ahead. I smile at my find as my omega's praise fills me with happiness. I walk through the stream, my destination coming closer.

I suddenly stop, my eyes spotting a figure resting against the side of the pond. I am immediately on high alert, searching with my nose and ears for any evidence of other wolves. I grumble to myself for not being able to detect them, they are 10 feet away and I cannot make out any scent.


Chapter 4


Chapter 2