Chapter 10

Power over all alphas

That is all I could see as the scent of the gray Alpha became stronger. I have been running for 10 minutes with my quirk fueling my speed, rage in full control. I was getting close as my omega encouraged us forward.

A glint of silver caught my attention bring a smile to my face. My first target is in sight. I pushed myself harder and quickly caught up. Leaping on top of the wolf, making quick work of digging my fangs into the back of their neck. Once they were down and confirmed the wolf would never move again I continued on. Three more wolves were taken down before I knew I had reached my prey. The alpha’s scent thick as I entered a small opening in the trees.

I slowed to a trot as I located the alpha. The male was on top of a boulder in his human form, his legs dangling over the side as he leaned back on his hands. The alpha’s gray-blue hair was messy and his face looked dry and crusty. He had a nasty smile on his face as two wolves flanked him, one dark gray and the other yellow.

"Hello little omega." The alpha spoke with a sickly sweet tone. His voice angering me as I took a few steps forward, growling in reply. "So happy we could finally talk. I’ve been trying to get your attention for so long."

I shifted, no fear present as I glared at him. "I have a deal for you." He states as he leaned forward, his gaze not leaving me. I watch as he looks me up and down, basically eye fucking me in the process.

"You won't get anything. You have already taken enough." I screamed.

"Ah, so angry aren't you~" He chuckles, waving a dismissive hand in my direction. I growled at his words. "All I want is to strike a deal, one leader to another.” He hums lightly before continuing. “I won't hurt your pack anymore on one condition."

I sat there silently, trying to compose myself to see what he would say. He continued once he realized I wasn’t going to talk. "You know that quirks are passed down from Superior to Superior. With you being a Royal Omega, think about the power we would hold if we mated."

Another growl ripped through me. How could he think I would ever mate him?! This disgusting piece of dried bread really thinks he can talk to me like this?
"You are powerful, the only wolf I know that can use their quirk in their wolf form. Mate with me and I'll protect your pack and we can grow our members together."

A laugh leaves me as I slowly start to lose my sanity. I could feel a thread snap in my head. "I am going to kill you." I declare before activating my quirk. The alpha frowns at me, angry contorting his face as he looks at me.

He gestured a finger and the two wolves beside him leap towards me. I quickly turn, positioning myself into the best defense, allowing them to come close before moving toward the yellow wolf. My speed is my asset and with my human form I am a smaller target. The omega leaped toward me, but I dodged easily while grabbing their tail. There was a small pop and a sharp squeal of pain enveloping around us. I smiled, these rogues were going to finally feel the pain they inflicted on my pack as I slowly killed them.

The dark gray wolf was quick to pursue me, but with one brush of my hand he flew a few feet back. I walk up to him as he scrambles onto his side, trying to catch his breath. With one lunge I was on top of him, straddling his large size with my legs. Green caressed me as I squeezed my leg and pulled his ears with my hands. Small cracks came as I crushed his rib cage. His pathetic whines being music to my ears. The wolf collapsed on the ground, still alive but unable to move. I will finish him later.

I directed my gaze to the yellow wolf who was frozen with wide eyes as they looked at the dark gray alpha. I smirked as I walked forward. The growl the yellow wolf made brought a chuckle out of me. I could smell anger pheromones rushing out of them as they looked at me. With my quirk still activated I kicked my foot into a tree. The loud impact catching the wolf off guard. She ran from the tree that was falling toward her barely getting out of the way before it crushed her.

With my distraction a success I sprinted towards her and pinned her to the ground. I grabbed the back of the neck and quickly pulled to the side, a loud snap sounding through the air. I stood up, proud of my work. Two down one to go.

I turned to the boulder and glared when the alpha wasn't there. "Imagine what kind of life could create, omega." I heard from behind me.

I quickly turned, my arm extended, making contact with… nothing. The alpha was just out of reach of my swing. I growled at my misjudgment.
"Do you know my quirk?" He asked as he walked not looking at me. He didn't wait for me to answer as he walked around me. "I can turn anything I touch into dust." He said as he touched a tree. The tree instantly fell away until only a pile of dust. The light breeze blowing some into the air.

