chapter 1

Running out of time

"Keep running Kami!" I yell at the golden wolf running in front of me. I can hear whine in response through the pack link. I can smell the rogues behind us as we sprint through the forest. My muscles are screaming for a break, but that isn't an option right now. "Don't stop, keep going." I keep urging.

Trees fly by us as we push forward. The smell of blood, sweat and distress pheromones in the air. The smaller omega in front of me screams as another contraction hits, his footing faltering slightly.

"Zuku, where is Hoshi?' Kami screams as the wave of pain slows his pace. "Where is my alpha?!"

"Kami, I am here. Don't stop, you have to keep going." I plea. I can hear one of the rogues getting closer behind us. I place my head along the top of Kami's tail, pushing him gently trying to pick up our pace. We can't slow down or we will die.

Without warning, pain sears through my back as a heavy weight crashes me into the forest floor. A yelp escapes me as a growl sounds above me. I roll along the foliage as I try to twist myself to bite the alpha rogue attached to my back. The pain grows worse as the wolf digs his claws deeper trying to prevent me from reaching him.

"Izuku-" Kami screams through the pack link.

"Run Kami!" I scream back as I activate my quirk, wrenching my head around quickly and spotting my target. I ignore the pain in my neck and clamp my mouth around the rogue's neck. Blood pools and the taste makes me cringe as I clench down with my added strength. A satisfying snap rings through the air as the alpha wolf goes limp, his dead weight falling on me. I breath for a moment, letting my nerves calm down, before pushing the body off of me and struggling to my feet. I can feel fatigue trying to pull me down to rest but I can't stop.


"I'm alright Kacchan." I reply, my chest heaving as I try to regain my breath. The scent of fire and wood enters my nose as I see the large blonde wolf running towards me, snout and front legs covered in blood. We both have horrible wounds, but that can't be helped right now. "How many?" I huff, trying to keep myself from getting light headed.

" 4 or 5." Kacchan states dryly joining me to catching up with Kami. We don't make it far before spotting the golden omega. He is barely trotting as the contractions become more frequent.

"Shit, we are running out of time." I growl out.

We have already been running from these rogues for 4 days. We had lost them until yesterday during a storm, but Kami started going into labor. His pheromones gave away our location rather quickly, forcing us to continue our escape.

"Where is Hoshi!" Kami screams again.

I can't help but whine in sympathy for my friend. Hitoshi had gotten separated from us, and he stopped responding through the link hours ago. He was either too far for the pack bond, or he was unconscious. Kami was in too much pain to feel his mate through their bond. They were at a loss for his condition.

"Kami, he will come. You have to keep going." Kacchan tries to reassure as he runs alongside the omega, his voice comes out more desperate than comforting. I watch him scent Kami and the omega visibly relaxes a little.

We keep going for another half hour, our pace continuing to slow as Kami's labor pains continues. His pheromones increase and sour the more we move on.

"I think we might have lost them for now," Kacchan states. "We need to find a place to hide and help Kami." I nod before stopping in my tracks, my nose focused in the air as I sniff.


Kacchan stops and turns to me as Kami falls on his side whimpering in pain and exhaustion.

"What's wrong?' Kacchan questions when he sees my expression. I sniff the air again, and my eyes widen. Between Kami's pheromones and the blood covering us, it was hard to make out the territorial marking scent of another pack.

I quickly make my way to Kami, as I look to Kacchan. " Do you know where we are?" He shakes his head. We have been lost for days just trying to survive the rogues, barely paying any mind to where we ran. I can't help the growl that leaves me.

"We crossed into another pack's territory, we have to leave now." I say hastily. Kacchan raises his nose in the air and confirms with a growl.

If we weren't in danger before, we definitely were now. Crossing into another packs territory without permission is cause for immediate death. That was probably how we lost the rogues, they stopped at the territory line not wanting to risk a pack hunting them.

Even with that slight relief, there was no way we could take on a whole pack. Our conditions made us easy targets. We needed to back track and pray to the Moon Goddess that the rogues had given up and left.

Kami whines as I try to nuzzle him up. "Zuku, I can't. Just leave me." Kami cries. His pheromones have gotten incredibly stronger since we stopped, indicating he is in active labor now. Kami was in no state to continue, his pup was coming soon and he would be shifting back into his human form any minute. I could tell that him being away from his mate was taking a large toll on him as be struggle with the pain.

"We aren't leaving you." I state turning to Kacchan as a lump forms in my throat. He nods and starts walking a perimeter around us.

"We are staying here. You have done so well. I'm proud of you." I whisper to my friend. I lay beside him and scent him in hopes it helps dull the contractions. This was my fault, I led us blindly into the claws of another pack. I should have been more aware of where we were going.

Within a few minutes Kami had shifted back to his human form. Dirt and sweet covering his body as he kneels over his round belly. "I can't do this without him!" He cries, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I quickly shift as well, wrapping my arms around him and rub the small of his back. "You are not alone. I am here, we are going to do this together." I try to hold back my tears as I watch Kami tremble in pain. Tears streaking down his face showing how dirty his face is.

