Spur of Energy (R18) & update
October 12, 2023
Hello my wonderful people!
I have hit a sudden spur of inspiration and energy! It has already been so great to feel that relief after a few months of being in a slump. It is hard to keep myself going during those times, so to have the desire come so easily isn’t something I am willing to let slide by. I already have so many ideas and different art works going, so be ready for updates on both stories and art posts. I will be posting the pics for the Mouth Full and Bite Tiers as they get finished.
There is a pic below that has a what I am working on right now. It is R18***. Though it detailed yet, it is obvious what it will pertain when finished. I am still paranoid and a bit nervous to be posting these 😅. So many of my ‘babies’ -as Mei from MHA would say- have been reported and taken down. Public platforms can be so hard to navigate if you aren’t PG. Thank god this is my safe space and I don’t have to worry about having my account flagged.
Obviously this is just a sneak peak. I don’t want to give away too much. But damn Mina is looking hot 🥵