My eyes widen at the sight. What kind of quirk is this?! This is going to be difficult, how do I fight him without being touched? I could feel anxiety grow inside me before my omega growled at me, bringing me back to the present. I thanked him before thinking. I have to get him to shift if I am to survive. But if worse comes to worse, I can't let him touch me unless I make a deadly blow.

"You see how unstoppable we could be?" He said again with a smile. “Our pup would inherit our quirks and be like a god walking this world. No pack would even try to move against us. We would control all of them.”

"You killed my pack for such a stupid plan? For that I will take your life." I said as I crept towards him, ignoring everything he was saying.

He glared at me and nodded. "Pitty, we could have been great. I could have given you an amazing future. But I will finish destroying you and the three others you left behind because of your arrogance."

Anger filled me as I closed the distance between us. He reached to grab me and I blocked him using our wrists, as his other fist made contact with my face. I stumbled back, wincing at the pain. He walked toward me, a smile on his face as blood leaked from my nose. He made another swing and I ducked, spinning and hitting his legs out from under him. He rolled away from my punch and was on his feet.

I waited for him to make a move, watching his hands carefully. He charged at me, throwing dust in my face. I winced as particles hit my eyes, he must have grabbed a rock. I tried blinking the pain away, trying to see but froze when I felt a hand around my throat. The alpha stood behind me, his chest pressed against my back as he whispered into my ear.

“Here is your last chance Omega. All I have to do is place my pinky against your neck and you are dust.” He chuckles into my ear. “What is your answer?”

This is it, I have to make my attack count. As fast as I can move, I fling my head back and tilt it, my fangs biting down on his neck. He instinctively pulls away, letting go of my neck. Blood pools down his chest and he grabs his throat, his eyes full of anger. I don’t waste time as I charge him. He quickly shifted to protect himself as I punched his weakest point, making a few ribs crack.

He kicks me off him, causing me to roll a few feet. He got up and quickly moved toward me, his pheromones leaking out as he tried to keep himself from passing out from pain and blood loss. I smirked at his attempt to make me submit.

"You could never beat me, because I was born to overpower all alphas." I state proudly as I shift to my wolf. I hear yelling through my pack link, but I tune it out as I push as much of my pheromones out. I wait until I see the gray wolf wince in pain before walking toward him. I allow myself to stand tall as I watch the rogue start to cower before me. I bare my fangs at him as I stand over him, letting my saliva fall onto his face. I slowly lean down until my face is inches from his. My omega relishing in the sight as his blood matts down his fur and wets the ground.

I release another wave of my pheromones and he slams to the ground, whines of pain escape from him but I don't back down. I watch as he starts losing consciousness before I shift back to my human form. I crouch down close to his ear.

"Someone like you could never take me down. You will die tonight, and I will make it slow." I whisper with as much venom as I can produce. I grip his snout and squeeze, clamping his mouth shut and cutting off his nose. My other hand grips his throat and I push, my pressure strengthening slowly as blood flows over my fingers. I feel him try to move, but the state he is in leaves him powerless under me. I watch as he slowly dies under my hands, his struggles slowing until he becomes still. I smile at the sight but don't let go. I want to make sure that this rogue never sees the rising sun.

After a few minutes I stand, moving to his chest as I activate my quirk. I clench my fist tightly. "Kacchan," I breathe out. Tears falling from my face. "I did it. I got our revenge.” With the rest of my strength I plunged my fit into the alpha's chest. The feeling and sounds bring a resolution to my fury as fatigue crept onto me.

I turn my gaze to the sound of many footsteps. Purple fur comes into view, the presence of my pack member bringing a sigh out of me as I feel myself letting go of everything. Allowing fatigue to take control of my body. To allow my wolf to rest now that we have protected our pack, now that we have brought justice.

"Zuku!" Shinso yells as he wraps his arms around me. His eyes are full of tears as I fall into him. His embrace bringing me comfort as darkness starts to cloud my mind. Before I lose consciousness I hear someone close by yell in shock. "He killed them all." I smile as I close my eyes.


Chapter 11


Chapter 9