A growl catches my attention a few feet away. Kacchan quickly returns, the scruff on his neck raised in the air as he indicates towards the trees behind him. I quickly shift back to my wolf as we hear foot falls approaching, the snapping of twigs and dead leaves letting us know that there was more than one.

"What do we do?" Kacchan inquires as he circles to the other side of Kami.

"We protect Kami at all cost, or we die trying." I state firmly. I refuse to lose another member of my pack. "Don't release your pheromones unless you have to, Kami is already in distress." The last thing we needed was for Kami to submit in his conditions, he was already in distress and the likelihood of the baby surviving was already low. Kacchan nods in understanding as we survey our surroundings for the foreign pack.

"Greetings, I am only hear to inquire your intentions." A voice yells through the trees. I quickly turn to it, positioning myself for the best defense.

A tall man approaches through the trees, his hands raised in the air. I narrow my eyes as I take in the figure. He is obviously an alpha by the way his body being mostly muscle. He has red and white hair and a pale body.

"Your omega is in labor, is he not?" The Alpha questions further as he continues to approach us slowly, his face lacking any emotion to give away his intent. He stops just inside the small clearing we are in. The lack of distance makes me slightly uncomfortable and forcing Kacchan and I closer to Kami.

"Kacchan, you shift and try to negotiate our way out of this. He only noticed Kami as an omega, which we can use to our advantage, he thinks I am a beta." I say, my eyes still on the bicolored alpha. Without further hesitation Kacchan shifts into his human form, standing up straight and putting on a façade of strength though the large slashes on his abdomen must be extremely painful.

"Why do you care?!" Kacchan yells toward the alpha, anger pheromones releasing from him. I nudge him roughly with my head. The last thing we needed was Kacchan's attitude getting us killed.

Kacchan groans but continues. "Yes, we apologize for crossing into your Territory. We have been running from rogues and didn't notice until a few moments ago we were trespassing. We only intend to just pass through." He states in an irritated tone.

"I doubt that with how your omega is." The bicolored alpha retorts, shifting his eyes to Kami. "It seems he will be having his pup soon." As if on cue Kami whimpers through another contraction. There is a snap of a twig behind us and I quickly react, launching around and growling at a small brown wolf that was trying to approach Kami. Kacchan quickly guards my blind spot as he searches the forest for additional wolves. We growl possessively as our pheromones start mixing with Kami's distress.

"Apologies, that is one of my pack's midwives." The bicolored alpha states loudly. His expression now showing concern as he looks at the brown wolf. "We don't want to harm you."

Another growl leaves me as Kami lets out a whimper, falling into the fetal position on his side. The brown wolf quickly submits to me, laying down and exposing her neck to me. She stays still, keeping her eyes closed and allowing me to inspect her.

"Zuku, please." Kami whimpers out.

I hear the bicolored continue behind me talk again. " Please allow us to help you. We can give you a place to stay and expert care for your omega." I can't help the anxiety starting to build. This is too good to be true. They have to have an ulterior motive.

"Why, so you can take our omega, his pup and kill us? Nice try." Kacchan hisses out. His line of think confirms I'm not the only one to pick up on the weird behavior.

"No, on my life I promise to not harm any of you." The alpha states while kneeling down and bowing his head forward to expose his neck, his arms stretched out away from his body. I widened his eyes at the display of this alpha in submission. It was rare for any alpha to submit to anyone, let alone to three stray wolves crossing into his territory.
Kacchan shifts his weight before looking at me with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes, of course he would enjoy another alpha submitting to him. Prideful bastard.

"And by the condition you two are in, you two as well need your wounds cleaned to avoid infection." The alpha's head is still bowed, but I can somehow sense he is being honest with his shown intent. I feel my omega shift in me, wanting me to get closer to the bicolored alpha, but I quickly ignore it.

"Let me discuss this with my pack leader." Kacchan announces. The bicolored alpha lifts his head, a hint of confusion on his face before it quickly vanishes. He nods in agreement without moving, his eyes shifting to me momentarily.

Kacchan turns towards me and crouches next to Kami, reaching a protective hand to the small of Kami's back. "What do you think?"

I shake my head, but don't answer. I can feel the bicolored alpha's eyes on me as I nuzzle and scent Kami. This is risky, this could all be a ploy to steal Kami and the pup. With mine and Kacchan's state we won't be able to defend an attack against from this pack. I can smell at least another 4 wolves in the trees that haven't shown themselves, but who knows how many are hidden from view.

Yet, on the other hand Kami needs attention from people who know how to help with birth. Kacchan and myself have no idea how to deliver a pup. We could not only lose the baby, but Kami as well. We are not prepared in the slightest for this birth.

Kami lets out another heart wrenching whine causing my heart to clench. I quickly release soothing pheromones again, trying to ease his pain.

"We will take the offer." I state firmly to the blonde alpha beside me. " I will stay in my form, can you carry Kami?" Kacchan nods before directing his attention back to the alpha that watches us.

"We will accept your offer."


Chapter 2

